The project Children and Environment in Brescia, sponsored by the Social Centre of
Coop Lombardia and occasionally by the Council of the City, has been proposed with
different titles during the years to the schools: 1997-98 Giochiamo con il Parco
- Let's play with the Park, 1998-99 Occhi Bambini sulla città - Baby eyes on the
City, 1999-2000 Le Fiabe della Natura - The Tales of Nature, 2001-2001 , I Bambini
e la Natura (facciamo insieme un CD ROM) - Children and Nature (let's make a CD ROM
together), 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 Navighiamo nei Parchi (dalla natura al computer
e ritorno) - Lets’navigate the Parks (from Nature to computers and back), 2004-2005
Le storie multimediali dei bambini e della natura - The multimedia Stories of Children
and Nature., 2005-2008 Scopriamo e raccontiamo la natura sotto casa (Let’s discover
and tell the Nature close to us) and Mettiamo la Natura in Mostra (Let’s put Nature
in an exhibition)
2003 Alla scoperta della Natura in città, CD ROM
2005 Concittadini inaspettati (the video)
2007 Concittadini inaspettati (the exhibition)
2008 (re-mix) Scopriamo e raccontiamo la natura sotto casa, video with the children
of the nursery school
Here is the list of the other projects I worked about concerning children and environment.
1987-88 Esperienze guidate di accostamento all'ambiente - Guided Experiences of approaching
Environment, Brescia, Municipal Nursery Schools.
1988 Volando con le api scopriamo il mondo della natura - Flying with Honeybees we
discover the natural World, Milan, Municipal Nursery Schools, with the TRAPPER co-op
1988-89 La meravigliosa Storia vera del Pino dagli Aghi lunghi e dei suoi Amici
The wonderful true Story of the long needle Pine and his friends, Brescia, Municipal
Nursery Schools
1991 E' interessante la Pigna Volante? - Is it interesting the flying cone?, Brescia,
Municipal Nursery Schools
1991-92 Brescia la città - Brescia the Town, Brescia, Municipal Nursery Schools
1993 Il TG nel Parco - TV News from the Park, Cremona, with children during a fair.
1996 Le Fiabe della Natura - The Tales of Nature, Brescia, Municipal Nursery Schools
1997 I Bambini e l'Ambiente - Children and Environment, Arcore (Milano), Ombriano
(Cremona), Soresina (Cremona), elementary schools, with Coop Lombardia
1997-98 Giochiamo con il Parco - Let's play with the Park, Cassano d'Adda (Milano),
elementary school, with Coop Lombardia
1998 Ciak si gira! - Let’s make a film of us, Cazzago San Martino (Brescia), nursery
1998 Le storie di Camignone - The Stories of Camignone, Camignone (Brescia), Nursery
1998-99 Occhi Bambini sulla città - Baby eyes on the City, Cassano d'Adda (Milano),
Soresina (Cremona), elementary school, with Coop Lombardia
1999 3 Tribù e un Monte solo - 3 Tribes and one only Mountain, Cologne (Brescia),
elementary school
2002 La Bissa - The Bissa, Travagliato (Brescia), elementary school, with Coop Lombardia
2002-2003 La natura e noi - Nature and us, Collebeato (Brescia), elementary school,
with Coop Lombardia.
For the Regione Lombardia, I made a CD ROM based on the exhibition Riri - Risorsa
Rifiuti (Waste as a Resource), published in 2002 and available for free for schools,
educators etc. asking for it by the site of the Castello di Belgioioso Fairs.
For the "Consorzio per l'incremento dell'irrigazione nei territori Cremonesi" and
Coop Lombardia,I made inl 2003 the video Il sentiero dell'irrigazione (The Path of
Irrigation), for didactic use with students in low secondary schools.
For Legambiente I made in 2004 the CD ROM Il Giocamare, delivered to children in
ports by the the Goletta Verde (GreenSchooner).