Tribunale internazionale sul
Tribunal international
Tribunal penal internacional
La distrazione: La distrazione/ Ecloghe del Corsale Immagini
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G. Commare,
Cevengur, nella Valle del Belice In corpore viri di Gianfranco Ciabatti NOVITA': In memoria di
Maria Dellaqua, Del nome,
Davide Sparti, Qualcosa dell'America Margherita De Napoli, Come
Danilo Mandolini, Vivere
Antologica: Odon von Horvath
TO JUDGE BOTH THE INSTIGATORS AND THE PERPETRATORS OF GENOCIDE AND OTHER CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN GUATEMALA. -the Commission for an Historical Explanation of Events (C.E.H.), set up under a U.N. directive, dealing with peace treaties between guerillas (URNG) and the Guatemalan government has proved without a shadow of a doubt (in a document presented in Guatemala City on 25/2/99), that during the civil war in Guatemala genocide and crimes against humanity were committed, causing the death of more than 200,000 people (the majority of whom were civilians from the Maya population), -the C.E.H. has documented the direct involvement in crimes against humanity by Guatemalan government agents and paramilitary groups controlled by the government, -the documentation proves the responsibility of foreign governments,
e.g. the U.S.A.
-the resolution voted by the European Parliament in June of this year, (following the declaration of the President of the European Parliament (26/4/2000) regarding the situation in Guatemala; in which the Guatemalan government was asked to pursue, try and punish those responsible for crimes against humanity) has had no concrete results, -the statute of the International Penal Court clearly commits the International Community (17/7/98) to defend Human Rights and persecute those who are responsible of crimes against humanity, particularly where national governments have proven to be inadequate, -in May 1993 an International Penal Court was established (by a directive from the U.N. Security Council) to investigate crimes committed against humanity during the civil war in ex.Yugoslavia since 1991, WE LAUNCH AN APPEAL TO THE : - United Nations General Assembly
asking for firm action, to enable us to pass from theoretic declarations
of principles to concrete initiatives focusing on the interests of humanity,
rather than those of the Superpowers; and in a short period of time to
Dear G. C., I was very glad to learn of your initiative, and would be glad to support it. I would only suggest that if the effort succeeds, care be taken to keep Western crimes -- those of the US and its clients -- in the center of attention, where they belong. The great moral flaw of the Yugoslavia Tribunal is that it utterly exempts the West, even for exactly the same crimes for which people in the Balkans are condemned and sentenced. There is a very good article about this by Balkans specialist Robert Hayden, coming out in the Cleveland State Law Review; and other work as well. In the case of Guatemala, Western complicity is far more significant, and if it is evaded, the Tribunal will discredit itself. Noam Chomsky (Mi ha fatto molto piacere conoscere la vostra iniziativa e sarei lieto
di appoggiarla. Vorrei solo suggerire che, nel caso lo sforzo ottenga risultati
positivi, si faccia in modo di focalizzare l'attenzione sui crimini dell'Occidente,
cioè degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi clienti. Il grande limite morale
del tribunale per la Iugoslavia è che esso non si occupa affatto
delle responsabilità dell'Occidente, anche per quegli stessi crimini
per i quali nei Balcani la gente è giudicata e condannata. Su questo
argomento c'è un ottimo articolo di uno specialista della questione
balcanica, Robert Hayden, che uscirà nella Cleveland State Law Review,
e vi sono anche altri lavori. Nel caso del Guatemala, la complicità
occidentale è ancora più grave e se si tralascia questo aspetto
il Tribunale ne risulterà necessariamente discreditato.
Adesioni al 10. 9. 2001 REDAZIONE "IL GRANDEVETRO", Pisa
DARIO FO, premio Nobel
Instituto de Estudios Políticos, Económicos y Sociales
Reporte Diario de análisis de tendencias Guatemala, miércoles, 25 de abril de 2001 - Núm. 072 DERECHOS HUMANOS Demandan Justicia La Premio Novel de la Paz 1992, Rigoberta Menchú, quien mantiene una demanda contra el general retirado Efraín Ríos Montt, presidente del Congreso y a quien acusa de genocidio en Guatemala; demandó ayer "un tribunal ad hoc, que juzgue los delitos de lesa humanidad cometidos en América Latina, tal como se ha hecho en la ex Yugoslavia o Ruanda. Menchú, declaró que: "En Guatemala, donde han habido 200 mil muertos o desaparecidos, lo más importante para nosotros es no perder las evidencias del genocidio", para que se castigue a sus responsables. Sin embargo aseguró que eso no se alcanzará en Guatemala. Indicó además: "tenemos preparadas 52 querellas, pero no vamos a presenta ninguna de ellas en Guatemala, porque ahí desaparecen las pruebas, se secuestra a los expedientes, se persigue a los testigos y, por ello, hacerlo supondría, realmente, poner en riesgo a toda la gente". Mail to: