Guides of Ski Lombardy


Hotel Lombardy, Hotels Lombardia, Welcome, Lombardy, Hospitality Lombardy, Hotel Lombardy, Hotels Lombardy, Bed and Breakfast Lombardia, B & B Lombardia, B&B Lombardia, Agriturismo Lombardia, Agriturismi
Provinces Milan and outskirts Bergamo and outskirts Brescia and outskirts Chest of drawers and outskirts Cremona and outskirts Mantua and outskirts Monza and Brianza and outskirts Pavia and outskirts Sondrio and outskirts Varese and outskirts.
Among the Italian regions, the Lombardy is often remembered for his/her economic record, nevertheless I am not from less his/her tourist attractions.
It is impossible in this brief space to list the innumerable monuments, he/she asked her and the abbeys, the castles, the buildings and the villas, that are found in the cities of the Lombardy and disseminated in the whole region.
Celebrated by poets, musicians and painters, the great lakes prealpinis also offer the possibility to practise sporting activity what the sail, the boating, the windsurf and the ski of water.
The valleys of the Alps Lombarde entertain a big number of skiing stations instead, some very known and famous ones also to international level.
You are enough to think about centers as Bormio, Livigno, Saint Caterina Valfurva, Madesimo, Sunny, Wood Bridge and the Footstep of the Tonal one, to which other skiing places are added in the Valsassina, in the valleys bergamasche and in those brescianes, well you equip and easily attainable from the Lowland Padana.

Association Regional Teachers Sci - Lombardy
To north a band of tall alpine mountainous reliefs raises him among which: the oriental slope of the Chain belonging Mesolcina to the Alps Lepontine, part of the Alps Retiche separated by the preceding ones by the furrow vallivo of the Mere one and the Liro and understanding the mountainous group of the Misfortune mountain, the southern slope of the Bernina and part of the thick ones of the Ortles-Cevedale and the Adamello.
Of the band prealpinas make part instead the present reliefs between the Greatest lake and that of Chest of drawers, and particularly the chain of the Alps Orobie engraved from important valleys as the Val Brembana or the Val Camonica.
The Free Association Teachers Sci Italian Region Lombardy Her schools ski of the Lombardy they are distributed in the Alps and in the Prealpis, they are in the provincies of Sondrio - Brescia - Bergamo - Chest of drawers - I Lick etc...
The teachers in activity in Lombardy are 1568 of which 1458 of alpine ski and 110 of ski leading.
The schools skis besides the lessons, organize competitions, trips on the snow in the various places with the accompaniment of the teachers.


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Viviparchi " Her cards of the Parks " Association Italian Teachers of Ski-Lombardy
Region Category Alphabetical Order Leaves your email to receive information, novelty and updatings from the world Viviparchi: .
>Association Italian Teachers of Ski-Lombardy.
Church Valmalenco (I Know), Colere (BG), Lizzola of Valbondione (BG), Foppolo (BG), Caspoggio (I Know), Livigno (I Know) Facilitation FamilyCard: Two days of course of free ski in collective progress of 6 days, for his/her children up to 13 years of age, behind presentation of the coupon (according to the availability of the single school ski settled)..
The association Italian Teachers of Ski it represents all the schools and the in partnership teachers and it assures to every skier, to start from the smallest, qualified and prepared professional figures highly regarding the mountain, to the footsteps, to the techniques and all that that it serves for in full safety and fun.
To develop a sporting activity as the ski brings to an approach to the nature, to the environment, to the mountains, to the perfumes of the wood, that make to fully hear the magic of the surrounding environment.
To interpret in the correct way the sport of the ski also means to taste moments of serenity and joy to live that often, in the confusion of the daily life, you/they are lost.

Lombardy - it Compares the prices and laws the Opinions
1 to 15 of 25 of "Lombardy."
Opinions on Lombardy Opinioni Evaluation of the Product Dates.
Evaluation of the Product School of Tonal Ski written by er-to-crazy person Advantages: >>>>.
...what it surrounds or enrolling himself/herself/itself in the school tonal ski, for the one who wants to improve or to learn to ski.
Evaluation of the Product School of Ski Madesimo written by loreley_ge Advantages: reserved footsteps, availability, price.

Lombardy - it Compares the prices and laws the Opinions
16 to 25 of 25 of "Lombardy."
Opinions on Lombardy Opinioni Evaluation of the Product Dates.
Evaluation of the Product School of Tonal Ski written by er-to-crazy person Advantages: >>>>.
...what it surrounds or enrolling himself/herself/itself in the school tonal ski, for the one who wants to improve or to learn to ski.
Evaluation of the Product School of Ski Madesimo written by loreley_ge Advantages: reserved footsteps, availability, price.


Initiatives Ski
to receive the newsletter you write to e.cozzarini @
During the evening there will be a meeting / debate with Adriana Rosasco, pertecipante of the Ski Italy to the delegation of associations that to August you/he/she has visited the country in the phase of the conflict.
06/59648311 or 06/5580661-644 E-mails:
to novantasette years from the birth of Django Reinhardt, a trip in the music through his/her passages and the standards of the epoch.
06/59648311 or 06/5580661-644 E-mails: Mostar - Looks over the bridge.
Organized of the Ski Sardinia in collaboration with Village caravan and with the patronage of the Province of Cagliari.
In the historical center of the Ski in Milan, in 8 (between M Cordusio and M Cairoli) Morigi street, from the hs.
18 to late night, him po tranno to taste cocktails, music and food from the whole world, and you/he/she can be known, through the photos and the stories of the volunteers parties, the experience of the fields of job and the new projects of the Ski on the Milanese territory.
The group Ski Piedmont organizes a supper of autofinanziamentomercoledì 29 November near the Cultural Center Pizzeria Ristorante 'Epicentro' in Fratelli Bucks 57 to Grugliasco (To).


Agency Number 134
The silence of forehead to a distant and incomprehensible reality more and more, where the plots draw near, collective nellimmaginario, to the science fiction and the fantapolitica.
Lunica feeling that has accompanied me in these weeks is the nausea, even lincubo of the war has succeeded to scalzarla, and before the nausea kills forever us we would do well to react, not only to the violence that the whole world waits, but present allinquietante, strengthening the job, practical, daily, political for a different and sustainable world.
Letter of the International Reception office The attack to the United States has aroused different reactions inside the jaws national Skis.
At the end of January / beginning of February 2002, Davos will be held to the World Economic Forum - an informal meeting of the most powerful greatest representatives of the multinationals, that he/she will see the intervention of different personalities from the world of the politics, of the science, of the information and of the civil society.
Christmas in Palestine Interviews to Adli Daana, General Secretary dellInternational Palestinian Youth League, on the field of job organized by the Ski in Palestine near Bethlehem, from on December 20 to January 4.

ASSEL - Schools Ski Lombardy
The schools ski of the lombardia they will be present to the demonstration S-NOW! Scheduled PARK to Milan to the Velodromo Vigorelli from November 18 to January 8, to animate the great winter park of metropolitan fun.
The project schools, will see the share of the boys of the schools in Milan and province, accompanied by their teachers to alternate every morning up to Christmas on the footsteps of artificial ski.
Every afternoon and the festive days the teachers of ski will guarantee their assistance on the footsteps and they will be to disposition for private lessons or to small groups.
Domenica 27 will be a special day, with free lessons of ski for everybody.

Lombardy - Her skiing place, the ski footsteps of the Lombardy and all the districts lombardi whether to spend a white week
In Lombardy it is possible to nearly practise her/it totality of the winter sports.
The mountains lombarde is equipped with fittings to the state-of-the-art one for the alpine ski and ski footsteps of first quality.
The extraordinary beauty and variety of the landscape of the Lombardy it allows that along the shores of the alpine lakes, the greatest and beautiful of Italy.
The mountains and the lakes, with the connected skiing (descent and fund) and bathing activities, costituscono the primary source of tourist attraction and they make the ideal place to vacation on ski footsteps for all the levels, from the beginner that you/he/she has just begun to wear a pair of skis up to the expert that also practises competitive competitions.

Borno - Val Camonica - Lombardy - Ski Footsteps Borno - Comprensiorio Skiing Borno - Ranging rods
Altitude of the ski footsteps: 1000 - 1700 meters.
The skiing district of Borno, on the Tall mountain, it includes a telecabina, a chair lift and five sciovies for a total of around 25 kilometers of footsteps, displaced among woods of tall stem and pastures, that annually entertain qualified sporting demonstrations; the skiing fittings of Borno are gifted besides of a system of artificial innevamento.
The skiing season to Borno has lasted since December to April and you/he/she can count on an innevamento of 100-200 cms with 140.000 tourist presences.
If it were alone for the winter skiing activity, Borno it is center of recoveries of rocky incisions, rocks istoriati, stung of arrow, and it is one of the more ancient inhabited centers of the Val Camonica.

| Region Lombardy - Portal of the Tourism
Ski leading You Lombardy is one of the most suitable stages and equipped better so that the impassioned ones can practise the ski leading.
You departs from the smallest footsteps in the province of Varese and Pavia, passing for those of Brescia, I Lick, Chest of drawers, to finally reach the boundless footsteps in Bergamo and Sondrio.
The province of Sondrio instead, before in Lombardy both for chilometraggio footsteps both for altitude, he/she offers to the impassioned ones well 226 km of footsteps, situated to a middle height of 1466 mt. - Lombardy - Avalanches: overwhelmed 5 skis - mountain climber
(Handle) - SONDRIO, 12 Sea - Five French ski-mountain climber have been overwhelmed in tall Valtellina from an avalanche of averages dimensions: budget of a non serious wounded.
The slab of snow and ice you/he/she has dragged to valley, for over 100 meters, a 50enne French ski-mountain climber that has brought the fracture of the basin.
Auto: revisions 2006, in Lombardy the greatest expense.