Guides of SEA

Sea in Italy - the Portale of the Sea and the Peach in Italy
The hall, impedibile appointment for all those that are interested of sea is for job that for passion, is developed in two various zones: the Marine Station and the famous Arsenal.
Returned to house from the job it opens wide the windows, you open the taps, threads the mask delicately, the boccaglio and the fins, you take in hand the salary Sea in Italy and repairs to you on the seat.
To this point it breathes deeply and you enjoy the panorama, Sea in Italy has carried the sea to house yours.

Gabicce hotel Sea, Lodges Gabicce, Residence Gabicce, Tourism, Adriatic Coast, Marches
Eventi and News to Gabicce Sea and outskirtses: .
Visit in directed from the WebCams spiagge of Gabicce the Sea and Catholic.
Hotels and Residence for your vacations to the sea.
Passover to the sea: Hotel and Residence to Gabicce Sea.
If you want to pass the festivity of Passover to the sea, visits the better one offered of the Hotels and Residence di Gabicce Sea, opened in the primaverile period!!!.
The best ones offered lastminute than hotel, lodge, residence, meublè and also apartments of Gabicce Sea…
If it reserves before you will have the best ones offered from hotels, it lodges, residence, meublè and apartments of Gabicce Sea….
Forecasts weather of Gabicce Sea modernized in real time.
We augur you splendid time for your vacations to the sea!!!.
Gabicce Sea is one splendid citizen of sea situated along the Adriatic Coast, between Emilia Romagna and Marches.
A perfect place in order to pass the vacations to the sea: the beach is of fine, wide sand and very equipped, ideal for the games of the children.
For soggiornare to Gabicce Sea it can be chosen between the many hotels, lodges, residence and private apartments in rent.


The Sea:: International Bookshop
And' necessary to start a manifesto in support of the mediterraneità and of the same bookcase the Sea”.
This in synthesis je the accusations that have raised during the festeggiamenti of the 31 years of the International Bookcase the Sea, carried out to Rome 19 October 2006 in the premises of via Ripetta 239.

Cosedimare. The Mediterranean sea between history images and myth:: Homepage
The High Adriatic, called from underwater “the Stagnone”, is a fascinating sea that it allows the fotosub to carry out interesting resumptions.
To the wide one of the Sicily, in international waters, sand banks and benches are only known to little lupi of sea.
The culture and traditions of the sea with 7° the Mediterranean Circuit of the Latin Sail return.
the boat, the house to the sea, the windsurf, the gommone, the bottles from sub, the canoe .......
An occasion that offers Cosedimare to you!.
It enters in the great Community di Cosedimare, we will hold to You informed on all the innovationes of the situated one….

info: SEA

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From the sea to… - Abruzzi Region Field Tourism
The seven sisters of the teramano, from Martinsicuro to Silvi Marina, the pescarese beach and that one of Francavilla to the Sea offer receptive structures of high level, occasions for the divertimento and the free time, local nocturnes and, to Pescara, also a most modern tourist port.
And the onlookers travocchi, singular and solitary stilt houses protese on the sea between S.

of the wave on the coast All the forecasts on the sea.
First born E´ the Ministry of sea (27/7/2006) the ministry acclimatizes has decided them to value the resource sea and it is transformed in dell´Ambiente Ministry and of the Protection of the Territory and the Sea.
other Arp@mare news: instruments of information and forecast l´estate 2006 Riprende acclimatize them for the service of forecast of the bioclimatico uneasiness the services of ARPA for the sea the Archives First Page.

Common of Vietri on the Sea
Home News from the Common one of Vietri on the Gregoretti Sea to Guariglia Villa in order to introduce the book.
“Final open”, the book of Ugo Gregoretti introduced to Guariglia Villa to Vietri on the Sea.
Sounds, songs and dances of the Earth of the Sun in scene to Vietri on the Sea.
© 2001-2006 Common one of Vietri on the Sea, all rights reserved.


Lands of Sea
Free sea 31 March, in wraps of respect of Pra, the Sapello Association will give life to a manifestation that will concur with the persons with disabilità and their companions to discover to new emotions through the practical one of water sport.


The Bookcase of the Sea
The Bookcase of the Sea is a bottega specialized that it addresses in general terms to all gets passionate you to it of the water and in particular of the sea. An immensest assortment of tito them Italian, English, French is found to you and Americans on all the arguments of navigation, technique, construction and equipment of motor and sailing boats.
The Bookcase of the Sea carries out also sales mails them for mark.

OceanoMare ___ Alexander Baricco:: The ocean Sea
“You coil a air between Stevenson, Melville and Conrad, that is a sturdy vocation to the story that is fed but of the dark metaphysical tensions provoked from the myth of the sea.”.
“This book that gronda fatigue and defeat, that it conceptually receives the inheritance of profetici and damns writers to you of sea, succeeds protect one its vein of joy, unconventional and briosa mozartiana music.” .
“The Ocean sea confirmation the temperament of one authentic writer, engaged to cover its literary road and to govern its deep sensibility.”.
The ocean sea is highly romantico and deeply lyric. “.
“Once again, with the Ocean sea, the prestigiatore one operates its tour de force: it makes to be born the world, a marine world…

Hotel Sea Hotel all \ “Island d \” Elba
The Hotel Sea is found to the Island of Elba in the gulf of Portoferraio and is integrating part of the ancient seafaring village of Warehouses.
To single 9 Km from the marine station and however far away from the traffic and the noises, is ideal place for one vacation to directed contact of the sea and in suit relax.
For sail school gets passionate you to it of the sea is available, Diving Center.

The sea of the Sardinia: only transparencies to the world. 1/2
The Sardinia, placed in the center of the Mediterranean Mar, with its approximately 1800 kilometers of coasts represents, for the geographic position and for its History, one of the destinations more ambite for gets passionate it you of the nautical sports and for who it uses to pass the own vacations to the sea.
From this sea but the many invaders that they have, along the history have come millenarian of the Sardinian island, plundered and colonized this earth.
For this reason the populations isolate some have not nearly never had love for the sea tant'è that they are the many rare villages constructed from the Sardinians long the coast and, however, the more important are been born in the period of the dominations roman and, before still, of that fenicio-punica.
It can but to say that the last years of this according to millenium have seen to grow the importance is of the coasts that of the sea little for the recent discovery of the tourism (NATO around last years '50), little for the development of some economic fields legacies exactly to the sea like the peach and the transports.
The sea of this great island Mediterranean (second only to the Sicily neighbor for largeness) e' between beautifulst and transparent that can be seen the world.