Guides of Park Natural Dolomites FRIULANE


Regional Natural park of the Dolomites Friulane - L\'Area Protetta
The Park Natural Dolomites Friulane extends him from the province of Pordenone to that of Udine and embraces the Valcellina (Common of Andreis, Cimolais, Claut, Steep and I Cancel), the tall Valley of the Tagliamento (Common of Ovens than Above, Ovens of Under) and confluent territories toward the Val Tramontina (Common of Frisanco, Sunsets than Above)..
The predominant landscape is that characteristic of the Prealpis Orientali, determined by a contour dolomitico and from narrow and long valleys.
The difficulties conferred by the type of present orografia, the impact you/they have made least caused by the pressure antropica and you/they have guaranteed, at the same time, his/her natural maintenance to work of the local populations.
The geomorphology of these mountains reveals a notable and continuous evolution of the territory testified by the presence of faults, sovrascorrimenti and fractures that are contrasted to moraines and pyramids of earth determined by the excavation and by the deposit of ancient glaciers; steeples and towers dolomitici, as well as rocky stratifications from the varied characteristics (the Books of St. Dalniele) point out besides an intense alpine erosion.

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In the most external portion of the park, these woods constitute the terminal forest vegetation, while in that inside you/they are replaced by peccete subalpine (Adenostylo glabrae-Piceetum).
The areale of some endemic and rare kinds is assembled maximally in the park, among which Gentiana froelichii ssp.
Fauna: From the point of view faunistico, the vastness of the interested area and the redoubt antropizzaziones that characterize the park discreetly guarantee the survival of numerous populations of kind interesting avifaunistiche.
I am however you introduce all the present tetraonidis on the alpine arc: rooster cedrone, forcello, francolino of mountain, white partridge; particularly in the zones most southern of the park they are well represented different important birds of prey, as nighttime diurnals as, what the real owl, the biancone, the wandering falcon and the brown kite.
Particularly notable the consistence of the population of respectable royal eagle in four couples nesting inside the park or to his/her borders.
In the park they are present different streams, characterized by cold waters, well you oxygenate, with current fast, substratum primarily constituted by rocks and pebbles to varying granulometria and absence of vegetable or very limited coverage.


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Park of the Dolomites Friulane - Italy - Primitaly
The Park of the Dolomites Friulane, last born, it extends him for 37.000 hectares from the Valcellina to the tall Valley of the Tagliamento.
The numerous shelters welcome lovers of the nature in its authenticity whereas you/they can admire the tops dolomitiche, the vertical walls, the woods and the immense grasslands.

M Il Regional Natural Park of the Dolomites Friulane is inserted in the western sector of the mountainous district that overhangs the tall lowland friulana, contained among the courses of the Rivers Tagliamento and Piave.
M Elevato is the degree of "wilderness" of his/her wide valleys that, deprived of principal viabilità and of inhabited centers, they are penetrated between peaks and towers dolomitici.
The veterinary clinic is displaced to the plain earth of the town building, it is used when it is necessary to operate and to cure birds or other picked wounded animals in the Park.
M La morning of September 30 th 1994 a scholastic group in visit of education to the Park casually discovers the first imprints fossils of Dinosaur teropode of the Park, engraved on a rock of Dolomia Principale, a rocky formation deposited him in the superior triassico, more than two hundred million years ago.
M Her imprints of Dinosaurs in the Dolomia Principale of the Dolomites open a thematic of great interest, in how much these discoveries show in unequivocal way that in the Italian peninsula the presence of such forms of life was everything anything else other than occasional as always held.

Park Dolomites Friulane
In 2001, within his/her own competences and for ufficializzare and to formalize the relationships that besides for a long time they existed already, a protocol of agreement has been initialed among the Provincial administration of Pordenone and the Natural Park of the Dolomites Friulane.
Particularly the followings have been fixed points, held essential for the share to the activities to jointly be developed in the territory of the Park: .


: Natural park of the Dolomites Friulane - ITALIANDAY
The Dolomites are famous mountains of the north east Italy you celebrate for their panoramas, the natural beauties and for the skiing stations.
It has a surface of 36950 hectares and in the proximities the Reserve Natural Regional Gorge of the Cellina (304 hectares) is also found, managed by the corporate body same Park.
The Park of the Dolomites Friulane is a real heaven for the touring type naturalistic and the trekking, activity guaranteed by a suitable net of paths and by a good number of structures of support (casere - refuges, camp out).


Regional Natural park of the Dolomites Friulane - Paper d\'identità
Paper of identity: Information detailed on the park with territory, as to arrive and you number useful.
With his/her 36.950 hectares of surface, the Natural Park of the Dolomites Friulane is the vast in the Friuli-Venice Giulia.
- A27 Venezia. BELLUNO, gone out Cadore-Dolomites, following then the indications of the SS51 for Curtain up to Longarone, and therefore of the SS251 for the Valcellina.
- A27 Venezia. BELLUNO, gone out Cadore-Dolomites, following then the indications of the SS51 for Curtain up to Tai of Cadore, following then the indications for Auronzo of the SS51/b.

Common of Ovens than Above - official Site
Section menu Info Municipal Office NEWS SHOWCASE Ongoing Public Works Up given to Demographic Statistics News bulletins News Communication Forums Guest book Park Natural Dolomites FRIULANE: Days In the Snow 2006 Februaries 19, 2006 Excursion To CASERA TARTOI The calendar of the 'Days in the snow' organized by the Natural Park of the Dolomites Friulane it proposes for Sunday February 19 th 2006 to Ovens than Above an excursion with the 'ciaspe' (snow rackets) between the aerial costonis and the ample subsidences innevati of the thick one of the Varmost, to reach the Casera Tartoi.
-Departure Times 10.00 to Ovens than Above near the Center visits of the Park.
BESIDES THE PARK PROPOSES: To school of snow and ice mini course on progressions and techniques on ice of base and evolved on booking, at least 8 people.

Magic Veneto Venetian Mountain: Natural park of the Dolomites Friulane, Pordenone, Udine, Friuli Venezia Julia, Vajont, Longarone, shelter Maniago, Longarone, Steep and I Cancel, dike of the Vajont,
Certainly the place and the event, more known of this area concerns the lake, the dike and the catastrophe of the Vaiònt, nevertheless, this of the dolomitis friulane, is relatively an a little known area, frequented and, fortunately, a little exploited by the tourism of mass and he/she offers shows of the nature of incomparable beauty.
As the Bell tower of Val Montanaia, symbol of the park, the petrified cry, a stem quadrangular tall 200 meters on which it leans a pyramid of other 50 meters.
But the dolomitis friulanes offer even more places of enchantment isolated and for rash walkers as the game itineraries on the Duranno, after the long approach to the shelter Maniago.

Park of the Dolomites Friulane: Culture, Sport and the whole rest - tourist Information on the Park of the Dolomites Friulane
The Park has been founded in 1996, with regional law 42 after twenty years of studies and battles among different foreheads.
To historical level the territory of the Park, closed to the outside from difficulties streets of access, have been always little inhabited area and the same situated housing nucleuses on various alluvial terrazzamenti to the confluence of the valleys has maintained autonomous cultural characteristics really for the difficulty of communication among the different points.
A certain numerousness of inhabitants focused here in barbaric epoch to escape the hordes of unni and Goths but subsequently the inhabitants moved toward the most accessible valleys and the areas of the park they followed the destiny after all of the Friuli: after a few centuries under the domination longobarda and of the Sacred Romano Impero (how territory of the Autonomous Patriarchy of Aquileia) the territories had passed under Venice since 1420, a brief interval under Napoleone and a half century of Austrian domination before passing in 1866 to the Kingdom of Italy.
Marked territory, to level geomorfologico, from a continuous evolution testified by the presence of faults, sovrascorrimenti and fractures, the Park represents the amplest protected area of the Friuli 36.950 hectares.

Ovens than Above Dolomites - Official Site
Ovens than Above it is situated in the tall Val Tagliamento in the more part to north of the Park.
The Natural Park of the Dolomites Friulane extends him on a superfice of 36.950 hectares, and he/she understands the territories of the Valcellina (Andreis, Cimolais, Claut, Steep, I Cancel), of the tall Val Tagliamento (Ovens than Above and Ovens of Under) and of the Val Tramontina (Frisanco and Sunsets than Above)..
vIl predominant landscape is that characteristic of the Prealpis Orientali, determined by a contour dolomitico and from narrow and long valleys.
The difficulties conferred by the type of present orografia, the impact you/they have made least caused by the pressure antropica and you/they have guaranteed, at the same time, his/her natural maintenance to work of the local populations.

Ovens than Above Dolomites - Official Site
One to fondovalle devoted to the beginners, with 1 chair lift, 1 sciovia, 3 tapes roulant, footsteps for social competitions, park plays on the snow SNOW FANTASY PARK, footstep for sleds and rafts and attractive cafe with solarium.
The descents enjoy of a panorama mozzafiato, from the Three Tops of Lavaredo, Antelao, Pelmo, Owl, to the Dolomites Friulane, long long footsteps and always innevate.
Very you appreciate they are the trips and excursions organized by the Natural Park of the Dolomites Friulane, didactic and naturalistic Rings for every age, ski touring, ski mountaineering, snow rackets, nordic walking, falls of ice, I raced of Echo-climbing on artificial structures.