Eucharistic Miracles

Eucharistic Miracles


Eucaristic wonders

Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, his greatness is unsearchable.
(Ps 144,3)

If you believe in even when the sun is hidden by clouds and I believe in love even when I feel it, then I believe in God even when silent.

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Eucharistic Miracle of Tumaco - Colombia 1906

With your gift of God you have changed the sea of dark passions that dragged us and we've saved from our sins that we were overwhelmed. The Eucharist makes our soul in a constant work of transfiguration because it prepares us gradually to eternal life.

In the small Pacific Ocean island of Tumaco, January 31, 1906 at ten o'clock, a tidal wave for about ten minutes the earth shook terribly. The villagers gathered outside the church, preventing the parish priest, Father and the Father Julián Gerardo Larrondo, to prepare immediately a procession with the Blessed Sacrament. The sea was swelling and had invaded part of the coastline, off had already made a huge waterfront that would soon become a huge wave. Father Larrondo followed by the islanders reached the beach, with the monstrance in his hand, descended on the beach and just when the giant wave was coming, rose steadily with the consecrated host before all the air and drew the sign of the cross. Before Larrondo Father and Father Julian, who was at his side, they realized what was happening to the population, moved and amazed to have shouted "Miracle". Suddenly the giant wave that threatened to erase forever the Village of Tumaco had miraculously stopped while the sea resumed its normal level.
All those present were filled with an irrepressible joy that had been saved from death by the Blessed Sacrament and turned their gratitude for the great miracle.
The island of Tumaco, miraculously, was spared from this terrible disaster thanks to the faith of the people in the Blessed Sacrament.
The tsunami in the Pacific caused enormous damage and destruction in several areas. Father Bernardino de la Concepción García, who at that time was in Panama City, gave this testimony about the terrible disaster that struck the area, "Suddenly a huge wave swept over the port entered the market lifting all the boats that were dry were thrown a great distance, causing countless misfortunes."

Canosio Eucharistic Miracle - 1630

In 1630, a few days after the feast of Corpus Domini, in the village of Canosa, because of heavy rains, the river overflows Maira and fury of the water was so violent drag boulders that threatened the village. The village was in danger of being destroyed and confusion over the wound inhabitants, the village priest Reinard Don Antonio, a man of great faith, proposed to his countrymen to make a vow that if the village had been spared from the fury of water, people would have ever a party to celebrate the octave of Corpus Christi. After their approval, with the faithful Rainardi Don walked in procession to the river, when he was given the blessing with the monstrance was placed where the Blessed Sacrament, the rain stopped immediately reabsorbed into the water stream. Even today the people of Canosio annually celebrate the octave of Corpus Christi, the feast of Jesus Eucharist in honor of the miracle. Unfortunately, many documents describing the miracle, preserved until the seventeenth century in the parish archives were burnt during the war between Spain and France, but has saved a copy of the report left by the priest who witnessed the events.

Eucharistic Miracle of Amsterdam - Netherlands 1345

On 12 March 1345, a few days before Easter, who was seriously ill Ysbrand Dommer turned to the pastor of the church Oude Kerk to receive communion after receiving it in your mouth vomited in a bowl, whose contents were then thrown into the flames fireplace. The maid who looked after him when he tried to poke the fire saw a strange light in the center Host. Neighbors heard the woman scream rushed so they could see the incredible miracle. Ysbrand took the Host, wrapped in linen placed in a mailbox that was brought to the priest.
The priest three times tried to bring the consecrated Host in the church but miraculously returned to the Host's house Ysbrand. In fact we saw the will of the Lord so it was decided to transform the house into a chapel Ysbrand Dommer.
Then the guide was compiled by witnesses of the miracle that was delivered to Bishop Utrecht, Jan van Arkel who authorized the cult of the miracle.
The chapel in 1452 was destroyed by fire, but miraculously the monstrance containing the Hosts remained intact. In 1665 the city council authorized the Father Jan van der Mey transformed into a chapel of a former convent houses the Beguine. Here was transferred to the precious monstrance, which was stolen by unknown thieves. Even today there is a permanent exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, in perpetual memory of the miracle. The only objects that remain in memory of the miracle of the Eucharist is the cassette which contained the Host, the documents describing the miracle and some paintings that you can see at the Amsterdam Historical Museum.
Even today, in Amsterdam, each year, held a procession in honor of the miracle.

Eucharistic Miracle of Faverney - France 1608

In the Abbey town of Faverney in 1608, the eve of the feast of Pentecost, the monks decided to set up an altar for the display of the Blessed Sacrament and adoration as the bezel of the monstrance was very large, the monks will put two Hosts.
During the night, in the church blazed a fire that destroyed the altar and vestments. The next morning the clerk unlocked the church and found it full of smoke with the altar completely reduced to ashes.
Saw the monks and other people began to remove the ashes hoping to find something of the Monstrance. Thinning smoke stunned those present saw that the monstrance was suspended in the air. To spread the news many people flock to see the miracle of the Eucharist, where the Hosts were left intact despite the fire. The monks did not know what to do to bring down the monstrance in the air, celebrated Mass on a temporary altar placed over the burned, the elevation of the monstrance slowly descended on the new altar.
At the end of the canonical process, July 10, Archbishop of Besançon declared authentic Eucharistic Miracle and the September 13th Archbishop of Rhodes, as nuncio in Brussels, he did know the Pope Paul V issued a bull of indulgence.
In 1862 the Congregation of Rites authorized the celebration of the miracle. Even today you can see and venerate the relic of one of the Hosts remained intact. The other, unfortunately Ostia, after being donated to the church of Dole, was destroyed by revolutionaries in 1794.

Eucharistic Miracle of Morrovalle - 1560

In 1560 Morrovalle in the night between 16 and 17 April at two o'clock in the morning, the brothers were awakened by the violent noise of crackling fire from the church that was completely engulfed in flames. The fire was extinguished after seven hours of hard work and only work began in the days following the evacuation of the mass of debris, when Father Baptist to remove a piece of marble, part altar, past the wall cavity with the pyx The charred body just where it is preserved intact and complete, magna consecrated Host.
Miracle Baptist cried to the Father, and many people noticed immediately at the place to admire the miracle. For three whole days the Sacrament was exposed for the adoration of the faithful. The Father Provincial Evangelist from the miraculous Host Morro he lay in a box of ivory.
Pope Pius IV to verify the reliability of the miracle which had learned commissioned the Bishop of Bertinoro Louis Archbishop of Forli to verify the reliability of the facts, since the report of the inquiry, Pope Pius IV judged the event more than any natural cause and authorized the cult of the bull with call sacrosanct Roman Ecclesia (1560).
Until 1600 the miraculous Host was kept intact, but because of historical events, after which all trace was lost miraculous Host. Today is only the casket and the lid of the ciborium, which survived the flames.

Eucharistic Miracle of Rimini - 1227

In the city of Rimini, you can still visit the church built in honor of the Eucharistic miracle worked by St. Anthony of Padua in 1227.
This episode was also mentioned in Begninitas, work is considered among the earliest sources on the life of Saint Anthony and shows the challenge that some Bonovillo turned against brother that shows him the truth about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist “Brother! I tell you before everyone believe in the Eucharist if my mules, that I will fast for three days, eat the Host that will offer you than the corn that will give me." Saint Antony accepted the challenge the appointment was fixed in Piazza Grande, recalling a multitude of curious.
The Saint appeared holding in his hands the consecrated Host in the monstrance closed, the heretic into the hand mule hungry. The Saint turned to the mule with these words: "By virtue and in the name of your Creator, that I as it is unworthy, I hold in my hands, I tell you and I command you: Advances promptly and pays homage to the Lord with due respect so the wicked and heretics understand that all creatures are humble before their Creator that the priests on the altar holding hands."
And immediately the animal, the owner refused the oats, came obedient to the religious bent his forelegs Host front and stayed there for so reverent. The heretic fell at the saint's feet and publicly abjured his errors.