Guides of I Remove Dolomites


Welcome on Radio Curtain the radio of the dolomitis, dolomites, dolomiten
I remove Curtain you/he/she has been among the first Italian radios to transmit in direct on the net, it was the January 1998.
The Compass is the magazine of tourist orientation of the area Dolomitica the program you/he/she is adjourned every day to the 9.45 excluded on Sundays.
I remove Bazaar it proposes small sales, offered of job and other, the program is adjourned every day excluded on Sundays at 8.00 o'clock.
The Newspaper of the Dolomites. of Nives Milani.
He/she listens to the Newspaper of the Dolomites in his/her 12.30 first edition, news local and regional updating every day excluded on Sundays at 13.30 o'clock.
I remove Curtain WebCam Panorama from the principal study, in direct with the webcam.

Press releases
We are speaking of the over two hundred sms reached Radio in the last weeks Dolomites, the drawer that devotes some spaces of his/her planning to 'A song, a city', initiative with which the Commune of Trento invites the city to reason on the feelings departing really from the text of the passage of Ditches.
Every week the editing of Radio Dolomites it chooses the most meaningful sms, that is rewarded with a free ticket to the concert of scheduled Ditches on September 6 in Cathedral plaza.
Of Love does and of sms I Remove Dolomites he/she will speak alone in the daily program conducted by Francesca Bertoletti 'there is not two. without you' (from the Monday to Friday, at 16.35 o'clock), but also the Monday and the Tuesday, from the 13 at 14 o'clock, during the direct one from the swimming pool of Gardolo.
Maura Pettoruso and Michelangelo Felicetti, from their posting in the lawn of the beach of Trento Nord, every week brings the radio in swimming pool, among the families that you/they have lunch with the salad of rice and the sandwiches brought from house, his/her children that plunge him going down from the slide his/her mothers that the idromassaggio does.
They bring the radio in swimming pool to speak of the love and above all some Love does.


Photo by

APPA-AGF TN - Committee May 21 st 2004
. riconfigurazione station basic radio sita near the pylon of ownership of the Pat on the pp.fves.
. installation station radio base in the place Palù near the town aqueduct in the Commune of Tuenno; Suspended.
. riconfigurazione station basic radio sita in the street Gocciadoro n.
. installation plant of broadcast connection on the site of Mountain Agaro in the Commune of Castle Tesino; Positive.
. installation station radio base near the arrival of the telecabina Grostè in the C.C.
. realization repeating plant radiotelevisivo and for the telecommunications on the p.f.
I remove Mountain Charles. move of a broadcast plant from the place Mason in the place Paloni in the Commune of Transacqua; Positive.
. realization station radio base in Trento Plaza in the Commune of Mezzocorona; Suspended.
. realization station radio base in the Street Station in the Commune of Lavis; Suspended.
. realization station radio base near the new port commodities in the place Roncafort in the C.C.
. realization station radio base in the Street Of Centa in the Commune of Trento; Suspended.

APPA-AGF TN - Committee August 11 th 2004
- riconfigurazione station basic radio sita in the street To.
- restructuring repeating plant of signals radiotelevisivi site on the p.f.
- realization station radio base in the place Tanel near the pylon RAI - Pat in the Commune of Bedollo; positive.
. riconfigurazione station basic radio sita in the street Of the Fall 25/27 in the C.C.
I remove Dimension Sound. transfer of the situated plant in the place With the Rodella in the Commune of Campitello of Fassa on other situated pylon in the same site of ownership of TCA S.r.l.; positive.
. change plant of broadcast connection on the site of Doss Casina in the Commune of Nago-Torbole; positive.
. installation parables for connections in bridge radio in the place Mountain Finonchio on the pp.fves.
. raising of the repeating plant of signals radioelettrici site on the p.f.
. change of the station basic radio sita in on the p.f.
. riconfigurazione station basic radio sita in the street Camilastri in the C.C.
. riconfigurazione station basic radio sita in the street Rome n.
. transfer broadcast plant for delocalizzazione of the site S.

alicell - News
Alpikom: Christmas atmosphere near the Alpikom Point Inviato from alicell the 3/12/2005 7:27:00 gold Sundays to the Alpikom Point: gadget, Christmas discounts and the direct one of Radio Dolomites.
In concomitance of the Christmas festivities the informative point of Alpikom will be also open during the weekend, beginning from the next 3 and 4 December, with schedule had continued since 10.00 at 19.00 o'clock and it will propose some promotions on his/her own products, it will distribute some gadgets and it will entertain the direct one of Radio Dolomites in the days of Sunday 4, 11 and 18 December from the time 15.00 to her times 18.00.


I remove Gherdëina - Radio Gardena - Radio Gröden - Dolomites - Dolomites - Dolomiten - Südtirol - Tall Adige
Radio Gherdëina Dolomites is born in the year 1979 to base of a proggetto of Ivo Walpoth, Arno Mahlknecht and Oswald Rifesser; since then the board of directors was changed often.
Radio Gherdëina Dolomites is the only Radio deprived commercial, where the numerous transmission both in direct, that recorded you/they are transmitted in language ladina, German and Italian.
The drawer is uttered in the whole territory Ladin-dolomitico (Val Gardena, Val Badia, Val of Fassa, Fedom, Curtain of Ampezzo), in Val Di Isarco, in Val Pusteria and in the territory Renon and Plateau of the Sciliar.


Events - News-bulletin - DiWineTaste
During the evening they will be anticipated besides a lot of activities: games, quiz, prizes and so much fun thanks to the collaboration of Radio Dolomites that from 7 pm to the 23 it will transmit in directed the event putting in contact Inns, the present guests and listeners of Radio Dolomites.

Radio and TV
Vigilio: Information and average > Radio and TV.
I remove Dolomites it is the first radio in Trentino Tall Adige in terms of listening since his/her birth, December 24 th 1975..
The only radio that also transmits in German language on the lake of Garda from April 1 to September 30 in direct connection with Radio Spar Monk's Bayern.

The European Parliament in Italy
The office of information for Italy of the European Parliament, realizes, in collaboration with AGR - journalistic Agency radiotelevisiva - RCS Average Group, an entitled program "Confrontation with the European Parliament."  The transmission, that on Saturdays go to wave, immediately after the newspaper radio of 8 pm, puts to comparison two select European deputies on the base of the occasional criterion and has as objective make to know better to the citizens their representatives in Europe out of the context of the Parliamentary job.

[Art. 3311] a radio in every university - Step1 - Periodic telematico of information
Sailing on the web we discover a review it stamps of January that announces a prgetto of Radio24, the Radio on line de 'The Sole24ore.'
UnyOnair is the turned project to the whole university radios, among which our Radio Zammù...
Today a radios in every university are 15 the experiences in Italy but other projects are departing From their microphones they go out voices that are understood immediately: young people, plan not at all, whose accent doesn't leave shade of doubt on the origin of the announcer; to the embarrassed times because the line and the listener it falls him he/she doesn't succeed in recovering or the words don't be found for setting live remedy to an unforeseen event.
The university radios enjoy of a lot of vitality, they have palinsesti in which to the music and the programs on the life of athenaeum they are alternated an open window on the world and often an informative strip realized in collaboration with an agency of press as in the case of Radio Luiss and Asca.
They are 15 the radios of athenaeum and, if the last projects that I/you/they have been thought will go in I bring, soon 20 will become.
Or perhaps also more, thanks to "UnyOnair", the project conceived by Job24, Radio24 and the group Alone 24 Hours in collaboration with Heineken and Renault, that he/she invites all the Italian athenaeums to participate in the network of university radio giving life to their broadcasting station.

I remove Popular Base Network | The Sounds of the Dolomites
"The Sounds of the Dolomites it is a festival of music in quota realized during the summer by Trentino S.p.a.
A lot of the interested places, from the Dolomites of Fassa to the Pasubio, from the plateau of Folgaria to the Shovels of St. Martin, to Cavalese, to the Dolomites of Brenta. .....
The shows will develop him to the morning or in the first afternoon (of sure effect will be 'The dawn of the Dolomites', the appointments that will develop him to the six of the morning), to exception of an evening show, on August 2, to the auditorium of Cavalese.
For the program in the detail:

Excite Italia - World - Italian - Regional - Europe - Italy - Geographical Areas - Dolomites
Hotel Oberlechner, the Dolomites in Trentino L' offered March € 37 for person a day. (sponsored link) All on the Dolomites and the Val Pusteria useful Information, activity and setups for your summer or winter vacations on the Dolomites, a magic destination always. (sponsored link) Abc Dolomites You geologic nature of the bluffs, the alpine history, suggestions for the excursionists and photos. Dolomites World Panning of the environmental, economic and tourist resources dell '' area, harvests for matters, valleys and countries, photographic galleries. Dolomitiweb local Portal: radio and link, lodgings, meteo, news from the daily paper, the snow's bulletin, and-commerce, music. The ladini of the Dolomites Considerations on the history and l '' actuality of the people Ladin. around in the Dolomites Ennio Tortatò proposes photographic galleries and you wait historical, cultural and naturalistic of the Pale Mountains. Radio Dolomites Online Informazioni, gives of listening, the index books, pre-sale of tickets for concerts.