Guides of Plays Of Ski


Anchovy Plays | Video games | Ski Racing 2005
Video games, consul, software and accessories for the PC.
All for the telephony and the electronics of consumption.
After the end of the gold years dominated by Alberto Tomba and Deborah Compagnoni, the ski in Italy has had a clean following decrease, due also to the continuous growth of the phenomenon snowboard.
Similar situation also for the video games with many titles devoted to the snow table, you are enough to think about the series of SSX and Amped.
It is now again the time of the alpine ski the true winter sport.
 7 Ski Racing 2005 are a good simulation of alpine ski, not exceptional, but however giocabile.
Technically it is not to the state-of-the-art (above all as it regards the sonorous one) one, however he/she succeeds somehow to recreate the feelings of the four winter disciplines.
The impassioned ones of ski he can also have a good time finally to the warm one in their stanzetta.
For: Finally a simulation of alpine ski! .

Anchovy Plays | Video games | Sport
Video games, consul, software and accessories for the PC.
All for the telephony and the electronics of consumption.
 1  | 2  | 3 before page 1 of 3 Alpine Ski Racing 2007 You snow has finally arrived and therefore it is time to throw him along the descents innevate with a beautiful pair of ski to the feet.
Snow that is also fallen on the PlayStations of the whole world,...
For the second time the girls of DoA find again him in...
Finally him videogioca with great, small, experts and beginners....
Football Manager 2007 Over that from the usual one 'war' between the new versions of Funk and PES, the autumn of every year is characterized (at least for the impassioned ones of ball) by the exit of Football...
For Evolution Soccer 6 You simulation, the passion, the electronic fun for excellence in the Beautiful Country.
And' on the shelves the new version of For Evolution Soccer, the sixth one: the virtual kick...
Funk 07 Every new Funk is by now a custom, a sign in the autumn by now late, a soccer season that enters the alive one and him by now classical question: is it better than PES this year? Ski Racing 2006 Thanks to the great George Rocca and the Olympiads in Turin 2006, the interest toward the ski has returned to grow as to the times of Alberto Tomba.


Photo by

Network Atleticom - Turin 2006 - Paralympic Games
The first competition of alpine ski goes up again to 1948 when 17 amputated skiers, legionaries of war, gave life to Badgastein in Austria to the first official competition for disabled.
If already from 1950 the practice of the alpine ski from the disabled skiers he was spreading all over the world and if the first edition of the Games summer Paralimpici happened in 1960 to Rome, only 16 years the first Games winter Paralimpicis that were celebrated to Ornskodsvik in Sweden (1976) were disputed later where 250 amputated athletes and with disabilità sensoriale (you blind and ipovedenti), coming from 13 nations, they were ventured in the competitions of slalom and giant of the alpine ski and in those of ski leading that he/she also understood the competitions to relay race.
The success of the first edition brought to that following of Geilo in Norway (1982) where the athletes that participated you already introduced different types of physical disabilità, besides you/he/she was introduced as demonstrative competition the run on it skids.
It was to Innsbruck 1984 that the athletes doubled reaching her 457 unities for 21 nations and, in the alpine ski, the specialty of the free descent was added.
The lack of financial resources and some organizational problems prevented the Games following winter Paralimpici to unwind in the same center of those Olympic, that would be developed to Calgary in Canada, as you/he/she had been estimated for the Games summer (from Seoul 1988 in fact the Paralimpiadis take place in the same city and in the same sites competition of the Olympiads) Paralimpici.

Carrera News
Padua, March 12 th 2007. they Continue the competitions of World Cup of Ski 2006/2007 and the athletes of the CARRERA SKI RACING TEAM 2006/2007 they conquer ....
Padua, March 5 th 2007. they Continue the competitions of World Cup of Ski 2006/2007 and the athletes of the CARRERA SKI RACING TEAM 2006/2007 they conquer n....
The last turn for the qualifications of the Tournament AAMS Coppa Italy is disputed yesterday, Sunday March 4 th, between the CARRERA PETRARCA and INFI....
They continue the competitions of World Cup of Ski 2006-2007 and the CARRERA SKI RACING TEAM it keeps on picking up victories in the various disciplines of the ski....
Domenica 25 February in the stadium Battaglini of Rovigo is disputed the fourth turn of the Trophy AAMS Coppa Italy 2007.
They continue the competitions of World Cup of Ski 2006-2007 and the CARRERA SKI RACING TEAM it keeps on picking up victories in the various disciplines of the s....

Groups Sporting Yellow Flames
There can be no Watch of Department of Internal Revenue without the mountain.
The financier was born in mountain as soldier of border and solo from the mountain you/he/she has drawn, for many years, the motives for his/her preparation, of his/her organization and of his/her employment.
In the time the Body has assumed an ampler and complete physiognomy, but the new face has not annulled the more ancient institutional finality: its presence on the mountainous border is in fact still today actual and essential.
It is not exaggerated to sustain that without the military bodies the Italian ski would have been little thing, as you/he/she cannot be hidden that the Group Skiing Yellow Flames has been the first-born in this role of push and support.
To fully understand the role and the importance of the Yellow Flames in the blue sport and in the heart of the Italian is enough to flow the gold bulletin-board of the Olympiads: five gold medals, six of silver, five of bronze it divided in seven editions.
Unforgettable moments of glory, instants of gratification of a healthy national conscience but not certain episodes isolated fruit of extemporaneous improvisation.


Province in Turin - Olimpiadi2006
After the Second World war, the traditional methods of rehabilitation were not enough for the medical and psychological necessities of the civilians and the soldiers with disabilità.
Ludwig Guttmann, neurologist and neurochirurgo immigrated from Germany, create a Center for spinal Lesions near the hospital of Stoke Mandelville in Great Britain in 1944..
To Stoke Mandelville Guttmann it introduced the sport as form of recreation and as I help for the rehabilitation.
Its job brought to an increased predominance of the sport for the patients with spinal lesions during the First International Games in Stoke Mandelville in 1952..
In the time, the sporting events for disabled they have succeeded up to give origin to the Paralimpiadis, the first ones to Rome in 1960 and the first winter in 1976..
In 1982, the Committee of international Coordination of the world organization for the disabled (ICC) sport was entrusted of to coordinate the organization of the games paralimpici representing the organizations participants in dialogue with the International (IOC) Olympic Committee and the other global organizations.
The word "Paralimpico" it derives from the Greek prefix "it protects" (what it means "parallel") and the term "Olympic" (the Paralimpiadis as parallel to the Olympiads).


I center Information it Disables \ - CID news - You history of the Games Paralimpici Invernali
The movement Paralimpico owes his/her origin to the idea to use the sport as practice of rehabilitation for the legionaries of war: it is in England, in 1948, that the neurologist Sir Ludwig Guttman decides to use the sport to improve the quality of the life of the mutilated people or wounds during the conflict.
In July of the same year you/he/she is organized, in concomitance with the opening of the Olympic Games in London, the first edition of the Games of Stoke Mandelville.
Four years later the International Games develop him on wheelchair and in 1960, to Rome, finished the Olympic Games, they take place the first Games Paralimpici, which 400 athletes participate coming from 23 nations.
In the time, the movement - that up to the Roman Games he/she sees the share of the only athletes in baby carriage - you/he/she has added new classes of participants with different handicaps.
The viii edition of the Games Paralimpici, to Seul in 1988, you/he/she has been the first one in which the disabled athletes have used the same fittings and the same logistics of the Olympic Games.
The Paralimpicis are complementary to the Olympic Games.
The first Winter Olympic Games officially reserved to otherwise the skilled athletes were held in 1976 in Sweden, to Örnsköldvisk.

The Ski leading is one of the hardest disciplines of the Ski.
The competitions differentiate him among them in base to the distances: 10 Km, 15 Km, 30 Km, 50 Km and 4x10Km to teams.
It is a specialty of tall technique and resistance, the layout is very tortuous, a together of rectilinear, descents and slopes.
The ski leading is the most ancient method of move for the populations of the north europa and with the run afoot it is the most ancient sporting discipline.
The first utensils were made of wood and bone and they were above all the military demands to drive the development of the ski leading.
the birth of the first military pattuglies in Norway.
The first military competitions are made to go up again to the second halves 1700, while the first competitions 'civil' you/they were organized in Scandinavia in 1843.
The first international (1901) demonstrations called 'Northern Games' and they were the predecessors of the winter Olympiads.
The first edition of the Games goes up again to 1924 and the epoch the ski it was exclusively northern.
The origins of the fund in a Scandinavian novella.
In Scandinavia it tells today still him of ancient huntings to the wolf that you/they were extended for days and days and for different centinai of kilometers.

the section of nonsolofitness devoted to torino 2006
the section of nonsolofitness devoted to the Olympiads.
strength's sport sport equestrian sports nautical sports on field draughts to the target--OLIMP.
the games of nonsolofitness You's section devoted to the Olympiads of torino.
They are concluded as expectation on February 26 the winter Olympiads in Turin 2006.
Later more than 2 weeks of strong emotions and 11 Olympic medals for the blues.
The appointment with the winter Olympic games is to Vancouver in 2010..
You can consult the program - but complete and to relive the emotion of the challenge in this area of the site, file of news and curiosity on the edition, waiting for 2010..
From 10 to March 19 2006 1.300 athletes will be challenged in the Paralimpiadis in Turin 2006 in 5 disciplines.
They come at the end the winter Olympiads of torino 2006, and they close in beauty with a new blue gold to the neck of George of Centa that...
Turin is held to, during the winter Olympiads, a press conference on the situation of the female atletismo, a reflection...
Hundredth medal for the blues in the history of the Olympiads.
To win her/it the girls of the team of short track bronze in today's competition...

On the snow, with his/her/their children - Corriere della Sera
Vacations in family On the snow, with his/her/their children You new white week in Trentino? Adults, teen-agers and small that share trips and schools of ski.
•The photos .Sotto the ten years .Oltre the ten years .Gratis? It depends on the age All you address him.
• Schools of ski and Kindergarten.
In the specialized hotels in reception for families, in the schools of ski or in fanciful park-game on the snow they are as the proposals for a vacation that makes to amuse the smallest and to relax his/her parents.
And when his/her children become greater? The kindergartens are turned into snowpark where the teen-agers have a good time learning the stunts of the champions of the freestyle.
The new widened family, or better patchwork, as it is used to define in the Anglo-Saxon countries, it is by now a diffused reality more and more.
It is born so the demand to satisfy the needs and to stimulate the affairs of everybody, also of children with very different age.
The Trentino he is adjusting to the neighbors in (Austria and Tall Adige) fact of family tourism, but with a march in more.
In January, in fact, a club of hotels is inaugurated for families called The game of the vacation.

Considered rare heirloom among the collectors of videgames, the Chase H.Q.
The titles contained to his/her inside, and that they also correspond to the name to the harvest, they belong to that temporal phase of end years '80 in which the game of guide assumed a predominant role in the room games: the saga, if so we can define her/it, soddisfava two typologies of video game.
The before, that of the racing classical game, was attested on good qualitative levels resulting competitive even if compared with other pillars of the kind (you see Outrun), but it was in the second kind ludico that the two gambles away they distinguished him from the mass, or rather in the shooting game; the commistione between game of guide and sparatutto gave life to a parallel kind of cinema contamination.
, the first title to go out on the market, showed still a sour graphic detail, surely inferior to that product from the titles it but however of good level.
What succeeded to catalizzare the interest it was the innovation to have to directly act on the enemies, and not only to overcome them in speed.
Passed the siren to the history in style "police's inspector damned" and you screen her of interval, among a level and the other, that represented the protagonist to arrest the criminals to mo in Vice Miami with so much of jacket to outfit.

School Italian Ski County of Bormio Bormio
The intents of our teachers are turned to the assistance, safety, style and technical perfection in base to the age, experience and physical condition of the student.
If you have never put the skis to the feet, if you want to improve your style or to venture you in supertecnica, if you desire to try the drunkenness of the carving or the snowboard, our school of ski ago to your case.
We devote besides particular attention to the boys and his/her children, for which I/you/they are anticipated of the specific courses, and to such intention this year the School of Ski County of Bormio wants to propose an interesting novelty.
How much of you they would want, also having small children grant him some times of liberty? .
This will be possible graces to our initiative: a kindergarten snow on purpose studied for making to live to your babies an extraordinary experience of game and sport on the snow.
His/her children will be picked on consignment up to the morning near the center of the school of ski or directly near the park you play of Bormio 2000.
They will frequent the course of the School of Ski with the teachers that will take care of the teaching proposing them the sport in the form of game and fun using her exclusive infrastructures of which the school prepares.