Saint Bonaventure


Monastery The prayers of Saint Bonaventure are expressions of a profound Franciscan spirituality.

His prayers are characterized by biblical richness, literary beauty and doctrinal depth.

Some of his best-known prayers are the Laudario, the Canticle of the Sun, the Office of the Passion and the Litany of the Cross.

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Prayers of Saint Bonaventure

O sweetest Lord Jesus, wound me too with your most sweet and healing love, so that my soul may rest in the serene and apostolic your most holy charity. My soul longs for you and purifies itself while waiting for Paradise, and longs only to separate from the body to always be with you.

You are, O Lord, the joy of the Angels, the strength of the Saints, our sweetest daily bread. May my heart always hunger and thirst for you, O Jesus, and delight in the sweetness of your love. I always seek you as the source of life and wisdom, as the torrent of joy that fills the house of God.

You alone be my glory! I think of You, I speak of You, I do everything to Your honor, I reach You with humility and peace, with transport and delight, with perseverance and fervor, so that in You, my trust, my joy, my peace, I always live with the mind and with the heart. Amen

Pierce, oh sweetest Jesus, the depths of my soul with the sweet and healing wound of your love, infusing there with an authentic, serene, apostolic charity, so that it burns and melts only and always out of love and desire for You; You desire and almost die in your homes, you seek nothing more than to dissolve and be with You. Grant that my soul may thirst for You, for the bread of angels, for the refreshment of the saints, for our daily bread; may my heart always thirst and be nourished by You, where the angels desire to gaze, and the depths of my soul be filled by the sweetness of your perception; may my heart always thirst for You, source of life, source of wisdom and science, source of eternal light, luxuriance of the house of God.

May he always aspire to you, seek you, find you, reach out to you, come to you, meditate on you, speak of you, and do everything to the praise and glory of your name, with humility and discretion, with love and consolation, with ease and affection , with perseverance to the end; so that You alone may always be my hope, my trust, my wealth, my delight, my joy, my rest and my tranquility, my peace, my sweetness, my food, my lunch, my refuge, my help, my wisdom, my share of the inheritance, my possession, my treasure, to which my soul and my heart are always fixed, firm and immovable. Amen.

Crown Composed by Saint Bonaventure

O God, come and save me. . .
Glory to the Father. . .
Glory be to the Father. . .
25 HAIL MARY. . .

To conclude: O God, Lord of the living and the dead, full of mercy towards your creatures, grant forgiveness and peace to our deceased brothers so that immersed in your bliss they may praise you forever. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


I approach Your cross, O Lord;
I draw near to Your humble heart, O Jesus,
stopping at the door of your pierced chest.

Thus crucified, You wait for me to be able to embrace me:
Your flourishing head, pierced with thorns,
You bow to me to invite me to a kiss of forgiveness.

O most beloved heart

O most beloved Heart of Jesus, why did you let yourself be torn apart by the spear, if not to show me the excess of your love and to be the home of my soul? And when I enter You and solemnly protest: "This is my eternal rest; will I live here because I have chosen this bode myself?".

My Jesus, introduce as soon as possible this soul of mine through the wound of the open side into the secret of your most lovable and most loving Heart, so that it may be purified, beautified and completely inflamed in your charity; so that, forgetting earthly concerns, I can only think about loving You, my crucified God.
(S. Bonaventure)

On the Holy Cross

From the Song to the Cross:
Love the cross, light and peace,
and for it, now,
Christ be your lord!

Trace it on yourself with your hand:
it holds you and you hold it
with your whole being.

The heart on the cross, the cross in the heart,
freed from every ugliness,
calm and serene; that very strong the beloved cross
from your lips be proclaimed: praised without end.
In rest, in fatigue, when you laugh and when you cry,
keep it tight - when you go, when you come,
in joys, in sorrows - the cross in the heart!

We adore you, most holy Lord
We adore you, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and to all your churches, which are throughout the world, and we bless you; because through your holy cross you redeemed the world. Amen.

To the Blessed Sacrament

Pierce, oh sweetest Lord Jesus, the most intimate part of my soul with the sweetest and most healing wound of your love, with true, pure, most holy, apostolic charity, so that my soul may continually languish and be consumed by love and the desire for you alone. I long for you, and faint at your tabernacles, and sigh to be freed (from the bonds of the body) and to be with you. Make my soul hungry for you, bread of Angels, refreshment of holy souls, our daily bread, supernatural bread that has every sweetness and every flavor and provides the sweetest joy.

May my heart hunger and be satisfied with you, whom the Angels desire to contemplate incessantly, and may the most intimate part of my soul be filled with the sweetness of your flavor: may it always thirst for you, source of life, source of wisdom and knowledge, source of eternal light, torrent of delights, abundance of the house of God.

May he always aspire to you, seek you, find you, set himself as his goal, reach you, think of you, speak of you and do all things to the honor and glory of your name with humility and discernment, with love and pleasure, with ease and with affection, with perseverance that lasts until the end. And you alone always be my hope and my faith, my wealth and my delight, my joy, my rest, my tranquility, my peace, my sweetness, my perfume, my sweetness, my food, my refreshment, my refuge, my help, my knowledge, my share, my good, my treasure, in which the mind remain fixed and firm, with firm roots. my heart.

We renew the invitation

If your heart is eager to do something for your brothers and sisters who are gripped by suffering or loneliness, you can earnestly plead with the Lord. Prayer is one of the highest forms of charity..

If you are also looking for other wonderful brothers who can join you in prayer in one heart, then visit the site of the Invisible Monastery. There you will find a family willing to welcome you with open arms.

If you wish to accept Jesus' invitation, or simply want to try praying from your home, click here and you will find many wonderful brothers willing to join spiritually in a great and heartfelt prayer of intercession.

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