Sergio Vergalli 

Dept. of Economics 

University of Brescia 

Via San Faustino, 74/b 

25122 Brescia, Italy 








Publications    Authors    Books    Links    Homepage   

Publications and Working Papers on Real Options
Theoretical Papers

Downing, C. and N. Wallace, "A Real Option Approach to Housing Investment" ,mimeo.


Ebenfeld, S. and D. Seidel, "Buy or Not to Buy" ,mimeo.


Altomonte, c. and E. Perrings "The Hazard Rate of Foreign Direct Investment: a Structural Estimation of a Real Option Model" ,Innocenzo Gasparini Institute Working Papers.


Shackleton, M. B., A. E.Tsekrekos, and R. Wojakowski "Entry, exit and activation probability in a two—player real options game" ,mimeo.


Novy-Marx, R. "An Equilibrium Model of Investment Under Uncertainty" ,mimeo.


Pyo, U. "New Bounds on Real Option Values" ,mimeo.


Arnold, T. and T. F. Crack "Real Option Valuation using NPV" ,mimeo.


Grenadier,S. R., and N. Wang "Investment Timing, Agency and Information" ,The Bradley Policy Research Center, Working Paper.


Jing Chen "An Analytical Theory of Project Investment. A Comparison with Real Option Theory" ,mimeo.


Moretto, M. and P. Rosato "The Use of Common Property Resources: A Dynamic Model" ,Feem Working Paper.


Draho, J. "The Timing of Initial Public Offerings: A Real Option Approach" ,mimeo.


Padalino, R. "Strategie Competitive e Opzioni Reali" ,Department of Economic, Mathematical Sciences, Working Papers, University of Foggia.


Pawlina, G. and P. M. Kort "The Strategic Value of Flexible Quality Choice: a Real Options Analysis" ,mimeo.


Bosetti, V. and E., Messina "Quasi Option Value and Irreversible Choices" ,Feem Working Paper.


Samis, M, D., Laughton. and R., Poulin "Risk Discounting: The Fundamental Difference between the Real Option and Discounted Cash Flow Project Valuation Methods" ,KMC Working Paper 2003-1.


Huang, P.H. and J. A. Grundfest "The Unexpected Value of Litigation: A Real Options Perspective" ,Princeton Law and Public Affairs Working Paper Series.


Bessen, J. "Real Options and the Adoption of New Technologies" ,mimeo.


Padalino, R. "Opzioni reali e Investimenti in Ricerca e Sviluppo" ,mimeo.


Niemann, R. and C. Sureth "Taxation Under Uncertainty – Problems of Dynamic Programming and Contingent Claims Analysis in Real Option Theory" ,CESifo Working Paper No. 709 (1).


Trigeorgis, L. "Real Options and Investment Under Uncertainty: WHat Do We Know?" , National Bank of Belgium, WOrking Paper.


Trigeorgis, L "The Nature of Option Interactions and the Valuation of Investments with Multiple Real Options" ,The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 28, No. 1., pp. 1-20.


Arnold, T., T. F. Crack, and A. Schwartz "Valuing Real Options using Implied Binomial Trees and Commodity Futures Options" ,mimeo.


Arnold, T. and T. F. Crack "Using the WACC to Value Real Options" ,mimeo.


Dixit, A. "Hysteresis, Import Penetration, and Exchange Rate Pass-Through" ,The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 104, No. 2, pp. 205-228.


Pindyck, R. S. "The dynamics of commodity spot and futures markets: A primer" ,The Energy Journal; 22.


Dixit, A. and R. S., Pindyck "Expandability, Reversibility and Optimal Capacity Choice" ,in Brennan and Trigeorgis.


Dixit, A., R. S. Pindyck and S., Sodal "A Mark-up Interpretation of Optimal Rules For Irreversible Investment" ,NBER WOrking Paper, 5871.


Pindyck, R. S. "Volatility and Commodity Price Dynamics" ,The Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 24, No. 11, 1029–1047.


Dixit, A., and R. S. Pindyck "The Options Approach to Capital Investments" ,Harvard Business Review.


Dixit, A. "Entry and Exit Decisions under Uncertainty" ,The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 620-638.


Anam, M., S-H, Chiang and L. Hua "Uncertainty and International Migration: An Option cum Portfolio Model" ,mimeo.

Theoretical Papers: Labour

Badders, B., L. C. Clark and P. M. Wright "Uncertainty and Human Capital Decisions: Traditional Valuation Methods and Real Options Logic" ,CAHRS Working Paper Series.


Bhattacharya, M. and P. M. Wright "Recognizing Risk in Human Capital Investments: A Real Options Approach to Strategic Human Resource Management" ,CAHRS Working Paper Series.


Jacobs, B. "Real Option and Human Capital Investment" ,CESifo Wworking Paper n. 1982.


Moretto, M.,and G., Rossini "Are Workers’ Enterprises Entry Policies Conventional" ,Feem Working Paper, 31.2007.

Theoretical Papers: Migration

Moretto, M. and S. Vergalli "Migration DYnamics" ,The Journal of Economics.


Anam, M., S-H. Chiang and L. Hua "Uncertainty and International Migration: An Option cum Portfolio Model" ,mimeo.


Moretto, M. and S. Vergalli "Managing Migration through Quotas: an Option-theory Perspective" ,Feem Working Paper.


S. Vergalli "The Role of Community in Migration Dynamics" ,Feem Working Paper.

Environmental Economics

Dosi, C. and M. Moretto, "Is Ecolabelling a Reliable Environmental Measure?" ,University of Padua Working Paper.


Sheridan Titman "Urban Land Prices Under Uncertainty" ,The American Economic Review, Vol. 75, No. 3., pp. 505-514.


Robert S. Pindyck "Irreversibilities and The Timing Of Environmental Policy" ,mimeo.


D'ALpaos, C. and M. Moretto "The Value of Flexibility in the Italian Water Service Sector: A Real Option Analysis" ,Feem Working Paper, n. 140.2004 .


Dosi,C. and M., Moretto "Environmental Innovation, War of Attrition and Investment Grants" ,Feem Working Paper, 156.2004.


Jones, G. and , K-H., Storchmann "Wine market prices and investment under uncertainty: an econometric model for Bordeaux Crus Classés" ,Agricultural Economics 26, 115–133.


Pindyck, R. S. "Irreversibilities and the timing of environmental policy" ,Resource and Energy Economics 22, pp. 233–259.


Pindyck, R. S. "Optimal timing problems in environmental economics" ,Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 26, 1677 – 1697.


Pindyck, R. S. "Uncertainty in Environmental Economics" ,Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.

Applied Papers

Gonzalo, C. "Simulation and Numerical Methods in Real Options Valuation" ,mimeo.


Quigg, L. "Empirical Testing of Real Option-Pricing Models" ,The Journal of Finance, Vol. 48, No. 2., pp. 621-640.


Baudry, M. "A Real Option Model with Bayesian Learning and its Application To Environmental Preservation" ,CREREG Working Paper.


Bosetti, V. and D. Tomberlin "Real Options Analysis of Fishing Fleet Dynamics: A Test" ,Feem Working Paper, 102.2004.


Colwell, D., T., Henker and J., Ho "Real Options Valuation of Australian Gold Mines and Mining Companies" ,mimeo.


Moel, A. and P. Tufano "When are real options exercised? An empirical study of mine closings" ,mimeo.


Favato, G. and R. W. Mills "Real Options for PlayStation" ,Henley Discussion Paper Series.


Lavoie, B. M. "Real Options and the Management of R&D Investment: An Analysis of Comparative Advantage, Market Structure, and Industry Dynamics in Biotechnology" ,Dissertation.


Pindyck, R. S. "Mandatory Unbundling and Irreversible Investment in Telecom Networks" ,NBER Working Paper, 10287.


Berndt, E. R., R. S.,Pindyck, and P., Azoulay "Consumption Externalities and Diffusion in Pharmaceutical Markets: Antiulcer Drugs" ,Journal of Industrial Economics.


Dickens,R. N., and J. Lohrenz "Evaluating Oil and Gas Assets: Option Pricing Methods Prove No Panacea" ,Journal Of Financial And Strategic Decisions, Volume 9 Number 2.


Lund, M. W. "Real Options in Offshore Oil Field Development Projects" ,mimeo.


Davis, G. and R. Schantz "Selling and Managing Offshore Oil Leases: A Real Options Analysis" ,mimeo.


James L. Paddock; Daniel R. Siegel; James L. Smith "Option Valuation of Claims on Real Assets: The Case of Offshore Petroleum Leases" ,The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 103, No. 3., pp. 479-508.


Smith, J. E. and K. F. Mccardle "Valuing Oil Properties: Integrationg Option Pricing and Decision Analysis Approach" ,Operations Research, Vol. 46, No. 2.


Pindyck, R. S. "The long-run evolution of energy prices" ,The Energy Journal, 20 (2).


Pindyck, R. S. "Volatility in Natural Gas and Oil Markets" ,The Journal of Energy and Development, Vol. 30, n. 1.

Industrial Economics

Dosi, C. and M. Moretto, "Concession Bidding Rules and Investment Time Flexibility" ,Feem Nota di Lavoro.


Moretto, M. and G. Rossini "Start-up Entry Strategies: Employer vs. Nonemployer firms" ,Feem Working Papers.


M. Moretto and P. Panteghini "Preemption, Start-Up Decisions And The Firms’ Capital Structure" ,CeSifo Working Paper No. 2006.


Robert S. Pindyck "Mandatory Unbundling And Irreversible Investment In Telecom Networks" ,mimeo.


Moretto, M., P. Panteghini and C., Scarpa "Investment Size and Firm's Value under Profit Sharing Regulation" ,CESifo Wroking Paper Series No 1040.


Pindyck, Robert S. "Sunk Costs and Real Options in Antitrust" ,MIT Sloan Working Paper 4545-05.


Chiara D.Alpaos, C. , C. Dosi and M. Moretto "Concession Length and Investment Timing Flexibility" ,Feem Working Paper, n. 32.2005.


Bloom, N. "The Real Options Effect of Uncertainty on Investment and Labor Demand" ,IFS Working Paper.


Caballero, R. and R. S. Pindyck "Uncertainty, Investment and Industry Evolution" ,International Economic Review, Vol. 37, No. 3..


























Dixit, A. and R. Pindyck, Investment Under Uncertainty




CESifo: Operating Uncertainty Using Real Options



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