Hotel House Boat, Malcesine - Lago of Garda Lake Gardasee
The Hotel House Boat is formed from 2 separated houses, dipped in a uliveto of 4500 mq to single 5 minuteren on foot from the center of Malcesine.
On hand of the customers a garden very cured, a parking, one magnificent swimming pool of recent construction and a wide garage for mountain bike and motion.
For who it wants to practice tennis the House Boat is associated to the center Tennis “Piero” of Navene with favorable prices.
Children under the 16 years of age do not accept themselves.

Chartering imbarcazioni Lago of Garda
Information online on chartering, services and promotions with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Garda. You follow the link here under…
Information online on chartering, services and promotions with respect to Chartering boats Lago of Garda. You follow the link here under…
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Hotel Lago of Garda, Hotels Lago di Garda, Welcome, Lago of Garda, Hospitality Lago of Garda, Hotel Lago of Garda, Lodges Lago of Garda, Bed and Breakfast Lago di Garda, B & B Lago di Garda, B&B Lago
Between Italian prealpine lagos, the Garda is largest and sure most characteristic.
The geologic history of the Lago of Garda derives from a series of vicissitudes connected to the formation of the preAlps that constitute a large one wrap of cliffs, generally sedimentarie, representatives the superficial and external cover of the alpine region.
In the conca is made successive of the Garda has been created and modeled from the ghiacciai, with the formation to south of the morainic amphitheater and the planing of the full of rocks walls that dominate it in the northern part where the Garda assumes the shape and the course of a fjord.
The waters are then the result of the invaded great filling of this glacial one connected to successes to you climatic cycles more and more sweetened us.
The variety of the manifestations vegetables, therefore like the compresenza in the lacustrine river basin of species original vegetables of most various climatic atmospheres us, constitutes an other not secondary reason of the eccezionalità of the Garda.
The remarkable water mass (approximately 50 million cubic meters) and the natural protection of the mountains that encircle it, make of the Lago of Garda one climatic zone of remarkable importance for all the sports.

Hotel Garda, Hotels Garda, Welcome, Garda, Garda Hospitality, Garda Hotel, Lodges Garda, Bed and Breakfast Garda, B & B Garda, B&B Garda, Garda Farm holidays, Garda Farm holidays, Garda Lodgings, Rents
Garda on the side orients them, in the Veronese, is the center that has given the name to the lago, from the called Roman Benaco, and is one of antichi of the zone.
Mail to the feet of the Self-confident Mount, is today one of the most attended climatic stations of the lago.
In the outskirtses, between the cypresses, it deserves a excursion Punta S.Virgilio, one of the more evocative places of the Lago of Garda.


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Nautical On Line Press - the 29 and 30 October On the Lago Di Garda With the Evinrude E-tec
As a result of the interest provoked in the presentations in preview of new the four models Evinrude E-Tec (115-150-175-200 HP) launch to the Nautical Hall of Genoa, Italmarine has already fixed one first session of tests in water opened the public of the new motors: 29 saturdays and 30 Sunday October on the Lago of Garda.
The motors will be mount to you are on rigid boats that gommoni, comprised new Sacs 580 (also this launch to the Hall).
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Nautical On Line Press - Festivity Of the Juvenile Sail On the Lago Di Garda
Primaverile day, an afternoon breeze that has made a poò to attend, the way of an only test.
The true battle of this “Centomiglia Junior Parade 2003” has been between beyond 100 Optimist, the boat school for all the young, but also in the double quantity of the 4,20, the category that ferries towards the boats of the Olimpiade.
In the Optimist son wins on all Leo “Sarchiapone” (from the name of the glorious boat of family) Dubbini (, grandson and brother of art) that club defends the colors of the Circle Sail of Toscolano-Maderno (that gains classifies it to squares and Danish the dedicated trophy to Antonio). Dubbini is first in the category Under 12 in front of the Junior Federico Lovison of the Fraglia of Fish farm, first of the verunesi, third party the Trentino Ruggero Tita, champion Under 12 of its province.
They follow Gian Luca Garrè, Mattia Polettini, Nicolò Crestana all of Desenzano, then the premises Capuccini and Virgenti.
Before the girls it is Carolina Biasca always for the colors of the Fraglia di Desenzano.
In the Cadets David Bianchini of vivaio of the Circle the Sail of Toscolano-Maderno in front of the “son of art” is prevailed Michele Benamati di Malcesine (its father has been champion of the world and Europe with the olympic Star), third Federico Angelini always of Malcesine and before the girls Floridia Joyde, other skipper of side veneta. The challenge of the 4,20 sees protagonists the siblings Little horses (CV Gargnano), already national blueta and vice champions of the world to squares.

farm holidays, bed & breakfast, Mantova farm holidays, Verona, lodgings Lago of Garda, farm holidays restaurants bed and breakfast typical kitchen
Consortium of agrituristiche companies engaged to realize a sostenibile farm holidays and of quality, in a cordial atmosphere and accommodates them.
Farm holidays, bed and breakfast, lodgings to Mantova, Lombardy, distributed from the zone of the low lago of Garda, between the natural parks of the Mincio river, until the border with the province of Verona, Reggio Emilia, Brescia.
The farm holidays are dipped in the nature and the tradition and offer lodging and typical alimentary products, like the mostarda of Mantova, the salame mantovano, the oil of the Lago of Garda, the typical cakies of Mantova like the sbrisolona, the wine of the morainic necks and many other products use you in kitchen.
Vacations, stays or weekend on the Lago of Garda, to Verona, to Mantova with stay near the farm holidays equip you of swimming pool, handling, area for parking camper, roulottes, restaurant with Italian and mantovana typical kitchen in particular.
The farm holidays and the lodgings are dipped in the greens campaigns of the Po Plain to little distance from Verona and between sweet morainic hills where it is possible to practice trekking or to be in cake relax.
The farm holidays is an optimal occasion of relax also for who travels for job, participates to fairs to Verona, tries a comfortable lodging for the Catullo airport of Verona Villafranca.


Hotel River of the Garda, Hotels Riva of the Garda, Welcome, River of the Garda, Hospitality River of the Garda, Hotel River of the Garda, Lodges River of the Garda, Bed and Breakfast Riva of the Garda, B & B Riva of the Garda,
Defined the pearl of the Garda, River, situated in a splendid gulf and protect from Monte Brione, it dominates all the Garda high.
It is the more important center it trades them between those of the Garda Trentino and veronese and is natural point of transit for all the tourists who, coming down from the Brennero, arrive on the lago.
River is defined the “pearl of the Garda” for the beauty and the elegance of its collected historical center around to the port.
Close to the ancient port the powerful Apponale tower is raised, constructed in 1220 to guard of the city.
In Cavour public square there is an ancient door of the city with the tower of Saint Michele and the Collegiata church di Santa Assumed Maria.
It has nine marmorei altars with pregevoli shovels of Giuseppe Craffonara (1790 - 1837) and of Gianbettino Cignaroli.
Other insigne monument is the baroque church of Inviolata (1600), with pregevoli it putties and shovels of altar of Palm the Young person.
To visit also the Rocca, powerful medioevale construction that accommodates the city museum.


Torbole hotel on the Garda, Hotels Torbole on the Garda, Welcome, Torbole on the Garda, Torbole Hospitality on the Garda, Torbole Hotel on the Garda, Lodges Torbole on the Garda, Bed and Breakfast Torbole on the Garda,
Torbole is an ancient and characteristic country of fishermen that must its tourist fortune to the happy geographic position and an ancient tradition of hospitality.
The tourism has developed also thanks to the possibility to practice numerous sports: sail, windsurf, mountain-bike, free-climbing.
Situated on the river of a great lago it is protect from a cerchia of mounts that mitigate the rigid winter climate.
The climate and the flora are typically Mediterranean.
In the days of good time the wind blows constantly from north to the mattino and south to the afternoon because of the difference of temperature between the lacustrine surface and the territory to settentrione of the lago.
Also the exercise of the windsurf has found in the water mirror in front of Torbole the better conditions.
Sail boats and tables give life, during the good season, to regattas of great international prestige also.
Torbole possesses also a small and characteristic port, a time a lot enlivened, than today it accommodates only small boats from diporto and peach.
The beach of Torbole extends between Sega and the foce of the Sarca, it is much width and very equipped.
Along the beach the Park is found Pavian, green lung of rich Torbole of secular plants and the great Prato of Cian Villa.

Meandro HOTEL
The divertimento is assured for gets passionate you to it of swim, the sport prince for who chooses the lago.
The spiagge they are not many, but distributed well along you wrap it coastal: one to Bogliaco and others, equipped, near the lido of the fraction of Villa and in the park of the Fontanelle.
The Garda represents a paradise for the lovers of the sail.
To Gargnano a efficient Circle, famous operates for a long time all over the world for the organization of international regattas.
Flower to the eyelet is the “velica Centomiglia” of the Garda that has exceeded 50 consecutive editions.
Who wanted to collect a various image of the Garda and of the coast she can make it also to edge of boats to motor or motorboats.
To Gargnano they operate, in fact, nautical yards from the long experience and of sure reliability.
At last, the search of the serenity is possible also in solitudine, through the sport peach or slipping on the waves with the canoe or the windsurf.

Hotel Lookout
The Hotel Lookout is situated in a charming position in the peninsula of Sirmione directly on the lago, adjacent to evocative and a characteristic one porticciolo that of it it exalts its remarkable natural beauty.
The Hotel is to two steps from the Terme Virgilio, single neighbor to the historical center of Sirmione and 11 Km from Gardaland.
In the immediate vicinities one is found slide for towage of small boats and a chartering of boats to motor and motorboats.
The Hotel familiar Lookout is to conduction, completely renewed, has moreover bicycles in free use to the own customers, that liberations will be able to leave therefore the automobile in the below parking and to move.
To flank of the hotel a typical Pizzeria Restaurant is found “the Malibu'” where it is possible to taste optimal first plates and specialty of meat and fish.
Modern and comfortable, 11 rooms pleasantly furnished and with all the conforts: private services, telephone, color television, safe deposit boxes and conditioned air.
To feel itself well immersed in the nature, bici saddleback to one mountain bike or one from race with at call exited accompanied of good level tasting the pleasures of the hospitality of the Hotel Lookout.

Excursions Lago of Garda Excursions Lake Garda Ausflüge Gardasee
One pure experience of sail on one yacht only: Argentine.
The sail is a way to be, to interpret the relations with the others and of rapportarsi to the nature with one renewed sensibility.
What is better than to enter to make part of this universe through one splendid boat like Argentine and a lago, nearly sea, like the Garda? .
We have prepared for You one sailed of tourist sport type/: wind allowing we will be involved you to the rudder of Argentine, having directed to us to south, touching the three Gardesane sides; Lemon on the Garda with its limonaie (departure hours 12, 00), Malcesine and its Castello Scaligero and Campione with its Kitesurfer and reefs to peak.
After a short pause of forehead to the famous Feltrinelli Villa to Gargnano for a small snack, we will cross the Lago in order to return, engaging in the maneuvers furrowing the waters to you that are theatre of innumerevoli events international sportswomen.
The excursion will last approximately six hours and the cost is of € 39, 00 to person and will be carried out with a 6 minimum of and a maximum of 10 participants.
All the Mondays with departure from the lungolago of Lemon on the Garda to the hours 12:00.