
Remember, O Lord, Thy everlasting mercy and the intercession of Saint Anthony our patron deign to help and console. Bless our families and our work; come to the aid of our weakness taking away the diseases and dangers of soul and body in times of suffering and trial to help us stay strong in faith and your love. Hear, O God, this prayer, you present it with confidence because supported by the prayers and merits of our dear Saint. Amen.
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At Saint Anthony of Padua
- O Saint Anthony, lily white and suave of virginity, a precious gem of poverty, such as abstinence, purity mirror, resplendent star of sanctity, splendor of Heaven, Column of the Holy Church, a preacher of grace, exterminator of vices, sowed of virtue, consoler of the afflicted, ardent flame of divine love and pure love, shining light of Spain and Italy, rival of St. Francis in Assisi, lover of peace and unity, contempt of worldly vanity, the light of the holy Catholic faith , martyr of desire, glorious winner of heretics, a great miracle worker, refuge dustry safety of everyone who turns to you: you deserved to squeeze between your hands the holy Son of with you on your ardent sermons in the minds of sinners, the flame of divine love. So I, miserable sinner, I pray humbly receive me under thy powerful protection, get true contrition for my sins, humble knowledge of my misery, the gift of crying my guilt and the taste and the fervor of prayer, determined resistance to evil and the gift of contemplation of God, infinite Beauty and Goodness. And when you ardent flame of divine love, light my heart warm and cold with the fire of divine love so that I always despised myself and the world, the flesh and the devil and me to advance from virtue to virtue, living in constant fervor and dying the death of the Saints, merit, for your patronage to be associated to them in the glory of heaven. Amen
- O wonderful St. Anthony, glorious miracles for celebrity tea made you who you had the happiness to receive the Lord's arms with the appearance of a child, obtain the goodness of his grace into the heart desire. You that you were so kind to poor sinners, do not look to the demerits of who you please, but the glory of God will once again be enhanced by tea and the salvation of my soul, not detached from the request that you now do so with desire. I pledge of my gratitude is the promise of a life more consistent with the teachings of the Gospel and dedicated to the relief of the poor that you loved so much and love. Bless my promise and obtain, with it, the grace to be faithful to God until death. Amen
Responsorial of St. Anthony
If you seek miracles,
death, failure, misfortune,
leprosy, the diseases, the spirits
Anthony's name to escape.
Ocean and surrender chains.
The senses, and members will heal,
is what has been lost,
by old and young.
Vanish hazards
and stop the miseries
those who experience
Radovan with him say.
It is glory to the Father,
and also to the Divine Son,
together with the Holy Spirit,
you make great saint.
Pray for us, or Saint Anthony
May we be made worthy of
promises of Jesus Christ.
Beseech thee, O Lord, to intercede for us the graces we so badly need, your Confessor and Doctor of Blessed Anthony, i and make ever more glorious with continued signs and wonders. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sixths V, Pope Franciscan, has carved prayer - also called St. Anthony's motto - at the base of the fact that he built St. Peter's Square in Rome. Here it is in the original Latin:
Ecce Crucem Domini!
Fugite partes adversae!
Vicit Leo de tribu Juda,
Radix David! Alleluia!
Behold the Cross of the Lord!
Escape the enemy forces!
He won the Lion of Judah
the root of David! Alleluia!
Prayer that is recited at the tomb of the Holy
O dear Saint Anthony, I am close to your grave blessed.
I came to beg driven by my need compassionate and confident in your goodness all know that console. Understand my intercessor with God, you speak in my name, the Father of mercies, and obtain the grace of which I particularly need...
I know that faith is never weak but you, that ye possessed this virtue so wonderful and by preaching in the crowds, revival in me and make it strong and pure that you conduces an evangelical life, help me to make the Christian my son to be worthy of the Father in heaven.
St. Anthony, come to the rescue of my weakness, taking away the diseases and dangers of soul and body, help me to always put our trust in God, especially in times of trial and sorrow. Bless my job, my family, your devotees around the world and spiritually present here: Get all the goodness of heart toward the poor and suffering.
O my protector, answer that I always put trust in your intercession with God.
Si quaeris.
This prayer of praise - or responsorial - in honor of St. Anthony was composed between Julian of Speyer. The responsorial part Saint Anthony, dating back to 1233, two years after the death of the saint. And sung in the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua and, every Tuesday, in many churches throughout the world.
If you are looking for miracles, here put to flight death, failure, disaster, and the devil, here is the sick became well.
The sea is calm, the chains break, young and old seek and find health and things lost. Go off the dangers, the need disappear, witness who has experienced the protection of the Saint of Padua.
Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and always, forever and ever. Amen.
Thirteen pray’s to St. Anthony.
- O Lord, you made Saint Anthony apostle of the Gospel, grant, through her intercession, a strong faith and humble and is' that our life is consistent with the creed we profess. Glory be...
- Almighty God, who hast made Anthony a peacemaker and fraternal charity, looking for victims of violence and war, and is' shocked that in this world full of tensions and we can be courageous witnesses of non-violence, promotion human and peace. Glory be...
- O God, you gave Anthony the gift of healing and miracles, grant us health of soul and body. Gives serenity and comfort to those who asked for our prayers and make us available to serve the sick, the elderly, the unhappy. Glory be...
- O Lord, you made Anthony a tireless preacher of the Gospel on the streets of men, protect, your father's mercy, travelers, refugees, migrants, keep them away from any danger and guide their steps on the road peace. Glory be...
- O Almighty God, who hast granted to St. Anthony to reunite the members also detached from the body, uniting all Christians in your Church and a holy and is 'to live the mystery of unity, so as to be of one heart and one' soul alone. Glory be...
- O Lord Jesus, you made St. Anthony the great master of spiritual life is' we can renew our lives according to the teachings of the Gospel and the Beatitudes, and make us leaders of spiritual life for our brothers. Glory be...
- O Jesus, you gave Anthony the incomparable grace of strings, as a child, his arms, bless our children and it 'that they grow good, healthy and live in the fear of God's Glory...
- O merciful Jesus, you gave gifts to St. Anthony and wisdom to guide the souls to holiness through preaching and the sacred ministry, is' that we come with humility and faith in the sacrament of reconciliation, the great gift of your love for us. Glory be...
- O Holy Spirit, who have given to St. Anthony Church and the world a great master of the sacred doctrine is' that all those who serve their information feel great responsibility and serve the truth in love and respect for human person. Glory be...
- O Lord, who art the Lord of the harvest, through the intercession of Saint Anthony sends many worthy religious and priests in your field, fill in your love and . zeal and generosity. Glory be...
- O Jesus you have called the pope to be the universal shepherd, the high priest and preacher of truth and peace, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, support it and comfort her in her mission. Glory be...
- O Triune God, who hast given to St. Anthony's grace to know, love and glorify the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, grant us more confident to approach his mother's heart in order to better serve, love and glorify thee, who art Love. Glory be...
- O Lord, you've given to St. Anthony to meet death with equanimity to his sister, directs our lives to you, the dying, give eternal peace to the souls of our departed brothers and sisters. Glory be...