Guides of SHIPYARD

Nautical: Shipyards to Naples and Province
The activity of the Yard of Bay: construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, modernization, assemblage, preparation, furnishing and rimessaggio of ships in wood, iron, alloys to read, glass-reinforced plastic and any other material.
The activity of the yard comes turned to the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of floating and of pleasure crafts, to the review of the boats in occasion of the visits for I renew of the class demanded from the RINA, let alone to all the operations of repair and restoration of systems, of auxiliary equipments of edge, etc.
Shipyard that it produces yacht cruiser realizes to you in glass-reinforced plastic completely.
Modern partenopeo nautical yard, on the rivers bewitched of the Gulf of Naples.
The shipyard places great attention to the cure of every produced boat, from the progettuale phase (strict with uses it of sophisticated software applied to you and from a continuous search of the tendencies of style), to the phase of delivery and the successive attendance to the Customer.
Shipyard specialized in the activities of repair and conversion of the ships and operates all over the world with the customers.
Shipyard specialized in the restructure and rimessaggio of fast boats that one has put in production own boat: Jeranto 7, 50.


Shipyard Costagliola isolates of Procida
The Shipyard Costagliola realizes entire by hand gozzi, with solid solutions and durable, voted to the emergency in sea as category c testifies the certificate of conformity to the directives 94/25/CE.
The woods use you from the Shipyard Costagliola are to chosen and between the best ones on the market: megano, teack, iroko, ciliegio.
You write to the Shipyard Costagliola with ProcidaBiz:.

CNB - Shipyard - Ship of lusso - Aluminum and composite
Situated on the rivers of the Garonna, not far away from prestigious vitigni the bordolesi ones, yard CNB is developed on a surface of 24000 meters squared, of which 12000 places setting, and has 300 meters of dock that concur to launch the boats in sufficiently deep waters also in order to execute the first tests.
The qualified staff of our technical office, in close collaboration with the more famous names of world-wide the naval architecture, assures the execution of all necessary the constructive designs and fabrication to the realization of our boats in yards CNB.


Photo by

Nautical yard Alberto Soriente s.r.l - the Shipyard
E'dotato moreover of a equipped mechanical workshop, carpenter's shop and also boasts an expert maestranza in carpentry in wood and iron, beyond that mechanical and motoristica. With the advent of the aluminum, of the steel and the glass-reinforced plastic in the shipbuilding the shipyard specialized Soriente e' in the employment of such materials for the realization of floating from job (pontoni, barges, tugs etc), from peach (to tonnare) and diporto (nozzles, gozzi eimbarcazioni). In years eighty e' be moreover placed side by side a attivita' they for naval and industrial supplies trades. In particular motor within and electricity-generating outboard motor, groups, boats pneumati to us, electronic equipment of edge, paintings and varnishes, equipments and accessories several.
The yard occupies one surface of approximately 11.000 m2 of which approximately 3000 to the place setting used for the winter shelter of the pleasure crafts.

Nautical On Line - Shipyard of Pesaro, Naumachos 82
SUPERYACHT #530 Extracted June 2006 from our quarterly review dedicated to the greater and lussuose boats with images, technical cards, Didactics, news and innovation from the Highly summarized market Yearbook of nautical the Impressions of navigation used Boats Boatshow SPONSOR:: ALBATROS RIMINI SHIPYARD OF 82 PESARO NAUMACHOS Naumachos 82 is the first one of a series of oceanic shuttles constructed from the Shipyard of Pesaro, famous up to now for its realizations in within trades them rather than in the diporto.
In a period in which the recovery of old ships it trades them to restore and to prepare for the diportistico employment, the Shipyard of Pesaro has taken advantage of just know how producing from zero a boat in a position to satisfying that tipologia of customers fully.
For further information: Shipyard of Pesaro; Road between two Ports 48; 61100 Pesaro; tel.

I have founded the yard in 1990 with the decided will to conceive and to construct innovative boats from regatta, that they changed the way to regatare of the young people, in order to approach it that one in use on other more important classes.
Today the yard has a continuous production of boats from regatta, from school sail or for simple it gets passionate to you, that we sell all over the world, means that the world of the sail had need of new impulses, but above all are turns out to you that the manifestations more important are achieving the regatanti with my drifts in all to demonstrate that my constant engagement is going in the just direction.


Situated on the dock of the port they of Fiumicino trades, the yard is equipped of wide external large square and to the place setting, where it is possible to carry out winter rimessaggio (Inserted: 6-January Visits: 1275 Rating: 2,29 Ballots: 7) Vote This Situated SHIPYARDS MAGAZZU.


Shipyard Costa d \ 'Agento - Construction boats from diporto
The boats, from the planning, to the realization of the models and the executive stamps, until certification CE, are constructed completely in our Yard, continuations with cure, in all are made productive, to begin from the choice of the materials and the better members, with the search of sure solutions, aesthetic and work dictated them from the experience and the true one appeals to to make a good job.
Information on like arriving to our shipyard.

Imss - Shipyard Orlando Siblings
The Shipyard Luigi Orlando was founded to Livorno in the 1866 from the siblings Bordering, that they obtained from the government the concession of wide areas of the harbour zone.
The Yard was specialized in the construction of the hulls and in that one of it blots some.
In 1904 the Business Museum was instituted in order to conserve the models of the ships constructed from the Yard.
In the years the Seventy Museum was closed and the collection came smembrata: the models of military ships were yielded in comodato to the Naval Academy of Livorno, where they are found still today, and the models of mercantile ships, constructed handicraft from the Modellisti Workshop of the Yard between 1885 and years Sixty of the 1900's, to the Common one of Livorno.
Of the collection they beginning from make part also the models of the ships constructed from the Yard 1996, realizes to you from companies specialized with industrial methods, the drive system of the steamboat “Sicily”, first ship to vapor in iron constructed in Italy in 1856, the model of a drive system and a plastic in 1:500 scale of the area of the going back Yard to 1940 approximately.
Recently the yard, passed of property, has changed to type of production realizing important pleasure crafts.

Census of the Scientific Collections in Tuscany - Card agency
history: The Shipyard Luigi Orlando nacque to Livorno in 1866, when the siblings Bordering, manufacturers and entrepreneurs, obtained from the Italian government the concession of wide areas in harbour zone.
The Yard was specialized in the construction of the hulls and in that one of it blots some with store clerks who arrived from all the world; with II the World war it increased to the question of military and mercantile ships from cargo and passengers.
In 1904 it came instituted the Business Museum, in order to conserve the collection of models of the ships constructed from the Yard.
In the years the Seventy Museum was closed and the collection came smembrata: the models of military ships were yielded in comodato to the Naval Academy of Livorno, where they are found still today, and the models of mercantile ships to the Common one of Livorno.
description: The collection is formed from models of ships constructed handicraft from the Modellisti Workshop of the Yard between 1885 and years Sixty of the 1900's, yielded to the Common one of Livorno at the close of the Business Museum in years Seventy and riacquisiti from the Yard in 1996.
Of the collection they beginning from make part also the models of the ships constructed from the Yard 1996, realizes to you from companies specialized with industrial methods.

In a position to planning and constructing to all the types of ships for the transport of goodses and passengers: from the portacontainer to the portarinfuse, from the ecological oil tankers to gasiere and the ferries, until the ships from cruise of which the Fincantieri it is between the leaders in the world, the shipyard of Palermo has all the necessary equipments for the construction of ships until to 160, 000 TDW, that they can also be used for the prefabrication of structures in steel and for I launch of tronconi for lengthening ships, necessary in the activity of naval transformation.
Two dry docks in masonry and two floating dry docks allow the yard to carry out whichever repair on whichever type of ship.
The yard moreover is equipped of mechanical workshop for the repair of upsets some, diesel motors, auxiliary machinery, repairs propellers, substitution shirts cylinders, lathe for crankshafts to wide diameter.
The yard also has workshops light carpentry and heavy equipped for the prefabrication, system of sand-blasting, workshop tubes, workshop electrical worker, service control quality, controls you ultraplay, equipment X-ray.La Fincantieri is moreover in a position to supplying one all over the world flying square of ready participation for maintenance jobs and emergency.

DREAMING GROUP - Shipyards: attendance and maintenance
The attendance, the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance comes managed directly from our specialistic staff employee of the making companies part of the group which: Charter & Saint Service srl and Yards Rocco of Trieste for the mean and Adriatic high, Yard of Barletta for Ionian and at last the Shipyard Island White woman of Olbia for all the mean and Tyrrhenian high.