Guides of Alley Of the Snow


Restaurants - Italian, Salerno: You read the Opinions and it compares the prices
The Suburb of Cetara is famous for the goodness of the tuna and for the delicious specialty of the straining of the anchovies.
The Suburb of Cetara is famous for the goodness of the tuna and for the delicious specialty of the straining of the anchovies.
Evaluation of the Product Restaurants - Italian, Salerno written by ShamaiA Vantaggi: we were in 10 therefore we have had a good time to our way, compensating the lacks of the kitchen and the service.
Can finally say to have eaten to the Alley of the Snow in that of Salerno! Had already felt my colleagues speak well of this poizzeria-restaurant so much that more times have tried a supper, in vain! Motives for lòavoro always brought me to Salerno of Wednesday, day of closing of the same, and I imagined, always with ramarico that pasta with the beans settled by Savior... and there that I wondered me as a good pasta you/he/she could be eaten...

:: - Luciano Pignataro -:: Salerno, Alley of the Snow
Alley of the Snow, 24 Tel.089.225705s Chiuso the Wednesday Vacations to Ferragosto and Christmas Carte: all You history of the ancient Pizzeria of the Alley of the Snow is known with some fortune by every salernitano endowed with a pinch of historical memory.
You says that the 'Alley' it already existed in Three hundred, to the times of the Aragonese dominion.
The pizzeria takes the name from the alley where, more than one, century ago snow sold him to refresh the wine cellars.
The heart of the old and millennial Salerno preserves him, therefore, in this place that some concession has not done to the modernity but you/he/she has held faith to the tradition of the home kitchen and the art of the pizza.
The evening rite of the visit in the Alley of the Snow stays for many salernitanis a habit irrinunciabile.
The risk to become a place for alone tourists is enfeebled, the Alley doesn't race him/it.
Also with the passar of the time, the Alley of the Snow has held faith to the rules of its inimitable kitchen handed down from 'Sciacquariello' and 'Peppiniello', memorable craftsmen of the success of this place, to those people that today, in that same kitchen, they prepare, they season and they bake pizzas in the years you/they have delighted illustrious names of the politics, of the journalism, of the art and of the theater.


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Gallery Marabini - Detail event
Gallery Marabini Il next event The events in progress The files of the center The artists of the center The administrators of the center you imagine her of the center The articles on the magazine Alley of the Snow, 5, Bologna 40123.
from the Tuesday to the Saturday from the 10, 30 at 13 o'clock and from the 15 to the 19, 30 The correlated artists Pierandrea Galtrucco Communicated of the show: In gold we trust - Pierandrea Galtrucco Saturday January 28 th 2006 the Gallery Marabini is pleased to introduce for the first time the personal show of Pierandrea Galtrucco 'In GOLD WE TRUST'..
The ingot, representation of the useless one in the work of search of the truth but, at the same attractive time in the shine of his/her light it represents the same contradictions of the man.

Gallery Marabini - Detail event
Gallery Marabini Il next event The events in progress The files of the center The artists of the center The administrators of the center you imagine her of the center The articles on the magazine Alley of the Snow, 5, Bologna 40123.
The images of the Eisenman incorporate many traditional styles, and you/they must be appraised through a second consideration or the historical-artistic tradition that it predominates in the same essence of the subjects essays.
His/her paintings, of a prickly beauty, they are made reminder of as the grace of the human creativeness you/he/she can transcend even a beauty varnished by a rigid formulation.

Once the were diffused "nevrieri" and the industry of the pressed snow was very active.
During the winter, men and women they still went to Jump in the place call "Nevere" and, harvest a great deal of snow they pressed her/it in special pits, that covered then with leaves and earth.
For this circumstance the site had called Alley of the Snow, denomination that still preserve.
With the invention of the car for the formation of the ice, the snow's industry pressed to Bracigliano went diminishing as, up to disappear entirely toward 1945..


Diocese in Rome - Catholic Church - Parishes Information
With 7.I.1986 decree the Cardinal Vicar Ugo Poletti, following the revision of the territory of some parishes of the historical Center, you/he/she has determined the new confinements of the parish: 'Plaza of S.Andrea of the Valley - raced Vittorio Emanuele II - by d the Tower Argentina - street of the arc of the Bun - street of the Cestaris - wide of the Stimmates - wide of Tower Argentina - street S.Nicola de' Cesarini - plaza of the Calcararis - Paganica plaza - street Paganica - Mattei plaza - street of the Reginella - street of the Portico of Ottavia - plaza of the Five Scoles and further up to the river Tevere - said river - bridge Garibaldi - Bridge Sisto - Vincent Pallotti plaza - street Julia - alley of the Dust cloud - plaza of the Oak - street of the Balestraris - Field de' Flowers - plaza of the Biscione - street of the Biscione - plaza of the Heaven - wide of the Chiavaris - S.Andrea plaza of the Valley.'


This with the purpose to point out methodological exemplifications that, beginning from certain experiences, can be wide to other sites of southern Sicily or the whole Basin of the Mediterranean with which some historical and architectural peculiarities are shared.
Anthony De Old and to which have participated international personality of the politics and administrators.
G:Fatta, is finalized to furnish a technical-scientific support for the editing of the executive projects of restauration and retraining of the has on the Monumental Aces of the Historical Center of the city.
With the technique of the water-color him besides the representation of the foreheads is effected under conditions of I degrade, as well as of the idea progettuale as tool of verification of the architectural quality.
The building Cockerels of the Marquises of St. Cataldo and Principles of Fiumesalato, today of town ownership, it is a building of remarkable dimensions that occupies big part of the isolated inclusive among Street Laurel, Alley of the Snow, Alley Palagonia and Marina Plaza on which it leans out the actual prospectus of the building in the full Historical Center of the city of Palermo, destined to center of representation of the town administration and to offices.  . - your friend Pediatrician in internet - > Trips
To Salerno you/he/she has been recently restore, for hand of Luciano Mauro, the eighteenth-century garden of the Minerva, that rises in the heart of the ancient city and it has the form of terraced garden and surrounded.
Owner of the garden was for many years the family Wild: it was one descendant of his, Matteo, to distinguish, between the thirteenth one and the fourteenth century as physician of the Medical School Salernitana.
Everything to be seen is the rest of the historical center of Salerno with the districts 'of the Bearded ones' and 'of the Fornelles", examples of a past of economic, social and cultural shine of the city bell.
The district of the Bearded ones, that constitutes the central nucleus of the ancient part of the city, probably derives the name from the Longobardis (men from the long beard) that they lived him.
To east of the plaza the Drapparia started, today the Merchants' street, where they crowded the dealers of damasks and velvets.
Under the arc of the alley Pescherias are you break into fragments of boundaries longobarde, rests of the old court of Arechi.
Here, according to documents of the XV and XVI centuries, often the ceremony of the conferment of the medical degrees of the School Salernitana developed him.

Girolamo Romanino - Pisogne
S ituata to the extremity of the oriental bank of the Sebino, Pisogne is at the same time the last coast place and the first country of the Valcamonicamonica.
Point of confluence between the streets of earth and the street of the lake, before the coastal road was built it was for centuries the "emporium" of the Valley: the road Valerian that I cross the Tonal one and the sunny one came here it connected the Bresciano with the Trentino and the Valtellina; from here him dipartivano the two managers climb on of it that through the Full one of S.
Zenos conducted the one in Val Trompia and the other, for the Footstep of the Cross, to Zones and Marone; from here it had beginning the road that, overcome the Oglio, it reached Lovere and Bergamo.
The I bring, finally it was the terminal forced of the lake street, the only one for the direct commodities or coming from the Valcamonica up to 1850, year of construction of the coast road for Marone and Iseo, while to 1907 it goes up again the activation of the railroad Brescia-Pisogne-Breno.
Already to beginning Six hundred to the market of Pisogne (remembered for the first time in 1229) grains met, wines, canapi, cloths, oil, chestnuts, meats and above all the ferrarezzes of the Valcamonica and merchants hastened you from the whole Lombardy.

The ice cream palermitano: "snow's dessert" by Charles Di Franco
Some Arabic domination is handed down that the ice cream has been invented really from this people that it had the use to drink in the days of sultriness a sweetened drink, in Sicily in 827 they brought us her "reed" in which a sweetish substance was drawn, refrigerated with the snow and prepared with milk or water, fruit's essence, vanilla and cinnamon.
They called her "Sciarbat" that he/she means to sip, father of the sherbet, created with the rare snows of our mountains palermitani, some reliefs not by chance bring the given toponimo really from the Arabs: end Niviera near Giacalone was the more place next to the city in which to draw the snow from the nivieres, a sort of holes realized in the ground, in which deposed the snow to his/her inside, of straw you/they were covered to maintain the cold to be used in the summer.
To Palermo different places were deputies to this service, particularly they were two the deposits commonly called of the snow, where people went him to buy a small escort of ice for itself or in exclusive to delight the aristocracy of which you/he/she was dependent in period of heat.
Alley of the Snow in Marina Plaza and Violet alley, in a crossroad of Street Maquedas were the most important deposits preceded to this kind of commodity.

Culture, Libraries, Museums of Palermoa: Schedules and Information
Palermo and Sicily are not able not to also be visited in the places of the memory that it passes through these structures some times very you take care of other needy times of attention and care...
Sicilian society for the History Country, picks up rare heirlooms and documents of the consignment garibaldina.
Collection of toys created between the XVIII and the first halves the XX century, prepared within the historical villa Cutò of Bagheria.
It resides historical of the famous English family, it welcomes a marvelous collection of Flemish tapestries and preserve you furnish him original.
Museum of the Radiology Institute of Radiology of the Policlinico.
Preserve numerous exemplary of Sicilian pupi, palermitani and catanesi, of the 800 and '900 besides numerous masks, puppets and marionettes of the oriental tradition.

Sitosophia - events
Within the third edition of the contest Resistance and Constitution.
Classroom of the Seminars of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy.
And' one of the pioneers of the philosophical consultation in Italy.
Public (to free entry) conversation on the occasion of the publication of the volume of August Cavadi E, for passion, the philosophy.
Literary park Tomasi of Lampedusa (the snow's Alley.
This seminar intends, then, to verify the possibility to start continuous initiatives of "Phronesis" for the official institution also in Sicily of the figure of the philosophical advisor.
Auditorium of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy.
From the moment that the press is the mirror of the society, through the newspapers it is possible also the analysis of the following problematiche:s.
On the occasion of the publication of the essay of.
The share to the seminars of the summer School of High Formation is free.
To facilitate the share to the seminar of the young more deserving researchers you/they are put to contest European 5 scholarships of 155 every from the magazine "Scuolainsieme", that will be assigned to graduates in the last quinquennio that has developed connected studies the thematic ones of the school.