Prophets and Patriarchs




Saint Haggai, prophet, who, in the time of Zorobabel, king of Judah, exhorted the people to rebuild the house of the Lord, into which the riches of all peoples will flow".
Roman Martyrology, 15 December, n. 2.

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Haggai Prophet

The prophet Haggai carries out his mission under the reign of Darius I, at the time of the Persian hegemony in the Middle East. Haggai encouraged the people to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, together with Zechariah and the Jewish elders were able to continue the work and advance the construction, aided by the words inspired by the prophet Haggai, and Zechariah son of Iddo, so they finished their work of construction "according to the commandment of the God of Israel".

While the veterans from the Babylonian exile are dedicated to the reconstruction of Jerusalem, the envious hostility of the Samaritans causes the reconstruction to be suspended until the second year of Dario Istaspe. It is the date assigned to Haggai's prophecy: "In the second year of King Darius, on the first day of the sixth month [August 520 BC], the word of the Lord was addressed, through the prophet Haggai, to Zorobabel, son of Sealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua, son of Josadach, high priest: Thus says the Lord of hosts: This people says: "The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord!".

Then this word of the Lord was revealed through the prophet Haggai: "Does this seem to you the time to live quietly in your well-covered houses, while this house is still in ruins? Now, thus says the Lord of hosts: think carefully about your behavior. You sowed much, but you reaped little; you ate, but not hunger; you drank, but not to the point of intoxication; you clothed, but you did not warm up; the worker got wages, but to put it in a perforated bag.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: Think carefully about your behavior! Go up the mountain, bring lumber, rebuild my house. In it I will be pleased and manifest my glory "- says the Lord".
(Ag 1,1-8).

These talks are mainly addressed to Zorobabel and Josue, but they are also addressed to all the people. The intention is to encourage people to rebuild the Temple, whose glory will surpass the previous one.

The prophet Haggai, veiled, seems to want to present the anointed of Yahve, the Davidic Messiah in the Jewish governor Zorobabel: "Speak to Zorobabel, Governor of Judea, and tell him: I will shake heaven and earth, I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations, I will overthrow the chariots and their crews: horses and riders will fall; each one will be pierced by the sword of his brother".

On that day - oracle of the Lord of hosts - I will take you, Zorobabel son of Sealti is my servant, says the Lord, and I will put you as a seal, because I have chosen you, says the Lord of hosts".
(Ag 2:21- 23).

Haggai's talks, while brief occasional exhortations, succeeded in fulfilling their mission: to encourage the people and complete the rebuilding of the temple.