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Vocabolario - Dictionary 


page 2


Farmer big shoes and thin brain

Contadino, scarpe grosse e cirvello fino

This is not the way, as said the one that was drawning

Cusì ‘nnè ‘l modo, come disse quel ch’afogheva

I round you by the slaps

Da li schiaffi t’arvolto

Give reason to a stupid

Dà retta a ‘no stupeto

Give ‘em thin

Dagnene secche

Give me one that two had died

Dammene un chè me n’è morti dua

Of house, is there anybody?!

De chesa, c’è nissuni?!

O what is present don’t less nothing

De quel che c’è ‘n amanca gniente

God on the donkey and Joseph by walk

Dio sul ciuco e Beppe a piedi

Straight as a duck’s neck

Dritto come ‘n collo d’ocio

Straight as the road of Poti

Dritto come la via de Poti

It resists from Christams to Saint Stephan

Dura da Natale a Santo Stefeno

You resists as under water

Duri quante sott’acqua

Hard as the La Verna’s big stone

Duro come ‘l sasso spicco de La Verna

Strong as a knock of an olive tree

Duro quante ‘n cozzo d’ulivo

He went to leg-at-air

E' ito a gamb'a l'aria

She's a little cold chestnut

E' 'n po' na bricia fredda

He’s drunk as a sieve

E’ ‘briaco come ‘na staccia

This is the priest’s mouthful

E’ ‘l bocon del prete

It’s its beautiful

E’ ‘l su’ bello

It’s a muothful greedy

E’ ‘n bocon da ghiotti

It’s a piece that we didn’t see

E’ ‘n pezzo che ‘n ce se vede

He’s good as the bread

E’ bono come ‘l pane

He’s hot as the piss

E' caldo come ‘l piscio

It’s like the wife of the poor Trombino: less that nothing

E’ come la moglie del poro Trumbino: men de gniente

It’s like to put a tie to pig

E’ come mette’na ‘cravatta a ‘n maiale

It’s like piss in the flowers

E’ come piscià’nne’fiori

It’s like take the charms to a baby

E’ come rubba’le caramelle a ‘n cittino

It’s like rub in the house of bandits

E’ come rubbare ‘n casa de’ ladri

It’s like fight against a sheeter

E’ come sparare a un che caca

You told move…

E’ ditto scansete…

It’s hard angry

E’ duro ‘nguastito

He become a youngman

E’ fatto ‘n giovanotto

He went on beast

E’ ito ‘n bestia

He went in confusion

E’ ito ‘n cimbanelle

Is better be frightened that remedy

E’ meglio avè ‘paura che buscanne

Is more the sofference that the pleasure

E’ più ‘l patì ‘che ‘l godere

He’s thin used up

E’ secco strunito

He went down to dead-daddy

E’ vinuto giù a babomorto

Eh the wish will leave you

Eh te passa la voglia…

The warmth of the sheet doesn't make boil the pot

El caldo dei lenzoli un fà bullire la pentela

The dumb you've got in head

El coglion ch'ai nel capo

The worst has to come, said the one that ate the pruning-knife and shit the handle

El peggio c'ha da venì, disse quello che ingollò la roncola e arcacò ‘l manneco

He does as Sant Alò: before died and after falled hill

Fa come Sant’Alò: prima murì e pù s’amalò

He does more damage than the hail

Fè più danno dela grandine

You need less time to jump him that round him

Fè prima a saltallo ch’a giragni ‘ntorno

You make the milk come to the knees

Fè vinire el latte ai ginocchi

Fedelisarca all a ship

Fedelisarca tutti ‘na barca

Dense as the foxtail

Fitti come ‘l panico


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