Prophets and Patriarchs




Saint Micah, prophet, who in the time of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, king of Judah, with his preaching defended the oppressed, condemned idols and injustices and foretold to the chosen people that the king promised from the beginning would be born in Bethlehem of Judah in remote days, as shepherd of Israel with the strength of the Lord.
Roman Martyrology, 21 December, n. 2

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Prophet Micah

Considered to be one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament, Micah performed his activity as a prophet during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, approximately between 737 BC. and 690 BC. He was born in the small village of Moreset Gat, located southwest". The town was in the direction of the Philistine frontier and therefore belonged to the Kingdom of Judah, and it is there that God reveals himself to him.

The prophet announces the divine punishment that will strike Samaria and then extend to the Kingdom of Judah", because of the iniquity of the people, but above all because of the leaders and false prophets. He describes the vision of God who comes to his celestial Temple to judge his people: "Listen, all you peoples! Pay attention, earth, with all that is in you! The Lord, God, be a witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple. [...]

All this because of Jacob's transgression and the sins of the house of Israel. What is Jacob's transgression? Is it not Samaria? What are the high places of Judah? Am I not Jerusalem? "Therefore I will make Samaria a heap of stones in the countryside, a place to plant vineyards; I will roll the stones down into the valley, I will lay out the foundations. [...] For this I will cry and cry, I will go barefoot and naked; I will wail like the jackal, mournful cries like the ostrich. For his wound is incurable; it extends as far as Judah and reaches the gate of my people, as far as Jerusalem".
(Mic 1,2-9).

The prophet then utters the promise of a future restoration: "Now, why are you crying so loud? Is there no king within you? Is your advisor perished, to the point that anguish seizes you like a woman giving birth. Suffer and groan, daughter of Zion, as a woman giving birth, for now you will come out of the city, you will live in the fields, and you will go as far as Babylon.

There you will be delivered, there the Lord will redeem you from the hand of your enemies. Now, many nations have gathered against you and say, "Let it be profaned and let our eyes enjoy the sight of Zion!"

But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, they do not understand his plans: for he gathers them together like sheaves in the threshing-floor. Daughter of Zion, get up, thresh! For I will see to it that your horn is of iron and your nails are of bronze; you will crush many peoples; you will consecrate their earnings to the Lord, and their riches to the Lord of all the earth".
(Mic 4: 9-13).

Micah also prophesies the birth in Bethlehem of the future liberator who ensures lasting peace for the "rest" of Israel. Dare to speak boldly to King Hezekiah, who is heard by him. Injustices upset Micah because they are evil, but God's punishment is the only means to bring about progress and regeneration.