
Oh God, who through a humble and hidden life
you drove Saint Martin de Porres
to the vision of your glory
grant us to follow his example
to be united with him in the light of the Saints.
Join Us
Juan Martín de Porres Velázquez
Immersed in the pain that oppresses me
I run to you S. Martin my protector.
You who were so considerate in helping the brothers
intercede for me before the throne of God.
Listen to my heartfelt request ...
Help me solve the problems.
Remove evil and disease from me.
Deliver me from misfortune.
For Christ our Lord. Amen
Oh Saint Martin de Porres
with the soul flooded with your light
I invoke you for all my needs.
Teach me the path of justice
Set my heart on fire with your charity
pour on me the sweet gifts of your intercession.
For Christ our Lord. Amen
Most humble Saint Martin de Porres
than with your ardent charity
you embraced creation
with the voice of your heart
inflame us with charity.
Free our heart of fears.
Make us respect creation.
Please teach us to love.
Deign to hear our pleas.
Saint Martin de Porres, pray for us.
We lift hearts
To you Saint Martin de Porres
let us lift up our hearts devotedly
full of serene trust and devotion.
Aware of your powers
and your meekness and humility of heart,
we offer you our pleas.
Pour the precious gifts onto our families
of your prompt and generous intercession.
Show people of all races and all colors
the ways of unity and justice.
Beseech the coming of his kingdom from our Father in heaven
so that through mutual benevolence in God
men can increase the fruits of grace
and you deserve the reward of eternal life. Amen.
God, who gave us your humble son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
as a model of every virtue and perfection,
grant us the virtue of humility.
We think so little of You because we are proud.
We can't love you as long as humility
do not show us our nothing
and makes us understand that our joy is to depend on You.
You have given the world a glorious apostle of humility.
Guide us by his example and strengthen us
through his intercessions.
Conform our hearts to the humble Heart of Your Son Jesus.
Out of pride we have forgotten the wonders
that you bestowed on your humble servant Fra Martin.
Let us also know the value of the virtue of humility
to deserve the rewards of eternal life.
San Martin de Porres, pray for us.
In the name of the Holy Trinity,
In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
In the name of Mary, Queen of Heaven,
In the name of Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church,
Saint Martin help me
For the honor and glory of God
and the salvation of souls. Amen.
Saint Martin of Porres, pray for us