Guides of IMAGES SEA

Cosedimare. The Mediterranean sea between history images and myth:: Homepage
The High Adriatic, called from underwater “the Stagnone”, is a fascinating sea that it allows the fotosub to carry out interesting resumptions.
To the wide one of the Sicily, in international waters, sand banks and benches are only known to little lupi of sea.
The culture and traditions of the sea with 7° the Mediterranean Circuit of the Latin Sail return.
the boat, the house to the sea, the windsurf, the gommone, the bottles from sub, the canoe .......
An occasion that offers Cosedimare to you!.
It enters in the great Community di Cosedimare, we will hold to You informed on all the innovationes of the situated one….

Cosedimare. The Mediterranean sea between history images and myth:: Storys of the Adriatic. Tonnetti to breakfast
It enters in the great Community di Cosedimare, we will hold to You informed on all the innovationes of the situated one….
The house to little meters from the sea guarantees the top of the humidity that, if possible, renders the air warm still more insopportabile.
The travocch' - stilt houses on the sea that decrease the nets to sea, typical of the abruzzese coast - to the light of lampare they are the single ones to betray a sure activity, for the rest the buio and Hush they make it from masters.
The noise of the risacca arrives weak person, inequivocabile sign of a flat sea and the green light of the beacon, little distant, seems to occhieggiare in the buio of the night.
I begin to arm my cane with a sealed with lead floater on which I have mounted a starlight and from which I have left two meters of svolazzo (the svolazzo is finishes them without lead that alloy to the sealed with lead floater, so that the same thread is put in ban and follows the surface current).
I follow the trajectory of the starlight until the tonfo on the sea.
Incredible, never fast capture therefore in a decidedly ostico sea had not succeeded one.
I open the libricino of the fish of sea and I put myself to the search of some analogy, finchè arrived exactly T I discover that that one ended in the retino is a tombarello, that is one small version of the most famous brother of high sea: the tonno.

IMAGES SEA - panoramic photos of the citta \ 'of Ancona and of the coast of the Conero -
Welcomes in my Home Page! From you can here easy catch up my situated ones dedicates you to the digital photography them, to the citta' of Ancona, the coast of the Conero and its splendid sea.
“Images of a charming union” the synthesis of the numerous photos is this that illustrate as Monte Conero joins to the Sea, generating the splendid ones spiagge and the calette of the zone.
Panoramic resumptions carried out from the sea, the spiagge and the mount, give one complete and systematic vision of the entire coastal profile of Monte Conero.
With my Nikon new I have begun to resume some images and panoramic nocturnal:.
In this section you can therefore by hand see the panoramic images of my printed publication ones with the same technique used in 1842.

The Conero and the Sea
AUTHOR'S NOTES In this situated one are brought back the images of the coast of the Conero resumed with one digital machine them (Sony Mavica Fd91).
A great job!! In fact they are made on foot and for sea all me the coast of the Conero: from cliffs of the Cardeto until the beach of Low Numana.
The images that you will see have been obviously reduced regarding the photos originate them, but they are still of qualita' gradevole; I hope that they can however pour little on You of the serenity that I have tried in resuming them.
This collection of images has been constructed with a logical and systematic distance to the aim to use the entire job for didactic scopes, documents them, naturalistic, tourist, promozionali, etc to us
On the riepilogative photos fairies click on the small icone of the images represented.


Photo by

sea stories, history and images of sea
Eleonora de Sabata, journalist and photographer, from 1988 are engaged in the spreading of the sea in TV and on the main Italian reviews and foreign, where she has published more than 700 reportages, she has collaborated with the National Geographic, the BBC, Discovery Channel, RAI and Mediaset.
Rubirca the Ambient salary Sea, from the 1992 every month on Nautical, other articles online.
One carrellata of photo of the beautifulr sea of the world: the Mediterranean! SEGUE>.
And in order not to lose the compass in this sea of pages…
Fish, granchi and jellyfishes, the world of the beach and the scogli, have new meaning all for the children who follow the course To know the Sea ......
E' in bookcase the new book of the necklace “All the Day”: “What makes the squali all the day in sea? ”.

Images and words from the abysses To Rome all the blue of the sea - Week-in -
cinema, animation, photography but also literature Images and words from the abysses.
To Rome all the blue of the sea of STABLE ELENA DE Images and words from the abysses.
To Rome all the blue of the sea '/> the roman FINESETTIMANA is dyed of blue.
From the 8 to 12 March the understood one it accommodates them a series of events dedicates you to gets passionate you of the sea, from who loves to navigate it to who prefers to dip itself.
“Deep” the blue is protagonist of Pelagos, festival international of the submarine image that constitutes the cultural nucleus of the Big Blue Rome Sea Expo, the first edition of the fair of the sea.
Images but also words: the section in competition opens also to the literary works, those multimediali and the situated ones web.
A relationship with the word that realizes also in the involvement with the communal libraries that they cure, in the center of the Library Elsa Morante of the Lido of Rome, the realization of laboratories and readings dedicated to the sea and revolts to the young.
Between the innovationes proposed for edition 2007 of Pelagos (ninth), to signal the area dedicated to the plans in order to upgrade the exploitation and the spread of sources of clean energy that give the sea they gush. - Highly summarized: Se@News, Article of the week, Photographies and presentation.
For sea, to hunting of all the proteins of the world.
Protagonist of Objects to you is the sea illustrated from the evocative images of its inhabitants and told from all she gets passionate to it to you disposed to collaborate and to communicate their experiences. a situated one been born from the love for the sea and the photography, for the ecological sensibilizzazione, the scientific spreading and the curiosities of marine Biology.
Which thing is? You have photographed a marine organism but you exactly do not know of what draft? You ask aid our experts in marine Biology sending your images on our Forum.
The Collaborators Are get passionate you of photography and/or Biology, in any case all lovers of the sea.


Blue Rapsodia - the sea in poetry, prosa and photography
R APSODIA B LU In English, please the SEA IN POETRY, PROSA AND PHOTOGRAPHY of Luca Sonnino Sorisio the premise of the author Leaf through some pages Read to all the witnesses In order to order of one copy a book dedicated to the sea, in a travel through the literature of all the times and the photographies resumed in various seas of the world, over and under the surface, from Luca Sonnino Sorisio.
It hears to the ocean of 216 pages with 187 photographies, in a prestigious work to collezionare in the own library of books on the sea, to give or to give itself.
From Omero to Conrad, from Melville to Hemingway, the boats, the sea and its most colorful ones and little known inhabitants from have always inspired great backs and poetries.
The same subjects that we find in the splendid images of this rare and only work in its kind.


Nautical Shopping - RAPSODIA BLUE
A book dedicated to the sea, in a travel through the literature of all the times and the photographies resumed in various seas of the world, over and under the surface, from Luca Sonnino Sorisio.
It hears to the ocean of 216 pages with 187 photographies, in a prestigious work to collezionare in the own library of books on the sea, to give or to give itself.
From Omero to Conrad, from Melville to Hemingway, the boats, the sea and its most colorful ones and little known inhabitants from have always inspired great backs and poetries.
The same subjects that we find in the splendid images of this rare and only work in its kind supplied in own the elegant guard.

Eleonora de Sabata, journalist and photographer, from 1988 are engaged in the spreading of the sea in TV and on the main Italian reviews and foreign, where she has published more than 700 reportages, she has collaborated with the National Geographic, the BBC, Discovery Channel, RAI and Mediaset.
One carrellata of photo of the beautifulr sea of the world: the Mediterranean! .
And in order not to lose the compass in this sea of pages…
Fish, granchi and jellyfishes, the world of the beach and the scogli, have new meaning all for the children who follow the course To know the Sea ......
E' in bookcase the new book of the necklace “All the Day”: “What makes the squali all the day in sea? ”.
50) this.border=1' > to write of sea and freedom of the writer Paul carbonaio…
to Gianpaolo (Gianpi) the Freedom is like the Sea cannot; to be locked up and like the Sea a Free Man it is in order always.
to write of sea and freedom homepage of Paul carbonaio.
The sea, the nature, the history and archaeology told through images, become occasion in order rivisitare places a posteriori lived.

6 images, latest supply of the 29 Set 2005.
3 images, latest supply of the 25 Set 2005.
3 images, latest supply of the 29 Set 2005.
13 images, latest supply of the 28 Gen 2006.
1 images, latest supply of the 26 Set 2005.
4 images, latest supply of the 06 Ott 2005.
3 images, latest supply of the 28 Set 2005.
Galleries Photographic Storys and History of Sea.
4 images, latest supply of the 18 Ott 2005.

postcards sunsets, with landscapes, of images of the sea and mountain
postcards with images of mountain or the sea.
Postcards of the sea, protagonists: Hush and the peace.
The postcards of mountain landscapes, the postcards of sunsets or those with images of the sea sure that more are used in order to send salutes.
I hope that the images that I have inserted piacciano you, especially the mountain postcards, and you can serve for all the occasions.
Images of animals, songs, designs to color and you play gratis.