Children of Rinaldini elementary school in Brescia go down in their garden at the end of autmnn. Instead of usual running and playing, they go and explore and these are only some examples of what they find. What a fantastic surprise!
Maybe it is the “experience”, that makes now for us the job easier and simpler: only to say to children “Go and look around!”. Maybe is the new digital camera that allows to watch very close and clear, even the smallest things.
Before going exploring directly, children have gone browising the CD ROM published with the work of other children in other parks and gardens: pictures, voices, multimedia and video clips, They know, and recognize, and add something new at all!
After seeing red mites (very small) on the CD ROM, children meet them in the reality and shot them closer and bigger!
Right, the drawing of an insect, very interesting and beautiful, but still unknown.
Above, an insect of the order of "Thysanura", very primitive animals, almost prehistorical.