Guides of Falls Ski


Accessories Ski and Snowboard - From Briko Casco Ski WS2 Junior, compares prices and offers on it Finds Prices
Thermic Scalda and it Dries Boots to 12 V and 220V for auto and house.
It disguises ski with double lenses fog and maximum protection (100%) against the Grape, UVB and resistant extremely flexible UVC termicamente isolated correct vision.
Lange Casco from ski for children Confirmed.
 Lange Casco from ski for children available in the measures.
Cane from competition ski Giant Slalom in aluminum HTS 6.5.
Mask from woman ski with particular fitting a lot of FASHION without to the side closing of the fitting on the lens, for an exchange of the lens pi.
Ski mask with particular fitting a lot of FASHION without to the side closing of the fitting on the lens, for an exchange of the lens pi.
The helmets Carrera is confirmed according to the normative Europeans.

Ski, helmet, risk, trauma, head, neck
Snow is not it deprives of risks, he/she is known, you are enough to think that every year they are around 30000 the accidents on the Italian footsteps of ski, for halves which the Ready Help is essential.
The accidents are in the greatest part of the cases caused by the skis (79, 6%), but also the snowboard ago its part (15, 7%).
To 'to give the numbers' you/he/she has been the Superior institute of Health that has realized the first map on the accidents in mountain in 48 skiing stations of 10 Italian regions.
The deadly accidents are luckily few, one every 1700 interventions with an average of 20 Italian the year wounded mortally on the skis.
Primo responsible of accident is, clearly, the due accidental fall to loss of control, while only in the 10% of the cases it hurts himself/herself after a clash among skiing.
But it also exists a 15, 5% of skiers that suffer a trauma to the head, lesion that could be avoided or to reduce using the helmet.
But is it really this way? A Canadian search is occupied, published on the British Medical Journal, coming to conclude that the helmet has a protective role for the skiers and the snowboarders.
Why should not he be for the skiers? The available information on the matter are however few, best evidences found him on a narrow study to participants under the 13 years of age, on which a protective effect has been found.


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middle info - Helmet ski: the prevention brings fruits
Great success for the helmet ski during the winter as soon as facing the term: according to a census of the upi, the percentage of use has passed since 14, 5 percent in 2003 to the 30 percent in 2005.
If one stay some favorite accessories of the young people, the helmet has earned very terrestrial between the skiers and the 25 year-old snowboarders and more.
In the winter 2005, an unusual country of the upi has brought the prevention on the ski footsteps.
In the picture of the country " Enjoy sport. protect yourself ", skiers and snowboarder have in effects can make a will free some helmets for sport on the snow in about ten Swiss skiing place.
By now you/he/she has reached the 37 percent for the snowboard (+ 17%) and the 28 percent for the ski (+ 15%).
In this two discipline, the women deny the reticences ascertained in the past: by now the 28 percent of them he/she wears the helmet against the 2003 13 percent.
Also the division in base to the band of age allows to glimpse an increase to all field.
In the band of age 18-25 years, he has passed since 14 to the 25 percent; the people between the 26 and the 45 years the 16 percent (against 7% of 2003) and the skiers reach between the 46 and the 64 years they have made a jump since 1 to the 11 percent.

SH+ by But.Ro Group s.r.l.
Built thanks to the knowledges acquired on the footsteps, the helmets SH+s offer an optimal protection, an aesthetics and a comfort to the top.
The use of the helmet is a habit in strong growth, kept account of the safety measures that the Governments are putting European level in subject of obbligatorietà and SH+ in its line of helmets Fall-Winter into effect 2006/2007 put in the foreground the safety in their conception.
Built thanks to the knowledges acquired on the footsteps, the helmets SH+s offer an optimal protection, without for this to sacrifice the aesthetics and the comfort of it.
The models of the collection SH+ is studied for the most different disciplines, from the alpine ski to the snowboard to the freestyle to the boarder cross.
Safety is for SH+ a key factor: All the helmets of the collection are conforming to the European norm EN1077 and they bring the mark Us / FISI..
This philosophy is applied on the proper models for consumers of all the ages: also in the helmets for child, contrarily to some competing ones, the same constructive characteristics are maintained and of materials, since the quality must be always to the top in all the products.
All these characteristics, as an ample range and a winning aesthetics they make some helmets SH+ the ideal partner for all the types of descent in the maximum safety.

SH+ by But.Ro Group s.r.l.
Foam performances: All the masks SH+s use a membrane of transpiring foam that allows the air of circular inside the room of the lenses leaving damp and particles of snow to the outside.
Double lenses system: Two united single lenses together with a space of sealed compressed air, they create a thermal barrier that, antiene the lukewarm and dry inside lens.


Shop - ski - sale falls ski
Sale falls from ski for adults and for boys, these helmets they not only offer safety but also convenience and elegance.
Salomon Leggerissimo I fall from Ski and Snow.
Lange Casco from ski for children Confirmed.
 Lange Casco from ski for children available in the measures.
Helmet from child ski with inside removibile for a washing simplified with ears with the hair to heat better, loopholes superior for the ricircolo d' air.
Marker has always devoted a special attention to the regulation of the ransoms and the result of this enormous job it is GENIUS, the first system fine-ransom completely integrated in a ski helmet, a real standard for the industry of the ski.
The tested system with which Alpine it equips every helmet: thanks to a comfortable revolving knob it is possible to quickly regulate and effectively the ski helmet to adapt him/it to any measure of head.
To wash her/it enough only water lather and to leave to dry her/it.
The helmets Carrera is confirmed according to the normative Europeans.
Technical solutions to the state-of-the-art one guarantee the maximum safety, the absolute sturdiness of the materials of composition and their ability of absorption of the bumps.Technical characteristics: Material special to absorb the damp: this guarantees good comfort and feeling of dry land Hook in PVC to assure the mask to the helmet.


Accessories Ski and Snowboard - Scott Parastinchi World Cup Camo: it compares models and prices accessories ski and snowboard - scott parastinchi world cup camo. - ShoppyDoo
I fall Low - freestyle profile endowed with accessories that will also satisfy the most demanding riders: audio integrated system, detachable copriorecchie lined in fur and stickers that recall the graphics of the skis and the snowboards.
Mask from snowboard / ski realized in material plastic and spunga, elastic adjustable.
Uvex a mark that highly manufactures his/her own helmets with a proper technological and sure material for the demands of the athletes.
Sun Helmets falls from ski and snowboard H10.
Ski helmet and snowboard with external cap in resistant ultra policarbonato, HVS systematizes of ventilation, SGP ventilations with protective nets in steel, inside with fabrics anallergici and essays SANTIZED, auricles removibili and firm elastic.
Ski helmet and snowboard with external cap in resistant ultra policarbonato, HVS systematizes of ventilation, SGP ventilations with protective nets in steel, inside with fabrics anallergici and essays SANTIZED, auricles removibili and firm elastic.
Visor leading ski Occhiale without fitting, very light and comfortable to bring.
Leki northern ski baton VENOM Vario in carbon and adjustable kevlar.

Accessories Ski and Snowboard - Inook Racchette From Snow Xs Con Custody: it compares models and prices accessories ski and snowboard - inook snow rackets xs with custody. - ShoppyDoo
Mask from child ski with slow cylindrical that allows an excellent adherence with any type of face protection.
Mask from snowboard / ski realized in material plastic and spunga, elastic adjustable.
Elastic Sottopantalone online for the snowboard and the sci.imbottiture termoformate on glutei, femur, ileo.
 The strap used by the athletes of World Cup of Ski.
Ski mask with slow slow CIM (Cylindrical Injection Modldeld) that allows a best taking to any type of face, material used.
Helmet from child ski with inside removibile for a washing simplified with ears with the hair to heat better, loopholes superior for the ricircolo d air.

Disney Casco Confirmed Ski
Ski helmet DISNEY Simpatica conceives gift for children and children from the 6 a 14 years.
Helmet from ski / snowboard from the innovative technology, ultraleggero and confirmed Us EN 1077.
Ski helmets For Children Never to make to ski a child without the protection of the helmet! Even if your child stirs with fluidity and without never falling, it doesn't need to lower the watch and to neglect the safety.
It is to the first place among the measures to take for safeguarding the safety of the small skiers there is surely the helmet.
Confirm him/it a study of the 1998 duct in the United States: the use of the helmet reduces of 44% the gravity of the accidents on ski and snowboard, percentage that climbs to 53% when it speaks of children of inferior age a 15 years.
[...] The choice of the ski helmet to be purchased must have done with attention.
Never to wear a bicycle helmet to ski and not even to put the beret under the helmet.

Carrerasport - sporting Glasses, ski Masks, ski Helmets
Glasses Glasses and technology Masks Masks and technology you Fall Helmets and technology Highlights.
Padua, March 12 th 2007. they Continue the competitions of World Cup of Ski 2006/2007 and the athletes of the CARRERA SKI RACING TEAM 2006/2007 they conquer...
Padua, March 5 th 2007. they Continue the competitions of World Cup of Ski 2006/2007 and the athletes of the CARRERA SKI RACING TEAM 2006/2007 they conquer n...

Mivida - ski Helmets and snowboard
Production and Commerce to I thicken him of winter helmets from ski.
We are specialized in ski casci, snow helmets and realized snowboard helmets completely in Italy.
The ski helmets produced by the mivida are helmets confirmed that they correspond to the severe safety requisite imposed by the normative ones.
Only after the overcoming of these tests effected on his/her own ski helmets, Mivida distributes the helmets on the market.

Helmets: the new rules - Pool Sci Italy
On suggestion of the POOL Sci Italy the Federation Italian Winter Sport has also modified the rules of validity for the homologation of the helmets in the alpine ski to conform to the rules applied in the European Community.
From the next season, according to the text spread by the FISI Presidency, it will be enough condition for the guarantee of the safety the only homologation for the competition helmets effected in the full respect of the law and that is resorting to the European certification EN1077 and released by authorized corporate body ".
10 are the firms doing part of the POOL that you/they furnish with his/her own helmets the athletes azzurr: Alpine, Briko, Carrera, Dainese, Lange, Marker, Rossignol, Salomon, Scott and Uvex.
The young bottom the 14 years must wear the helmet in all the disciplines, and also in the free ski.
Beginning from the season 2005/06 all the helmets produced by the firms of the POOL will only bring the homologation anticipated EN1077 from the law.