Guides of SILA


Silaonline - Vacations in Sila
Hotel and agriturismo: as to promote him with
The Television street Web of the SILA: look at the weekly news-bulletin! .
It purchases Produced online Typical of the Sila and of Calabria.
Hotel Silani: For information and bookings clicca here.
Do you have a firm that produces or it distributes gastronomic or handicraft products typical of the Sila? Do you want to promote your activity on internet or to sell on line your products? Contact us! .
Vacations in the other tourist places of the Sila.
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National park of the Sila
The corporate body National Park of the Sila manages some among the most suggestive and wild zones of the Region with vast and spendide forests, expanses on sweets highlands, with exciting landscapes also stretched out on the Pollino, on the Aspromonte, on the Etna, on the sunny harbors of the Jonio and on the Tyrrhenian sea, in which, with the clear atmospheres, he is spellbound in to observe the imposing one rise him of the Eolies.

info: SILA

Photo by

Sila - Photos dell\'Altopiano of the Sila: to the center of the Mediterranean - florense web site
1° international Festivals of philosophy in Sila.
-- It belonged to a secular educational tradition of my family: the male children are occupied of the measurement and of the management of the earths for centuries; my great-grandfather Giovanni ALESSIO was Factor head of the Barons BARRACCO, practically a Managing director of today; one forehand of ours ancestor, Notary, always Giovanni ALESSIO was among first Cartographers of the Sila.
-- Through the whole highland of the Sila, I have gone off a lot of photos of the wood, of trees, of the brushwood, of landscapes silani, of this splendid Mediterranean forest.
Once mystical center and voted to the Spirit, in the heart of the SILA, it rises on a thick mountainous to the center of the Mediterranean...

Sila - Photos dell\'Altopiano of the Sila - Trees of the forests of the Sila - to the center of the Mediterranean - florense web site
St. Giovanni in Flower, August 8 th 2003--Mediterranean: Highland Silano, Calabria, Italy: this giant pine doesn't exist anymore; after having withstood hundreds in winters, before in a wood, then alone statement to the winds, a few years fà a particularly rigid winter has demolished him/it.
I photographed him/it after a storm of north wind that had sprinkled him/it of frozen snow, in the last gusts of north wind, in full sun, hibernated in the winter afternoon of the highland of the Sila.
St. Giovanni in Flower, August 8 th 2003--I/you/they have not gone to verify from near but from the vision in distance this giant pine of the Sila seems has lost the biggest branch and a piece of top.
-- Once here in Sila the Greek farmers lumber and pitch were gotten for the boats with which you/they crossed in long and in wide the Mediterranean... rustic they break some sila, yours rustic finds to they break some sila
WWW.CASA.IT Trova yours rustic to they Break some sila on
Sale rustic to they break some sila you announce Him real estate of to they break some sila they offer the best solution to whom looks for an immovable property: sale rustic to they break some sila, lease rustic to they break some sila, sale rustic to they break some sila, rustic lease to they break some sila.
Our real estate announcements offer an irreplaceable help for you that bushels looking for a rustic to they Break some sila.
If you want to open a commercial activity and you want to be sure to find the best, it looks for among our real estate announcements, you will find a lot of offers concerning the sale of commercial activity, offices and sheds to they Break of the sila and in the province of cosenza.


.:: My Railroad History - The trenino in Sila::.
· Add your site " The Trenino in Sila.
Index You history You situation today Trains Tourist Schedule of the trains Her photo of the Railroad Silana La history N ei first years of the '900 an ambitious project, foresaw the construction of a railroad transilana that could unite the city of Cosenza with that of Crotone.
A panoramic view of the station of Camigliatello Silano.
The Railroad Silana, that Cosenza unites with St. Giovanni in Flower, has a length of 77 kilometers with scartamento of 950 mm and reaches his/her taller point in the station of St. Nicola-Silvana Mansio to around 1450 meters on the level of the sea resulting, so, the tallest station d' Europe to reduced scartamento.
The railroad of the Sila that has developed an important role in the past both of service and of social integration, today he/she sees a scary decline to cause of the introduction of alternative services on rubber, that, with the improvement of the road net, they result to be more competitive and economic.
The suggestive run, the foreshortenings and the enchanting sceneries that the Railroad Silana offers in to cross the Sila Grande, it allows the survival of the line of line Camigliatello-St. Giovanni in Flower with the periodic organization of tourist trips in train however with historical (vapor locomotive and carriages d' epoch) composition making to change vocation to a railroad that today it results inadequate to the traffic commodities and travellers.


The Ship of the Sila - News
Sila Barracco - in the Park Old Calabria, in the heart of the area silana and it is the first attempt to tell the Italian emigration in a non regional optics.
As every steamboat, also You Ship of the Sila has its chimneys.
They don't miss, for the comfort of the guests, a pleasant caffetteria with tasting of typical products and an absorbed terrace in the landscape silano.
from Cosenza the speedway Silana is taken - Crotonese (n.
107), that has replaced by now the old government road 107, in direction of they Break of the Sila.
Continuing meets him they Break Small and, later they Break immediately of the Sila (or Great).
To reach her Ship of the Sila (what situated is inside the Park Old Calabria) sew together in country him it turns to the right and he continues, for around 1500 meters, on the S.S.

Lakes of the Sila - Arvo - Ampollino - Blindness - Association Internet of the Italian Emigrants
Particular of an advertising poster of the SME of the years "50" on the hydroelectric fittings Silani.
Other lakes were realized by other Corporate body, with irrigated purposes for the agriculture: the lake of the Air Grinds, the lake of Vuturino (now I void and unused) and a lake to King of Sun that shockingly you/he/she was never born, despite I/you/they have been completed dike, fittings, pipings distributed for thousand of hectares of Sila.
Once rich of trouts fario silanes, possess now a many colored fish population, not autochtonous, often with predatory fishes (trouts iridee, Persian, cavedani, etc.) what they enter conflict with the trout fario that was the only present fish in our current waters to the times of formation of the lakes.
Sila: small invades to irrigated purpose near Silvana Mansio among the lakes Air Millstone and Vuturino - photo Gerardo CIVENTI - copyright © 2003 1.1.2 Lakes.

Calabria: to change rout - You Sila can stop l\'emigrazione - G. Lamanna - web site
-- I hold positive and meritorious the activity that the emigrants' association "Heritage Calabria " and his/her President François Nicoletti develops, proposing to always maintain strong the bonds between the emigrants and their countries natives and to face problems leading, as that of the Sila.
Nicoletti viscerally stays tied up to St. Giovanni in Flower and to Calabria and you/he/she can give a strong contribution to a country that summons the politics, culture, science, technique, public opinion for a project of exploitation of the Sila.
-- You says that Calabria is an unfortunate region but a region that it has the Sila it is not him/it because the Sila is still a treasure hidden from to bring to the light.
And' on the Sila the future of St. giovanni in Flower and of Calabria (anything else other than the mostruasità of the bridge on the Narrow one) and to the Sila you/they can be interested Italy and Europe.
You/he/she can be hauling strength of integration among the two territories and of exploitation of the Sila.
The lakes of the Sila: the Lake Arvo in the years "50"--to Treasure up these beauties and resources him is able and it is owed with a development ecocampatibile that rigorously respects the nature.

Apartments Break of the Sila Cosenza
Section Apartments Break of the Sila Cosenza Section CS in sale and in lease.
Apartments break some sila cosenza cosenza: Suggestions for the search we recommend You to also try the selection driven by the Home Page that it will bring you to visualize you announce him listed for typology (es houses sale / lease), province and for place.
You can also look for insiema to apartments they break some sila cosenza: next to, sale lease, 2 baths, in lease to, double services, with garage, occasion, with terrace, with balcony, with Courtyard.

Park of the Sila
L' Highland of the Sila and his/her Parks - photographic Album.
The highland of the Sila is one of the most beautiful and suggestive places in Italy.
The Sila is covered by a big forest constituted to a large extent from beech trees and conifers.
Constituted by a thick granite-crystalline, the territory silano, is bordering to west with the valley of the Crati, to north with the plain one of Sibari, to east with the hills of the Marchesato and to south with the Plain one of Lamezia.
The photos are ownership of the portal that you/he/she has authorized the publication of it on this site. - Contributions for scholastic trips to the National Park of the Sila
Contributions for scholastic trips to the National Park of the Sila.
And' defines the disciplinary one for the concession of contributions for the public and private schools, if legally recognized, that organizes in the period March - October 2006 didactic trips in the National Park of the Sila.