Saint Rose of Lima

Overwhelming force

Saints Pray that Saint Rose may intercede for you, to let your heart yearn for God and let your good desires cry out to God through fervent prayer.

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O admirable Saint Rose, elected by God to illustrate with the most exalted holiness of life the new Christianity of America and especially the capital of immense Peru, you who, as soon as you read the life of Saint Catherine of Siena, set out to walk on her footsteps and in the tender age of five years you obliged yourself with an irrevocable vow to perpetual virginity, and spontaneously shaving all your hair, you refused with language the most eloquent the most advantageous parties that were offered to you as soon as you reached your youth, impetrate to us all grace to have such a conduct to always build our neighbors, especially with a jealous custody of the virtue of purity, which is the dearest to the Lord and the most advantageous for us.
3 Glory be to the Father
S. Rose of Lima, pray for us

Novena to Saint Rose from Lima

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition
Lord Jesus Christ, God and true man, Creator, Father and my Redeemer.
I regret, with all my heart, that I offended you, you are so good!
Do not punish me with the pains of Hell.
Aided by your Grace, I propose that I no longer sin, confess and do penance. Amen


Glorious Saint Rose, elected by God.
To revive, with the perfume of your virtues, the land of America and the whole Universal Church; you despised the vain things of the world to dedicate yourself totally to love and service to your divine spouse, through the poor and the disinherited.
We beg you, listen to our prayers. Present them to God, for the good of our soul.

Let's pray

O God, source of all the good that you have chosen Saint Rose to revive America, with the enchantment of her virginity and her patience and you gave her your Grace; grant us, your servants, that by following the example of Saint Rose, we can achieve seeing your face.
For our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you. In the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.

First day

God's love for Saint Rose

To say that Rose loved God is an understatement, because she loved him infinitely, most of all more than herself. She gave up all the comforts that life offered her; vanities, earthly attractions, beauty; he preferred God rather than having her own family. She gave up all this only for the love of God because she understood that Jesus loved her.

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that she will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, whose heart, from childhood, loved God so much: pray for us
Hail Mary..

Glorious Saint Rose, who renounced everything, to earn the heart of Jesus: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, Father's favorite daughter, for your great love: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart
that you despised the vanities of the world
to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Second day

Rosa's purity

Normally we mean purity as the absence of stains, or from impurities. But we also imagine purity as a pure soul, not contaminated by sin, especially by the sin of sensuality; for this it is said: pure soul.
Saint Rose, from her childhood, consecrating herself to the Lord, saw her love grow throughout her holy life, rewarded by divine gifts up to the supreme prize when Rose heard Jesus say these words: "Rose of my heart, be my wife".

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that He will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, chaste and pure in body and soul: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, chosen by Jesus to be His wife: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, in love with Jesus and rewarded with heavenly graces: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Third day

The fortress of Saint Rose

Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple take up his cross and follow me." Discovering suffering and pain is necessary to atone for one's sins.
Rosa always sought penance. She fasted, she fed only on bread and water, she mortified herself with the sackcloth that macerated her delicate skin. She also built a cross and, barefoot, walked the garden of the house carrying it on her shoulders. She never ate meat and fasted for whole days.
She is painted crowned with roses but under this she carried another with thirty-two nails. In this way she offered herself as an atoning victim for the Church, for the sinners and souls of the Purgate.

We ask Santa Rosa to help us present our prayer to God, so that He will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, Jesus' favorite disciple: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, who despised the seductions of the world and its scandals: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, who embraced the cross of Jesus: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Santa Rosa you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Fourth day

The prayers of Saint Rose

The Divine Master taught us "Ask and it will be given to you; knock and it will be opened to you" And in the prayer of the Our Father He ordered us to Sanctify God, first and then ask for us, for our spiritual and material needs.
Humble prayer moves the heart of God; by means of prayer we obtain what we ask for.
But the prayer of Saint Rose, was not limited to the request, it was a contemplation and a thanksgiving to God and to all creation. Everything spoke to her of the Creator and served as a means of rising up to Him.
Her prayers lasted hours and hours. She was used to praying for a long time, placing herself in the presence of God and the Virgin Mary, but also in front of her guardian angel, in Santa Catalina and other Saints. Sometimes she was raised to higher degrees of contemplation in union with God. And she was showered with the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that He will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, rewarded by God with the gift of Prayer: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, united with Jesus Christ in the highest contemplation: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, in love with Jesus and loved by his Divine Wife: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Fifth day

Rose in love with Nature

Creation is an open book of the wonders of God, which few actually know how to read. "The heavens proclaim the glory of God". His wisdom, his goodness, his Providence, are visible in his footsteps scattered throughout nature.
Saint Rose, who had an exquisite artistic sensitivity, could see the beauty of things created by God.
In her garden, she cultivated plants and flowers and raved about contemplating them, understood their language and why they had been created: she saw the love of God there. She cultivated carnations, lilies and a rose garden from which everyone asked for roses. Even the sparrows stopped to listen to them when she sang her praises to her Divine Wife and the scent of flowers flooded the young woman in contemplation and in heavenly ecstasies. She herself was a flower planted in the garden of the Church for its construction.

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that He will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, who penetrated the mysteries of God through his creatures: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, assiduous reader of the works of creation: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, who clearly saw the hand of God in all creatures: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Sixth day

Devotions to the Virgin Mary

Rose loved the Virgin Mary so much and for this reason the Heavenly Mother spoke to her, also making her a gift. She said to her, "From now on, your name will be Rosa of Saint Mary".
She prepared her heart to be a worthy bride of Jesus. Rose took Mary as her model, model of all virtues to look more and more like her and make herself welcome to Jesus. Our Lady visited her very often and spoke with Rosa.

We asked Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that He will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, faithful daughter of the Mother of God: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, to whom the Virgin taught to love her son: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, visited by Mary: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Seventh day

The Wife of Jesus

Saint Rose had a burning heart, made to love God passionately, the only one who could bring her to the one and true Love. Saint Rose loved the flowers and the mountains, the plants, the sparrows, the poor and the sick in whom she saw Jesus. She despised the vanities of the world for the love of the one she loved: poor and despised Jesus. She was intimately united with Jesus, so much that she could say, like Saint Paul: "It is not I who live, but Jesus who lives in me" until she deserves that Jesus called her "Rose of my Heart, be my wife" and so much to say: "My husband is for me and I for him".

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that He will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, beloved of Jesus: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, enriched and privileged Wife of Jesus: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Eighth day

Rose's love for the poor and infirm

Rose loved the poor and infirm, without selfishness. She welcomed them in his little hospital and cared for them with love, medicated them, even went to look for them, because she saw Jesus in them. The poor and the sick are members of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church; Jesus wanted to manifest Himself through them: "I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you quenched my thirst".

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that it will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, angel of charity for the poor and infirm:
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose, who placed your life at the service of the poor: pray for us
Hail Mary...
Glorious Saint Rose, who saw Jesus in the poor and infirm: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself.
Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven. Amen

Ninth day

Rosa's zeal for the salvation of souls

Saint Rose loved everyone as brothers and wanted to announce the Gospel, for this reason, she prayed and sacrificed herself for the conversion of all.
"Oh, she exclaimed, what would I give to announce the Gospel! I would go to the villages and cities preaching penance, with bare feet and the crucifix in my hand shouting:" Sinners, repent of your sins. There is only one step between life and hell".

We ask Saint Rose to help us present our prayer to God, so that it will answer us. For this we say:

Glorious Saint Rose, anxious to announce the Gospel to Indians and sinners: pray for us
Hail Mary...

Glorious Saint Rose you who knew what it means to love Jesus with a pure and generous heart; that you despised the vanities of the world to embrace the Cross from your childhood; that you loved, with filial devotion, our Mother of Heaven and you showed tenderness and dedication to the poor by serving them as if they were Jesus himself. Teach us to imitate your great virtues. Because, following your example, we can enjoy your glorious protection in Heaven.