L \ 'angle of chef - the main fish - Best Web Magazine
One knows that the cooks generally do not eat what they cook: they are pleased to taste it.
When the invited one says: that good! it says also: as the dreams are gustosi that live in the mind of the cook.
M ollusco marine whose name derives from ink pot because of the swollen blister of black liquid; famous in some regions like totano.
There is but between one and the other a difference is morphologic is to feed.
Clam of shape lengthened enclosed between two valve.
Of meat optimal, it is eaten raw or cooked in zuppa, like the telline or dates of sea.
M ollusco with black shell of lengthened shape.
And' raw or prepared bond in many ways: to the duffle-coat, in zuppa with the toasted bread.
The date of sea is hidden in cliffs and is therefore difficult to collect.
Clam of small dimensions, to be consumed raw or cooked.
An optimal prescription is the moscardini to the Luciano, with garlic, tomato and wine white man.
The unit of measure per capita is the dozen.
When it comes eaten raw advises a lemon drop and a pizzico of knows them.
After one beating with the manico of a mestolo that it serves to break off fibers, lessa in aromatized water.

Lumachine of sea to finocchietto - To cook Better - the Prescription
“Lumachine to the nocciole black Moon” Lumachine of sea to the finocchietto.
Main ingredient: Snails of sea Other prescriptions in the category: Fish Preparation Risciacquate many times over the lumachine of sea, therefore raccoglietele in an able one teglia, covers them of cold water, adds the porro, the sedano and the carrot, one manciata of knows them large, portatele on moderate fire and, to the bollore, calculated 2 minuteren, therefore it drains them to you.
Soffriggete in one casserole a large segment of garlic in 3 warm oil spoons; joined the lumachine, it makes them you to insaporire to alive fire for 3 minuteren, then you add abundant finocchietto wild tritato, the polpa of tomato reduced to dadini, pepper milling, incoperchiate, reduce the flame and left to stew for approximately 30 minuteren; to the end, you correct of knows them (will be sufficient a pizzico of that one until), therefore completed with fresh trito of finocchietto; transferred in one ciotola adapted the lumachine with all the their saporito one intingolo and you use them immediately, warmth.


Shells to the gravy of lumachine of sea - To cook Better - Prescription
“Shells to rosmarino the Shells to tonno” the Shells to the gravy of lumachine of sea.
Main ingredient: Lumachine of sea Other prescriptions in the category: First plate Preparation Lessare the the lumachine and sgusciar them.
To prepare a soffritto of garlic, oil, prezzemolo, basil; to add the lumachine, the water of the vongole the wine and the cognac and to make to thicken for 15-20 minuteren.
To drain the paste to the tooth, to pour it in the intingolo and to flavor with pecorino.

▷ Snails of sea, fish of the Mediterranean
To sell or to buy occasion boats is like going for sea: all it must be clear and very visible.
More than venticinque years than experience in the field of the sale boats they have confirmed to me that only the transparency can guarantee the happy conclusion of one sale.
I take care of sale boats with passion and clarity, a chat and a opinion can be of endured aid and at the same time to put the bases of one future collaboration.
The aspects of the sale are occupied me in these years of all boats having caught up a complete acquaintance of the field, are features of boats to sail that of motor boats.
A council: it tries the edge life before buying a boat you can if you want to rent it with to your family or your friends: Chartering Boats.
Snails of sea, description: Gasteropodi the knots, or snails of sea, belong to the type of the molluschi, the class of the gasteropodi, and to the sottoclasse of the opistobranchi.
All the opistobranchi are not knots, some have a reduced shell, than it does not concur with the animal of rifugiarvisi within (as it happens in the members of the other order of the gasteropodi, the prosobranchi) but protegge only partially some you leave.


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▷ Tartufi of sea, fish of the Mediterranean
To sell or to buy occasion boats is like going for sea: all it must be clear and very visible.
More than venticinque years than experience in the field of the sale boats they have confirmed to me that only the transparency can guarantee the happy conclusion of one sale.
I take care of sale boats with passion and clarity, a chat and a opinion can be of endured aid and at the same time to put the bases of one future collaboration.
The aspects of the sale are occupied me in these years of all boats having caught up a complete acquaintance of the field, are features of boats to sail that of motor boats.
A council: it tries the edge life before buying a boat you can if you want to rent it with to your family or your friends: Chartering Boats.
Tartufi of sea, description: Draft of the famous one “tartufo of sea”, appreciated species edule.
The shell is of shape similar to others veneridi; this is the sturdier species between the nostrani, easy recognizable for the sculpture to lamelle concentriche found, that in the posterior part they become denticolate.

Snails of sea with l \ 'intingolo - prescriptions of the grandmother
The Snails, instead bubbling them in simple way, I propose to take you a tegame, to slice the onion and to make it to rosolare in the oil.
The snails, than at the same time you will have made to bubble to part, go removed from the shell and stirred with the intingolo prepared before.
To leave on the fire the time that the snails take sapore.
Notes: Getlteman men, this is a prescription that comes advised during the honey Moon.

Acquaportal - Life ET the edge of reef - Marine Biology -
Unmistakable inhabitants of reef, similar to the fish the ball but equip you of thorns on all the surface of the body.
Fish of average or small cut, sometimes meet themselves support to you on the reef to rest….
The great coppers to fan, color to you, than flettono in the current…
With the generic term of anemones of sea we indicate all the esacoralli unprovided of skeleton and therefore to body motivatings force.
We find ourselves in the type of the Cnidaria, that a lot comprises animals to base structure….
The type of the tunicati ones is represented mainly, as far as the underwater one, from the Ascidie (Ascidiacei class).
If a point of contact between marine Biology and the fantascienza exists, this point of contact must close be to stars of sea.
The curly of sea belong to the type of the Echinodermi, Echinoidea class.
All the echinodermi are animals a lot originate them, for the only strategies of survival that adopt.
Although they have been distaccati remarkablly from the evolutionary line….
Known like worms plates, they are the first animals in the evolutionary scale to acquire the shape to worm, with an endowed body of head and tail, of sense organs concentrates to you in the zone of the head….


Prescriptions - Lumachine Of Sea To the Finocchietto
The lumachine of sea Risciacquate pi¨ times, therefore raccoglietele in an able one teglia, cover them of cold water, add the porro, the sedano and the carrot, one manciata of know them large, portatele on moderate fire and, to the bollore, calculated 2 minuteren, therefore it drains them to you.
Soffriggete in one casserole a large segment of garlic in 3 warm oil spoons; joined the lumachine, it makes them you to insaporire to alive fire for 3 minuteren, then you add abundant finocchietto wild tritato, the polpa of tomato reduced to dadini, pepper milling, incoperchiate, reduce the flame and left to stew for approximately 30 minuteren; to the end, you correct of knows them (sarÓ sufficient a pizzico of that one until), therefore completed with fresh trito of finocchietto; transferred in one ciotola adapted the lumachine with all the their saporito one intingolo and you use them immediately, warmth.
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Prescriptions - Spaghetti To Frutti Of Sea
To make to soffriggere in a wide one tegame, in the olive oil, the garlic and the fresh chili pepper cut to fettine, but lacking in seeds, with with a large pizzico of origano.
To decrease in soffritto the vongole already the cozze clear and, therefore the lumachine of sea and, at last the cannolicchi already opened to cold.
Irrorare the all with the wine dry white man, to stir, then to incoperchiare and to cook for approximately 3 minuteren, until the complete opening of all how many the molluschi.
To complete with a tritato spoonful of prezzemolo and, if it is preferred, with the cut fresh tomato in dadolata small.
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The kitchen to Volcano - Typical Prescriptions
The typical prescriptions of the gastronomia of the Volcano Island.
The kitchen Volcano distinguishes from the other islands for the vocation of the inhabitants to the pastorizia and the game.
A casearia activity of typical products of the island derives some, as the famous one annealed of Volcano goat and the first cheese knows them of goat.
We propose you some typical prescriptions of the Volcano island.
Rosolare to tritato slow fire the scalogno, you add triglie threads and to pour a little wine.
To make to evaporate and to add the tomatoes, the capsicum, seeds of finocchio, 1 water glass, and to leave to cook to slow fire for a pair of minuteren.
To cook the fusilli to the tooth, after to have it drains them to you to pour in one soup dish and to flavor with the prepared gravy adding a little pepper.
800gr of Sardinians, 200gr of mollica of bread, 150gr of oil, 1/5 of vinegar, 50gr of pinoli, 50gr of grape it passes, 1 onion, 1 orange, origano, 1 lemon, 1 mazzetto of prezzemolo, knows them, black pepper, leaves of bay.
PREPARATION: To shell, to eliminate the head and the lisca to the Sardinians, to wash them well.
Marinare with the juice of average lemon, oil, know them and pepper.
Rosolare the tritata onion, to add to the grape passolina, the pinoli, the prezzemolo tritato, the orange juice, knows them, pepper and grattugiato bread, farcire the sardine with this paste.