Patron of the church

St. Joseph


Patron of the universal Church
Quemadmodum Deus is a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites of 1870 by which, by order of Pope Pius IX, Saint Joseph is declared patron of the universal Church. The document bears the signature of the Prefect of the Congregation Card. Costantino Patrizi Naro and the then secretary Msgr. Domenico Bartolini.

In the Inclytum Patriarcham, Pope Pius IX summarized the past history of Saint Joseph in the Liturgy until his recent proclamation as Patron of the Church. He also outlined the rules for the worthy liturgical celebration of his feasts.

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As He had constituted that Joseph, born from patriarch Jacob, superintendent of all the Egypt in order to save the wheat for His people, in the same way as the fullness of the times was near and He was going to send His only-begotten Son, Saviour of the world, on the earth, God chose an other Joseph, whose the previous one was figure, and made him Gentleman and Prince of the house and His property and He elected him Guardian of His main treasures.

In fact, he had in spouse the Immaculate Virgin Mary, from who by Holy Spirit Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, who deigned to be considered by the men son of Joseph, and He was subjected to him. And Him who many kings and prophets longed to see, Joseph not only saw, but he lived with Him and with paternal affection he has embraced and kissed Him; and moreover He has nourished very accurately Him who the faithful people would eat like bread come down from Heaven, in order to achieve the eternal life. For this sublime dignity, which God conferred to this faithful Servant, the Church has always kept in honour and praises the Most Blessed Joseph, after the Virgin Mother of God, his spouse, and has invoked his intervention in the difficult moments.

Now since in the these very sad times the Church itself, attacked by enemies from anywhere, is so overwhelmed by the most serious evils, that impious men thought that the doors of hell have finally prevailed against of it, the Venerable people very excellent Bishops of the universe Catholic World forwarded to Sovereign Pontiff their supplications and those of the entrusted faithful asking him to deign to constitute Saint Joseph Patron of the Catholic Church. As later in the Sacred Ecumenical Vatican Council they renewed more insistently their questions and their wishes, Our Most Holy Pope Pious IX, concerned by the very recent and doleful condition of things, in order to entrust Himself and all the faithful to the most powerful sponsorship of the Saint patriarch Joseph, wanted to meet the wishes of the Most excellent Bishops and solemnly declared him Patron of the Catholic Church and established that his feast, falling on the 19th of March, would be celebrated in the future with double ritual of first class, but without octave, because of Lent.

Moreover he established himself that such declaration, through the present Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Rituals *), had to be published on this day sacred to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and Spouse of the most chaste Joseph.

Although any thing in contrary.

The 8th of December 1870.

Prefect of the S. C. of the RR.
Bishop of Ostia and Velletri.

Secretary of the S. C. of the RR.


O Blessed St. Joseph, countless are the graces and the favors you get for the afflicted poor.
Sick of every kind, oppressed, slandered, betrayed, bereft of all human comfort, needy miserable bread and supportive, implore your royal protection and are fulfilled in their applications.

Do not allow, oh Dearest St. Joseph, that I be the only one, among the many who benefited people who remain without the grace that I asked you.
Also shown powerful and generous to me and I thank you.