Country:   India

Record company:   EMI-HARVEST RECORDS

Catalog number:   SHDW 411

Release informations:  unica edizione indiana, prodotta dalla The Gramophone Company of India Limited.

Issue Identification: glossy gatefold cover with purple bricks, The Eagle Lithographic printing company, band member's names inside, "What Shall We Do Now?" on inner, picture Harvest labels, "The Gramophone Company of India Limited".

Frontcover:  copertina bianca apribile con i mattoni, laminata.

Backcover:  retro della copertina standard con i mattoni, riporta la scritta "MANUFACTURED BY THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY OF INDIA LIMITED", in alto a destra sul retro della copertina c'è il numero di catalogo a lettere blu.

Label country:  India.

Label number:  SHDW 411

Label informations:  etichette della Harvest Records con il motivo dell'album.

Rim text:  le scritte intorno al bordo esterno sono in inglese e dicono "All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting and copying of this record prohibited".

Matrix numbers:  SHSP4111A-1C 26 692 A11 3 ; SHSP4111B-13 26693 MP 1 ; SHSP4112A-1B 26694 OL 3 ; SHSP4112B-1B 26695 5 OD (stampati).




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