Parables of Jesus
Selective Revelation of Jesus
Jesus spoke in Parables to give the disciples a chance to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Parables served to reveal profound truths for all those who tried to understand and had a pure heart, for the remaining, closed or indifferent, were unable to understand the message.
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Jesus: Why do you speak in parables?
From the Gospel of Matthew chapter 13, verses 10-13
The disciples came to him and said, "Why do you speak to them in parables?".
He answered: "For it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but it is not given to them. Thus, to him who has will be given and will be in abundance; and to him who has not even what he has shall be taken away. For this I speak to them in parables: because even seeing they do not see, and even hearing they neither hear nor understand.
Exegesis Matthew - Why do you speak in parables?
Matteo places in Cap. 13, immediately after the parable of the sower, the dialogue between Jesus and his disciples who ask him: Why do you speak to them in parables?
Jesus answers: For you are given to know the mysteries of the kingdom. I speak to them in parables, because looking they do not see, and they do not see because they have not yet made that qualitative leap that allows them to see in Me the manifestation of God, to understand that My word is the word of God. They do not recognize me and see in me no God because they are not pure of heart.
If they are not pure of heart and cannot see God in Jesus, how can I speak to them of my truth? I do not speak explicitly because I am unable to understand and they would use My Words of truth to accuse me of blasphemy and sentence me to death. This is not my hour yet.
All those who had rejected His message were left in their spiritual blindness. He made a distinction between those who had been given "ears to hear" and those who continued in their unbelief, they heard but could not really perceive His teachings and were those who "who always learn, but never come to a full knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7).
Jesus continues: to him who has will be given and will be in abundance, and to him who has not taken also what he has.
It means that who recognizes me opens the doors of knowledge, enjoys communion with God and enters into the fullness of his humanity.
He who has not shall also be taken away what he has. The reference to Pharisees and priests who think they are perfect before God while their heart is far from God. You believe you have but do not have what you think you have, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and you will have fallen into hell. Pharisees, scribes and priests, lead my people with lies, you are vipers.
Jesus tells his blessed disciples that you have left everything to follow me and your eyes see me and your ears listen because you trust what I say.
Behold, I do not speak to you in parables and if you ask me the explanations of the parable I give you the clarifications because you deserve to be enlightened by the truth.
Jesus, as the gospel tells us, gives the disciples two or three explanations of the parables; for others, the disciples who have "eyes to see and ears to hear" understand them.
This teaching also applies to us that if we want to understand the parables and teachings of Jesus to enter more and more into the knowledge of God, we must keep a pure heart. Conversely, if we want to live in a lie, not only will we be unable to understand the divine teachings, but we will be condemned into eternal fire.
As for the disciples who had been given the gift of spiritual discernment, so too is the case for all believers to whom the gift of the Holy Spirit has been given. "When the Spirit of truth will come, he will guide you into all truth" (Jn 16:13).
The educational approach of Master Jesus
Jesus was a master of the art of storytelling and used parables as effective tools to convey complex concepts through simple, engaging stories. These narratives not only facilitated memorization, but also invited listeners to reflect, stimulating an active commitment in the search for deeper meanings.
Instead of imposing the truth, Jesus presented his stories so that each listener could decide how to respond, taking into account different dispositions. This approach transformed listening from a passive experience to a dynamic interaction, in which listeners were called upon to participate actively in the process of understanding.
In short, the parables of Jesus were not mere teachings, but powerful tools of revelation that made divine truths accessible to all. Respecting the freedom of individuals, he stimulated an active response, challenging his listeners to immerse themselves in understanding the kingdom of God. His stories remain a lasting legacy, capable of inspiring and engaging generations after generations.
A special invitation
If you wish to attain joy and acquire virtues, listen to the invitation of Jesus: "Whatever you ask for with faith in prayer, you will obtain" (Mt 18,20). In fact, without prayer, no spiritual journey is possible, nor can one follow in the footsteps of Jesus, our Savior.
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