We was child togheter |
S’era ragazzi ‘nsieme |
made the whip for his own ass |
fatto la frusta pel su culo |
We took a jacket of water |
S’hè preso ‘na giubbata d’acqua |
Saint Donato, the winter has come |
San Donato, l’inverno è arivato |
Santa Firmina, Le Poggiola and Chiani don’t stay quiet with the hands |
Santa Firmina, Le Pggiola e Chiani n’unne stan fermi co’ le mani |
It will be better put the hands forward, as told the one that was falling
to big mouths |
Sara' meglio mettè le mani avanti, come disse quello che cadiva a
bocconi |
If the numb fly, they’ll give you food with the sling |
Se ‘l coglion volasse, the darebbon da mangà‘ co’ la sfionda |
If my grandfa had the balls he was a flipper |
Se ‘l mi nonno aiva tre palle era ‘n flipper |
If I don’t sheet I esplode |
Se ‘n caco schianto |
If it isn’t soup, it’s wet bread |
Se ‘nnè zuppa è pan mollo |
ugly as Mr Fei, that frightened a herd of bears and the youngest died |
brutto quant'el Fei, che fece paura a'n branco d'orsi e 'l più picino
murì |
You're ugly as the label of the posion |
Se' brutto quante l'itichetta del veleno |
We knock by thw cold |
Se bussa dal freddo |
You are like the dog of fano, that while others was having sex, he licked
his ball |
Se' come el can de Fano, che mentre quel’altri trombaveno lù se
leccava le palle |
We do the dark and the water |
Se fa el buio e l’acqua |
If my grandma has the wheels was a cart |
Se la mi’ nonna aèa le rote era ‘n carretto |
We pick out the win fros the bottles |
Se leva 'l vin dai fiaschi |
We eat what give the monastery |
Se mangia quel che passa ‘l convento |
You are red as a turkey |
Se' rosso come 'n billo |
Your thin as a door |
Se' secco come 'n uscio |
You arrived after the fires |
Se’ arivo doppo ‘fochi |
You are white and red like a ball of chards |
Se’ bianco e rosso come ‘na palla dè pulezze |
You are of easy fishing |
Se’ d’abocco facile |
You are out as a balcony |
Se’ de fori come ‘na terrazza |
You are of short skin |
Se’ de pelle corta |
You are hard as green pine |
Se’ duro come ‘na pina verde |
You’re worse than little children |
Se’ peggio de citti picini |
You’re more dumb that long |
Se’ più coglion che lungo |
You are more dumb that Ammene, that took away the thirst with the ham |
Se’ più coglion de Ammene, che se cavava la sete col pruciutto |
You are more dumb that Cacco, that went to pick up pulses with the ladder |
Se’ più coglion de Cacco, ch’andava a cogliè’ i bacelli co’ la
scala |
You are more dumb that seeded beans with the gun |
Se’ più coglion del Bista, che piantava i fagioli co’la rivoltella |
You are more dumb that poor Schjfo, that rolled in ascent |
Se’ più coglion del poro Schjfo, che barullava ‘n salita |
You are more ignorant than a miccia (not traslatable) |
Se’ più ignorante de ‘na miccia |
You are more dirty tha the Lonzi, that had a wash in the Chiana and went
out dusty |
Se’ più suddecio del Lonzi, che fece ‘l bagno ‘llà Chiana e scappò
polvaroso |
You are all ass |
Se’ tutto culo |
Sign you that flash |
Segnete che balena |
You seem the child of poor nobody |
Sembri el fiol del poro nissuno |
If I stayed in this way I didn't eat, as told that one after dinner
Si stavo cusì un mangiavo, disse quelo doppo cena |
If I take you between the hands you resist as the scream of a young cat |
Si te piglio ‘nfra le mani, duri quante el bercio d’un gatto
bighino |
If you have a shadow of walnut tree |
Si tu aesse ‘na marigge de nocio |
Yes, good Ugo.. |
Sì, bona Ugo… |
I’m just arrived |
So becch’arivo |
I’m half |
So mezzo |
I’m full like an egg |
So pieno come ‘n ovo |
I’m tired dead |
So stracco morto |
I’m all an hill |
So tutto ‘n dolore |
Hope that continue, told the one that was rolling down by the roof |
Speriamo che duri, disse quello che barullava dal tetto |
I stay as a blind chicken |
Sto come ‘n pollo cieco |
This wine fill up |
Sto vino alappa |
Dirty as a chiken run’s skip |
Suddecio come ‘n baston da polaio |
Much I want to go down, as told the one that round-in-ground from his
bike |
Tanto vulivo scendere, come disse quello che barullò de bicigretta
I load you at chestnuts |
Te carco a brice |
I load you bu punches |
Te carco de botte |