
Francis arrived in the city of Toscanella and was hosted by a gentleman who had a son crippled. Behind the insistent prayers of this man, and thanks to the hospitality offered, Francis healed the boy between the joy of those present.
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Miracles of Saint Francis
A paralyzed man named Peter lived in the city of Nardi. One day, learned of the arrival of Francis in this city to preach, did get to the diocesan bishop's plea that sends the poor man of Assisi. Francesco accept. Went to Peter and with a simple sign of the cross healed the paralytic.
A woman in the city of Nardi, his sight when Francis made the sign of the cross.
Woman with hands clenched so as not to use them, heard about the coming of the Holy Gubbio his city, urged him to regain use of his hands. Francis heard his prayer healed her.
St. Francis had pity for a Friar hit by epilepsy, we went to him and after having blessed and healed him.
A woman possessed lived in in the City of Castello, Francesco passing there, drove out the demon and freed the woman from harm.
In the process of canonization of saints have been reported and approved by the ecclesiastical authorities over forty miracles. These include:
- A woman particularly devoted to St. Francis died in the town of Montemarano. In its wake many people gathered to pray, his body suddenly wakes up and asks the priest who was present to take advantage of the confession. After the confession, the priest confides: "I was waiting to be sentenced to a harsh penalty but St. Francis has requested and obtained for me the grace to come back to life, to repent and confess all my sins." After the woman fell asleep in the Lord.
- A married couple who lived Pomarico dearly loved their daughter. One day their little suddenly died. The mother collapsed with grief and begged to please ardent St. Francis, the saint appeared to assuring the fate of his beloved daughter. Shortly after the little girl awoke to the wonder of those present, and stood up as if nothing had happened.
- At Capua, a boy drowned in the Volturno, a man after the month drew to shore now dead. These realized while noting the death of the boy began to invoke the intervention of St. Francis. The monk did not disappoint them, the boy, in fact, got up as if nothing had happened between the joy and amazement of those present.
- A Sessa Aurunca a house collapsed, killing a young woman who was inside, rescuers pulled out the rubble and lying on a stretcher. Mother trusting in God and in the merits of St. Francis began to pray. One night the girl woke perfectly healthy. The miracle did rejoice present.
- A Ragusa while a young man was working at a printing press because it was harvest time, a pile of wood placed near it fell on the head and killed him. The father promptly rushed, he began to beseech St. Francis because they bring back the child. The miracle happened, the young man came to life perfectly healthy. Once again Jesus Christ had heard the intercession of Saint Francis.
- At Thebes lived a pious woman s San Francisco and blind from birth. On the eve of the feast of Saint had to fast to pay homage. The next day was conducted in the Church of the Friars to attend the Mass, during the act of elevation of the Body of Christ, his eyes suddenly acquired the light. Now for the joy erupted in shouts of joy which joined the many present. St. Francis had received the grace of healing.
- In the Gargano, a man intent on looking after the branches of a vine, struck with the hatchet violently eye recidivist. The poor man appealed to faith in St. Francis did not disappoint him. The eye is instantly healed so perfectly that not even saw the sign of the injury.
- A man in the town of Assisi, for an alleged theft, were taken eyes. The poor man, so horribly mutilated, he was carried to the altar of San Francesco, where, crying for his innocence, pleaded with the help of the saint. Francis did not remain insensitive to human pleas and received from Jesus the grace. After three days of the blind man miraculously sprouted new eyes, though smaller, and with them the view.
- In the Church of San Francesco in Assisi, and was being preached by the Bishop of Ostia a large stone, left carelessly on the marble pulpit, he fell on the head of a woman sitting under the pulpit. These crushed his head after seeing the woman, covered her with a coat because it was believed dead. Great was the astonishment of those present when, after the sermon, saw her stand up perfectly intact. The woman told her that he had entrusted to St. Francis and to be certain that the miracle was thanks to the intercession of this glorious saint.
- A Vincalvi lived a cleric named Matthew. One day Matthew inadvertently ingested a potent poison that acted immediately, stiffening the limbs, and blocking the word. Matthew urged Jesus saved his life by the merits of St. Francis. Suddenly he could with his lips to pronounce the name of the Holy and vomit the poison ingested. So fully recover health.
- In the Castle of Gori, located in the diocese of Ostia, a man was desperate because a tumor had lost the use of the leg. He appealed to the poor man of Assisi to get help and was not disappointed. Francis appeared to him in company with another brother with a stick-shaped god Tau touched the diseased part of the leg, and incredibly quickly regained the use of the limb, so perfectly healed and could walk freely. In memory of the miracle had been imprinted in so touched by St. Francis, the symbol of the Tau.