Daughter of Jairus

Jesus resurrects the daughter of Jairus


The daughter of Jairus is not dead, but she sleeps
Jairus, notable of Capernaum, head of the synagogue, went to the shores of the Sea of Galilee to pray to Jesus that he might heal his gravely ill daughter.

Jesus entered into the house of Jairus, and said to them: Why do you make such a loud noise and weep? The child is not dead, but sleeps. And resurrects the girl who was dead in the meantime.

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Gospel - Mark [5:21-43]

When Jesus passed over to the other shore again, a large crowd gathered around him, and he was by the sea. One of the leaders of the synagogue, named Jairus, went to him and, seeing him, threw himself at his feet and prayed insistently: “My little daughter is at the end; come and lay your hands on her so that she may be healed and alive”. Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed him and huddled around him … While he was still speaking, they came from the house of the head of the synagogue to say to him: “Your daughter is dead. Why are you still disturbing the Master?”. But Jesus, hearing what they were saying, said to the principal of the synagogue: “Do not be afraid, just keep on having faith!”. And he did not allow anyone to follow him except Peter, James and John, brother of James.

They came to the house of the synagogue leader, and he saw bustle and people crying and screaming. When he entered, he said to them: “Why are you making so much noise and crying? The child is not dead, but she is asleep”. And they mocked him. But he sent them all out and took with him the father and mother of the girl and those who were with him, and went in where the girl was. He took the girl's hand, he said to her: “Talità kum”, which means: “Girl, I tell you, get up!”. Immediately, the girl got up and began to walk; she was twelve. They were amazed. Jesus insistently advised them that no one should find out and ordered them to feed her.

Exegesis - Mark [5:21-43]

This story tells one of the mysteries of human existence, the one we fear most: illness and death. Awakening a little girl, Mark introduces us to Jesus as the Lord of life and death: the miracles that Jesus works make evident the presence among men of the saving power of God. In Chapter 4, Mark summarizes the evangelization of Jesus through parables: the sower, the lamp under the bushel, the seed, the mustard seed; later the evangelist presents us the miraculous work of Jesus describing a series of prodigies: he casts out demons and now even breaks down the barrier of death, demonstrating that his power has no limits and nothing can stop him. Witnesses of this immense power are only his disciples: they have been granted to know the secrets of the kingdom, and they are given the opportunity to witness his saving efficacy.

In this account of the resurrection of a girl, the evangelist highlights what blind faith is, which is then the indispensable condition for making Jesus act. The situation described is desperate: the girl is now at the extremes, however that father asks for the miracle with insistence throwing oneself at Jesus' feet; his inability to be able to do something, to restore health to his daughter, does not allow him to see anything in his future other than death, so he puts himself in the hands of Jesus. Miracle in public. And the miracle happens, and the dying girl wakes up!

It was neither the way of asking nor the content of the request that determined the desired healing, but the way in which the father asked Jesus for that healing. The question as best he can, because he wants life for his daughter and prays with the awareness of the urgent need for what it requires. Knowing well the gravity of the evil and the little time left to act, so that the irreparable does not happen.

Jairus is the first dignitary to place his trust in Jesus. This head of the synagogue is an important member of Jewish society, certainly observant of the law. His address to Jesus is in contrast with the attitude of hostility towards him, which prevailed among Jewish religious leaders. Jairus not only looks for Jesus but, in public, in front of the crowd, throws himself at his feet in a gesture that is both a plea and recognition of his authority, he implores him.

This account of Mark brings us back to think also of the resurrection of Lazarus described by John: Lazarus had been dead and buried for four days when he was called back to life by Jesus. Now this girl. With these signs, Jesus wants to manifest a reality that would otherwise be hidden and that will then have been confirmed with his own resurrection. In these events Jesus makes us understand that life does not end with earthly existence, but continues, and now he proves it: at his call, the girl awakens, just as Lazarus comes out at the command of Jesus. This is the sure proof that beyond death there is no emptiness, nothing but life.

We, too, should set out on the road to Jesus, cry out to him about our needs and cling to him. He does not care what wickedness obliges us to go in search of him, nor what words we say to him: the faith that drives us is enough for him even if we have nothing. To offer him, and which leads us to cling to him as our last hope; an anguished and aware heart is enough for him, to which only He can come to the aid. We must find the strength to ask for our personal liberation, to obtain victory over evil and death.

Faith is going beyond the human dimension to be able to believe in that Jesus who performed every miracle, to demonstrate that the power of God acts in him. The answer of faith must be sought in silence: let us ask the Lord with humility and intimacy to give us a strong faith, capable of believing in Him, in His love and in His faithfulness, even when we feel overwhelmed by suffering. We ask for an unshakable faith that prevents us from losing hope, even when reason would like to throw us into despair by shouting his disapproval.