of Rome III _ School of Humanities _
Degree in Languages and International Communication |
Academic Year: 2008-09 _ Course convener: Patrick Boylan _ Email: _ Folder: 9_iii-2 |
Year English for
OCI and LL English minors |
in EFL* negotiations *English
as a lingua franca
click on the orangedots cliccare sui puntinirossi
Timetable |
Students' Message
Boards |
ho anche comunicato che, sebbene non sia necessario (fa fede il
verbale che ho già corretto), posso riportare sui vostri
libretti il voto rettificato, in modo da evitare qualsiasi
futura discussione.
25.8.09 Esame “orale” (questo modulo) di
Inglese, III anno 2a lingua, per la SESSIONE AUTUNNALE. Per le modalità di svolgimento valgono le indicazioni date per la SESSIONE ESTIVA qui sotto (“14.6.09”).
14.6.09 There seems to be some
confusion about the final exam. The site
says erroneously that III year OCI and LL (seconda lingua) exams
are on June 23rd. They are not. The correct date is June
25th or July 9th.
NOTA: Pochi giorni prima degli “orali”, i risultati dello scritto saranno affissi davanti alla stanza dei lettori (ufficiosamente anche su questo sito, appunto sulla pagina DIDATTICA). Quindi anche se non sai se hai superato l'esame devi comunque prenotarti per la prova “orale” (che del resto non è orale ma anche scritta – comunque è solo una formalità per chi è frequentante). Ci sono due date o “appelli” per la prova “orale”, il 23/6 o il 7/7 (COSI' DICE IL SITO prenota.uniroma3 PER TUTTI GLI ANNI; MA PER IL TERZO ANNO OCI E LL (2a lingua) I GIORNI SONO INVECE IL 26/6 E IL 9/7.) Ti chiedo di prenotarti per l'uno o l'altro dei due giorni a seconda delle indicazioni che darò più avanti. Sei ti sei già prenotata per il giorno sbagliato, pazienza; -- dare l'esame “orale” (che, come dicevo, non è solo orale ma anche scritto). Questo esame è per i non frequentanti soltanto: Come sai, è non frequentante chi ha avuto più di 4 assenze (puoi controllare il foglio delle presenze qui ). Inoltre per avere un voto decente, devi aver svolto tutti e 4 i task e i 2 esoneri. Quindi dovresti sapere tu se sei frequentante o meno, ancora prima che io affigga la lista con i lavori fatti. NOTA: PER CHI NON HA FATTO TUTTI I TASK O TUTTI GLI ESONERI. Non accetto più compiti in ritardo; vuol dire che se non hai fatto uno dei task avrai un voto più basso... pazienza. Invece per gli esoneri, come ho annunciato a lezione, siccome non c'erano altre occasioni per rifare queste prove, faccio un'eccezione. Se non hai potuto svolgere uno degli esoneri (o entrambi) potrai farlo il giorno dell'esame, insieme ai non frequentanti (quindi ti devi presentare alle 9.30). I non frequentanti faranno un esame su tutti i testi, tu invece farai un esonero analogo a quello che hai perso. Non puoi ridare l'esonero se l'hai già dato (sennò ci riprovano tutti e il giorno degli esami non finisce mai!). Se tu rientri in questa categoria, scrivimi almeno una settimana in anticipo: . Come
ho appena detto, chi deve recuperare un esonero si presenterà,
insieme ai non frequentanti, per uno dei due appelli alle 9.30:
risponderà per iscritto ad una serie di domande stampate
(mentre i non frequentanti risponderanno all'intero programma
che si vede qui). Poi
passeremo appunto alla parte orale in cui guarderò
insieme a ciascuno studente quello che ha scritto,
approfondendolo. IN TEORIA avrò finito con i non
frequentanti e i “recuperanti” verso le 13; farò
una pausa per il pranzo e poi inizierò la verbalizzazione
con i frequentanti. 9.7
– (mattina: non frequentanti). Poi Ore 14: Gruppo F; Ore
15: Gruppo G; Ore 16: Gruppo H; Ore 17: Gruppo J; Ore 18: Gruppo
K; Ore 19: Chi “cambia orario”
18-5-09 Your
GROUP PHOTOs are on line! (Thanks, Ester!)
20-5-09 Those
who missed one of the two esoneri have one (1) more chance:
are not a frequentante until you send me an enrolment
form with your dialang results.
24.4.09 See
a documentary
on Gaza and Palestine
3-5-09 The results of the partial term test (esonero) are posted in the “Roll/Attendance/Marks ” section.
4-5-09 SEE
serie "Third Eye" (Press-TV, visibile in Internet)
trasmetterà due documentari girati in Italia che fanno
vedere, nel primo, degli attivisti americani per la pace in
Italia -- tra cui il docente di questo corso -- e nel secondo un
pezzo di vita di uno degli attivisti (di nuovo, il
sottoscritto), ossia una lezione che svolge nel suo ufficio con
tre studenti del nostro corso. Per leggere il giornale Press-TV, il sito web è: . (Puoi anche aprire la finestra TV dal sito, cliccando su uno dei quattro iconi azzurri in alto a destra, quello con lo schermo TV.) Ciascuno
dei due documentari verrà trasmesso quattro volte nei
seguenti orari:
"Non parte!" -- Forse hai cliccato su e quando si è aperta la finestra con i files, hai cliccato su npro.exe. Non va bene così. Devi sì cliccare su ma, quando si apre la finestra, devi copiare tutti i files in una cartella a parte, a cui dai il nome che vuoi. POI all'interno di quella cartella devi cliccare su npro.exe.
"Continua a non partire!" -- Eventualmente riavviare il PC e cliccare su npro.exe come primo programma che avvii (per avere la memoria massima a disposizione). Se continua a non partire,puoi sempre usare il programma al laboratorio linguistico, dove l'hanno installato su due pc. La sig.ra Alessia ti indicherà quali .
hour 6-8pm time on Mondays proved very unpopular. So I am
leaving the time unchanged for now (class will be from 4 to 6
next Monday). But this means that French students will
not be following their “prima lingua” regularly.
The Presidenza will certainly be unhappy about that – as
will I – and may offer an alternative: moving the Monday
class to Tuesdays or Fridays.
seventh and last documentary
presented by the Association
Citizens for Peace and Justice
will be screened this Thursday,
April 30th at 8pm.
The film is Flow:
For Love of Water,
an award-winning documentary by Irena Salina about what may well
be the greatest threat of our time – the global water
crisis. Flow
highlights threats to water safety and builds a case against the
growing privatization of dwindling fresh water with an
unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights and the
emergence of a domineering world water cartel.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th, 4pm, ROOM 10. 16.4.09 ON THURSDAY APRIL 23 the lesson will begin at 4:30 (instead of at 4:00) to permit the students of the preceding course to finish the esonero they will be having.
FLASH, 20.04.09 ore 17 INGLESE:
III ANNO, 2a LINGUA - Boylan
. My opinion All
I can say is: I understand the inconvenience and I ask for your
form and instructions>
Instructions for the
DiaLang test:> |
*Partial exams: To take the “partial exams” (esoneri), you must enroll in this course (use the form above). But no booking is required since they are not "real"exams -- they simply reduce the study load for the final exam (for which you must book). Each partial exam you pass eliminates one of the texts from the final exam and counts for a part of your final mark. But only the final mark goes on your libretto. |
Non frequentanti Final exam contents: As a non-attender, you are responsible for all texts (book, articles) on the Reading List> Criteria determining your mark> (Studenti italiani: Leggete il testo in italiano)
Syllabus |
How to favor win/win negotiation outcomes by speaking the interlocutor's language through the medium of ELF.
the tutorial students will acquire a better formal competence in
using contemporary R.P. English – at level B2 plus
(productive capacities) and C1 (receptive capacities). The
organizational aspects of the Module -- requirements and credits,
evaluation |
O'Connor, P., Pilbeam, A., Scott-Barratt, F., Ellis, M. (1992):
(Longman Business English Skills Series). Longman: London. (For
both frequentanti
photocopies of the 15% of this volume used for the present course
are available at Pronto Stampa, via Ostiense 461.) Non
only P.
Boylan “Il
come e il perché degli esami”
Handouts |
<cliccare "Learning
language as culture" (in italiano) |
27-4-09 |
Photos by group: come to class with a smile! |
22.4 |
Docente convocato per una sessione di tesi di laurea. |
23.4 |
definition But...
this course focuses on the language/culture variables in a
27.4.09 |
Negotiation outcomes: win-lose, lose-lose, win-lose. Eric Clapton> Story of a lose-lose outcome (both the mother/boyfriend and the Tulsa Girl lose) that becomes a win-lose outcome (the mother/boyfriend win in the end, the Tulsa Girl loses). Why? The Tulsa Girl loses because she is incapable of decentering herself into her mother/boyfriend's world view; but most of all because she is incapable of distancing herself from – and fathoming – her own culture, emotional needs and wants.
Cat Stevens> Story of a lose-lose outcome (the father loses a son and the son loses a father and home) that seems to contradict the thesis defended in this course. In fact, the London Boy makes an effort to understand his father's way of “seeing things and saying things” and apparently with success:; he is able to imitate perfectly his father's way of speaking and thinking. And yet he fails to establish an entente with him and work out a “third space”. Why?
Thursday: a test on "The Only Four-Page Guide to Negotiating You'll Ever Need" Here is an example of some of the key ideas from the first page: 1. |
29.4.09 |
More paragraphs with keywords highlighted and (during the lesson) comments. 4.
30.4.09 |
04.05.09 |
DISCUSSION on the case of the secretary who wanted a raise. The
text said that the boss discovered that the secretary's REAL
interests were not more money per hour, but just more money to
pay the bills... and so she would accept overtime (lo
straordinario), especially if it
was paid much more: ------ A
scene from Wall Street,
a 1987 film by Oliver Stone. It's a story about The scene ”Annacot Steel” Click here> Annacot
this link doesn't work, download Gekko
had recently bought the stock of Annacot Steel, supposedly to
save the company, in reality to liquidate it at a profit, putting
everyone out of work. |
06.05.09 |
tomorrow: watch the 5 Australian videos repeatedly, trying to
guess the cultural values behind the symbols and behavior, and
then trying to feel those values as yours (introjection). |
07.05.09 |
For the Powerpoint presentation of the distinguished visiting scholar Eugenia Netto, specialist in the Land of Oz who answered that question, click here> |
11.05.09 |
by group (hopefully THIS
TIME): so come to class with a smile! A
few comments on WALL
STREET: the Annacot Steel scene |
13.05.09 |
A Student Representative talked to you about how intimidation and violence are used to eliminate dissent, not only in Italy or Germany in the 1920's, but in Italy and at Roma Tre today. Universities were, during the middle ages and up to the mid 1900's, “fucine di contestazioni intellettuali, filosofiche, religiose e politiche.” Now they have become intellectually sterilized; their corridors look like the corridors of any ministry. How did this happen? Open your eyes: it's happening right now all around you! For example, at Roma Tre one of the political groups is using intimidation and violence to create tension, so that the studente qualunquista will say that both the left and the right are causing trouble and so there should be no politicized messages fo any kind in the corridors of Roma Tre. But that is exactly what the poltical group who caused the violence wanted to obtain: the sterlization of corridors and minds! WHY
would you, as an Aussie, want to spend your vacation as a
jackadoo on a sheep and cattle station? |
14.05.09 |
Does it pay to contest authority? The man in the street says “no” because “pesece grosso mangia pesce piccolo, non puoi cambiare niente, tocca pazientare.” Why does he think this? For one thing, consider TV: does one frequently see reports of union victories (vittorie sindacali contro i padroni)? No! Very rarely. And yet unions do win and frequently. But the media (controlled by whom?) don't want you to realize this; they want you to feel that contesting never pays. There were direttivi agli editori after the contestations of 1968 and 1978 precisely to this effect. This is just one example of how we are mentally conditionedl And yet Matteo and Silvia decided they would contest an unjust terza lingua program. With what results? We'll see. ASSIGNMENT:
All students are to do Task 4 before May 18th. Walzing
Matilda |
18.05.09 |
20.05.09 |
Marking Scheme |
Italian school marking system: 0 |
1 - 3 |
4, 5 |
6 |
7, 8 |
(9, 10) |
Points for each Task completed: 0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
(5) |
TASK 1 due on Wednesday, May 6th For
next Wednesday, you are asked to DOWNLOAD
and make the model of a negotiation between you and a family
member or boy/girlfriend or neighbor... someone from your
with whom you have negotiated recently. Then write a report (in
English) on the results you obtained. You can download the
software here
the instructions here .
TASK 2 due on Monday, May 11th For next Monday, you are to write a dialog between the two people in the simulation you acted out in class on May 6th (a mother or a father, and her/his son or daughter). IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER THE ROLES, HERE ARE BOTH PARTS> In
the dialog, you will portray an win-win negotiation. You
can choose what happens. That is,: you can make the son/daughter
successfully understand and satisfy the real wants of his/her
father/mother, or you can choose to make the father/mother
successfully understand and satisfy the real wants of his/her
son/daughter: Group
Leader 3: Please correct the homework according to the guidelines
TASK 3 due on Wednesday, May 20th For LL students only (for
the extra credit): Do all the exercises in the selection*
taken from the volume Negotiating
O'Connor et al., Longman, 1992. |
TASK 4 due on
Monday, May 18th ; Task
4 is a Group Task and involves making a phone call to Australia
(to be recorded using Skype
Call Recorder)
to negotiate with a travel agency there. MARKS 30
- If you obtain compliance, you get 30. NOTE
on evaluating: When your group
finishes its registration, it sends the recording |