Guides of St. Martin Of CASTROZZA


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St. Martin of Castrozza A.P.T. S.Martino of Castrozza, Former and Vanoi Benvenuti hotel san sea
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Martin of Castrozza, Valleys of the Former one and Vanoi > St. Martin of Castrozza Contenuto - skip St. Martin of Castrozza San Martin opened to the tourism during the last decades of 1800, thanks to the arrival of the English and Germanic mountain climber; the first hotel rose in 1873 and, since then, St. Martin entertained personality as S.
St. Martin is at the same time simple and precious, elegant and disengaged: Arthur Schnitzler, in his/her novel of beginning century "You Miss Hilts", he/she writes: "The air of St. Martin is fizzy as the champagne", and Richard Strauss found here the inspiration for his famous "Symphony of the Alps"..
Who comes you it is found ahead the stately show of the dense woods and the rocky steeples that you/they are dyed of rose and then of red hot sun to the sunset: the enrosadira.
The wood guards secrets and legends as that of the Mazarol, wild man that taught to the local people the cheese art, the Guanes, fatine from the upside-down foot, protectresses of the nature, the Caza Beatrik, terrible masculine figure accompanied by dogs to five legs with which atterisce the wayfarers.

S. Martin of Castrozza, Valleys of the Former one and Welcome Vanoi Trentino
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Martin of Castrozza, Valleys of the Former one and Vanoi Contenuto - skip S.
Martin of Castrozza, Valleys of the Former one and Vanoi 60 km of footsteps in a valuable environment, paesini of mountain, warm hospitality and activity over the ski characterize this angle in the Dolomites you variety of environments and landscapes it is the merit of this tourist area: St. Martin of Castrozza, prestigious and vivacious skiing station; I pass Rolle, the pass to 2000 meters where he for over 5 months; Former, a valley with attractive countries of mountain to little distance from the footsteps; Vanoi, a valley with small countries and wide forests.
This valuable environment is protected from over 30 years from the Natural Park Paneveggio Pale of St. Martin.
The offer ski is ample: 60 km of alpine ski footsteps, 30 km of layouts for the fund, modern and fast fittings, innevamento programmed on 95% of the ski area, nighttime ski, 2 snowparks, kinderheim and areas game on the snow for his/her/their children.
Besides, innumerable possibilities for excursions afoot, with snow rackets and mountaineering ski in the woods innevati, on the Shovels of St. Martin and in the Lagorai.

RESIDENCEHOTELS In the Dolomites - apartments - residence - hotel - residencehotels
Binding and embellished by the splendid panorama of the Shovels the footsteps of the Tognola; ideal for the family and the middle skier those of the Malga Ces; I live school to few minutes from the Residence; spectacular ring for the fund in the Natural Park of Paneveggio.
Calm and romantic St. Martin preserves the charm of the place of another epoch.
Numerous the characteristic places and the traditional parties.


RESIDENCE LASTEI - apartments S.MARTINO Of CASTROZZA - Residencehotels in the Dolomites
To the Residence Lastei vacation sport and relax to the feet of the famous Shovels.
60 km of footsteps and panoramas mozzafiatos will accompany from the dawn to the sunset your descents, inside the natural park of Paneveggio; to try, in a day, the "carousel of the malghes" long footsteps of various difficulties.
After a standstill in one of the so many aprèses ski to warm up before to a punch in company, all ready ones to take back for feeling the emotion of the you in nighttime on the footstep opened Colverde, in some periods of the year, up to the 23:30.
Reserved directly in the residence your individual or collective lessons of ski with the teacher it foresees every Saturday.
To St. Martin not only ski: excursions with the snow rackets, trips on the troika, traditional sleigh of wood, climbed on ice with the alpine guides, scrambled indoor, skating on ice and covered tennis.


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hotel Restaurants Former - hotel You Pearl - hotel trentino - Dolomites - Valley of the Former one
FLY SKI Shuttle from Venice in the Valley of Former.
L' Hotel You Pearl is found in the Valley of Former in the heart of the Trentino, overhung by the stately Shovels of St. Martin of Castrozza and surrounded by the territory of the Natural Park of Paneveggio.
The family Tavernaro will be pleased to offer you a warm and relaxing environment, personally delighting you with the typical kitchen prepared primierotta from the Sig.

Hotel St. Martin Of Castrozza, Hotels St. Martin Of Castrozza ©
The hotel is found on the Footstep Rolle in the natural Park of Paneveggio and Shovels of St. Martin, one of the most beautiful footsteps dolomitici to 1984 mt.
Sets in sunny position you/he/she is surrounded from fiabeschi and marvelous woods of conifers through which paths and itineraries are untied for healthy and suggestive walks.

Information Hotel St. Martin Of Castrozza ©
St. Martin of Castrozza is a note situated tourist (winter and summer) place in the tall valley of the Former one, in the oriental Trentino.
St. Martin makes part of the communes of Siror and Tonadico.
St. Martin owes his/her origin to a very ancient religious institution, the ancient Hospice of the Saints Martin and Giuliano, that you/he/she welcomed the wayfarers that crossed the Footstep Rolle, directed by the Former one to the Val of Fiemme and vice versa.
Of the ancient hospice now the church of St. Martin remains only, with Romanesque bell tower.
The birth of St. Martin of Castrozza as tourist station you/he/she is dated 1873, with the construction of the first alpine hotel that replaced the legnaia of the ancient hospice, on proprosta of the mountain climber English John Ball.
In the first decade of the Nine hundred St. Martin of Castrozza as tourist place was already affirmed and it was place known by the good society of the empire Austro-Ungarico.
The development of the station after the devastations of the first world war has been rapid, both in the sense dellla structures hotel-receptive, both in that of the fittings of gone up again and sporting.
St. Martin has abandoned in a green meadow basin, surrounded by the Park Natural Paneveggio-shovels of St. Martin.

Open Directory - World: Italian: Regional: Europe: Italy: Trentino-tall Adige: Province of Trento: Place: St. Martin of Castrozza: Tourism: Hotel
Hotel Paladin - 3 stars in sunny position and tanquilla, it illustrates the outside, the insides and the services.
Hotel Plank - a stonesthrow from the fittings of gone up again, it describes the services, the history, the panoramas and summer and winter prices.
Hotel St. Martin - Images of the rooms, rooms, services and the history of the hotel 3 stars.

Official site of the Dolomites - Dolomites on line - Dolomites Official Site - dolomites - dolomiten
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The district St. Martin of Castrozza Primiero, englobed between the Val of Fiemme and north Fassa and the province of south Belluno, you/he/she is crossed by the stream Cismon.
For the tourist, the vacation to St. Martin of Castrozza and Former you/he/she has enriched from the notable merit of the natural environment: not only the spellbound landscape of the Shovels of St. Martin, the vast territories of the Lagorais in which it forgets him of the man's presence, the big wealth of flora and fauna, but also the guarantee of a Natural Park that from over 30 years it protects the environment and it proposes new and different formalities of fruition.
Fair of Former (m 730), in the green basin of the Former one, together with the near countries, it is a pleasant station of summer stay characterized by the possibility to effect numerous walks.
Gives ago his/her proximity to St. Martin of Castrozza (km 13) of it, during the winter, a basic point for the ski.
St. Martin of Castrozza, known place already from 1800, you/he/she has been destination of many illustrious visitors.
To offer an enchanting landscape, allows further an elevated number of excursions the summer period and the possibility to ski in the winter period thanks to efficient fittings of gone up again and of innevamento.