Eucharistic Miracles

Eucharistic Miracles


Bread of life

"I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the desert and died. This is the bread which came down from heaven, that one may eat not perish".
(Jn 6,48).

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Eucharistic Miracle of Trani

Eucharistic Miracles occurred as a result of nefarious acts: host stolen and fried in oil, wafers scarred with punch, hit with a knife thrown into the fire, ground, turned into flesh, bled were hovering in the air. God chose through the wonder to witness that the consecrated host is really "the bread of life."

God does not give up even before the wickedness of man to his nefarious wickedness, until the end groped wants the impossible to capture our hearts and guide them towards the true good that is to our happiness.

At Trani, in Apulia, is still preserved in the cathedral dedicated to Mary Assunta the relic of this Eucharistic miracle occurred around the year one thousand.
A woman of non-Christian religion, disbelief about the truth of Catholic dogma of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, assisted by her friend, pretending to be Christian are communicated with the others during the celebration of Holy Mass, especially in the mouth and then took the put it in a handkerchief so he could steal the consecrated Host.
Back home, the woman almost in defiance of God, willing to experiment if it was only bread, placed the consecrated hosts in a pan of oil on the fire to fry in hot oil with the Host turned into bloody meat that drops from a large amount of blood, as in bleeding and blood spilled on the floor in the damn house to escape from the door.
The woman scared and full of terror, began to cry, the nearby rushed immediately to see what was the reason for such a large plant.
The brother Bartolomeo Campi (1625) describes an accurate guide to how the events took place. And many other documents showing the miracle, including some monograms Eucharistic played on the ancient streets of the city.
The Archbishop was immediately informed of the events and ordered to report reverently especially in the church. The Cistercian Abbot Ferdinando Ughelli (1670), wrote: "At Trani is venerated a holy Host, fried to the contempt in which our faith, revealed the unleavened bread, appeared the real flesh and real blood of Christ, which fell to earth.
An indirect confirmation of the miracle is found also in affirmation of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, said, "Trani is fortunate, because the Blood of Christ has washed his land."
In 1706 the woman's house was converted into a chapel by the generous offer of the noble Octavius Campitelli. The Relic of the Host was placed in 1616 in an antique silver reliquary donated by Fabrizio de Cunio. On this holy relics were many checks and inspections carried out at different times, the last dating back to 1924, during the Eucharistic Congress interdiocesan by Monsignor Giuseppe Maria Leo.

Eucharistic Miracle of Poznan - Poland 1399

In 1399, the city of Poznan, a woman attracted to a great reward stole from the Dominican Church consecrated hosts on behalf of three people opposed to the Christian faith, as soon as they received the Hosts to put on a table to hit a punch as a gesture of scarring. Unexpectedly, the special beginning to drip blood, a girl group that was very close received blood that bathed his face, the girl who could not see, immediately buys back the view. In this miracle, the unholy panic tried in all ways to destroy the consecrated hosts but failed then led out of town and threw the swamp near the river Warta. Later a boy who happened to be near the swamp with wonder saw three bright Hosts suspended in the air, told the prodigy to local authorities, at first the mayor paid no attention, believing it an impostor or even ordered the prison, but when the young man reappeared as mysteriously managed to escape with the young mayor went to the place of the Prodigy.
Many people gathered in the meantime was stunned to see the three bright Hosts and suspended in the air, only the Bishop Wojciech Jastrzebiec after fervent prayers could bring down the pix especially in between her hands and retrieve particular, and in solemn procession were brought into the church of Santa Maria Matalan.
In a sign of devotion King Wladyslaw Jagiello, he built a church dedicated to Corpus Christi just the place where the miracle had happened. In the nineteenth century, instead of the old building where the desecration had been made of particles, where a shrine was built is still kept the table with the imprints of blood dripped from Hosts. You can still venerate the particularly near the church of Corpus Domini in Poznan.

Eucharistic Miracle of Paris - France 1290

In 1290 a man named Jonathas, who hated the Catholic faith and did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated Host, managed to obtain a reward particular consecration. Come into possession of the Host, the man hit her with a knife and began to escape from this blood that filled the container in which it was placed. In panic he decided to throw in the fire but this is raised above the grate. Desperate then threw it into boiling water and it suddenly soared into the air, taking the appearance of a crucifix. Finally, alone, is deposited in the bowl of a parishioner of Saint-Jean-en-Grieve who took her from her care. So wrote the French Archbishop Mgr Rupp, who speaks of the Eucharistic Miracle of Paris in the pages dedicated to the episcopate of Simon de Busay Matifas who held the seat of Saint Denis from 1290 to 1304.
For several centuries, it remained a small shrine in the church of Saint-Jean. During the Revolution, but he lost tracks".

Eucharistic Miracle of Offida

Offida at the Church of St. Augustine are preserved the relics of the Eucharistic Miracle. In 1273, in Lanciano, a woman named Ricciarelli, to regain the affection of her husband James Stasio, on the advice of a witch, went to Communion to steal a consecrated Host. Went home put on the fire on a tile with the intent to pulverize and then put in the food of her husband. The Host instead converted into bleeding flesh.
Ricciarella, terrified by the events, wrapped the tile and the Host bleeding in a linen cloth that then buried in a manure pit under the barn of her husband. Strange events follow each other inside the house: the mare of James, every time you came in, prostrated herself on her knees to the place where he had buried the miraculous Host, so much so that James thought that his wife had made a curse to beast. Seven years after Ricciarelli, a prey to remorse, confessed his horrible sacrilege to the then prior of the Augustinian convent of Lancaster, James Diotallevi, a native of Offida. How to chronicle the oldest woman in tears began to cry out to priest: "I killed God! I killed God. The priests who visited the scene and found the package intact with the relics that were then donated to his fellow citizens.
To preserve the Sacred Host Offida they built a shrine in the shape of a cross. Tells how an ancient chronicle, goldsmith in Venice were sent Brother Michael and a brother. Once in that city, became the goldsmith promise with an oath of allegiance "would not reveal to anyone what he was about to see and placed inside the cross. After that, the goldsmith was about to take the pyx with the miraculous Host, but seized by sudden fever, said: "What did you bring me or my brother?" The priest then asked him if he were in mortal sin. Having the jeweler said yes, he made his confession before the same brother, and the leprosy disappeared, without any danger took the ciborium, took out the Host, and closed together with the sacred wood of the same cross, with over a crystal, as you can clearly see. The shrines of the cups and tablecloth stained with blood the cross containing the miraculous Host exposed in the Church of St. Augustine Offida. Ricciarelli's house in Lancaster was transformed into a small chapel.
There are numerous documents describing the miracle of which a certified copy of a parchment century. XIII, written by the notary Giovanni Battista Doria in 1788. There are also many bubbles popes like Boniface VIII (1295), and that of Sixtus (1585).

Eucharistic Miracle of Mogoro

A Mogoro in April 1606, Don Salvatore Spiga, pastor of the Church of San Bernardino, was celebrating Mass and after the consecration began to distribute Communion to the faithful. He saw two men approach the Communion, known by all the dissolute life they led. The priest gave them Holy Communion and as soon as they received the particles in the mouth, spat on the stone balustrade. The two men have been justified by saying that the Hosts of what had become like hot coals and had burned his tongue. Then taken by remorse for not having confessed before, ran away. Don Salvatore did collect the sacred Hosts falls and saw that the stone had been carved as the fingerprints of the two Particles. Ordered him to thoroughly wash the stone, hoping that the fingerprints could be erased. But every attempt failed miserably. Many historians, including: Peter Cossu and Casu, describing the findings made by the Bishop of the time, Monsignor Antonio Surredo, and his successors.
The testimony most authoritative confirmation that the miracle is the instrument notarized by a notary public Pedro Antonio leave May 25, 1686, by which the Rector of Mogoro signed a contract for the erection of a temple on top of gilded wood altar, temple that was to include a cavity at the base to welcome the "stone of the Miracle," which was to be kept enclosed in a decent box and placed so that it can be seen by the faithful. The stone still bears the fingerprints of the two round wafers.
For this wonderful event and in reparation for this act of sacrilege, each year the Sunday after Easter that, in Mogoro held a solemn Eucharistic procession.

Eucharistic Miracle Bettbrunn - Germany 1125

In 1125 in the village of Bettbrunn a man deeply devoted to the Blessed Sacrament Because of zeal because he could not go to Mass as often as desired, as a solution to worship the Lord, he decided to steal a consecrated Host.
The farmer practiced a hole sell'estremità higher on the stick he carried with him and hid the Host.
When the animals rested, the man dug his stick into the ground and knelt before the Blessed Sacrament for many hours. For several months the farmer went on like this until one day, casually, gave impulse stick which contained the particular against the cattle that had strayed too far. The Host and the man fell to the ground, deeply saddened, bowed to pick it up. Any attempt to lift from the ground is useless then went to call the pastor of Tholling. Even the priest was unable to pick it up and so they asked the Bishop of Regensburg, Hartwich, who immediately went to the place of the Prodigy with all the clergy. Only when the bishop promised to build there a chapel Host sank off the ground. The chapel was completed in 1125 and the precious relic was kept in this place until 1330, until a fire destroyed everything. The chapel was rebuilt, and was placed inside one of the pillars that had been saved from the fire.

Eucharistic Miracle of Ettiswil - Switzerland 1447

Wednesday, May 23, 1447, Anna Vögtli belonging to a satanic sect, managed to steal the Parish Church of the pyx containing the Host Ettiswil Magna. Herself in the confession given to police said: "Having put my hand through the narrow iron grating Host magna, but soon got over the cemetery wall, SS. Sacramento began to become so heavy that I was unable to take over. I cannot go ahead or back, which threw me disfai Host near a hedge, in the nettles".
The particle was discovered by Mrs. Margaret Schulmeister, keeper of a pig farm, which told how 'once came with my pigs near the place where he had thrown the Blessed Sacrament, my animals would not go on. It was then that I asked to help two men who passed by on horseback. They saw in the grass Host stolen, divided into seven parcels. Six of them formed a flower like a rose and a great light surrounded them. The six particles were kept in the Church of Ettiswil and became the object of great veneration by the villagers and foreigners. And God accomplished through these many healings.