University of Rome III _ School of Humanities _ Degree in Languages and International Communication
Università Roma Tre _ Facoltà di Lettere _ Corso di Studio in Lingue e Comunicazione Internazionale


Academic Year: 2008-09  _  Course convener: Patrick Boylan  _  Email:  _  Folder: 9_iii-2


   832-OL           Third Year English  for OCI and LL English minors
3^ annualità per gli studenti di “inglese 2a lingua” nei curricula OCI e LL

Accommodating in EFL* negotiations           *English as a lingua franca
L'accomodamento nei negoziati in EFL**       **inglese come lingua franca  
How to favor win/win outcomes by speaking the interlocutor's language through the medium of English.
Tutorial with the
Lettrice for level B2/C1, Jane Sherman  – timetable here

  click on the orangeCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.dots   Cliccare sui puntini ROSSI. / Click on the ORANGE dots.   cliccare sui puntiniCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.rossi




Notizie, avvisi, forum News, Messages, Forum 

  <Goals, rules, creditsScopo, i regolamenti, i crediti

Programma per l'esame, testiSyllabus, texts 

  <Roll, attendance, marks – Iscrizione, presenze, voti

Attività di ricerca per i frequentantiTasks 

  <Assessment, Exams – Esami, calcolare il voto

Sunto delle lezioni Lesson recap>  

  <Office hours for students  –  Ricevimento


Lesson Timetable

April 22, 23, 27, 29, 30;  
May 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20.

Green date = Partial exam (esonero), written and oral

Total number of lessons: 12, for a total of 24 hours of instruction (= one solar day).
N.B.: This is the official number of hours for your III year course as English minors, according to the Ordine degli Studi.
In other words, the 3 initial absences of the teacher did not reduce the total number, since 3 days have been added to May: 13, 14, 18.

A question:
Do (only)24 hours of English seem very little to you, even considering the fact that English is your minor?
Well, if so, ask yourselves: “What have I done recently to fight for a better language curriculum at Roma3?”

A “studente frequentante” is one with no more than 3 absences (25% of the lessons);
on the 4th absence, the student becomes a non frequentante.









* Click on the newspaper to see the archived (old) news items

Three  Students'   Message Boards

Associazione Studentesca di Lingue click   Forum Studenti Roma Tre Lingue

Forum degli Studenti di questo corso

Return to Menu 


Messaggio per gli studenti III anno 2a lingua che hanno sostenuto l'esame con me lo scorso giungo/luglio:

Come vi ho già comunicato, lo scorso settembre ho aumentato di due punti sul verbale ufficiale il voto da me assegnato a giugno/luglio (quello che risulta ancora sui vostri libretti) in modo da rettificare la discrepanza tra i voti dati dai lettori e le prove fatte con me. Non è stato possibile, infatti, modificare i voti dei lettori una volta proclamati.

Vi ho anche comunicato che, sebbene non sia necessario (fa fede il verbale che ho già corretto), posso riportare sui vostri libretti il voto rettificato, in modo da evitare qualsiasi futura discussione.

Pochi studenti si sono presentati finora per la rettifica e la firma. Vi comunico con la presente che i miei ultimi giorni di ricevimento sono giov. 10.12 e giov. 17.12 (ore 14-15, terzo piano, stanza 3.01). Essi costituiscono pertanto l'ultima possibilità di chiedermi di cambiare il voto sul libretto.


Esame “orale” (questo modulo) di Inglese, III anno 2a lingua, per la SESSIONE AUTUNNALE.
Premesso che bisogna superare prima l'esame dei lettori, o a giugno o il 9.9.09,
l'esame si terrà martedì il 22 settembre
ore 14: III anno non frequentanti
ore 16: III anno frequentanti.

Per le modalità di svolgimento valgono le indicazioni date per la SESSIONE ESTIVA qui sotto (“14.6.09”).


There seems to be some confusion about the final exam. The site says erroneously that III year OCI and LL (seconda lingua) exams are on June 23rd. They are not.   The correct date is June 25th or July 9th.

Some students have written asking what the exam consists of; apparently my class explanation was not sufficiently clear.  So I am recopying below the information I gave (in Italian) to first year students on their web site, adapting it so that it is valid for you III year students.

Per svolgere l'esame di inglese – che si chiama in modo diverso a seconda se sei LL (“I anno 2a lingua”) o OCI (“I anno OCI”) – devi:

-- dare l'esame “scritto” (che, del resto, non è solo scritto ma anche parlato) , ossia l'esame con i lettori (che non andrebbero chiamati lettori ma CEL). Lo “scritto” ha luogo venerdì, il 29.5.09, per la prova Listening al laboratorio linguistico e nei giorni successivi per il resto;

NOTA: Pochi giorni prima degli “orali”, i risultati dello scritto saranno affissi davanti alla stanza dei lettori (ufficiosamente anche su questo sito, appunto sulla pagina DIDATTICA). Quindi anche se non sai se hai superato l'esame devi comunque prenotarti per la prova “orale” (che del resto non è orale ma anche scritta – comunque è solo una formalità per chi è frequentante). Ci sono due date o “appelli” per la prova “orale”, il 23/6 o il 7/7 (COSI' DICE IL SITO prenota.uniroma3 PER TUTTI GLI ANNI; MA PER IL TERZO ANNO OCI E LL (2a lingua) I GIORNI SONO INVECE IL 26/6 E IL 9/7.) Ti chiedo di prenotarti per l'uno o l'altro dei due giorni a seconda delle indicazioni che darò più avanti. Sei ti sei già prenotata per il giorno sbagliato, pazienza;

-- dare l'esame “orale” (che, come dicevo, non è solo orale ma anche scritto). Questo esame è per i non frequentanti soltanto: Come sai, è non frequentante chi ha avuto più di 4 assenze (puoi controllare il foglio delle presenze qui ). Inoltre per avere un voto decente, devi aver svolto tutti e 4 i task e i 2 esoneri. Quindi dovresti sapere tu se sei frequentante o meno, ancora prima che io affigga la lista con i lavori fatti.

NOTA:   PER CHI NON HA FATTO TUTTI I TASK O TUTTI GLI ESONERI. Non accetto più compiti in ritardo; vuol dire che se non hai fatto uno dei task avrai un voto più basso... pazienza. Invece per gli esoneri, come ho annunciato a lezione, siccome non c'erano altre occasioni per rifare queste prove, faccio un'eccezione. Se non hai potuto svolgere uno degli esoneri (o entrambi) potrai farlo il giorno dell'esame, insieme ai non frequentanti (quindi ti devi presentare alle 9.30). I non frequentanti faranno un esame su tutti i testi, tu invece farai un esonero analogo a quello che hai perso.   Non puoi ridare l'esonero se l'hai già dato (sennò ci riprovano tutti e il giorno degli esami non finisce mai!).  Se tu rientri in questa categoria, scrivimi almeno una settimana in anticipo: .

Come ho appena detto, chi deve recuperare un esonero si presenterà, insieme ai non frequentanti, per uno dei due appelli alle 9.30: risponderà per iscritto ad una serie di domande stampate (mentre i non frequentanti risponderanno all'intero programma che si vede qui). Poi passeremo appunto alla parte orale in cui guarderò insieme a ciascuno studente quello che ha scritto, approfondendolo. IN TEORIA avrò finito con i non frequentanti e i “recuperanti” verso le 13; farò una pausa per il pranzo e poi inizierò la verbalizzazione con i frequentanti.

Come si svolgerà, dunque, questa “verbalizzazione” con gli studenti frequentanti?

Si tratterà di copiare i tuoi dati su un registro, indicare il lavoro svolto, mettere il voto e firmare/controfirmare il tutto. Ma siccome è saltato la parte orale dei due esoneri, non ho mai avuto il piacere di chiacchierare con te a tu per tu. Quindi, per quanto sia una mera formalità, approfitterò della verbalizzazione per istaurare un piccolo colloquio con te in inglese su uno di questi temi:

1) In Shakespeare’s “problem comedies,” what is the relationship between law and grace (as per the external documental evidence)?

2) How was Bertrand Russell's analytic philosophy and that of the Cambridge school influenced by Einstein's theory of relativity?

3a): In what way was our course a real “English course” (even if we said very little about English grammar); how did it help you improve your English (if it did); and how will it influence the way you approach the study and use of English in the future?
And 3b): Why does this course exist?
And 3c): Why do you exist (as a student in this Corso di Laurea)?

Vi ricordate l'ultima domanda dell'ultimo esonero?... Beh, inferisco. Non sfuggi.

Comunque la scelta è tua.  Intanto come rispondi non avrà influenza sul voto – tranne, ovviamente, in casi eccezionali del tipo:

– in senso negativo, scopro solo ora che non sai dire neanche buon giorno in inglese perché hai sempre mandato la tua sorella gemella poliglotta a lezione e a fare gli esoneri al posto tuo; oppure,

– in senso positivo, non solo mi fai capire il senso profondo del mio corso ma mi mostri addirittura dei collegamenti insospettati tra il corso, la filosofia analitica di Russell alla luce della teoria della relatività, e le commedie problematiche di Shakespeare...

Ma mi appaiono piuttosto improbabili questi esiti. Quindi, qualsiasi cosa tu dica. rimarrà verosimilmente immutato il voto che hai ottenuto con i task e gli esoneri.

Voto? Qualcuno ha detto voto? Già, avrei dovuto calcolare i voti da mo' (se permettete il Romano), ma da allora una valanga di cose mi ha sempre impedito di farlo, quindi mi tocca mettermi sotto in questi giorni. (Meno male che hai capito il mio discorso sull'arbitrarietà dei voti in ogni caso, quindi te ne infischi di sapere il voto.) (Vero?)   Quindi affiggerò su questa pagina i miei voti per “l'orale” il giorno prima del primo appello il 25.6. Come sapete, il vostro “voto finale” per il corso sarà la media tra i due voti (“scritto” e “orale”): lo scritto (Lettorato) pesa di più nel conteggio perché vale più crediti.

Per quanto riguarda l'organizzazione della verbalizzazione, di solito tutti gli studenti si prenotano per verbalizzare durante il primo appello, quindi c'è la ressa e, calata la luna, la guardia ci caccia e molti, dopo aver atteso ore, devono tornare l'indomani per verbalizzare. Per limitare il disagio, dunque, ho deciso di scaglionarvi d'ufficio PER GRUPPI secondo le indicazioni che seguono.

N.B. Se non ti ricordi qual'era la lettera del tuo gruppo, ecco l'elenco


25.6 – (mattina: non frequentanti). Poi Ore 14: Gruppo A; Ore 15: Gruppo B; Ore 16: Gruppo C; Ore 17: Gruppo D; Ore 18: Gruppo E; Ore 19: Chi “cambia orario”

9.7 – (mattina: non frequentanti). Poi Ore 14: Gruppo F; Ore 15: Gruppo G; Ore 16: Gruppo H; Ore 17: Gruppo J; Ore 18: Gruppo K; Ore 19: Chi “cambia orario”


1. Chi si presenta in un orario che non corrisponde al proprio gruppo verrà pregato di tornare all'orario giusto o dopo le 19, che è l'orario stabilito per chi “cambia orario” (a meno, ovviamente, che io finisca per miracolo con un gruppo prima della fine dell'ora;

2. E' scontato che diversi studenti non vorranno la date 9.7 per vari motivi, generalmente legati alle ferie ma anche per via di conflitti con altri esami; essi possono quindi venire il 25.6 dopo le 18 nell'orario previsto per “Chi cambia orario.” Ma attenzione, se tutti decidono di evitare le date 9.7 e si presentano alle ore 18 del 25.6, ci sarà appunto la ressa, la guardia ci caccerà alle ore 20 e dovremo comunque concordare un orario per un altro giorno (dipenderà dagli altri esami che dovrò svolgere). Quindi se non volete correre rischi, NON CAMBIARE ORARIO, attenetevi allo scaglionamento indicato qui sopra.

3. E' quindi inutile scrivermi spiegando perché dovete dare l'esame tale giorno e non tale altro giorno. O venite all'orario indicato qui sopra per il vostro GRUPPO INIZIALE, o alle ore 18 di uno dei due giorni: 25.6 e 9.7 – sapendo che i primi due giorni, essendo in giugno, rischiano di essere pieni e quindi corri il rischio di dover tornare comunque un altro giorno che concorderemo lì per lì. Chi non si presenta non potrà scrivere poi chiedendo un altro giorno, ci vedremo a settembre per la verbalizzazione.

4. L'esame dei lettori rimane rimane valido per un anno – ossia per le sessioni: estiva (giugno luglio 2009), autunnale (settembre 2009) e invernale (febbraio 2010), dopo di che scade. Se non completate entrambi gli esami (“scritto”, “orale”) per il I anno entro febbraio, tocca ridare l'esame dei lettori il prossimo estate.

5. Il credito accumulato per il mio esame (i task, gli esoneri) in teoria non ha scadenza (perché sono un docente serie A); ma in pratica dovrei cessare di insegnare ottobre prossimo per raggiunto limite di età. Uso il condizionale perché l'interpretazione della legge da parte dell'Ateneo è stata discutibile. In ogni caso, in pratica potete contare di far valere il lavoro da voi accumulato durante il mio corso, sia in questa sessione sia in autunno. Poi c'è la reale prospettiva di un cambio della guardia (e quindi cambio dei programmi per il I anno d'inglese).


Dove avverrà l'esame orale alle 9:30? Probabilmente in Aula !0, forse in Aula A o B (valico San Paolo), lo si saprà solo qualche giorno prima quando verrà affisso nelle bacheche luminose.

Dove avverrà la verbalizzazione nel pomeriggio? Nella stessa aula della mattina... a meno che faccia troppo caldo, in tal caso nel mio ufficio (aria condizionato), stanza 3.01, terzo piano.

A.A.A. Cercasi

Per andare spediti nelle verbalizzazioni, avrei bisogno di una o due segretarie (per riempire i verbali con le cose ripetitivi, il codice del corso, la data, ecc. ecc.) e per gestire l'afflusso degli studenti. Chi vuole rendersi disponibile (€3000 al mese, laute cene, Ferrari di servizio) mi scriva a: .

Sarebbe bene che una persona che deve passare in fine giornata si dichiari volontario per venire alle 14 a fare la segretaria o il segretario fino al proprio turno. Comunque anche l'inverso è possibile, se vuoi dare una mano, vedi un po tu.

Ringrazio in anticipo.

-- Patrick




Your GROUP PHOTOs are on line!     (Thanks, Ester!)
In the Main Menu, click on “Roll” and then “Photos.”



Those who missed one of the two esoneri have one (1) more chance:
a special exam day for you that you can choose together.
Please write to Iolanda (who is acting as coordinator) saying
when you want the exam day and for which esonero, the first or the second..
Iolanda's email address:

UPDATE: Iolanda says she has contacted the students and the date is:
Friday, 22 May, 11 am in my office



You are not a frequentante until you send me an enrolment form with your dialang results.
DiaLang self-evaluation test >     Enrollment form>      Fill it out and send it as an email attachment to


See a documentary film in English on Gaza and Palestine
every Thursday beginning this Thursday (TODAY, MAY 7thnot April 30th, witten by mistake) at 8pm,
presented by the Association
U.S. Citizens for Peace and Justice
Today's documentary is
This is My Land,
and the film directors, Giulia Amati and Stephen Natanson will present it.

After the film, a lively discussion in English (you can participate or just listen).
Doors will open at 7:30 at the
Circolo ARCI Arcobaleno in Via Pullino, 1 (metro Garbatella)
Arcobaleno requires a 5 Euro/year membership card, which is good for discounts at exhibitions, theatres, etc. Drinks and/or a light dinner available during the screening.


The results of the partial term test (esonero) are posted in the “Roll/Attendance/Marks ” section.

Now we have a MICROPHONE GIRL!   Vanessa has volunteered; thanks!...
and two CLASS SECRETARIES!   Chiara A. and Ilaria L. have volunteered (thanks!)...

and two TEACHING ASSISTANTS!   Vittorio, Enzo have volunteered; thanks!

French students (will not be coming on Monday evening): Make-up lesson on Monday from 2 to 4 pm, my office (3rd floor)
Spanish students  (will not be coming on Wed. evening): Make-up lesson on Wednesday from 1 to 3 pm., in my office.



La serie "Third Eye" (Press-TV, visibile in Internet) trasmetterà due documentari girati in Italia che fanno vedere, nel primo, degli attivisti americani per la pace in Italia -- tra cui il docente di questo corso -- e nel secondo un pezzo di vita di uno degli attivisti (di nuovo, il sottoscritto), ossia una lezione che svolge nel suo ufficio con tre studenti del nostro corso.

Press-TV è il CNN iraniano -- ma tutto viene trasmesso in lingua inglese -- che puoi trovare a: .   "Third Eye" è una serie tipo "Report" di Rai3.

Per leggere il giornale Press-TV, il sito web è: . (Puoi anche aprire la finestra TV dal sito, cliccando su uno dei quattro iconi azzurri in alto a destra, quello con lo schermo TV.)

Ciascuno dei due documentari verrà trasmesso quattro volte nei seguenti orari:
                                                                  ore 2.32, 7.32, 13.32, 18.32
il primo documentario lunedì 4 maggio, il secondo mercoledì, 6 maggio. Ciascuno dura mezz'ora.


Negotiator Pro Blues: Problems using Npro and solutions in Italian!

"Non parte!" -- Forse hai cliccato su e quando si è aperta la finestra con i files, hai cliccato su npro.exe.  Non va bene così.   Devi sì cliccare su ma, quando si apre la finestra, devi copiare tutti i files in una cartella a parte, a cui dai il nome che vuoi. POI all'interno di quella cartella devi cliccare su npro.exe.

"Continua a non partire!" -- Eventualmente riavviare il PC e cliccare su npro.exe come primo programma che avvii (per avere la memoria massima a disposizione). Se continua a non partire,puoi sempre usare il programma al laboratorio linguistico, dove l'hanno installato su due pc. La sig.ra Alessia ti indicherà quali .

There's a MESSAGE about TASK 1 on the Forum (click above),


George Steiner at Rome III
One of the major living writers on translation theory and comparative literature
will offer two lectures,
Monday, May 4th
(unfortunately, 4:30-6:30 pm: you'll have to take an absence)
and Tuesday May 5th (4:30-6:30 pm)
Sala Conferenze ‘Ignazio Ambrogio’ del Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate
Inviatation here.



Do you want to learn to teach English (or any second language) using modern methods?
This can be a useful ability in the future. If you travel you can find work teaching Italian (or English, too).
I need assistants to help me correct homework and to test materials before I give them out.
You can get practical training while contributing to the class by becoming an assistant.
How much time? Around 3 hours a week for three or four weeks.
Interested? Write me at:

23.4.09   CLASS TIME ON MONDAYS The hour 6-8pm time on Mondays proved very unpopular.  So I am leaving the time unchanged for now (class will be from 4 to 6 next Monday).   But this means that French students will not be following their “prima lingua” regularly.   The Presidenza will certainly be unhappy about that – as will I – and may offer an alternative: moving the Monday class to Tuesdays or Fridays.  

So could I ask the Student Representatives to interview a “
campionatura attendibile di studentito see if there is a suitable time on Tuesdays or Fridays for everyone?  If there is no suitable time for everyone, I will do a “repeat class” just for the French students on Tuesdays and Fridays (there MUST be a free time for them on those days!). This is extra work for me, so I would prefer having ONE course for all on those days.

In any case, please decide on either one of the two solutions OUTSIDE THE CLASS HOUR (I don't want to waste more class time as we did today). You can write your considerations to your Representatives at their email address (here) but the best way is to use our CLASS FORUM above (you can also link to it here).

INGLESE III, 2a lingua, OCI LL) IS NOT OBLIGATORY. So please do not tell your teacher that it is necessary to come: You can come when you want (and can) and not come when you want (or can't).  Of course, if you don't come regularly and do not do the tasks (i compiti di ricerca) you will not get the “scontoon the Reading List.  But everything else will be the same. Attendance has no influence on your exam or on your mark. If you do not attend, you can get marks just as good as if you do attend. The only problem is that you will not learn English. (If you do more reading instead of doing the activities, you will only learn to talk about the ideas in the readings.  That is notknowing English.”)   But that is another question – in any case, attendance is NOT obligatory.   I take names only so that I know who gets the “sconto.”   So come only if you want to come (and can). And please tell your teacher that you made a mistake: tell her that this class is NOT obligatory.

Today THURSDAY (30-4-09):  ESONERO on "The Only Four-Page Guide to Negotiating You'll Ever Need".  Prof. Zhang also needs Aula 10 for the esonero she will be doing with her first year students of Chinese.   So let's be collaborative and welcome her 70 students to our room. Please arrange seating so that (1.) you are not near people from your group, (2.) there is a first year student on either side of you.

Needless to say, no cheating.   If you see a first year student with a crib sheet (
foglietto) or who is exchanging papers or talking with another student, STOP HIM or HER!!!   Tell that student that your are in the English classroom living on Tulsa (or London) time so no cheating is allowed. The student will not think you are crazy: these are my ex first year students so they know the rules. In theory. It's up to you see they abide by the rules in practice.

Results of the vote on changing class time>   See the class Forum above.
French students (conflict on Monday evening): Make-up lesson on Monday from 2 to 4 pm.
Spanish students  (conflict on  Wed. evening): see Roberta for the time of the make-up lesson.


The seventh and last documentary film in English presented by the Association U.S. Citizens for Peace and Justice will be screened this Thursday, April 30th at 8pm. The film is Flow: For Love of Water, an award-winning documentary by Irena Salina about what may well be the greatest threat of our time – the global water crisis. Flow highlights threats to water safety and builds a case against the growing privatization of dwindling fresh water with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel.
After the film, a lively discussion in English (you can participate or just listen).
Doors will open at 7:30 at the
Circolo ARCI Arcobaleno in Via Pullino, 1 (metro Garbatella)
Arcobaleno requires a 5 Euro/year membership card, which is good for discounts at exhibitions, theatres, etc. Drinks and/or a light dinner available during the screening.




ON THURSDAY APRIL 23 the lesson will begin at 4:30 (instead of at 4:00) to permit the students of the preceding course to finish the esonero they will be having.

FLASH, 20.04.09 ore 17

E' ANNULLATA (Il docente è stato convocato
in una Commissione di Tesi di Laurea).
La prima lezione sarà dunque giovedì, 23.4.09,
eccezionalmente alle 16.30 (anziché alle 16)


New time: Our class will have to be from 6 to 8 pm on Mondays.
Reason: Students with a French major have their lettore lesson from 4 to 6 on Monday.
Objection 1: “Why don't the French students (of whom there are fewer) move to 6 to 8pm?”
A n s w e r : Because French
has priority since it is 1a lingua(our course is 2a lingua);
                    no other time (for example, Monday morning or up to 2) seems possible for the French students.
Objection 2: “Many of us take trains and will get home at 10pm! Many of us start at 8am; we'll be dead at 6pm!”
A n s w e r : These are real problems. But the course is short: you'll be making the sacrifice for
only 4 times.

Objection 3: “Why don't we move our course to another time?”
A n s w e r : For me any other time on Monday or Tuesday is acceptable. But not for you: you all have conflicts.

Objection 4: Why didn't the Corso di Laurea make a schedule with no conflicts?
A n s w e r : An enormous effort was made this time, thanks to your Rappresentanti: in theory, for the first time
                   in history, there are no conflicts with the “official courses”.  But
lettori courses were not included in
                   the planning because
lettori are not considered official teachers (in the Italian university system). 
                   In addition, if
lettori were included, the university would need more rooms to avoid conflicts. But
                   the government has cut funds for the university so there are no plans to build a new wing at

My opinion

All I can say is: I understand the inconvenience and I ask for your cooperation.
Very few of you participated in the petition to make
lettori official teachers. Even fewer protested in the demonstrations against the cuts in University financing.  Do you really think you have the right to complain now?
The protest had a positive effect.  To calm the students, the government gave back the money it had cut from “
posti per giovani ricercatoriand “costruzione di case dello studente.  These were two victories.  But not the money for “edilizia ordinaria(classrooms), “personale docente,” (more teachers) and other cuts.  Maybe if there had been more students protesting ( = including you) for a longer time, you would have had even more victories (at least, this is what I think) and so today course conflicts could be eliminated.
I realize that many of you do not have the
tempo materiale to protest, others do not have the inclination. Well, in that case, to use an Italian expression, you will have to take “quello che passa il convento.”
On Mondays the convent serves from 6 to 8pm.









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Enrollment form and instructions>    Instructions for the DiaLang test:> 
Fill out the form and send it as an email
attachment to
(Informativa privacy)
You must enroll to be a frequentante and take the esoneri.  Otherwise it is unnecessary.
  PC HELP*: Problems using your PC?   Phone a student for help>  

If you don't have a computer, how can you enroll and follow the course?
ere are various solutions>     (Per la versione italiana cliccare qui> )


Students enrolled on   

Attendance as of

(view directly>  




Marks for Research Tasks and Partial exams*> 

*Partial exams: To take the “partial exams” (esoneri), you must enroll in this course (use the form above).  But no booking is required since they are not "real"exams -- they simply reduce the study load for the final exam (for which you must book).  Each partial exam you pass eliminates one of the texts from the final exam and counts for a part of your final mark.  But only the final mark goes on your libretto.

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Non frequentanti   Final exam contents: As a non-attender, you are responsible for all texts (book, articles) on the Reading List> 

    Criteria determining your mark>    (Studenti italiani: Leggete il testo in italiano)



Frequentanti   Final exam contents: Le domande verteranno sulle discussioni in aula (non sui testi al programma) così come risultano dai RECAP OF LESSONS, dalle spiegazioni dei Tasks nella rubrica TASKS e dalle NOTIZIE, comprese le discussioni sul Bulletin Board del nostro corso a cui si accede, appunto, nella rubrica NEWS cliccando sul tasto arancione nel riquadro rosso "Students' Bulletin Board."

Also the two articles if you didn't eliminate them by taking and passing the partial exams (esoneri).

Criteria determining your mark (out of a maximum of 30 points*):
   4 automatic points for attendance and completion of all assignments
+ total of marks received for the Research Tasks (out of 20)
+ average of marks received for the mid-term tests (out of 10)
+ mark (from -2 to +3) on the final exam
(for an explanation, see here).
*The sum of of all the points listed here is more than 30. This increase is meant to compensate for the fact that, in the Italian grading system, rarely do students get more than 8 out of 10 on partial tests and assignments.  Yet graduate schools and employers expect at least 25 out of 30 on undergraduate exams, and the university itself requires at least 28 out of 30 for an Honors Degree.
                                     YOUR MARKS   (I TUOI VOTI)
YOUR MARKS FOR THIS MODULE (tasks, partial exam) are in YOUR DATA : click here
                                                      EXAM DATES
Calendar* for final exams (due o tre appelli per ogni sessione di esame): click> 
     For last minute changes, go to the “
Didattica / Notiziepage by clicking here> 

*NOTE: There are regulations governing when you can take the exam and in what order you must take each component of this course (the Module, the Tutorial).  See the regulations under Regulations on the main menu or simply click here>   

   Computerized exam booking
No booking is required for the mid-term tests (esoneri) since they are not "real" exams (their purpose is to "exonerate" you from some of the material on the final exam) and the mark you get for them does not go on your libretto.
is required, however, for the final exam -- and at least 8 days in advance.  Click on the orange button above to connect to the booking site, usually active 20 days before the exam period.  But before you click to book, see the “Calendar for final exams” in the paragraph above – it will help you determine for which exam to book.

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Accommodating in EFL (English as a lingua franca) negotiations”  

     How to favor win/win negotiation outcomes by speaking the interlocutor's language through the medium of ELF.

Tutorial with the Lettrice Jane Sherman

During the tutorial students will acquire a better formal competence in using contemporary R.P. English – at level B2 plus (productive capacities) and C1 (receptive capacities).
Class schedule here.

The organizational aspects of the Module -- requirements and credits, evaluation 
   criteria and so on – are indicated in the
main menu.   The Reading List follows. 

 Set texts


LL students (3 cfu) are responsible for 1, 2, 3, 4.
OCI students (2 cfu) are responsible for 2, 3, 4.

(1.) O'Connor, P., Pilbeam, A., Scott-Barratt, F., Ellis, M. (1992): Negotiating. (Longman Business English Skills Series). Longman: London. (For LL students, both frequentanti and non frequentanti; photocopies of the 15% of this volume used for the present course are available at Pronto Stampa, via Ostiense 461.)

(2.) Kiechel, W. (1996). "The Only Four-Page Guide to Negotiating You'll Ever Need",
Harvard Management Update, 1/96-HBS:U9609A. (For frequentanti and non frequentanti; downloadable at

(3.) Boylan. P. (2009). “Accommodation Theory Revisited”. In: Fatigante, M,, Sciubba, M. & Mariottini, L. (eds.),
Lingua e Società. Milan: Franco Angeli Editore. The article is based on Lecture Notes from my course “Seeing and Saying Thing in English” and so since most of you took that course, the themes will be familiar. (Downloadable at "Frequentanti" pp. 1-6. "Non Frequentanti" pp. 1-21.)

(4.) Burnstein, D. (2007)
Negotiator Pro Version PE software. Order from: . "Frequentanti": what is done in class. "Non Frequentanti": all (including all terms in the Glossary under the word “SEARCH).  You can download the software  here  and the instructions  here .      

Non Frequentanti only
will also read

P. Boylan “Il come e il perché degli esami
Attention: The exam will contain questions on this text! To read the text click here>    To download the text click here> This text analyzes what it means to "know" English in the context of the exams for this Course.  International students: read the English version; Italian students: read the Italian version as it discusses your particular situation in more detail.


("Dispense per i soli frequentanti -- i non frequentanti NON devono leggere questi testi.")



<cliccare                     "Learning language as culture" (in italiano)

Documento storico di 20 anni fa: è il Manifesto (la prima dichiarazione di principio scritto in lingua italiana) di una nuova concezione di apprendimento delle lingue vive, basata sull'introiezione culturale.
La pagina riprodotta è la Postfazione al volume Accenti sull'America di Patrick Boylan, Roma: Armando Curcio Editore, 1987, p. 387. In glottodidattica, "Learning language as culture" viene chiamato anche "l'approccio comunicativo-culturale".

Cultural Parameters Illustrated: How to predict communication friction.
Slides from a course by Linda Beamer, California State University, Los Angeles, 2001,
and modified by Patrick Boylan for University of Rome III students, 2002.

Warning: To see this text, your computer must have a PowerPoint Viewer (most do).  
You can get one free at  (enter “PowerPoint viewer”
in the search box or, for a direct link,
click here).


Common European Framework of Reference (CEF)
You'll hear teachers at Roma Tre (and elsewhere) speak of the Common European Framework (CEF) levels of competence in a second language. For example, our university entry test is targeted for Level B1 in reading ability and A2 in speaking ability. What does this mean? Click the orange dot if you want to know more about the system (which many people criticize as simplistic, so it will probably undergo change in the near future).

Learn English on the Internet... FREE (no fees to teachers or schools!)
Clicking on the orange dot will open a page full of Internet sites where you can practice and extend your English. But you have to know how to distinguish what sites are most useful to you. This means asking yourself (1.) what learning English really means and thus (2.) what kinds of competence you need to acquire and only then (3.) what exercises are best for you.



 Photos by group: come to class with a smile!


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Docente convocato per una sessione di tesi di laurea.


A few definitions of the term “negotiation

Behavioral definition

Il Negoziato può essere definito in primo luogo come un particolare processo di interazione sociale, in gran parte verbale/gestuale, che mira a risolvere le divergenze o a soddisfare le attese non inizialmente convergenti tra le parti. Le parti sono tipicamente due, ma possono anche essere di più nei cosiddetti "negoziati multilaterali". -- (Chiara Bonasso, 2008:65)

Teleological* definition:

"Negotiation is the process by which people with conflicting interests determine how they are going to allocate resources or work together in the future. Negotiators are interdependent, which means that what one wants affects what the other can have and vice versa...negotiation is a process of social interaction." (Brett, 2007:1).

*from “Teleology” – that which is explained by the purpose served rather than by postulated causes. -- OXFORD Dictionary of English

But... this course focuses on the language/culture variables in a negotiation.

Thus, my definition (for now):

1-Joint process of reworking the (initially non-convergent) wills

2-of two or more interdependent parties

3-by acting on their reciprocal interests and view of the issues

4-[and by leveraging reciprocal rights and/or power],

5-in order to modify the issues   ( by modifying behaviors)   ( by modifying wills)

6-and thus obtain advantages.

[“Interests,” “view of issues,” “advantages” are clearly subjective constructs that are culturally determined in part]

"The Only Four-Page Guide to Negotiating You'll Ever Need", Harvard Management Update,



Negotiation outcomes:     win-lose,     lose-lose,     win-lose.


Eric Clapton> Story of a lose-lose outcome (both the mother/boyfriend and the Tulsa Girl lose) that becomes a win-lose outcome (the mother/boyfriend win in the end, the Tulsa Girl loses).   Why?   The Tulsa Girl loses because she is incapable of decentering herself into her mother/boyfriend's world view; but most of all because she is incapable of distancing herself from – and fathoming – her own culture, emotional needs and wants.

Cat Stevens> Story of a lose-lose outcome (the father loses a son and the son loses a father and home) that seems to contradict the thesis defended in this course. In fact, the London Boy makes an effort to understand his father's way of “seeing things and saying things” and apparently with success:; he is able to imitate perfectly his father's way of speaking and thinking. And yet he fails to establish an entente with him and work out a “third space”.  Why?

Both Lyrics  

Thursday: a test on "The Only Four-Page Guide to Negotiating You'll Ever Need"

Here is an example of some of the key ideas from the first page:



More paragraphs with keywords highlighted and (during the lesson) comments.




 ESONERO on "The Only Four-Page Guide to Negotiating You'll Ever Need". Questions will be on the paragraphs commented above, but also on the other paragraphs as well (the ones that do not appear above): so you must read and understand everything. Come on, it's only 4 pages!!!!


ESONERO. Please read the special instructions in the news section.
for MONDAY: See Task 1 in the Tasks section (click on “Tasks” in the main menu)
Please read the Evaluation Sheet that your Group Leader will use so that you know, before you write your paper, the criteria that your Group Leader will use in judging your work.


A   LO O O O O O N G   DISCUSSION on the case of the secretary who wanted a raise. The text said that the boss discovered that the secretary's REAL interests were not more money per hour, but just more money to pay the bills... and so she would accept overtime (lo straordinario), especially if it was paid much more:

But other “wills” can be behind the secretary's request for a raise:

-- maybe her real request is “more prestige” (she asked for more money, not for the money in itself, but for the prestige it would give her, especially in the eyes of her lunch mates from other legal firms; WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONING WOULD BRING THIS UNDERLYING WANT OUT INTO THE OPEN? What kind of solution could the boss offer, that would not involve giving his secretary more money?

There are cultural considerations, too. If, for example, she is a stereotypical “Southern Girl” from a small town in Campania, then...

-- maybe her real request is “to feel that she belongs to a community, something like a family,” which is what she misses most about Campania now that she is living in New York. So asking for more money was a way of saying: “Show me that I am important for you and that you really want me – me, as a person, as a part of a community.” WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONING WOULD BRING THIS UNDERLYING WANT OUT INTO THE OPEN? What kind of solution could the boss offer, that would not involve giving his secretary more money?

These examples show that you cannot negotiate unless you understand the real needs of the adversary. (We already said that you must first know YOUR real needs.) A negotiation should therefore be made up of questions, not affirmations, that oblige the other party to open up and take a stand on issues.


A scene from Wall Street, a 1987 film by Oliver Stone. It's a story about

Bud Fox (played by Charlie Sheen ), a young stockbroker desperate to succeed
-- and
Gordon Gekko (played by Michael Douglas), a wealthy but unscrupulous corporate raider whom Bud idolizes. 

Gekko's rival is another corporate raider,
Sir Lawrence Wildman (or “Larry”, as Americans call him, played by Terence Stamp), a very rich British financier operating in the United States and doing so more ethically than Gekko.  

In the film Bud manages to use “Larry” against Gekko.
And the blond? She's Gekko's lover: he got her to seduce Bud, who then tried to recruit her to overturn Gekko.

The scene ”Annacot Steel”

Click here> Annacot Steel.vob <if this link doesn't work, download
                                                        It is a compressed file, so decompress all the
                                                        files in it into an empty folder, and then
                                                        click on the file

Gekko had recently bought the stock of Annacot Steel, supposedly to save the company, in reality to liquidate it at a profit, putting everyone out of work.

Sir Larry wants to save the company (not out of altruism, but because this will be even more profitable), but he needs to own the stock by the following morning.

So he phones Gekko and asks to make a private deal, before the Stock Market opens.  Gekko tells him to come to his house, even if it is evening and he is having a party.  Sir Larry has his lawyer with him.  Gekko has his assistant Bud.

Try to understand the dialog
WITHOUT READING THE TRANSCRIPTION; if, however, after listening repeatedly you still cannot grasp a certain sequence, you can check it in the transcription you will find here> 



(What s/he thinks s/he wants to obtain):
To be able to come home at night whenever s/he wants, sober or drunk.

Conscious Reason:
“I am over 18 and it is my right to lead my life as I see fit. You know I'm not religious like you.  I don't go to church on Sunday.  You've accepted that, haven't you?   Well, please accept my behavior evenings, too.”

PARENTS' request
(what they think they want to obtain):
To see their son/daughter come home before midnight... and sober.

Conscious Reason:
“OK, you're not religious like us, you never goes to church on Sundays (it was difficult but we have accepted that), but we feel responsible anyway for your soul and your salvation. A dissolute life will mean unhappiness now and hell after death!!!”


The family, of Scottish ancestry and proud of it, lives near Brisbane (not far from Sydney).

This is their school (
Scots elementary & secondary school) at Bathurst, outside of Sydney. (local file)

The family always celebrates
St. Andrews Day at Hyde Park in Sydney.

Here's the family church: the
Southern Cross Presbyterian (Calvinist) church.

This is the
father, a deacon of the church on Sundays, explaining how to evangelize.

This is the
mother one Saturday morning, embarrassed about being filmed in her pyjamas.


For tomorrow: watch the 5 Australian videos repeatedly, trying to guess the cultural values behind the symbols and behavior, and then trying to feel those values as yours (introjection).

For next Monday (May 11th) do Task 2 (click on “Tasks” in the
main menu).


and so you must “think” (feel, want) like a Scots Australian in writing your dialog.

For the Powerpoint presentation of the distinguished visiting scholar Eugenia Netto, specialist in the Land of Oz who answered that question, click here>  


Photos by group (hopefully THIS TIME): so come to class with a smile!  
(Who wants to be the photographer? No one has volunteered yet.   No photographer, no photos!)

A few comments on
what this university (and society)
want to make of you,
and what YOU might want to decide
to make of yourselves...

WALL STREET: the Annacot Steel scene
In class we discussed the first half.
Next time (13.6.08) listen to and analyze the remainder of the scene.
ASSIGNMENT: LL students are to do Task 3 before May 20th. 
                             Click on “Tasks” in the Main Menu.
                             (OCI students get 4 points automatically for Task 3)


A Student Representative talked to you about how intimidation and violence are used to eliminate dissent, not only in Italy or Germany in the 1920's, but in Italy and at Roma Tre today.  Universities were, during the middle ages and up to the mid 1900's, “fucine di contestazioni intellettuali, filosofiche, religiose e politiche.”  Now they have become intellectually sterilized; their corridors look like the corridors of any ministry.  How did this happen?   Open your eyes: it's happening right now all around you!   For example, at Roma Tre one of the political groups is using intimidation and violence to create tension, so that the studente qualunquista will say that both the left and the right are causing trouble and so there should be no politicized messages fo any kind in the corridors of Roma Tre.  But that is exactly what the poltical group who caused the violence wanted to obtain: the sterlization of corridors and minds!

 WHY would you, as an Aussie, want to spend your vacation as a jackadoo on a sheep and cattle station?

ASSIGNMENT: All students are to do Task 4 before May 18th. 


Does it pay to contest authority?  The man in the street says “no” because “pesece grosso mangia pesce piccolo, non puoi cambiare niente, tocca pazientare.Why does he think this?  For one thing, consider TV: does one frequently see reports of union victories (vittorie sindacali contro i padroni)?  No!   Very rarely.  And yet unions do win and frequently.  But the media (controlled by whom?) don't want you to realize this; they want you to feel that contesting never pays.  There were direttivi agli editori after the contestations of 1968 and 1978 precisely to this effect.  This is just one example of how we are mentally conditionedl  And yet Matteo and Silvia decided they would contest an unjust terza lingua program. With what results? We'll see.

 ASSIGNMENT: All students are to do Task 4 before May 18th. 
NOTE: Tasks 1 and 2 must be sent in immediately by the Group Leader with a mark.
They will not be accepted after Friday, May 15th.  

Walzing Matilda
here sung by the popular singer (of Italian descent) Tina Arena before the crowd at the Tennis Finals (Australia vs. USA), 1995;
here in a faster version by Rolf Harris (an Australian singer/artist/showman), with an introduction explaining the lyrics;
– and here in Aussie folk singer John Williamson's version, with pictures showing Steve Irwin, the great Australian wildlife expert (and TV popularizer).

Here is a video about an American trying to learn the Australian lingo.


Task 2 papers   (Marialuisa)  (Iolanda)
Discussion on Accommodation Theory Revisited

From the popular TV series
Boston Legal
Season 2, Episode 19, Broadcast: March 14, 2006




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Marking Scheme

Italian school marking system:          0

1 - 3

4,  5


7,  8

(9,  10)

Points for each Task completed:          0






TASK 1 due on Wednesday, May 6th

For next Wednesday, you are asked to DOWNLOAD the NPRO software and make the model of a negotiation between you and a family member or boy/girlfriend or neighbor... someone from your culture with whom you have negotiated recently. Then write a report (in English) on the results you obtained. You can download the software  here  and the instructions  here .
Send your report by email for correction to your Group Leader of last week (Group Leader 1). If you don't have her/his email, check under “Students Enrolled” in
Roll section of this web site (click on “Roll” in the main menu).   If your group leader does not appear there, print your report and give the paper version to your Group Leader during class on Monday.
Everyone should read the Evaluation Sheet that your Group Leader will use, in order to know, before writing the report, how it will be judged.

Group Leader 1: Please correct the homework according to the guidelines indicated
here: EVALUATION SHEET #1>   I will explain them more clearly during our class on Monday.   Send me the evaluation sheet Monday evening together with the students' papers by email to:


TASK 2 due on Monday, May 11th

For next Monday, you are to write a dialog between the two people in the simulation you acted out in class on May 6th (a mother or a father, and her/his son or daughter).


In the dialog, you will portray an win-win negotiation.  You can choose what happens. That is,: you can make the son/daughter successfully understand and satisfy the real wants of his/her father/mother, or you can choose to make the father/mother successfully understand and satisfy the real wants of his/her son/daughter:

Indeed, if you want (but this will be much more difficult), you can imagine an ideal win-win negotiation in which both sides make an effort to understand the needs of the other party, creating a “third space” and finding a solution in which both get what they really want deep down (at least, in part).

If you manage to write a convincing dialog in which parent/child arrive at a convincing win-win conclusion – either thanks to the child or thanks to the parent... or thanks to both – you can dedicate your scenario to the
TULSA GIRL or to the LONDON BOY (and to their parents): it will be a good lesson for all of them in the future.   It may even be a good lesson for you !

Your dialog should be at least two pages long.

Read the Evaluation Sheet (below) that your Group Leader (L3) will use, in order to know, before writing your dialog, how it will be judged.

Group Leader 3: Please correct the homework according to the guidelines




TASK 3 due on Wednesday, May 20th 

For LL students only (for the extra credit): Do all the exercises in the selection* taken from the volume Negotiating by O'Connor et al., Longman, 1992.
The selection represents 15% of the volume. Photocopies are therefore legal and available at Pronto Stampa.


TASK 4 due on Monday, May 18th ;
Evaluation Sheet due on Wednesday, May 20th

Task 4 is a Group Task and involves making a phone call to Australia (to be recorded using Skype Call Recorder) to negotiate with a travel agency there. 

Only one member of the group need make the call; the other members assist her/him by preparing the PC/Skype phone/recording system, by researching the interlocutor and establishing her/his profile, by developing a negotiation strategy (using Npro, for example), and by practicing the phone call in simulations conducted before the actual call.

If the group is not satisfied with the performance of the caller, another student can substitute her or him.  The group can make as many attempts as it judges necessary.  The only requirement is that it furnish, by class on May 18th, a single “best recording,” which will be evaluated by
another group leader.
Group A's work will be judged by Group Leader 4 from Group C.
Group B's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group D.
Group C's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group A.
Group D's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group B.
Group E's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group G.
Group F's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group H.

Group G's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group E.
Group H's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group F.
Group J's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group K.
Group K's      “     “    “       “        “       “   “   “    “     Group J.

Each group will need:

Skype (download it free here) and Skype Call Recorder (download it free here)
    on a portable PC to bring to Roma Tre for a group work session
    (or, if you invite the group members to your home, on your desktop PC).
    System requirements:
    - Windows XP or Vista
    - Net Framework 2.0 (will be installed automatically from
    - Internet, speakers and microphone
(most portable PC's have a microphone incorporated and it is sufficient for Skype calls.)
N.B. When you install Skype Call Recorder, you may see a message saying there is a possible risk.
             You can safely ignore the message.

2. Interlocutors for the negotiation task: click here>  
3. A negotiation task
    You want to spend a summer as a Jackaroo on a sheep and cattle station, from August 2 to August 15.

CASE 1: The travel agency (at least on its web site) does not have a holiday package (trip plus a two-week jackaroo experience). So you must convince them to organize it.
                Note: there is a risk that the Agency will say “yes” automatically: in that case you must use CASE 2 or CASE 3 since there will be nothing to negotiate.

CASE 2: The travel agency (on its web site) offers a holiday package (trip plus a jackaroo experience).but it is only for two weeks and it is expensive. You ask to spend four weeks on the sheep station at the same price, saying that during the second part of August you will also work in the kitchen to “earn what you eat” and you are a good cook.

CASE 3: Your group is free to invent another solution. For example, Group K invented the following request. “There are two of us coming to Australia to be jackaroos, me and my friend, but she is blind and has a guide dog that she
must bring with her.  Is that all right?” (The Australians think they are a very hospitable and accommodating... but to everyone?)


30 - If you obtain compliance, you get 30.
28 - If you establish empathy and make use of some negotiation skill or technique you learned in the course, you get 28. 
26 - If you at least establish empathy, you get 26.  
24 - If you at least show some negotiation skill or technique, you get 24.
22 - If you speak coherently and maintain contact, but without empathy and without any particular technique, you get 22 points.
20 - If you are inconclusive and not very coherent or if the Agent interrupts you and hangs up, you get 20 points.

So do the other people in your group (if you are the caller). If you are not the caller, please prepare the caller very well: your points depend on her/his performance.


NOTE on evaluating: When your group finishes its registration, it sends the recording
to the Leader of the Group responsible for the evaluation
(Which? Click here!).
That Leader indicates the mark and justifies her/his evaluation and
then sends the recording and the Evaluation Sheet to:



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