Classe 4 ^

(Downloadable MP3 files)
PODCAST on Podbean 1. (Literary Links)
PODCAST on Podomatic 2 (Literary Hyperlinks vol.A)
POCAST on Podomatic (With Rhymes and Reason, vol 1)

Channel Your English - intermediate (listening transcripts pdf - complete)
Channel Your English - intermediate ( workbook transcripts)

Una presentazione Power Point su "Capitalismo vs Comunismo" Communism vs Capitalism: A comparison (a paper)

 What is the Constitution of the Italian Republic?
The Italian Constitution (English)

ANOREXIA AND BULIMIA: A mind map (by A. Lopez, G. Giuliani, M.Baldassarre)

FAIRY TALES (by Floriana Misceo)

- Drama
- The Elizabethan World Picture (a mind map)
- Elizabethan beliefs (astrology, medicine, the theory of humours)*

- The Ambassadors by Holbein the Younger
- Thomas More, Utopia (comments)

- Courtly Love and Radiohead

- Shakespeare's SONETTO 60 (Comment by A. Serpieri)

- VIDEO: The Globe (Loescher WebTV) new!

- Why Shakespeare loved iambic pentameter (5:21)  VIDEO TED-Ed
- Hip Hop &Shakespeare (20:24) VIDEO

- Shakespeare's Plays (A Chart)
- The language of Shakespeare
- Revenge tragedies

- Shakespeare's Themes new!

- Julius Caesar( Act III, scene II) - with VIDEOS* new!
- Giulio Cesare (Atto II Scena II)
- Giulio Cesare: Introduzione di A.Lombardo
- Julius Caesar (plot and themes)
- The language of Brutus and Antony

- Synopsis of Hamlet
- Themes in Hamlet 1
- Themes in Hamlet 2 (a summary)
- Themes in Hamlet 2(complete)*
- "To be or not to be" (English/Italian) with VIDEOS
- A commentary on Hamlet's soliloquy
- The conflict between son and self in Hamlet
- Features of Hamlet's soliloquy*
- Freud, Oedipus and Hamlet*

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by R. FROST 


Macbeth: passages (English and Italian translation)new!
Macbeth: plot and features (Hyperlinks)  
Macbeth: themes (from Only Connect. New Directions, vol.1)Macbeth: "the Witches: agents of evil"?

Patrizia Calefato, Che nome sei?, Meltemi new!

The Tempest (Act IV Scene 1, Prospero)

- The Tempest: videos and songs

Othello (passage and activities)
Othello (summary and analysis)

King Lear

As You Like It (Jacques' monologue) new!

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun


- As You Like It
- All's Well That Ends Well
- Othello
- Macbeth (riassunto dettagliato)
The Tempest


shake.gif (11394 byte)

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Un breve brano di musica del 500 in formato MP3

Extreme reform movements
Puritans in America*

John Milton, Paradise Lost
(A heaven of hell)

The Augustan Age (1688-1776)


- Realism and the novel
- Capitalism and Robinson Crusoe
- Lecture on Robinson Crusoe (complete)
- Robinson Crusoe and "Cast Away"(abridged)
Io Robinson, Le tentazioni della societą perduta (in italiano)
Comment on Foe by Coetzee
- Gulliver's Travels
- Swift's Gulliver's travels (Fourth book): an excerpt
- I viaggi di Gulliver (tr. del brano)
- Bertolt Brecht  e  "Lode del dubbio"

- Diamonds are a girl's best friends
- Material Girl

Legenda: I collegamenti segnalati con l'asterisco (*) indicano materiale pił complesso, utilizzabile per eventuali approfondimenti.

(Downloadable MP3 Files)

Excerpts from Thomson, Maglioni,New Literary Links, CIDEB, vol 2

"Utopia" by Thomas More (on work)
The English Renaissance
Italian Influences on the English Renaissance
The Rise of Modern Science: Copernicus, Kepler,Galileo.

The Tudors, The Reformation, The Age of Religious Persecutions

Presentazione PPT di Alessio Aldini (5 nov 2009): Orientamento universitario