Release Dates. UK: 30 novembre 1979 --- USA: 8 dicembre 1979 (promo, stereo) --- Italia: metà dicembre 1979 --- Giappone: novembre 1979.

Title-Sticker pvc Notes: La presenza o meno dell'adesivo in pvc o cartone col titolo sulle schede dei singoli dischi è puramente statistica, in quanto, in mancanza di notizie ufficiali delle stamperie, vengono riportati solo nelle edizioni dove vi è la certezza della loro presenza; in caso di nuovi elementi, basta scrivere al webmaster mediante email.

Brief Statistics.

(1) Le copertine del disco furono tutte dello stesso tipo, bianche con i mattoni, in alcuni il titolo era riportato su un adesivo in pvc trasparente o in cartone, in altri il titolo fu stampato. Le uniche differenze furono quelle delle edizioni colombiane, che riportavano i disegni dell'interno sul davanti e sul retro di una copertina non apribile. Particolarmente interessanti sono la prima stampa argentina del 1981, che fu censurata dal regime militare argentino, furono tolte alcune canzoni dai brani e dalle etichette, e perciò erano più corte di circa 20 minuti rispetto alla stampa inglese ed all'edizione argentina originale poco successiva; ed alcune stampe (come la sudafricana) che uscirono dal 1982 con un richiamo al film.

(2) Originariamente, il disco doveva includere anche la canzone What Shall We Do Now?, ma fu tagliata, perchè si dovevano fare delle limitazioni di tempo totale del disco. Il cambio fu fatto però talmente tardi, rispetto alla prossima uscita dell'album, che non fecero in tempo a togliere la canzone dalle copertine interne del disco, e così è spiegato il perché il brano sia presente nei testi. What Shall We Do Now? doveva essere originariamente inserita dopo Goodbye Blue Sky e seguita da Empty Spaces, come una sorta di ripresa musicale. Anche nella terza facciata dell'album, inoltre, in origine avevano disposto che Hey You dovesse essere dopo Comfortably Numb; ma anche qui tutto fu cambiato all'ultimo minuto, e per cui in alcune copertine interne sono rimasti i testi nella disposizione originale (vedi per sempio, Francia, Spagna), la storia è approfondita nel secondo libro dei Lunatics. Un'altra cosa curiosa che riguarda i testi di The Wall, è che su tutti i testi riportati sulle copertine interne dell'album, nel brano Mother, manca della seconda strofa (dopo l'assolo), che però viene cantata perfettamente; si tratta di: "Mother, do you think she's good enough. For me? Mother, do you think she's dangerous. To me? Mother will she tear your little boy apart? Mother, will she break my heart?". Inoltre, alla fine della prima strofa, al posto di "...mother am I really dying..." Roger canta invece "...is it just a waste of time...".

(3) La copertine del disco, come detto, furono tutte uguali, tranne alcuni casi; vi era però una evidente differenza nelle scritte dell'interno, che riportavano i vari crediti di produzione, di copyright, i nomi dei membri della band, le note di stampa. Sostanzialmente, si dividevano in due gruppi, la maggior parte dei collezionisti li divide in base alla presenza o meno dei nomi dei membri della band; ma da una più attenta analisi, possiamo vedere altre differenze, nelle scritte del 8°, 9°, 10° e 12° mattone nella metà di destra:

- A) No band member's names inside:



12nd brick: JOHN MCCLURE" is listed under "OTHER ENGINEERS"

- B) Band member's names inside:



12th brick: JOHN MCCLURE" is listed under "OTHER ENGINEERS"

12th brick: in alcuni paesi, JOHN MCCLURE" non è scritto.

More news: Note ai Dischi - Site General Notes

(Per ogni approfondimento su dischi e canzoni, si consiglia la lettura dei libri dei Lunatics: PINK FLOYD. STORIE  SEGRETI (Giunti, 2012); Tutte le canzoni dei Pink Floyd. Il Fiume Infinito (Giunti, 2014)






Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, censored version, standard glossy cover with title printed, 'Serie De Lujo', white-purple picture labels, censored, without "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)", "The Happies Days in Our Life" & "Mother", spanish titles)

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, censored version, standard glossy cover with title printed, 'Serie De Lujo', white-purple picture labels, censored, promo stamp "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION VENTA PROHIBIDA" on cover (in red) and labels (on sticker)

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, standard glossy cover, title on pvc sticker, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, "Empty Spaces" on thin inner with upper inserted LP, white-purple picture labels, spanish titles, different rim text)

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, promotional, standard cover, title on sticker, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, "Empty Spaces" on inner, white-purple picture labels, spanish titles, different rim text, promo stamp "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION VENTA PROHIBIDA")

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, standard glossy cover, title on pvc sticker, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, "Empty Spaces" on inner with upper inserted LP, white-purple picture labels, misspress without bricks motif in background, spanish titles, different rim text)

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, glossy cover, title printed on front, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, "Empty Spaces" on inner, white-purple picture labels, spanish titles, different rim text)

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, promotional, glossy cover, title printed on front, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, "Empty Spaces" on inner, white-purple picture labels, spanish titles, different rim text, promo stamp "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION VENTA PROHIBIDA")

Columbia, 120.050/51 (1st issue, matt cover, title printed on front, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, "Empty Spaces" on inner with right inserted LP, white-purple picture labels, misspress without bricks motif in background on Side 1 & 2, spanish titles, different rim text)

Columbia, 120.050/51 (2nd issue, standard matt cover, 'Serie De Lujo' logo, white background, "Empty Spaces" on inner, red Columbia labels, spanish titles, yellow rim text)



CBS, S2BP 220216 (1st issue, 1979, classic cover, title printed on front, cream background, "Empty Spaces" on thin inner, no band member's names inside, picture labels, with "Penjane" credits, wide ring)

CBS, S2BP 220216 (1st issue, 1979, promotional, classic cover, title printed on front, "Empty Spaces" on thin inner, red "Not For Sale Sample Record" stamp on backcover, no band member's names inside, picture labels, with "Penjane" credits)

CBS, S2BP 220216 (2nd issue, 1982, classic cover, title printed on front, film movie sticker added, white background, "Empty Spaces" on thin inner, no band member's names inside, picture labels, with "Chappell" credits, wide ring)

CBS, S2BP 220216 (3rd issue, classic cover, title printed on front, white background, "Empty Spaces" on heavy inner, no C153, picture labels, with "CBS Records Songs" credits, wide ring)

USA Banned Export.

Columbia, PC 33453 (US 1st issue, standard US cover, For Export copy, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture labels, banned with black strip on credits on the labels covered Columbia credits)



CBS, 138170/71 (1st issue, 1980, standard cover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, open inner, no band member's names inside, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, one lines credits, with "CGC 33.131.376/0008-60" on four labels)

CBS, 138170/71 (2nd issue, 1980, standard cover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, open inner, no band member's names inside, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, one lines credits, with "43.203.520/0002-96" on four labels)

CBS, 138170/71 (2nd issue, promotional release, 1980, standard cover, gold promo stamp on backcover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, one lines credits, with "CGC 43.203.520/0002-96" on labels)

CBS, 138170/71 (2nd issue, promotional release, 1980, standard cover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, one lines credits, with "CGC 43.203.520/0002-96" on labels, promo stamp on labels)

CBS, 138170/71 (3rd issue, 1980, standard cover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, no band member's names inside, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, one lines credits, with "CGC 43.203.520/0002-96" on rim: Side 1-2, on label: Side 3-4)

CBS, 138170/71 (3rd issue, 1980, standard cover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, one line credits on labels, with "CGC. (MF) 33.131.376/0008-60" on rim only, different rim)

CBS, 138170/71 (4th issue, standard cover, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, yellow/orange Discos CBS Records labels, with great side-number, two lines credits on labels)

Columbia, LP 138.170/71 (5th issue, standard cover, Sony Music credits, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, red Columbia labels, with same labels on both records: catalog number on left)

Columbia, LP 138.170/71 (5th issue, standard cover, Sony Music credits, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, red Columbia labels, with record 1 label different than record 2, "C.G.C. (MF) 43.203.520/0002.95" on rim)



Columbia, PC2 36183 K9 (1st issue, standard cover, title in pvc sticker with catalog & "...2 Records...", plant: Don Mills, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, "SPC Litho in Canada" on spine, picture Columbia labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 K9 (1st issue, standard cover, title in pvc sticker with catalog only, plant: Don Mills, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, "SPC Litho in Canada" on spine, picture Columbia labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 K9 (1st issue, standard cover, extended clear-blue sticker with "RECORD SET 2 DISQUES", "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, "SPC Litho in Canada" on spine, picture Columbia labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 K9 (1st issue, standard cover, Litho in Canada on spine, with 1982 movie sticker, title in pvc sticker, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, "SPC Litho in Canada" on spine, picture Columbia labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 K9 (1st issue, standard cover, limited issue in red vinyl, title in pvc sticker with catalog only, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, "SPC Litho in Canada" on spine, picture Columbia labels)

CBS Records, XPC2 36183 K (2nd issue, made for export, title in pvc sticker with catalog only, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, no band member's names inside, "SPC Litho in Canada" on spine, picture Columbia labels, Columbia word banned)



CBS, 14051/52 (glossy standard cover, title in dark-blue, Litografia Hercal S.A. printing company, no band member's names inside, orange Discos CBS labels, by Odeon Chilena, title: LA PARED, spanish titles)

CBS, 14051/52 (glossy standard cover, title in black, Litografia Hercal S.A. printing company, no band member's names inside, orange Discos CBS labels, by Odeon Chilena, title: LA PARED, spanish titles)

CBS, 14051/52 (glossy standard cover, promotional release, title in dark-blue, Litografia Hercal S.A. printing company, no band member's names inside, orange Discos CBS labels, title: LA PARED, spanish titles, promo stamp: "VENTA PROHIBIDA" "promocional")



CBS, C2L-12 (1980, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, orange-yellow CBS labels, "Fabricado en Colombia por Discos CBS S.A." on rim, dates: 18.IV.80 ; 11 IV 80 ; 11 IV 80 ; 11.IV.80)

CBS, C2L-12 (1980, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, promotional release, white inside with tracklist, orange-yellow CBS labels, "Fabricado en Colombia por Discos CBS Records S.A." on rim, promotional stamp)

CBS, C2L-12 (1982, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, orange-yellow CBS labels, "Productor Fonografico Discos" on rim, dates: 18-IV-80 ; 11-III-80 ; Dic-1-82 ; 11.IV.80)

CBS, C2L-12 (limited edition, 1 record in blue vinyl, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, orange-yellow CBS labels, dates: 18-IV-80 ; 11-III-80 ; Dic 1-82 ; 11-II-80)

CBS, C2L-12 (1982, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, orange-yellow CBS labels, "Productor Fonografico Discos", without white CBS word on upper)

CBS, C2L-12 (1982, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, red CBS labels, one line text on rim, dates: XIV-VIII-XCII ; -- ; OIe-1-82 ; II.II 80)

CBS, C2L-12 (1982, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, red CBS labels, two line text on rim, with "Fabricado en Colombia por Discos CBS S.A.", dates: 18-IV-80 ; 11-III-80 ; Dic-1-82 ; 11.IV.80)

Columbia, C2L-12 (1982, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, white inside with tracklist, red Columbia labels, yellow text & COLUMBIA on rim, with "Fabricado por Sony Music Entertainment (Colombia) S.A.", dates: 18-IV.80 ; 11 IV 80 ; Dic-1-82 ; 11-IV-80)

Columbia-Sony Records, C2L-12 (1982, Gerald Scarfe glossy cover, Sony logo, white inside with tracklist, red Columbia labels, white COLUMBIA on upper, white text on rim with "Fabricado por Sony Music Entertainment (Colombia) S.A.")




CBS-Jigu, CP2L-1024 (C2K-36183) (glossy gatefold cover, printed title, K.E.C.P.P. censorchip credits, "Empty Spaces" on insert with lyrics, band member's names inside, red CBS Records labels, "PIKN FLOYD" on Side 1, dates on labels: 90. 3. 14 ; 90. 4. 15)

CBS-Jigu, CP2L-1024 (C2K-36183) (glossy gatefold cover, promotional release, printed title, K.E.C.P.P. censorchip credits, "Empty Spaces" on insert with lyrics, red CBS Records labels, promo sticker, dates on labels: 90. 3. 14 ; 90. 4. 15)


Columbia, PAL 36185 (gatefold cover, printed title and film sticker, band member's names inside, codebar on bacocover, Columbia labels)

Columbia, PAL 36185 (gatefold cover, printed film sticker only, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, white labels, no catalog, no company, no text on rim) (unofficial release)

Columbia, HM 23 (standard cover, printed title and film sticker, glossy, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, 2-pages insert, green picture Columbia labels, catalog: HM 23)(unofficial release)

Columbia, HM 23 (standard cover, printed title and film sticker, glossy, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, 2-pages insert, picture Columbia labels, record 1: orange, record 2: green, catalog: HM-21)(unofficial)

Columbia, HM 23 (standard cover, printed title and film sticker, glossy, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, 2-pages insert, picture Columbia labels, record 1: orange, record 2: green, catalog: HM-23)(unofficial)

Columbia, HM 23 (standard cover, printed title and film sticker, glossy, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, 2-pages insert, picture Columbia labels, record 1: white, record 2: orange, catalog: HM-23)(unofficial)

Columbia, HM 23 (standard cover, printed title and film sticker, glossy, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, 2-pages insert, clear-blue picture Columbia labels, catalog: HM-23)(unofficial)

Columbia, HM 23 (standard cover, printed title and film sticker, glossy, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, 2-pages insert, black-white picture Columbia labels, catalog: HM-23)(unofficial)

Columbia, HM 23 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, printed title and film sticker in green, coloured "Wish You Were Here" little sticker, green picture Columbia labels, catalog: HM-23)(unofficial)

Columbia-BBC, TCL-36183 (standard glossy gatefold cover, printed title and film sticker, codebar on backcover, brown BBC labels, catalog: TCL-36183, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Columbia, AL 36185 (gatefold cover, monochromatic black/white, printed title and film sticker, picture Columbia labels)(unofficial)


XD, XD 90054 (2LP, no gatefold cover, Scarfe coloured motif, red printed title, catalog on backcover, green-red-white striped XD labels, songs allined on left, XD logo, no text on rim)(unofficial)

XD, XD 90054 (single LP, no gatefold cover, Scarfe coloured motif, red printed title, catalog on backcover, green-red-white striped XD labels, songs allined on left, XD logo, no text on rim, record 2)(unofficial)

XD, XD 90054 (single LP, no gatefold cover, Scarfe coloured motif, blue printed title, catalog on backcover, green-red-white striped XD labels, songs allined at center, XD logo, no text on rim, record 1)(unofficial)

XD, XD 90054 (no gatefold cover, Scarfe redish motif, printed title in red on left, catalog on backcover, white-brown labels, AS logo, no text on rim)(unofficial)


High Stereo, 90054 (no gatefold monochromatic blue cover, Scarfe motif, blue printed title, flipback borders, white High Stereo labels, catalog: 90054)(unofficial)

High Stereo, 90054 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif, green printed title, catalog on frontcover, flipback borders, white High Stereo labels, catalog: 90054)(unofficial)

High Stereo, B 0007 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif without title, catalog on front, tracklist on backcover, flipback borders, clear-blue High Stereo labels, catalog: B- 0007)(unofficial)

High Stereo, BR 170 (no gatefold monochromatic red cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title on bottom left, flipback borders, white High Stereo labels, catalog: BR 170)(unofficial)

High Stereo, BR 170 (no gatefold monochromatic dark-blue cover, Scarfe motif, blue printed title on bottom left, flipback borders, white High Stereo labels, catalog: BR 170)(unofficial)

High Stereo, BR 170 (no gatefold monochromatic clear-blue cover, Scarfe motif, blue printed title on bottom left, flipback borders, white High Stereo labels, catalog: BR 170)(unofficial)

High Stereo, BR 70 (no gatefold monochromatic red-orange cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title on bottom left, flipback borders, white High Stereo labels, catalog: BR 70)(unofficial)

High Stereo, 7978 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif, green printed title, flipback borders, catalog on backcover, white High Stereo labels with brown letters, catalog: 7978)(unofficial)


Life Studio 54, JR 062 (no gatefold monocrhomatic pink-redish cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title, blue back, Life Studio 54 logo on backcover, "What Shall We Do Now?" on label, red-pink-white Life Studio 54 labels, logo: Life, Pop Poll, Life Studio 54)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, LIFE 44 (no gatefold cover, orange bricks, printed orange title, white 54 logo, flipback borders, HKR Korea inner, "What Shall We Do Now?" on label, clear-blue Life Studio 54 labels, logo: Life, Pop Poll, Life Studio 54, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, LIFE 44 (no gatefold cover, green bricks, printed green title & catalog, white 54 logo, flipback borders, clear-blue Life Studio 54 labels, logo: Life, Pop Poll, Life Studio 54, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, LIFE 44 (no gatefold cover, dark-pink bricks, printed dark-pink title & catalog, white 54 logo, flipback borders, clear-blue Life Studio 54 labels, logo: Life, Pop Poll, Life Studio 54, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, LIFE 44 (no gatefold cover, green cover, printed green title & catalog, white 54 logo, flipback borders, white Life Studio 54 labels, logo: Life, Pop Poll, Life Studio 54, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, LIFE 44 (no gatefold pink-redish cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title on bottom left, blue monocromatic back, Life Studio 54 logo on backcover, white/clear-blue labels without logos, catalog: Life 44)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, JR-062 (no gatefold pink-redish cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title, white Life Studio 54 labels, catalog: JR-062)(unofficial)

Life Studio 54, JR-062 (no gatefold pink-redish cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title on bottom left, red Life Studio 54 labels, catalog: JR-062)(unofficial)


High Stereo Light, OX 188 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, green printed title & film sticker, text on backcover, white High Stereo Light labels, catalog: OX 188)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, OX 188 (no gatefold monochromatic white/clear-green cover, green printed title & film sticker, text on backcover, white High Stereo Light labels, catalog: OX 188)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, OX 188 (no gatefold monochromatic blue cover, green printed title & film sticker, text on backcover, white High Stereo Light labels, catalog: OX 188)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, OX-188 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif, green printed title on bottom left, white High Stereo Light labels, catalog: OX 188)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, B 0007 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif, no title, clear-blue High Stereo Light labels, catalog: B 0007)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, 90054 (no gatefold monochromatic blue cover, Scarfe motif, blue printed title, catalog on frontcover, white High Stereo Light labels, catalog: 90054)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, 90054 (single LP, no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif cover with catalog, green printed title, white High Stereo Light labels, only Record 1, catalog: 90054)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, 90054 (2LP, no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif cover with catalog, green printed title, white labels, different on each record, High Stereo Light on Record 1, High Stereo on Record 2, catalog: 90054)(unofficial)

High Stereo Light, 7978 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif, green printed title, flipback borders, catalog on backcover, red High Stereo labels, catalog: 7978)(unofficial)


Stereophonic, SM 812 (no gatefold white cover, with blue lyrics, "What Shall We Do Now?" text, SH 812 logo on backcover, flipback borders, white Stereophonic labels, catalog: SM 812, english text on rim)(unofficial)

Stereophonic, RK 70 (no gatefold monochromatic blue cover, with blue lyrics, "What Shall We Do Now?" text, flipback borders, white Stereophonic labels, catalog: RK 70, english text on rim)(unofficial)

Stereophonic, 90054 (no gatefold monochromatic green cover, Scarfe motif, green printed title, flipback borders, white Stereophonic labels, catalog: 90054)(unofficial)


KA Records, KA 524 (no gatefold monochromatic dark-blue cover, blue lyrics and title, catalog on back: SH 812, flipback border only on upper, white KA labels, catalog: KA 524, no text on rim)(unofficial)

KA Records, KA 524 (no gatefold white cover, with blue lyrics and title, catalog on back: SH 812, flipback border only on upper, blue KA labels, catalog: KA 524, no text on rim)(unofficial)

KA Records, KA.524 (no gatefold monochromatic blue, Scarfe motif, blue printed title on bottom left, catalog on frontcover: KA.524, flipback borders, white KA labels, catalog: KA 524, no text on rim)(unofficial)

KA Records, KA.524 (no gatefold monochromatic clear-blue, Scarfe motif, blue printed title on bottom left, catalog on frontcover: KA.524, flipback borders, white KA labels, catalog: KA 524, no text on rim)(unofficial)

KA Records, KA.524 (no gatefold monochromatic green, Scarfe motif, green printed title on bottom left, catalog on frontcover: KA.524, flipback borders, white KA labels, catalog: KA 524, no text on rim)(unofficial)

KA Records, KA 170 (no gatefold monochromatic red, Scarfe motif, red printed title on bottom left, catalog on frontcover: KA.524, flipback borders, white KA labels, catalog: KA 524, no text on rim)(unofficial)


???, Q-60 (no gatefold monochromatic cover, coloured Scarfe motif, red printed title on bottom left, blue-violet background backcover, white "Best Of" labels, green line, catalog: Q 60, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Q Records, Q-60 (no gatefold monochromatic cover, coloured Scarfe motif, black printed title on bottom left, white Q Records labels, catalog: Q 60, no text on rim)(unofficial)

???, 0040 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, printed coloured film sticker, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, yellow labels reproduced picture motif, catalog: 040)(unofficial)

???, 0046 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, printed coloured film sticker, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, blue labels reproduced picture motif, catalog: 046)(unofficial)

???, 0046 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, printed coloured film sticker, band member's names inside, codebar on backcover, yellow labels reproduced picture motif, catalog: 046)(unofficial)

???, ??? (no gatefold monochromatic black-white cover, Scarfe motif, red printed title on upper, black labels, dragon logo, no catalog, no company, no text on rim)(unofficial)

Echoes Records, AS-140 (no gatefold standard green bricks cover, green printed title & film sticker, catalog: AS 140, backcover with flipback borders and codebar, white labels with ECHOES, catalog: AS 140, no text on rim)(unofficial)



CBS, 100519 (standard gatefold cover, printed title on frontcover, no band member's names inside, wide spine, plant: Indica, catalog on backcover, orange-yellow CBS labels, Indica credits on rim, "We Shall We Do Now?" on label, wide ring)



CBS, 433-0003/4 (1983, no gatefold cover, blue bricks, dark-brown printed title, with "LA PARED", tracklist on backcover with Ifesa credits, Ifesa inner, Cromos S.A. printing company, orange CBS labels, by Emporio Musical, no text on rim)

CBS, 433-0003/4 (1983, promotional release, no gatefold cover, blue bricks, dark-brown printed title, with "LA PARED", tracklist on backcover with Ifesa credits, Cromos S.A. printing company, orange CBS labels, by Emporio Musical, no text on rim, promo stamp)



EMI Records, 5 09990 2988610 (E.E.C., february 2012 remastered issue, white gatefold cover with bricks, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, Optimal Media plant, coloured insert, picture EMI labels)

Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP11 (2016 PFR release, remastered version by Parlophone, 5099902988313, standard gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", black PFR sticker, plant: Record Industry, picture PFR labels)

Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP11 (2016 PFR release, remastered version by Parlophone, 5099902988313, standard gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, black PFR sticker, plant: Record Industry, picture PFR labels, misslabelled with two labels on Side 1)

Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP11 (2016 PFR release, remastered version by Parlophone, sticker with french text by Parlophone, 5099902988313, standard gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", black PFR sticker, plant: Record Industry, picture PFR labels)



CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1979, no gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, separation card inside, dark-red CBS-Sony glossy labels, songs-credits centered on bottom, type #1, six credits lines, yellow CBS-Sony word on rim)

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1979, gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, no band member's names inside, dark-red CBS-Sony glossy labels, songs-credits centered on bottom, type #1, six credits lines, yellow CBS-Sony word on rim)

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1979, gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, separation card inside, dark-red CBS-Sony glossy labels, songs-credits centered on bottom, type #2, five credits lines, yellow CBS-Sony word on rim)

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1979, no gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, separation card inside, dark-red CBS-Sony glossy labels, songs-credits left alligned on bottom, type #3, six credits lines, yellow CBS-Sony word on rim)

Masterworks Series.

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (no gatefold cover, Japanese motif without title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, red CBS-Sony labels with "Masterworks" on second line on rim, yellow CBS-Sony word on rim)

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (no gatefold cover, Japanese motif without title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, red CBS-Sony labels without "Masterworks", some text different than previous labels, yellow CBS-Sony word on rim)

Promotional Releases.

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1979, promotional release, no gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on backcover, no band member's inside, white/blue CBS-Sony labels, only title above center hole)

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1982, promotional release, gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on back, no band member's inside, white/blue CBS-Sony labels, only title above center hole)

CBS-Sony Records, LP-1383/84 (1982, promotional release, gatefold cover with purple bricks, blue Billboards motif, red title, blue credits & Blackgold logo on back, no band member's inside, white/blue CBS-Sony labels, title and one song above center hole)

Octoarts Reissue.

CBS, QCL 22159 (gatefold cover with blue bricks, black title in upper, tracklist, Octoarts credits & Pari member logo on backcover, band member's names inside, yellow-orange CBS labels, Octoarts credits on rim)



EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1st version, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker, blank space on inner without "We Shall We Do Now?", no plant name, no band member's names inside, picture labels, SACEM logo) [1A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1st version, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", no plant name, no band member's names inside, picture labels, SACEM logo) [1B]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, 2nd version, gatefold cover with bricks, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker with code "PM526", no band member's names inside, I.D.N. printing company, blank space on inner without "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [2A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, 2nd version, gatefold cover with bricks, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker with code "PM526", no band member's names inside, I.D.N. printing company, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [2B]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, standard gatefold cover with bricks, demo release with golden stamp "ADVANCE SAMPLE COPY", no band member's names inside, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [2C]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, standard gatefold cover with bricks, promotional release with promo embossed stamp "DISQUE GRATUIT - INTERDIT A LA VENTE", normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [2D]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, 3rd version, gatefold cover with bricks, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker with code "PM526", with band member's names inside, Glory Asnières printing company, blank space on inner without "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [3A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979/80, 3rd version, gatefold cover with bricks, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker with code "PM526", with band member's names inside, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", Glory Asnières printing company, picture labels, SACEM logo) [3B]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (2nd issue, 1982, gatefold cover with bricks, with classic pvc sticker & film sticker by Pathe Marconi on frontcover, no band member's names inside, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", Glory Asnières printing company, picture labels, SACEM logo) [3C]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (3rd issue, '80s, gatefold cover with bricks, Benelux credits, Uden plant, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker with code "PM526" & codebar, band member's names inside, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [4A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 168-63410/11 (3rd issue, 1987, gatefold cover with bricks, Benelux credits, Uden plant, Pathè Marconi pvc title sticker, code "PM747" on a gold sticker & discount, codebar, band member's names inside, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [4B]

EMI-Harvest, 16 3410 3 (4th issue, '80s, standard gatefold cover with bricks, codebar on backcover with "5 099916 341036", band member's names inside, normal inner text with "We Shall We Do Now?", picture labels, SACEM logo) [5A]



EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (1st issue, gatefold glossy cover with purple bricks, pvc sticker with title, EMI- Electrola logo & band member's names inside, EMI embossed, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, GEMA logo, code: LC 1305)

EMI-Harvest, 198 63410 (1LP, test-press copy, 1LP, white blank cover, white promo labels, "Unverkaufliche Musterplatte", date: 18.DEZ.1980)

EMI-Harvest, 198 63410 (1LP, test-press copy, 1LP, standard gatefold cover with bricks, white promo labels, "Unverkaufliche Musterplatte", date: 18.DEZ.1980)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (1st issue, gatefold glossy cover with purple bricks, EMI-Electrola logo & band member's names inside, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, misspress: labels without GEMA on Side 1 Record 1, classic picture labels, GEMA logo, code: LC 1305)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (1st issue, gatefold glossy cover with purple bricks, EMI-Electrola logo & band member's names inside, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, GEMA logo, code: LC 1305, misspress: Record 1 with two Side 2 songs)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (1st issue, gatefold glossy cover with purple bricks, EMI-Electrola logo & no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, classic picture labels, GEMA logo, code: LC 1305, misspress: Record 2 with two Side 4 labels)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (1st issue, mixed version: german cover & label, dutch lacquer, gatefold cover with bricks, EMI-Electrola logo inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, GEMA logo, code: LC 1305, dutch matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (2nd issue, mixed version: german cover, french Record 1, swedish Record 2, gatefold cover, EMI-Electrola logo inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, Record 1: 1C 198-63 410, Record 2: 7C 156-63411)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 (2nd issue, mixed version: german cover, french labels, gatefold cover, EMI-Electrola logo inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, catalog: 1C 198-63 410, french text on rim)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-16 3410 1 \ 1C 2LP 198 16 3410 3 (3rd issue, gatefold cover with purple bricks, white sticker with title, EMI-Electrola logo & band member's names inside, EMI embossed, "We Shall We Do Now?" on inner, codebar, white spine, picture labels, GEMA logo, code: LC 1305)


 Germania Est

EMI-Harvest, F 667 330/31 1C 198-63410/11 (Intershop release, standard gatefold cover with purple bricks, cream background, band member's names inside, picture labels, AWA logo, code: LC 1305)

Amiga, F 667 330/1 (2LP, test-press, fantasy cloured cover, blue promo labels, "UNVERKAUFLICHE MUSTERPLATTE", without songs names)

Amiga, F 667 330/1 (1LP, test-press, black cover with red catalog "198-64310", white promo labels, "Unverkaufliche Musterplatte", date: 18.DEZ.1980)



CBS Records-Sony, 40AP 1750-1 (test-pressing, 2LP, white cover with promo 1-page sheet, white labels, Sample/promo stamp) [1A]

CBS Records-Sony, 40AP 1751-1 (test-pressing, 2LP, classic gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, white labels, Sample/promo stamp) [1B]

CBS Records-Sony, 40AP 1751 (test-pressing, 1LP, classic gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, white labels, Sample/promo stamp) [1C]

CBS-Sony, 40AP 1750-1 (1979, classic gatefold cover with bricks, clear blue orizontal OBI, price: ¥4,000, insert, classic inner with "Hey You" on left first song in upper, picture labels, "CBS Records/Sony, Inc. Tokyo, Japan") [1D]

CBS-Sony, 40AP 1750-1 (1979, classic gatefold cover with bricks, clear blue orizontal OBI, price: ¥4,000, insert, classic inner with "Hey You" on right last song in bottom, picture labels, "CBS Records/Sony, Inc. Tokyo, Japan") [1E]

CBS-Sony, 40AP 1750-1 (1979, promotional release, classic gatefold cover with bricks, clear blue orizontal OBI, price: ¥4,000, insert, picture labels, promo stamp, "CBS Records/Sony, Inc. Tokyo, Japan") [1F]

Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP11/SIJP-22 (2016 PFR release, remastered version by Sony, classic gatefold cover with bricks, insert, standard picture labels, "Marketed and distributed by Sony Music Entertainment") [2A]




EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (1979, testpressing release, standard gatefold cover with bricks (some alternate copies: white blank cover), white DEIGMA labels, with "Made in Greece by C.G.C.G. Ltd.)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc sticker with title, EMIAL S.A. no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "M.T. 8385, 8586" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels, additional number: A/A 8385, 8386)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (1st issue, 1979, promotional release, gatefold cover with bricks, EMIAL S.A. promo sticker with DEIGMA, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc sticker with title, EMIAL S.A. no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "M.T. 8385, 8586" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels, additional number: A/A 8385, 8386, different matrix with "63410/11")

EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (2nd issue, 1979/80, gatefold cover with bricks, EMIAL S.A. band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "M.T. 8385, 8586" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels, additional number: A/A 8385, 8386)


EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (3rd issue, 1990, gatefold cover with bricks, EMIAL S.A. no band member's names inside, I.Leonardos S.A. plant, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "M.T. 8385, 8586" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels, additional number: A/A 8385, 8386, 6 colour variations)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (4th issue, 1991/92, gatefold cover with bricks, EMIAL S.A. no band member's names inside, MICHALIS ORFANOS plant, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "M.T. 8385, 8586" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels, ring: tight long, additional number: A/A 8385, 8386)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 166-63410/1 (4th issue, 1991/92, gatefold cover with bricks, EMIAL S.A. no band member's names inside, MICHALIS ORFANOS plant, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "M.T. 8385, 8586" on inner, 3 addresses, 127/3/13, picture Harvest labels, ring: tight short, additional number: A/A 8385, 8386, 3 colour variations)


 Hong Kong

CBS-Sony, 40AP 1750-1 (1st issue, gatefold cover with bricks, cream background, tracklist sticker on front, pvc sticker with title on back, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, catalog: 40AP 1750)

CBS-Sony, 40AP 1750-1 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, white background, without stickers on cover, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture labels, catalog: 40AP 1750)



EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (glossy gatefold cover with purple bricks, The Eagle Lithographic printing company, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "The Gramophone Company of India Limited")



EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (gatefold cover with purple/grey bricks, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, classic picture Harvest labels, "Made in Great Britain. EMI Records (U.K.)" on rim, "IRL" on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (gatefold cover with blue bricks, Carlton Production Dublin plant, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner & on label, yellow-green Harvest labels, "EMI Records Ltd." on rim, "IRL" on matrix)



CBS, CBS 88484 (1st issue, original issue, gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title and catalog, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on 4-pages thin insert, classic picture labels without BIEM or ACUM)

CBS, CBS 88484 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title and catalog, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on 4-pages thin insert, second discography insert, classic picture labels with ACUM logo)

CBS, CBS 88484 (2nd issue, original issue, promotional release, standard cover, with promo sticker on frontcover, double insert, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on insert, classic picture labels with ACUM logo)

CBS, CBS 88484 (2nd issue, regular issue, standard cover, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on 4-pages thin insert, classic picture labels with ACUM logo, misspress, Record 2 with both Side 4 labels)

CBS, CBSX 88484 (3rd issue, gatefold cover with blue bricks, pvc sticker with title, Pink Floyd Music Limited credits only on backcover, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, picture labels with BIEM logo)

CBS, CBS 88484 (limited edition, coloured framed vinyl: yellow & orange, gatefold cover with bricks, printed title & catalog, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull insert, classic picture labels without BIEM or ACUM)



EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1979, limited numbered issue, orange vinyl, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Great Britain. EMI Records (U.K.)")

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Great Britain. EMI Records (U.K.)", dates: 14-11-79 I on four matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, dates: 14-11-79 I on four matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "Hey You" at the end of Side 3 inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, picture Harvest labels, dates: 14-11-79 I on four matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, classic picture Harvest labels, misspress, blank label on Side 3, 1979 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, promotional release, with "CAMPIONE GRATUITO" on cover, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, classic picture Harvest labels, 1979 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, promotional release, with "COPIA PROFESSIONALE" "Vietata la vendita" blue sticker, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, 1979 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, january 1980, gatefold cover with bricks, with band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, 1979 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (1st issue, january 1980, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, plant: Caronno Pertusella, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, 1979 variants on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (2nd issue, 1982, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, 1982 on matrix, 1982 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (2nd issue, 1982, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, without text on labels on Side 4, 1982 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (3rd issue, 1986, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, 1986 on matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (3rd issue, 1986, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, 1986 on matrix, misslabelled, Side 4 without text)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 164-63410/11 (4th issue, 1989, gatefold cover with bricks, codebar, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, catalog: 3C 164-63410/11)

EMI-Harvest, 2-64 1634103 (5th issue, after 1989, gatefold cover with bricks, codebar, catalog: 2-64 1634103 on backcover, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Italy by EMI Italiana S.p.A" on labels, catalog: 3C 164-63410/11)



CBS, LP2S-92 (1st issue, standard gatefold cover with black bricks, printed title on front, Amprofon logo on backcover, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, orange CBS labels, CBS/Columbia Internacional credits)

CBS, LP2S-92 (1st issue, standard gatefold cover, translucent vinyl, printed title on front, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, orange CBS labels, CBS/Columbia Internacional credits)

CBS, LP2S-92 (2nd issue, no gatefold cover with purple bricks, printed title on front, Amprofon logo on backcover, white cut-hole inner, yellow-orange CBS labels)

CBS, LP2S-92 (2nd issue, no gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title on front, Amprofon logo on backcover, white cut-hole inner, yellow-orange CBS labels)


 Nuova Zelanda

CBS Records, S2BP 220216 (gatefold cover with purple bricks, printed title on frontcover, no band member's names inside, 2 insert with lyrics, reversed bricks & "Empty Spaces", picture labels, with "Penjane" credits)

CBS Records, S2BP 220216 (banned LP in South Africa, cut-hole South African Broadcasting Corporation, "Empty Spaces" on dull inners, picture labels, with "Penjane", censored S.A.B.C. stamp with "...Warning Not Suitable For Broadcast")

CBS Records, S2BP 220216 (gatefold cover with bricks, printed title on frontcover, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on dull inners, picture labels, with "Chappell" credits)



EMI-Harvest, 1A 154-63 410/11 (1st issue, glossy gatefold cover with bricks, pvc sticker with title, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner without brick motif, picture Harvest labels, "STEMRA" & "MADE IN HOLLAND")

EMI-Harvest, 1A 154-63 410/11 (1st issue, promotional release, glossy gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner without bricke motif, picture labels with demo sticker, "STEMRA" & "MADE IN HOLLAND")

EMI-Harvest, 1A 158-63 410/11 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "Printed in Holland" & "1A 158-63410" on dull inner, picture Harvest labels, "STEMRA" & "MADE IN HOLLAND")

EMI-Harvest, 1A 158-63 410/11 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner, "1C 198-63 410/411" on dull german inner, picture Harvest labels, "STEMRA" & "MADE IN HOLLAND")

EMI-Harvest, 1A 164-63 410/11 (3rd issue, glossy gatefold cover, purple bricks, pvc sticker with title, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner without brick motif, picture Harvest labels, "BIEM/STEMRA", "MADE IN HOLLAND", LC-1305)

EMI-Harvest, 1A 198-06 340/11 (4th issue, glossy gatefold cover with purple bricks, pvc sticker with title, catalog: "1A 198-1634103", picture Harvest labels)



CBS, S.E. 8476 (1st issue, no gatefold cover with bricks, by Industrial Sono-Radio, Offset DISCOSA printing company, dark-orange CBS labels, CBS logo on spindle hole, additional number: "R. I. 5731" on labels, right side with a box)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (1st issue, promotional release, no gatefold cover with bricks, by Industrial Sono-Radio, Offset DISCOSA printing company, dark-orange CBS labels, CBS logo on spindle hole, additional number: "R. I. 5731" on labels, right side with a box, promo stamp)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (2nd issue, no gatefold cover with bricks, by CBS Disco del Perù, Offset DISCOSA printing company, orange CBS labels, CBS logo on spindle hole, additional number: "R. I. 5731" on rim, no box on right, different rim with Industrial Sono-Radio credits also)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (3rd issue, no gatefold cover with bricks, by CBS Disco del Perù, Offset DISCOSA printing company, orange-yellow CBS Discos labels, orange-yellow CBS logo on upper, CBS Disco del Perù credits on rim, same labels-motif all four sides)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (3rd/4th issue, no gatefold cover with bricks, by CBS Disco del Perù, Offset DISCOSA printing company, orange-yellow CBS Discos labels, orange-yellow CBS logo on upper, CBS Disco del Perù credits on rim, different label-motif each record)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (4th issue, no gatefold cover with bricks, by CBS Disco del Perù, Offset DISCOSA printing company, orange-yellow CBS Discos labels, orange-yellow CBS logo on upper, CBS Disco del Perù credits on rim, same labels-motif all four sides, but different than the 3rd issue)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (Sono Radio promo for radio stations, no gatefold Discos Sono Radio cover, with a star motif, Industrial Sono-Radio credits, dark-orange CBS labels, by Industrial Sono-Radio, CBS logo on spindle hole, add number: "R. I. 5731" on labels, right side with a box, promo stamp)

CBS, S.E. 8476 (CBS promo for radio stations, no gatefold CBS cover, with CBS orange logo, Promocional Prohibida Su Venta text, orange-yellow CBS Discos labels, orange-yellow CBS logo on upper, CBS Disco del Perù credits on rim, different label-motif each record)



EMI-Harvest, 8E 196 63410/11 (1st issue, original, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, code: 2G, picture Harvest labels, VALENTIM DE CARVALHO CI SARL, catalog: 8E 196 63410 on labels, spine & inners)

EMI-Harvest, 8E 196 63410/11 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, code: 2Y, picture Harvest labels, VALENTIM DE CARVALHO CI SARL, catalog: 8E 196 63410 on labels, spine & inners)

EMI-Harvest, 8E 196 63410/11 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "Empty Spaces" on inner with vertical bricks, code: 2Y, picture Harvest labels, VALENTIM DE CARVALHO CI SARL, catalog: 8E 196 63410 on labels, spine & inners)

EMI-Harvest, 1634103 / 8E 196 63410/11 (3rd issue, 1983, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?", code: 2Y, catalog: 1634103 on cover & inners, picture labels, VALENTIM DE CARVALHO CI SARL, catalog: 8E 196 63410 on labels)

EMI-Harvest, 11C 164 63410/11 (4th issue, 1983, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inners, catalog: 11C 164 63410/11 on spine & inners, picture Harvest labels, catalog: 8E 196 63410 on labels)

EMI-Harvest, 1634103 (5th issue, 1990, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now" on inners, code: 2I, picture Harvest labels, EMI-VALENTIM DE CARVALHO MUSICA LDA, catalog. 1634103 on labels, spine & inners)



Santa Records, P-93 00567/68/69/70 ATR 30139/40/41/42 (1993, gatefold cover with blue bricks, title printed on frontcover, Santa Records logo on backcover, band member's names inside, white labels with blue bricks motif, no text on rim)

Santa Records, P-93 00567/68/69/70 ATR 30139/40/41/42 (1993, gatefold cover with blue bricks, title printed on frontcover, Santa Records logo on backcover, band member's names inside, red labels with black bricks motif, no text on rim)



CBS-Sony Records, 40AP 1750-1 (glossy gatefold cover with purple bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, Singapore & Malaysia credits on backcover, 2 sheet chinese insert, picture Harvest labels, JASRAC code)



EMI-Harvest, 10C 166 63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with black/blue bricks, pvc sticker with "PINK FLOYD THE WALL (EL MURO)", no band member's names inside, blank space on inner, picture Harvest labels, blue background, EMI-Odeon credits)

EMI-Harvest, 10C 166 63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with black/blue bricks, no band member's names inside, blank space on inner, picture Harvest labels, violet background, EMI-Odeon credits)

EMI-Harvest, 10C 166 63410/11 (1979, testpressing release, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, blank space on inner, white blank labels)

EMI-Harvest, 10C 166 63410/11 (1st issue, 1979, promotional copy, gatefold cover with black/blue bricks, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, picture Harvest labels, blue background, EMI-Odeon credits, promo gold sticker "MUESTRA INVENDIBLE DESTINADA A PROMOCION")

EMI-Harvest, 10C 166 63410/11 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, "Manufactured by EMI Odeon S.A." credits on backcover, no band member's names inside, normal inner text with "What Shall We Do Now?", picture Harvest labels, "Fabricado por Sonic, S.A.")

EMI-Harvest, 10C 166 63410/11 (2nd issue, promo EMI-Sonic Library, blank white cover, picture Harvest labels, "Fabricado por Sonic, S.A.", promo golden sticker and promo stamp)

EMI-Harvest, 166-1634103/13 (3rd issue, 1986, gatefold cover with purple bricks, catalog "166 1634103/13" on backcover, band member's names inside, no inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Spain. EMI-Odeon, S.A.")

EMI-Harvest, 166-1634103/13 (3rd issue, promo Tecnifòn Library, blank white cut-hole cover, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Spain. EMI-Odeon, S.A.", promo golden sticker and promo stamp)



CBS, SCBS 2462 (1st issue, 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on front, Interpack printing company, 125 Interpak logo, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, orange CBS Records labels, "Gramophone Record Co. (Pty.) Ltd." credits)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on front & movie coloured picture, blue background, Interpack printing company, 125 Interpak logo, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, orange/yellow CBS labels)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on front & movie coloured picture, orange background, Interpack printing company, 125 Interpak logo, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, orange/yellow CBS labels)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (3rd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, glossy, title printed on front & movie coloured picture, Artone Press printing company, 125 Artone logo, inverted inside motif, no band member's names inside, no inners, different orange CBS Records labels)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (3rd issue, standard gatefold cover or UK gatefold reissue cover with codebar, orange/yellow CBS labels, misslabelled, Side 1: Barbra Streisand "Memories" DNW-2703; Side 2, 3, 4: Pink Floyd "The Wall", cuts are Pink Floyd)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (3rd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, glossy, title printed on front & movie coloured picture, Artone Press printing company, 125 Artone logo, inverted inside motif, no band member's names inside, no inners, different orange CBS Records labels, misspress: record two with two sides 4 pressed)



Harvest Records, 7C 156-63 410/1 (1st issue, gatefold cover with blue bricks, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, SIB-Tryck Tumba printing company, "Empty Spaces" on dull inner, picture Harvest labels, "Made in Sweden E.M.I. Records (UK)", NCB logo)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 198-63 410/11 7C 156-63410/1 (Club pressing, german gatefold cover with purple bricks, german catalog on back & spine, band member's names & EMI-Electrola logo inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, picture Harvest labels, NCB logo)



CBS-Himalaya, CBR-8465 (1994, matt gatefold dull cover with blue bricks, little sticker with title, band member's names inside, no inner, CBS chinese credits on backcover, insert with titles & "What Shall We Do Now?", orange CBS labels, Himalaya logo)

CBS-Himalaya, CBR-8465 (1994, matt gatefold dull cover with blue bricks, promotional release, band member's names inside, no inner, CBS chinese credits on backcover, orange CBS labels, Himalaya logo, orange chinese sticker on cover and labels)

Lee Ming, LM-3028 (2LP, foil no gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on front with also Liming logo, lyrics on backcover with "What Shall We Do Now?", inside cover is an Eric Carmen LP, "Change of Heart" (LM-2921), red Liming labels)

Lee Ming, LM-3028 (1LP only, foil no gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on front with also Liming logo, lyrics on backcover with "What Shall We Do Now?", inside cover is an Eric Carmen LP, "Change of Heart" (LM-2921), red Liming labels)

JJ Record, JJB-6183-6184 (foil no gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on frontcover with JJR logo covered in white, backcover with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?", 2-paged insert, picture Harvest labels as japanese issue, catalog: JJB-6183-6184)

JJ Record, JJB-6183-6184 (matt no gatefold cover with purple bricks, 1980, title printed on frontcover with also JJR logo, backcover with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?", blu JJR labels, JJR logo on upper, date: 69 1, chinese text on rim)

JJ Record, JJB-6183-6184 (matt no gatefold cover with purple bricks, 1980, title printed on frontcover with also JJR logo, backcover with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?", emerald-green JJR labels, JJR logo on upper, date: 69 1, chinese text on rim)

Jia Jia Records, JJB-6183-6184 (matt no gatefold cover with purple bricks, 1980, title printed on frontcover with also JJR logo, backcover with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?", blue JJR labels, JJR logo on left, date: 69 1, chinese text on bottom, no text on rim)

Jia Jia Records, JJB-6183-6184 (matt no gatefold cover with purple bricks, early '80, title printed on frontcover with also JJR logo, backcover with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?", yellow JJR labels, JJR logo on left, no date, chinese text on bottom, no text on rim)

Jia Jia Records, JJB-6183-6184 (matt no gatefold cover with purple bricks, early '80, title printed on frontcover with also JJR logo, backcover with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?", white JJR labels, JJR logo on left, no date, chinese text on bottom, no text on rim)

Jia Jia Records, JJB-6183-6184 (mispress, no gatefold cover with purple bricks, 1980, title printed on frontcover with also JJR logo, mislabel, Side 1: blu JJR labels, Side 2: olive-green JJR labels (JJR logo upper), Side 3-4: blue JJR labels (JJR logo on left), date: 69 1, chinese text on bottom)

Chade, CH-1130~1 (standard heavy gatefold cover with bricks, backcover with CHIA HO chinese credits, blue Chia-Ho labels, Chade logo on upper, chinese rim on bottom)

Nova, MP-77-78 (standard no gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on white background sticker, backcover with Nova chinese credits, red/white OBI with Nova logo, black-white Nova labels)

Nova, MP-77-78 (mispress, standard no gatefold cover with bricks, backcover with Nova chinese credits, red/white OBI with Nova logo, black-white Nova labels, labels Disc 2 are inverted)

Nova, MP-77-78 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, big chinese sticker on bottom, backcover with Nova chinese credits, "The History Of Pink Floyd" chinese poster included, black-white Nova labels)

Kelly Records, KY-1006/7 (dull gatefold cover with grey/blue bricks, pvc sticker with title, chinese credits on backcover, no band member's names inside, printed insert with lyrics & "What Shall We Do Now?, black Kelly labels, no text on rim)

Kelly Records, KY-1006/7 (dull gatefold cover with grey/blue bricks, chinese credits on backcover, no band member's names inside, burgundy/red Kelly labels, chinese text on rim)

Kelly Records, KY-1006/7 (dull gatefold cover with grey/blue bricks, chinese credits on backcover, no band member's names inside, white/red-burgundy Kelly labels, chinese text on rim)

AR Records, AR-5213-14 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on frontcover, copyright credits on backcover, insert, blue AR labels, AR logo on upper, no text on rim)

Shock Records, PRO-4003/04 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on frontcover, yellow sticker with chinese text, credits on backcover, insert, green Shock labels, no rim text)

Shock Records, PRO-4003/04 (standard gatefold cover with bricks, title printed on frontcover, yellow sticker with chinese text, credits on backcover, insert, green Shock labels, no rim text,
mispresss, cuts Disc 2 are inverted



EMI Records, 1C 198-63410/11 (1980, no gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title on frontcover, credits on backcover with no band member's names, EMI logo, brown EMI labels, Plaksan logo & "P.1980" on bottom right, catalog: 1C 198-63410-11/1/2/3/4)

EMI Records, 1C 198-63410/11 (1980, no gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title on frontcover, credits on backcover with no band member's names, EMI logo, brown EMI labels, Plaksan logo & "P.1980" on bottom right, catalog: 1C 198-63411/1/2/3/4)

EMI Records, 1C 198-63410/11 (1980, no gatefold cover with bricks, printed title on frontcover, credits on backcover with no band member's names, EMI logo, brown EMI labels, Plaksan logo in vertical, "P.1980" on bottom right)

EMI Records, 1C 198-63410/11 (1980, no gatefold cover with purple bricks, printed title on frontcover, credits on backcover with no band member's names, EMI logo, brown EMI labels, Plaksan logo & catalog on the left in the EMI red word, "(P) 1980", GEMA logo)



EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (1st issue, november 1979, cream gatefold cover with purple bricks, pvc sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, inners with rounded corners, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (1st issue, november 1979, Demonstration EMI release, cream gatefold cover with purple bricks, promo text backcover, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (1st issue, test-pressing, both standard cover and blank white cover, white blank labels, also red blank labels or green blank labels, without text)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (1st issue, Export copies for France, cream gatefold cover with purple bricks, pvc sticker with title, Export sticker, no band member's names inside, golden sticker with code: PM 526/PM 527, "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, inners with rounded corners, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (2nd issue, 1979/1980, white gatefold cover with blue bricks, pvc sticker with title, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, inners with rounded corners, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (2nd issue, promotional release, promo sticker "Factory Sealed" on cover, white gatefold cover with blue bricks, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (2nd issue, white gatefold cover with blue bricks, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, inners with rounded corners, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels, misspress: Side 3-4 songs on both discs)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (3rd issue, white gatefold cover with blue bricks, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, catalog: 16 3410 3 & codebar on backcover, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest, SHDW 411 (3rd issue, cream gatefold cover with blue bricks, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on dull inner, catalog: 16 3410 3 & codebar on backcover, EMI Village plant, picture Harvest labels)

EMI Records, 8 59858 1 / EMD 1111 (digitally remastered, august 1997 release, gatefold cover with bricks, blurred image sticker, "Back Catalogue Girls" poster, codebar, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", picture EMI labels, catalog: EMD 1111)



CBS, 27226/7 (1st issue, gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title horizontally on frontcover, no band member's names inside, backcover with Sondor credits, Publigraf printing company, orange CBS labels, by Sondor, misspress: "Monney Lust")

CBS, 27226/7 (1st issue, promotional release, gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title horizontally on frontcover, no band member's names inside, backcover with Sondor credits, Publigraf printing company, orange CBS labels, promo stamp, misspress: "Monney Lust")

CBS, 8114/5-1 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, classic printed title, reversed motif inside, no band member's names inside, orange Discos CBS labels, by Giosa, credits on rim: "Productor fonografico Wel. S. A.")

Sondor "Emergency Covers" Releases.

CBS, 27227 (Sondor "Emergency Covers", 1982, promo-dj by Sondor, 1LP, VOLUMEN 2, clear-blue Sondor cover, K7-tape CBS Sondor card attached on front & back, orange CBS labels with promo stamp)

CBS, 27226 (Sondor "Emergency Covers", 1982, promo-dj by Sondor, 1LP, VOLUMEN 1, clear-blue Sondor cover, K7-tape R&R Gioscia card attached on front & back, orange CBS labels with promo stamp)

CBS, 27226 (Sondor "Emergency Covers", 1982, promo-dj by Sondor, 2LP, clear-blue Sondor cover, K7-tape R&R Gioscia card attached on front & back, orange CBS Records with promo stamp)

CBS, 27226 (Sondor "Emergency Covers", 1982, promo-dj by Sondor, 1LP, VOLUMEN 1, pink-orange Sondor cover, K7-tape CBS card attached on front & back, orange CBS labels)

CBS, 27226 (Sondor "Emergency Covers", 1982, promo-dj by Sondor, 1LP, VOLUMEN 2, pink-orange Sondor cover, K7-tape CBS card attached on front & back, orange CBS labels)

CBS, 8114/5-1 (Sondor "Emergency Covers", promo-dj by Wel S.A., 2LP, VOLUMEN 1, Wel S.A. Difusion coloured cover, K7-tape Well card attached on back, orange Discos CBS labels, by Giosa)



Original Release.

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, december 1979, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc white sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, december 1979, mispress, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels, mislabel: Side 1 with Side 3 label, correct cuts)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, promotional release, embossed golden promo stamp on left, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, promotional release, embossed golden promo stamp on left, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (testpressing, 1LP with Side 3 on each side, white blank cover, white labels)

Columbia, PC 33453 (US 1st issue, For Export Copy, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels, black band on credits on the labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, Military Sale Only copies, gatefold cover with bricks, embossed gold stamp "FOR MILITARY SALE ONLY" on backcover, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, december 1979, mispress, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels, mislabel, wrong press displaced labels Side 1-2)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (1st issue, december 1979, mispress, gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", misprint, upside-down and inverted inside cover, picture labels)


Columbia, PC2 36183 (2nd issue, october 1980, gatefold cover with blue bricks, pvc sticker with title, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (2nd issue, october 1980, gatefold cover with blue bricks, DJ Copy sticker, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (2nd issue, october 1980, gatefold cover with blue bricks, "Demostration Not For Sale", band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (2nd issue, october 1980, promotional release, gatefold cover with blue bricks, embossed golden promo stamp on backcover left or right, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (2nd issue, mispress, gatefold cover with blue bricks, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels, mislabel: Side 2 label with Patti Labelle, "I`m in Love Again")

Columbia, PC2 36183 (3rd issue, 1981, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc white sticker with title, codebar on backcover, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, PC2 36183 (3rd issue, 1982, gatefold cover with bricks, with movie coloured sticker also, pvc white sticker with title, codebar on backcover, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Columbia, H2C 46183 (Half-Speed Master, march 1983, CBS Records Mastersound issue, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc white sticker with title, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on thin inner, picture labels)

Columbia, H2C 46183 (Half-Speed Master, march 1983, CBS Records Mastersound issue, promotional release, embossed promo stamp on backcover, gatefold cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "WRITTEN BY ROGER WATERS...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture labels)

Capitol, 5 099902 988313 (testpressing release, 26-27 january 2012, 180g, white blank covers with stamps, RTI promo labels, TEST PRESSING text)

Capitol, 5 099902 988313 (february 2012 remastered issue, 180g, gatefold cover with bricks, pvc white sticker with title, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, Record Technology Incorporated in Camarillo plant, picture labels)

Capitol, 5 099902 988313 (february 2012, standard cover, mispressed, Mad Season "Above" LP, with "The Wall" on Side A)

Pink Floyd Records Remastered.

Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP11 (2016 PFR release, remastered version by Sony, 88875184281, standard gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", Record Industry plant, black PFR sticker, picture PFR labels, "16736" on matrix)

Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP11 (2018 repress PFR release, remastered version by Sony, 88875184281, standard gatefold cover with bricks, no band member's names inside, "PRODUCED BY DAVID GILMOUR...", Record Industry plant, black PFR sticker, picture PFR labels, "18009" on matrix)



CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (1st issue, gatefold cover with purple bricks, no title, tracklist & credits on backcover, "serie especial" & "P.V.P. Bs 76°°", no band member's names inside, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, code on rim: C) [1A]

CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (2nd issue, gatefold cover with bricks, title printed, tracklist & credits on back, "serie especial" e "P.V.P. Bs 76°°", orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, code on rim: R, different text on 4 labels: 1.capital, 2.normal, 3-4.italics) [2A]

CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (3rd issue, no gatefold cover cover with bricks, title printed, tracklist & credits on backcover, "P.V.P. Bs 410°°" on sticker, red CBS labels with big Side number, title: LA PARED, different text on 4 labels: 1.capital, 2.normal, 3-4.italics) [3A]

CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (4th issue, no gatefold cover cover with bricks, title printed, tracklist & credits on backcover, "P.V.P. Bs 410°°" on sticker, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, code on rim: F) [4A]

CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (4th issue, no gatefold cover cover with bricks, title printed, tracklist & credits on backcover, "P.V.P. Bs 410°°" on sticker, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, code on rim: I) [4B]

CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (4th issue, no gatefold cover cover with bricks, title printed, tracklist & credits on backcover, "P.V.P. Bs 410°°" on sticker, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, code on rim: A) [4C]

CBS, CS-10.341/10.342 (5th issue, no gatefold cover cover with bricks, title printed, tracklist & credits on backcover, "P.V.P. Bs 410°°" on sticker, red CBS labels without big Side number, title: LA PARED, different text on 4 labels: 1.capital, 2.normal, 3-4.italics) [5A]

"La Pared" single LP.

CBS, CS- 10.3 41 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. I", no gatefold cover with blue bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif, tracklisting & "P.V.P. Bs 55°°", no band member's names, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, Side 1 & 2, #A: code R)

CBS, CS- 10.3 42 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. II", no gatefold cover with blue bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif, tracklisting & "P.V.P. Bs 55°°", orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED. Side 3 & 4, #A: code R)

CBS, CS- 10.3 41 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. I", no gatefold cover with bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif, tracklisting & "P.V.P. Bs 120°°" on sticker, no band member's names, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, Side 1 & 2, short different rim, #B: code R)

CBS, CS- 10.3 42 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. II", no gatefold cover with bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif, tracklisting & "P.V.P. Bs 120°°" on sticker, orange-yellow CBS labels, title: LA PARED, Side 3 & 4, short different rim, #B: code R)

CBS, CS- 10.3 41 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. I", no gatefold cover with purple bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif, tracklisting & "P.V.P. Bs 205°°" on sticker, no band member's names, red CBS labels with big Side number, title: LA PARED, Side 1 & 2, #A)

CBS, CS- 10.3 42 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. II", no gatefold cover with purple bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif & tracklisting, red CBS labels with big Side number, title: LA PARED, Side 3 & 4, #A)

CBS,  CS- 10.3 41 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. II", no gatefold cover with bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif & tracklisting, red CBS labels with big Side number, Side numbers are attached from text on right, title: LA PARED, #A)

CBS Records, CS- 10.3 41 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. I", no gatefold cover with bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif, tracklisting & "P.V.P. Bs 205°°" on sticker, no band member's names, red CBS labels without big side number, title: LA PARED, #B)

CBS, CS- 10.3 42 (1LP, "La Pared Vol. II", no gatefold cover with bricks & title, backcover with Scarfe motif & tracklisting, different red CBS labels without big side number, title: LA PARED, #B)



EMI-Harvest, LSHV-79007/8 (1st issue, 1980, gatefold cover cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, catalog on backcover, picture Harvest labels, Jugoton Zagreb credits on rim, SOKOJ, 1980 dates on matrix, engineer: DP, Damir Pavunić)

EMI-Harvest, LSHV-79007/8 (2nd issue, 1981 gatefold cover cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, catalog on backcover, picture Harvest labels, Jugoton Zagreb credits on rim, SOKOJ, 1981 dates on matrix, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić)

EMI-Harvest, LSHV-79007/8 (3rd issue, 1988 gatefold cover cover with bricks, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, catalog on backcover, picture Harvest labels, Jugoton Zagreb credits on rim, SOKOJ, 1985,86,88 dates on matrix)



CBS, SCBS 2462 4-D2 (gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title, 2LP Set sticker, no band member's names inside, backcover with CBS logo, code "4-D2" & "125", white CBS labels, blue text, tracklist on all four sides, rim text only on upper)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (promotional Z.M.C. issue, no gatefold custom Z.M.C. cover, cut-hole sleeve, double Z.M.C. coloured logo, dirty-blue labels, Side 1,2: title and without tracklist, Side 3,4: with tracklist, "Marketed & Distribuited by Z.M.C.")

CBS, SCBS 2462 (promotional Z.M.C. issue, promotional release, gatefold cover with bricks, printed title, backcover with CBS logo, Belmont Printers printing company, code "4A Belmont Printers" & "125", clear blue labels, Z.M.C. credits, Sample stamp on two labels)

CBS, SCBS 2462 (Z.M.C. issue, gatefold cover with blue bricks, printed title, backcover with CBS logo, Belmont Printers printing company, code "4A Belmont Printers" & "125", clear blue labels, Side 1,2: title and without tracklist, Side 3,4: with tracklist, Z.M.C. credits)





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