Eucharistic Miracles

Eucharistic Miracles


Bread of life

"I am the bread of life, who comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst".
(Jn 6,35).

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Medicine of immortality

Before the greatest miracle that God has granted us the gift of the Eucharist, our mind sometimes gets lost dazed, doubtful and incredulous for what it is and remains the miracle of love. God to man up and down like a blazing fire consumes our sins and enlightens the soul.

The Eucharistic Miracles documents can help to overcome the doubters to the utmost suspicion and to surrender to the truthful words of Jesus: "I am the bread of life".

Eucharistic Miracle of Cascia

A Cascia, in the basilica dedicated to Santa Rita, is still preserved the relic of the famous Eucharistic miracle that took place in Siena in 1330. A priest was asked to bring Communion to a sick farmer. The priest, took a special consecration, and placed it irreverently through the pages of his breviary, and walked from the farmer. Once home of the patient, after having confessed, he opened the book to take the Host that he had placed there, but to his surprise noticed that the particular hue of blood was alive enough to saturate both the pages between which was placed . The Priest, confused and repentant, he immediately went to Siena at the Augustinian convent to ask for advice from Father Trust Simone da Cascia, known by all to be a holy man. They heard the story pardoned the priest and asked him to take with him those two pages stained with blood.
Many were the Popes who have promoted the cult of granting indulgences. In a text of the ancient monastery of St. Augustine describes numerous reports about the miracle. In addition to this text, the episode is also mentioned in the statutes of the municipalities of Cascia 1387.
In 1930, during the sixth anniversary of the event was celebrated at Cascia a Eucharistic Congress for the entire Diocese of Norcia, was then inaugurated a valuable artistic and Monstrance and was published throughout the historical record available in this regard.

Eucharistic Miracle of Ferrara

In the Basilica of Santa Maria in Vado is still preserved the relic of the Eucharistic miracle occurred in 1171. Around the seventh century the devotion of the faithful, an image of the Madonna called "San Luca" and put on a capital, which were attributed many miracles, raised, right on the river-crossing, "Ferraruolo" a church which was named "Santa Maria del Vado" ie the "ford".
On Easter Sunday, March 28, 1171, the Prior of the Canons Regular Portuensi, P. Peter of Verona, was celebrating Easter Mass, assisted by three brothers (Borio, Leonardo and Aimone). When he comes to the moment of the consecration of the Host, from this sprang a gush of blood, which came to rest in large drops on the little time and visible to everyone. The chronicles of the event tell of the "holy terror of the celebrant and the immense wonder of the people who crammed the church."
Many were the witnesses who claimed to have seen the Host take a blood-colored and have it last in the figure of a child. The incident were immediately informed of the Beloved Bishop of Ferrara and Ravenna Archbishop Gerard of whom identified with their eyes Blood persistent miracle, namely, "The blood that lively little face glowed the altar."
The church immediately became a place of pilgrimage, and was subsequently rebuilt and enlarged by order of Duke Ercole I d'Este, from 1495.
Subsequently built the present beautiful and monumental Basilica where in 1501 he was transferred to the small spotted the precious blood of Jesus, which are still visible traces of blood.
There are numerous testimonies that bear the Miracle, the most important among these is the Bull of Pope Eugene IV (30 March 1442), in which the Pope refers to the miracle, referring to the testimonies of the faithful and ancient historical sources. The manuscript of Gerardo Cambrense document is the oldest (1197) which mentions the miracle and is preserved in the Library Lamberthiana of Canterbury. Another document, dating back to March 6, 1404, and the bubble of the Cardinal improved, in which the grant of indulgences "to those who visit the church and will pay tribute to the Blood wonders." Even today, the 28th of each month in the Basilica, now celebrated by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood of St. Gaspar del Bufalo, practiced Eucharistic adoration in memory of the miracle, and every year, we celebrate the solemn solemn Forty. In 1971 was celebrated the eighth anniversary of the Miracle.

Eucharistic Miracle of Bolsena

Current historical research confirms what contains testimony more friends, the miracle happened in the summer of 1264 in the church of Santa Cristina. A Bohemian priest, Peter of Prague. He came to Italy for an audience with Pope Urban IV. That during the summer he moved to Orvieto, accompanied also by St. Thomas Aquinas and many other theologians and cardinals. Peter of Prague, just after Staro received by the Pope, he set off to return to Bohemia. Along the way back he stopped in Bolsena, where he celebrated Mass in the church dedicated to Santa Cristina. At the time of the consecration of the Eucharist, the priest inwardly doubtful about the real presence under the species of bread and wine, in pronouncing the words that allow the transubstantiation, a miracle occurred, he saw drops of blood ooze from the Eucharist that they fell to the wet body linens and sacred. The plaque, placed in memory of the miracle is written, "that host suddenly appeared in a visible, real meat and sprinkled with red blood, except that particle held by the fingers of Him, which is not believed to happen without a mystery, but rather because it was known that this was really the Host that had been in the hands of the priest celebrant worn over the cup."
The news of the miracle spread quickly and both the Pope that St. Thomas Aquinas could immediately verify in person the miracle. After careful consideration Urban IV endorses the cult. He decided then to extend the feast of Corpus Domini, which until then had been only a local festival of the diocese of Liege, to the whole universal Church. The Pope commissioned St. Thomas Aquinas to write the liturgy that would accompany the Bull "Transiturus de hoc mundo ad Patrem" which details the reasons why the Eucharist is so important for the life of the Church. Currently in the chapel of Santa Cristina, we can still admire the marble stained with blood of the Eucharistic miracle.

Eucharistic Miracle of Macerata

On April 25, 1356, in Macerata, a priest that you do not know the name was celebrating Mass in the chapel of the church of Santa Caterina. During the breaking of bread, before communion, the priest began to doubt the real presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host. It was the moment that breaks the host to his great shock he saw this spring from a rich stream of blood that stained the linen and the cup placed on the altar.
The priest immediately informed the Bishop Nicholas of San Martino, who ordered him to bring the relic of the bloodstained linen in the Cathedral and established a regular canonical process.
As early as the fourteenth century, "the body was carried in solemn procession through the city, shut in an urn of crystal silver, with the concurrence of all Piceno".
Today it is still possible to venerate the relic of the "blood-stained body, the church of Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral, under the altar of the Blessed Sacrament, and in this church is preserved the parchment that describes the miracle.
Every year on the feast of Corpus Domini, a corporal of the miracle is brought in procession behind the Blessed Sacrament.

Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem - Portugal, 1247

In Santarém on February 16, 1266 a woman, prey to jealousy for her husband, at the suggestion of a witch, stole a consecrated Host and hid in a linen cloth that immediately became stained with blood, the distraught young man ran home to see what was happening and saw with astonishment that the blood was gushing out from the Host. Dazed and confused, the woman put the particular in a drawer in the bedroom but with great fear he saw in the night released from the drawer bright beams of light that illuminated the room. In light of this miracle the woman tell her all Attonito husband could not understand what was happening. The following day, the priest informed the two couples of wonders, by solemn procession brought the consecrated Host in the Church of the Holy Spirit, however, the Host continued to bleed for three days. Then the particle was placed in a magnificent shrine of beeswax. Today the Holy particular kept in a Eucharistic Throne of the eighteenth century, above the altar. The church of Santo Stefano is known as the Shrine of the Holy Miracle. Even today in the church of Santo Stefano in Santarém you can admire the precious relic.
In 1684 the couple's house was converted into a chapel. At various times several Popes have granted plenary indulgences for this miracle of the Eucharist: Pius IV, St. Pius V, Pius VI and Pope Gregory XIV.

Eucharistic Miracle of Dijon - France 1430

In 1430, in Monaco, a woman bought at a junk monstrance, almost definitely stolen, because it contained the Host still great for worship. The woman, being incredulous about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, dall'Ostensorio decided to remove the particulates with a knife. Suddenly, the Host began to ooze blood vivo wiped immediately impressing the image of the Lord seated on a throne in the sides and semicircular depicted some instruments of the Passion. The woman went to the canon puzzled Anelon that held up the Host in his possession. The incident was soon aware also of the Pope, Eugenius IV, who wanted to donate the miraculous Host to Duke Philip of Burgundy, who then gave them to the town of Dijon.
In 1794 the town of Dijon commandeered the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel, to consecrate a temple of the new sect "la raison", i.e. the "goddess of reason." The miraculous Host was burned one of the windows of the Cathedral of Dijon depicts the main scene of the miracle.