Charter from Neptune and Navy of La Spezia::: Wizard charter:::
The port of La Spezia is found to the center of the coastal arc that goes from Genoa to Livorno, and directly is connected is with the highway net that with that railway one.
From the splendid scene of the Gulf of La Spezia prestigious tourist localities like Portofino are caught up easy and the Five Lands.
Charter wizard carries out nautical chartering boats and charter near the base of La Spezia.
The tourist port of Neptune is found to single fifty minuteren from Rome and is raggiungibile in train or in machine with the way Pontina until 53 Km Campoverde escape.
The citizen of Neptune offers a splendid medieval village that shows oneself on the docks of the port integrating therefore the fascination of the history with that one of the sea.
Charter wizard carries out nautical chartering boats and charter near the base of Neptune.
Via of Mounts of Pietralata, 171 - 00157 - Rome.

CNA National Confederation dell \ 'Handicraft and of the Small and Average La Spezia
OFFICIAL NOTICE PRESS (Sended in email and fax) Paul Brosio has held today to baptism to La Spezia the first Italian calendar dedicated to suoreLa the Spezia, 15 Decembers 2003Ha the tears to the eyes Paul Brosio men…
To risk 2828 you mail of lavoroParte from from Liguria CNA the protest of the Italian enterprises to feminine guide…
OFFICIAL NOTICE PRESS (Sended in email and fax) ...... AND AND ENDURED SUORACna and Curia of La Spezia they introduce the first Italian calendar dedicated to the delliniziativa suoreObiettivo to value the role of the woman in the Church and to finance…
OFFICIAL NOTICE PRESS (sended in email and fax) MARATONA OF EVENTS from the 20 to 30 November PROMOTED FROM the CRAFTSMEN PENSIONATIPensioni, patronage, solidarity, free time of the old ones to the delliniziativa center Fnap CnaPremio allartigian…
DAY OF MOURNING NAZIONALELa Spezia, 17 November 2003Domani, 18 tuesdays November 2003, has been proclamata one day of national mourning for the vile killings of our connazionali in IRAQ.Il world…
OFFICIAL NOTICE PRESS (Sended in email and fax) ARTIGIANCASSA: IT ELEVATES the MASSIMALI to YOU, IT LOWERS the TASSILa to YOU modification, fruit of the mediation of Cna and of the availability of the Region, it interests all the artisan enterprises, without exclusion of c…

PRESS (Sended in fax) Paul Brosio today to Spezia the dedicated Italian Spezia, the 15 tears Paul Brosio 2828 you mail from the CNA protests of to guide the PRESS (Sended in fax) ...... AND SUORACna and Spezia introduce Italian calendar suoreObiettivo delliniziativa role of the Church and PRESS (sended in fax) MARATONA OF 20 to the PROMOTED one FROM the patronage, solidarity, of old the delliniziativa Fnap OF 17 MOURNING 18 November November be proclamata of mourning vile our connazionali world…
OFFICIAL NOTICE PRESS (Sended and fax) ARTIGIANCASSA: MASSIMALI, LOWERS modification, fruit to YOU of Cna availability of the all without exclusion…


CNA National Confederation dell \ 'Handicraft and of the Small and Average La Spezia
A delegation of the CNA spezzina guided from Alessandra Zanelli, director of the territoruiale center spezzina of the CNA and Maurizio Viaggi, in charge of CNA World, has met the director of numerous the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Brussels and serv…
The CCIAA of La Spezia has indetto one session of examinations for liscrizione in the Role of Agents of Transactions in Mediation - session immovable. The residents or domicile to you in province interested, can introduce question within the 16 Febbario 2007….
And dead man, after a short disease, Maurizio Caranza, 66 years, the Mayor of Goes them of the Biological one.
He had been first citizen of From Liguria Varese for 14 years and had been lartefice of the rebirth of the village happened in years 90.
In attached the rows with the review he prints more deifatti and of the events meant to you promoted or discussed from CNA.Un useful instrument in order to travel over again a rich year of engagements and activity of the CNA and the Small and Impresa.Ricercanto Average the comun…
And the sentence of the military court of La Spezia for the blood bath that the poor SS to sign nellautunno of the 1944.egastolo for 10 of the 17 former officials nazistiAssolti in order not to have comesso the fact the others seven imputatiIl tribunal…

delegation of the guided one from director of the spezzina of the Maurizio Viaggi, CNA World, the director of Commerce Brussels and CCIAA of indetto one examinations for Role of immovable Transactions in session. It domiciles to you in can introduce the 16 dead man, after disease, Maurizio years, It goes them of the first From Liguria citizen for and was of the rebirth happened in attached the review and of the meant ones to you promoted from CNA.Un in order to travel over again rich of activity of of the Impresa.Ricercanto Small the sentence of of the bath that to former sign 1944.egastolo for 17 in order not the fact…

Nautical On Line - Forecast of the tide in the Italian ports: La Spezia
NOT TO USE FOR NAVIGATION the data elaborates to you comes supplied “therefore as they are”, without some guarantee and without some control on their reliability or precision and therefore they never do not go used for navigation.
The forecast does not hold account of the meteorological factors that however can influence the levels of tide very.
As an example the level stretches to grow in the direction in which the wind blows (es.
high water to Venice in conditions strongly sirocco) and to coming down of the atmospheric pressure (es.
one reduction of beyond 30 hPa cause one difference of 30 cm) and viceversa OTHER Nautical Copyright PORTS © 1995-2007 Publishing Limited liability company.
Tevere 44, 00198 Rome, tel 068413060, fax 068543653, DEVOUT 00904971009 Nautical On Line ® is enrolled in the Registry of Stampa near the Court of Rome the 19/12/1995 to the n.
Partial total or without the written consent of the publisher is prohibited the reproduction Design: Paul Ciraci.

TO USE FOR the data supplied 'therefore, without and on their precision and they never go navigation.
It holds account meteorological that to influence very of tide.
To level it stretches in the direction blows the high one to conditions of and to the atmospheric pressure of beyond cause one 30 cm) OTHER PORTS Nautical 1995-2007 44, 00198 068413060, fax 00904971009 Nautical ® it is Registry of the the 19/12/1995 Court the prohibited or partial written consent…



Photo by

Nautical On Line - From La Spezia To give Es Salam
Felt writers? You want to communicate to the others your experiences of sea? Nautical he offers some pages to the readers whom they want to tell one cruise, a travel for sea or coast, but also one simple experience lived in dock, the lago behind the angle, or a technical argument.
The articles dattiloscritti that they will come chosen for being publish to you, must have a cut adapted to the review and will come remunera you second the rates accustom them of Nautical.
To send the article, equipped with all the personal identifying data, to: EXPERIENCES OF Publishing Nautical EDGE c/o Via Tevere 44 00198 ROME or to our address email: N.B.
LIBRARY OF containing EDGE wide database our book reviews of books published in the Nautical review SPONSOR:: PRINCESS YACHTS ITALY FROM LA SPEZIA TO GIVE to ES SALAM Riccardo Poletti My father had been person in charge from the “Clemna”, important shipyard breaks, to transfer the tug “Amy Konishi” from La Spezia To give Es 10 Salam and August, the supper for its birthday, has asked to me if I wanted and I could to make part of the shipment that would be duration 22-25 days.
Yes! It has been my immediate answer; then estimating the period of closing of ferragosto I have stated that I could myself have absented for that period without pregiudicare my job.

The Newspaper of the Sail online - Schools of sail
A practical guide to the choice of the just school sail for you, in every period of the year.
Boats: drifts and cat, several classes; for height Sun Odyssey 34,2 Jeanneau.
Course: from initiation to the height, it personalizes pre and post clear nautical on property boats also students to you.
Course: clear motor sail/within and beyond the 12 miles, approach to the sail, improvement, nocturnal navigation, participation to regattas cruises school.
Patent: yes, authorized nautical school from the Province of Brescia.
Course: for nautical patent; for skipper for boats from chartering.
Prohibited Ž the reproduction of witnesses and images.

practical guide of the school for you, period of the year.
Boats: cat, several height Sun Jeanneau.
Course: to the height, it personalizes post clear boats to you also students.
Course: within and 12 miles, sail, improvement, participation to school.
Patent: nautical authorized of nautical clear Brescia; for boats.
Prohibited Ž of witnesses…

The Newspaper of the Sail online - Schools of sail
A practical guide to the choice of the just school sail for you, in every period of the year.
Nautical base: Sanremo, all the year;.
To go for itineranti sea, Weeks, I invite to the sail.
River of Traiano, Navy of Ravenna, Fano, La Spezia.
Course: nautical patent within the 12 miles in 24 hours and beyond; course sail.
Prohibited E' the reproduction of witnesses and images.

practical guide of the school for you, period of the year.
Base all the year;.
To go itineranti Weeks, sail.
Marine river of La Spezia, nautical within miles in and beyond; prohibited…


University pole of La Spezia
The graduated ones in the course of specialistica bachelor in Nautical Engineering must:.
It ambles to you professional typical of the specialist graduated ones in nautical Engineering are those of the production, of the advanced planning, the planning and of the programming, of the management of complex systems, it is in the free profession is in the manifacturing enterprises and of services.
yards of construction and repair of ships and boats; operating of the diportistico field; institutes of classification and agencies of surveillance; professional studies of planning and expert; search institutes.
It unloads the ban of the admission test.
For further information and relative attendance to the registrations and on the modalities of the admission test to contact: Secretariat University Pole “G.

graduated in the Nautical specialistica bachelor they must:.
The typical ones of in Engineering the those of the advanced planning, and the management of are in are in and of construction and operating ships of the institutes of agencies of professional of expert; institutes the admission ban.
For and attendance registrations and of the test Secretariat Pole…


Agencies nautical intermediation to La Spezia with Light House.
In the zone of La Spezia, Light House between the most characterized agencies than nautical intermediation.
Light House is from the administrative point of view and bureaucratic, than from the managerial point of view, it is proposed, to the own customers, like only referring for the resolution of every type of problem or doubt between the agencies of nautical intermediation, taking advantage itself for such scope of the collaboration of specialists of the field: Financings & Assurances: agreements with primary Institutes of the field; Restructures: collaboration with qualified and specialized staff, from the plan to the ended job; Places Boat: lease and eventual sale to the agencies of nautical intermediation.
Objective L puts into effect them of the Society and of the agencies of nautical intermediation beginning of the negotiation until all eventual passage of property is that one to supply l attendance total to the customer dall, to post the sale, giving therefore possible the most complete service.
Services is born dall requirement of Lighthouse of having a net of agencies of nautical intermediation for the own customers and also being been born recently decennial experience is taken advantage dell, of the own associates, in the field of the nautical one from diporto and the agencies of nautical intermediation.

zone of Light House more characterized nautical intermediation.
Light from the administrative point and the managerial point, own customers, referring for of every problem or the agencies nautical, such scope of specialist Financings & with Institutes field; with specialized staff, from the ended job; lease and to the agencies nautical.
L of the Society agencies of is that one l attendance customer dall negotiation until passage of post sale, possible a complete service.
Services requirement of having one agencies of for and also recently the decennial experience, associates, in the nautical one give of the agencies…

Images/evolution/history of the port of La Spezia in the nautical-charts cartography of Genoa harbour
With little exceptions, the nautical papers - of which most ancient it is the “Pisana Paper”, attributed to the half of the 1200's - are until the 1600's redundant of elements decorated to you fantasiosi, that they reflect imaginary the geographic collective, the fear of the ignoto, the ancient fable memory.
Of they are an example the monster navy, the cinocefali human beings, the leggendarie islands, the rappresentazioni of the mythical Christian Priest-king Gianni, variously placed in Asia and Africa, in which the Powers marinare tried allying against the Islam.
Some images can instead allude to real local characteristics: spoporzionati fish could indicate teeming with fish waters; capes outside measure draw the attention of the sailors on the dangers of navigation; he stretches multicolors and monarchs assisi in throne allude to the local potentati ones; armed fairs, birds variopinti and guerrieri reflect the appearance and the customs of the place.
In the same way it agglomerates to you turriti and imbandierati city prospects, for how much of principle stereotype to you, indicate city marinare meaningful, of which sometimes they are evidences particular architectonic inequivocabili to you, like the Spider or the Castelletto for Genoa or the bell tower of Saint Mark for Venice.

service for the nautical one from diporto La Spezia
The Sea Service is born in 1995 taking advantage of the acquired experience in the previous years from Mark Mounts them in the field of the “service” for the nautical one from diporto.
The idea was that one to group all the demands for the diportista type in an only one realta' that it resolved in independent way the interface problems shipowner-operator that often are the side hurting of the nautical one from diporto.
It came thus created the center of Santo Stefano Magra considered to the time strategic position for its breakup practically to the center between the Gulf of La Spezia and the river basin of the Lean one.
E' the currently structured center in a shed of 250 mq.
covered where they are dislocates several the workers to you and with ulterior 100 mq.
of large square dedicated to the rimessaggio of the boats in attended of particular participations or to the parking for own means.
In the 2001 Sea Service it widens the own synergies, gia' consolidated with other partner, tightening an agreement of exclusive right with one new realta' on the sea: Nautical of the Gulf Limited liability company.
Obviously this new step of it does not limit the mobilita' operating but e' to simply consider a service in piu'.

University of the Studies of Genoa - Faculty of Engineering
06/07 foreign Language Appeals bachelor examinations/diploma Commission of bachelor/diploma Examination of State: information Examination of State: calendar.
BANDS for the confidence of official instructions and the course integrated to you according to of the Regulations in matter of university professors to contract of which to the D.R.
Appraisal of the Didactics Services for the students Directory study plans approves of to you.
Link useful for the choice of the Faculty.

Foreign language of bachelor/diploma bachelor/diploma Examination information Examination calendar.
BANDS of instructions of the course senses of the D.R contract matter.
Appraisal of for the plans of.
Link useful chosen of…