
We pray that this great Saint Leopold Mandic intercedes with God for us and that he helps us fight against any pain that afflicts us.
He is the protector of cancer patients, whose illness he also suffered from, bearing everything with patience and faith.
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Intercessory prayers to Saint Leopold Mandic
O God our Father, who in Christ your Son, who died and rose again, redeemed all our pain and wanted Saint Leopold to be a paternal presence of consolation, instill in our souls the certainty of your presence and your help. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Glory to the Father.
Saint Leopold, pray for us!
O God, who by the grace of the Holy Spirit pour out on believers the gifts of your love, through the intercession of Saint Leopold, grant our relatives and friends health of body and spirit, so that they may love you with all their hearts and perform with love what is pleasing to your will. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Saint Leopold, pray for us!
O God, who manifests your omnipotence above all in mercy and forgiveness, and who wanted Saint Leopold to be your faithful witness, through his merits, grant us to celebrate, in the sacrament of reconciliation, the greatness of your love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Glory to the Father.
Saint Leopold, pray for us!
Novena to San Leopold Mandic
O Saint Leopold, enriched by the Eternal Divine Father with many treasures of grace in favor of those who turn to you, we pray that you obtain for us a living faith and an ardent charity, by which we always keep ourselves united with God in his holy grace. Glory to the Father...
O Saint Leopold, made by the divine Savior the perfect instrument of his infinite mercy in the sacrament of penance, we ask you to obtain for us the grace to confess often and well, so that we can always have our soul cleansed of all guilt and achieve perfection within us which He calls us. Glory to the Father...
O Saint Leopold, chosen vessel of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, abundantly transfused by you into many souls, please obtain for us to be freed from many pains and afflictions that oppress us, or to have the strength to endure everything with patience to complete in us what is missing from the passion of Christ. Glory to the Father...
O Saint Leopold, who during your mortal life nourished a very tender love for the Madonna, our sweet mother, and were reciprocated with many favors, now that you are happy close to Her, pray to her for us so that she looks at our miseries and always shows herself to be ours merciful mother. Ave Maria...
O Saint Leopold, who always had such compassion for human suffering and consoled so many afflicted people, come to our aid; in your goodness do not abandon us, but console us too by obtaining the grace we ask for. So be it.
Prayer to face suffering and illness
O dear Saint Leopold, you have always helped and consoled those who turned to you in their spiritual and material needs. Animated by great confidence, I too turn to you, so rich in benevolence and generosity.
In your life you have experienced the disturbance and difficulty of living with cancer: stay close to me.
You know my anguish and trepidation: come to my aid. Support my faith, strengthen my hope, obtain for me the grace to face the suffering and treatment of my illness, positively overcoming this test.
Intercede with the Father so that my heart finds true peace and serenity. May he grant that I can, with a grateful heart, thank that merciful God whom you yourself proclaimed as "doctor and medicine".
3 Glory be to the Father
Prayer of the Sick
O dear Saint Leopold, you have always helped and consoled those who turned to you in their spiritual and material needs. Animated by great confidence, I turn to you too, so rich in benevolence and generosity. In your life you have experienced the disturbance and difficulty of living with cancer: stay close to me. You know my anguish and trepidation: come to my aid. Support my faith, strengthen my hope, obtain for me the grace to face the suffering and treatment of my illness, positively overcoming this test. Intercede with the Father so that my heart finds true peace and serenity. May he grant that I can, with a grateful heart, thank that merciful God whom you yourself proclaimed as "doctor and medicine".
- Glory be to the Father
Family Prayer
O Lord, our creator and savior, in your earthly life and in Saint Leopold you have become close to the sick and the disheartened. Look with kindness on the men, women and children of every language, people and nation who suffer from cancer. Hear our prayer and the plea of their loved ones: may Saint Leopold and the Blessed Virgin Mary visit them spiritually and sit next to them in the long hours of hospital and in sleepless nights.
O Saint Leopold, we also address our supplication to you with a heart full of sadness and trepidation for our dear one (...). You who consoled the many who approached your confessional and entrusted them to the Virgin Mary, " Blessed Patroness ", ensure that in the great concern for this illness, gratitude for life and the hope that health will return flourish.
- Glory be to the Father
Prayer for Healthcare Workers
Dear Saint Leopold, in your service as a priest, confessor and spiritual advisor, you have cultivated sincere esteem and authentic friendship with healthcare workers: doctors, surgeons, clinical specialists, university professors, nurses. Like good Samaritans, they assisted and comforted the sick in the hospital wards.
We pray that those who serve human health and life always know how to combine professional competence with caring availability. Make the patient always a person to be respected in his sensitivities, fears and expectations.
We ask you to enlighten the scholar in the search for new treatments, to guide the surgeon's hand, to assist the doctor in reading the reports, in the right diagnosis and adequate therapy.
O Saint Leopold, may the presence of healthcare workers and hospital volunteers be similar to yours: discreet, always serene and smiling, as when you welcomed those afflicted by physical suffering or anguished in spirit. May they know how to instill the spiritual medicines of courage and hope.
- Glory be to the Father, Hello Queen
Prayer to Saint Leopold Mandic to ask for a particular grace
O God our Father, who in Christ your Son, who died and rose again, redeemed all our pain and wanted Saint Leopold to be a paternal presence of consolation, instill in our souls the certainty of your presence and your help. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Glory to the Father.
Saint Leopold, pray for us!
O God, who by the grace of the Holy Spirit pour out on believers the gifts of your love, through the intercession of Saint Leopold, grant our relatives and friends health of body and spirit, so that they may love you with all their hearts and perform with love what is pleasing to your will. By Christ our Lord, Amen Saint Leopold, pray for us!
O God, who manifests your omnipotence above all in mercy and forgiveness, and who wanted Saint Leopold to be your faithful witness, through his merits, grant us to celebrate, in the sacrament of reconciliation, the greatness of your love. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. Glory to the Father. Saint Leopold, pray for us!.