
Trevisan's art is at the same time easy and mysterious, and there is serenity and peace in it. This is the message he wants to give the painter and his artistic mission. He tries, with his paintings, to help people bring their inner world, their imaginations, their dreams, the most poetic and creative side of their character.

Still, fantasy and reality are confusing. He depicts objects, animals, or characters on a clean, generally uniform background to facilitate the observer's freedom in his fantasies and emotions. He leads the observer into a world of fairytales, makes him dream of daylight, thanks to his delicate and light-hearted brushstroke like the touch of a magic wand. When he decides to paint a subject this becomes the absolute protagonist of the work.
It often depicts trees symbolizing the life that springs and flourishes from the earth or the white clouds on a blue sky that represent lightness, infinity, eternity, and peace. Or animals represented and observed with the eyes of innocence and simplicity to gather in their almost human messages.
He combines the brilliance of the brushstroke (he uses extraordinary brushes) with the simplicity of the shape. Every detail is carefully thought out and painted and this facilitates the harmony of the work.

Trevisan strikes for his ability to be able to lead those who can observe with his free and playful spirit his work in a fairytale world, to make him dream in open eyes thanks to his delicate and light-hearted brushstroke like the touch of a magic wand. The artist depicts objects, animals or characters on a clean and generally uniform background. The painted subject is presented outside its usual context. Diverted from its primary function, it is considered simply for its aesthetic and poetic properties. Trevisan’s art is at once accessible and enigmatic, combining virtuoso brushwork and simplification of form,  with objects, animals or characters on a clean and generally surreal  uniform background. The plain surface marries with the background in perfect symbiosis. The artist constructs his canvas like a puzzle. Every detail is carefully thought out and created, and contributes to the harmony of the whole. The composition opens into an infinite space where fantasy and reality merge.

It is not the painting that counts, but the effect it is in the mind of those who look at it. Life is color, smile, positivity, fantasy. With his artworks I convey this positive sense of life. Trevisan’s painting is made of ideas and dreams that take shape by giving the viewer a window of life to cross and then travel with his own emotions, feelings, and passions.

Hugh Morrison


Beyond Painting
a surreal life in the art (2019) english
Critical text published in the monographic catalog...

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