Breithorn Occidentale: the first 4000 of the Ridge
Breithorn Occidentale: the first 4000 of the Crossed Ridge: Home / Top / Adventures / Breithorn Occidentale: the first 4000 of the Ridge.
You/he/she is concluded so the first alpine exit of the Ridge, with a beautiful 4000 in saccoccia, the western Breithorn, 4165m of goodness, in oil of olive….
Reached the Plateau Rosa at 10 and 30 o'clock the slope that brings us to the Hill of the Breithorn in an oretta starts, around 3800 meters with superb sight on the whole group of the Rosa to north and with threatening clouds to South, that we then will find again in peak.
From here footsteps gobbose and snow floppa up to Cervinia, 2160 meters made descent more difficulty for somebody else that if you/he/she is done her/it all with the borsonis in hand that we had left to the morning for the shelter, but seen the conditions of Alberto we have cancelled for a rapids descent to valley.
Inevitable birrozzo to Cervina in the cafe Breithorn (and what sense.) and then toward the lowland.
I must make the compliments to everybody the Boras Boys that the peak of the Breithorn you/they have trodden, hands for others 4000 of great satisfaction.
Now... said so you/he/she could seem exaggerated... we were always also to 4000 meters (at all to 8000) on the Breithorn, next to about ten and about ten people (at all lost who knows where), on easy slant, with low risks, yet I have felt something that I had not tried before never and I hope to have made the idea.

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Breuil-Cervinia, situated in the vast basin of the Breuil, to the feet of the Cervino and the Grandeses Murailles, it is administratively a fraction of Valtournenche.
The tourist place has preserved the double denomination from the fascist period when the Italian name Cervinia was added to Breuil.
Cervinia is one of the skiing stations more notes also to international level.
Today the skiing district that Cervinia entertains is one of the vast of the Alps and you/he/she is connected besides with the footsteps of Valtournenche and Zermatt in Switzerland.
To Cervinia the 80 Km of footsteps have served from seven funivies, two cabinovies, eight chair lifts and eleven sciovies.
Cervinia also has an important footstep of bob of 1520 ms with a gradient of 139 ms.


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Breithorn Occidentale (4.165 ms) - "Kaps" Mark Caparello
The wall of the Breithorns from Switzerland.
Description of the landscape and panoramas The three Breithorns, united by a long crest, they appear from the Swiss slope as an impassable wall and inconquistabile, reserved zone only to experienced mountain climber, nevertheless the peak can easily be climbed from the Italian slope, where it forms a slant innevato with non superior inclination to the 35°-40°..
Favored by the thick presence of funivie and cabinovie the Italian slope of the Breithorn Occidentale, that the most elevated relief of the chain constitutes, it is to reason considered the 4000 easier access of the whole alpine chain; there are no words for to describe the devastation and the obrobrio created to the feet of the stately Cervino by the fittings of gone up again and from the cementificazione of the pastures that you/they diminish incredibly the unique beauty of the glacial circus of the Val Tournenche.
Alpine itineraries Even though the presence of the fittings of gone up again they allow us to effect the slope to the western Breithorn in day, it is rightful to remember that the in demand total gradient is of 2.160 ms of which around three quarters effected in mezz'ora with the cabinovies; it is advisable therefore to break the ascension in two days pernottando near Plateau Rosà.

Breithorn Occidentale (4.165 ms) - "Kaps" Mark Caparello
Description of the landscape and panoramas The three Breithorns, united by a long crest, they appear from the Swiss slope as an impassable wall and inconquistabile, reserved zone only to experienced mountain climber, nevertheless the peak can easily be climbed from the Italian slope, where it forms a slant innevato with non superior inclination to the 35°-40°..
Favored by the thick presence of funivie and cabinovie the Italian slope of the Breithorn Occidentale, that the most elevated relief of the chain constitutes, it is to reason considered the 4000 easier access of the whole alpine chain; there are no words for to describe the devastation and the obrobrio created to the feet of the stately Cervino by the fittings of gone up again and from the cementificazione of the pastures that you/they diminish incredibly the unique beauty of the glacial circus of the Val Tournenche. .
Alpine itineraries Even though the presence of the fittings of gone up again they allow us to effect the slope to the western Breithorn in day, it is rightful to remember that the in demand total gradient is of 2.160 ms of which around three quarters effected in mezz'ora with the cabinovies; it is advisable therefore to break the ascension in two days pernottando near Plateau Rosà.

Vincent and to actually go up again the whole Valtournenche to reach Cervinia (m.
To take the funivia up to Plan Maison (if the innevamento allows him/it him it is able' to depart from Cervinia), put the skis to go up again beside the footsteps being on the left of the vallone, (imposing the Cervino makes company along the whole slope) alternating steep and other lines more sweets up to overcome a station of the chair lift.
Gone beyond a skilift to go up again the irto slant on the right and to go to the left then in direction of the Breithorn up to reach the hill where it slightly flattens: to the left he goes to the Small Cervino m.
Excellent the panorama, from the Breithorns to the whole chain of the Rosa and obviously the Cervino and the Dent d' Herens.


The chain of the Breithorns appears from the Swiss slope as an imposing wall, a reserved environment only to experienced mountain climber; contrarily the western top is attainable with relative facility going up again the Italian slope, having as base the Grey Head (mt.
3480) with the funivia that climbs from Cervinia or after having pernottato to the Shelter Guides of the Cervino, it goes us in West direction following a ski footstep; after an initial line the moderate inclination, the footstep turns therefore toward North and with a brief ramp him door in proximity of the Small Cervino.
After a brief refreshing break, he leaves again crossing a level region, fatiguing in case of soft snow, bringing himself/herself/itself at the base of the Breithorn Occidentale; relatively reaches the beginning of the steep southern slope of this last, if it foresees, the trace on the glacier is generally undoubled; that to the left salt with decision to the 4165 mt.
of the West peak describing an open semicircle to east, while that to the right salt with more moderation I pour a hill set between the Breithorn Occidentale and that Central: the direct street generally follows him but, who desired him/it, you/he/she can also go to the collar from where the panorama opens toward Switzerland.


Breithorn Occidentale to Valtournenche (Ao) -, mountaineering :::
Introduction The gives Breithorn Occidentale his/her proximity to the Plateau Rosa is often climbed in a day departing from Cervinia with the funivia that in less than a hour reaches the Grey Head.
Approach Left the highway to Châtillon, the whole Valtournenche it is crossed up to Breuil-Cervinia: joints in front of the chiesetta it turns to the left to the right before him and then and the departure of the funivies is finally reached for the Plateau Rosa.
Description 1° day Departure from Cervinia, to follow the trail sign passing to side of the funivia for the Plateau Rosa, to climb for returning thin to reach Plan Maison 2545 ms (arrival first line funivia) .Spostandosi on the left to follow the fittings of a skilift, therefore of a second arriving to the Chapel Bontadini 3044 ms.
Crossing the fittings finds us in the great white pianoro of the Plateau of the Breithorn.
Here it normally begins the well marked trace that brings toward the center of the Plateau, to fold up then left and to begin to climb the slope southwest of the Breithorn Occidentale conducting in peak.

Crossed Black Rock - Breithorn to Valtournenche (Ao) -, mountaineering :::
Approach Lssciata the highway to the tollgate of Châtillon, the whole Valtournenche is crossed up to Breuil-Cervinia: joints in front of the chiesetta it turns to the left to the right before him and then and the departure of the funivies is finally reached for the Plateau Rosa.
Description 1° Day To Cervinia he leaves the auto in the parking lot of the funivies and him it climbs to the Plateau Rosa.
From here it is started us on the footsteps for the summer ski up to reach, just before the Small Cervino, the evident traces that divert to the right I pour the hill of the Breithorn and, reached him/it, he continues in descent toward right passing at first under the thick one of the Breithorn Occidentale and, subsequently, that Central and Oriental. - Mountain & Meterologia
The basin of Breuil-Cervinia… there are no words to describe the horrors that devastate the pastures to the feet of his/her majesty The Cervino.
To the center: panorama from the hill of the Breithorns.
Of here the only traces are those of the mountain climber, besides quite a lot, that climb generally toward the Breithorns.
Here is worthwhile to tie in rope, the holes are there and they are not seen!! The crossing of the Plateau of the Breithorns is boring a great deal, in descent, with the rotten snow it will be weary… .
To the left: the two Breithorns, from the Small Cervino.
To the center: the peak to fil of sky of the Breithorn Occidentale.
You touches shortly the hill of the Breithorn, 3826 ms, one of the passages key of the famous Trophy Mezzalama.
Of here it appears clear the slope of the terminal slant of the Breithorn, the last piece is the hardest, as always… we take strength and courage, and we launch us toward the last ramp, that breaks legs and breath.
To the center: the peak of the Breithorn Centrale.
Throwing out some the language we finally touch the crowded peak of the Breithorn Occidentale to 4165 ms of quota.
Break to recover the strengths, then sight the proximity, will try the crossing to the central Breithorn.
But the crestina that goes down to the collar 4081 ms (window of the Breithorns) is decidedly thin, and its sides fall in impressive way around two slopes.

Scialpinismo - by roby4061
The Breithorn Centrale can be always a valid alternative to the too crowded Western.. it is slightly more binding Perhaps, because you/he/she is not sometimes traced, but it is also of great satisfaction this, kind the arrival in crest, hemmed by enormous frames on the Swiss side.
The descent up to Cervinia along the footstep of the About twenty is always an unique experience.
To the right: the Breithorns from the hill of the small Cervino.
We go with ordine..oggi it is the last day of opening of the fittings of Cervinia.
Coffee to Cervinia, and then to the parking lot, already crowded, there ricompattiamo.
To the left: from the small Cervino, toward the Breithorn Orientale, the Black Rock, Polluce, Lyskamm, Castore.
To the right: in curtain on the hill of the Breithorn.
The long Plateau of the Breithorns cooks us to duty… there is not a thread of air, it seems July.
The western Breithorn is a to swarm of scialpinisti.
On the central one they are only instead there two impavidi..Alles 11.20 we are to the Hill of the Breithorn 3826 ms.
The friends with the ciaspoles and one of our skiers are not in sight, you/they have probably changed destination and you/they will be tabulated above for the highway that climbs to the Breithorn Occidentale.

Photo Vacations to Cervinia and Zermatt, mountains, glaciers, funivie, ski and local fauna
Vacations in mountain - Cervinia and Zermatt - April 2006 Paola and I this year we have made the white week to Cervinia and, until there is not here anything strange, because it is a classical destination for the Italian, but for the first time after 25 years that I frequent and I adore that places, I have lived them to 360° having made the international weekly subscription.
To the center the Breithorn (4165) with his/her hat of ice and snow.
To the center, above the head of the undersigned, the Breithorn (4165) with his/her hat of ice and snow.

BREITHORN Centrale, Valtournanche
The chain of the Breithorns appears from the Swiss slope as an imposing wall crossed by some slender snowy coasts, the most famous of which it conducts with classical by alpine of average difficulty to the oriental peak; unlike this last, that also requires from the Italian slope some passage on rock to have been climbed, the central top and that Oriental they are attainable with relative facility from the Grey Head (m.
3480), stings of arrival of the funivia that climbs from Cervinia up to the fittings of summer ski of the Plateau Rosa.
The Breithorn Occidentale is surely the more frequented, being the nearest destination and also the tallest peak of the chain; a quantity of people surely very inferior it reaches the peak of the Breithorn Centrale, as many panning and interesting: the itinerary described in the succession concerns note this last top but is kept in mind that nothing prevents from combining its ascension with that of the Breithorn Occidentale.