



E' l' ultima nata come TUBE , anche estesa con un programma costosissimo (JUBILEE LINE EXTENSION) nel 2000.
In Origine doveva chiamarsi FLEET LINE

  (ex ex )
  Stanmore tube station MMB 02 1996 Stock Stanmore tube station, platforms - - 961823 Stanmore station platform 1 look south Stanmore station - - 1506697 Stanmore station island platform eastern face looking north

Canons Park
  (ex ex )
  Canons Park station geograph-3841273-by-Ben-Brooksbank Canons Park tube station MMB 03 1996 Stock Canons Park tube Station Canons Park stn look south Canons Park Tube Station

  (ex ex )
  Queensbury station look north Queensbury station look south Queensbury station south

  (ex ex )
  Kingsbury platform N Kingsbury station look north Kingsbury tube station (2) - - 937865 Kingsbury tube station - - 937861

Wembley Park
  (ex ex )
  Wembley Park station - - 1423892 Wembley Park Station. - - 40184 Platforms, Wembley Park tube station - - 604882 Wembley Park stn Jubilee northbound look south Wembley Park stn Jubilee southbound look north

  (ex ex )
  Neasden tube station 2005-12-10 01

Underground trains near Neasden Station - - 62083 Neasden station look westbound look east Neasden station westbound look west Neasden tube station 2005-12-10 02

Dollis Hill
  (ex ex )
  Dollis Hill stn eastbound look west Dollis Hill stn eastbound look east Dollis Hill stn look east Dollis Hill stn westbound

Willesden Green
  (ex ex )
  Willesden Green stn eastbound look east Willesden Green stn eastbound look west 2012 Willesden Green tube station 2005-12-10 01 Willesden Green tube station 2005-12-10 02 Willesden Green stn westbound look west

  (ex ex )
  Kilburn station westbound look east2 Kilburn station eastbound look west2 Kilburn station westbound look west Kilburn station westbound look west 1983 Stock at Kilburn tube station in 1988 Amersham A Stock (1) Amersham A Stock Kilburn station eastbound look east Kilburn station entrance2

West Hampstead
  (ex ex )
  Jubilee Line train at West Hampstead tube station, April 2014 West Hampstead tube stn eastbound look west West Hampstead tube stn westbound look west 2012 Au Morandarte Flickr DSC00076 (10112746033) West Hampstead Metropolitan 2015 Jubilee line trains II West Hampstead tube station MMB 01 S Stock 1996 Stock

Finchley Road
  ( ex )
  Finchley Road stn northbound Jubilee look south Finchley Road stn southbound Jubilee look north Finchley Road tube station MMB 01 Railway line to the west of Finchley Road tube station - - 1162590

Swiss Cottage
  ( ex )
  Swiss Cottage stn westbound look east Swiss Cottage stn eastbound look west Northbound Platform, Swiss Cottage tube station - - 604892 Swiss Cottage tube station, North London SwissCottage2 Ticket office, Swiss Cottage tube station - - 604895 SwissCottage3

St John's Wood
  ( ex )
  St Johns Wood stn eastbound look west St Johns Wood stn westbound look east 1996 stock at St JohnsWood 2 1996stock at St JohnsWood SouthboundPlatform StJohnsWood StJohnsWood2 St Johns Wood stn entrance
dall' Apertura nel 1979 della Jubilee Line , la Tratta che Collega Baker Street fino a Stanmore non fu più della Bakerloo Line
Baker Street
  Baker Street station, Northbound Jubilee Line platform - - 808488 Baker Street stn Jubilee line southbound look north Baker Street stn Jubilee line northbound look south Baker Street tube station MMB 18 1996 Stock Baker-Street-Tube-Station-2009 ZoomingTubeAtBakerStreetUnderground

Bond Street
  Bond Street Northbound Jubilee Bond Street stn Jubilee westbound look north Jubilee line platform, Bond Street Underground Station - - 580635 Present motif on Bond Street Jubilee line platforms - - 614593 Bond Street escalators

Green Park
  Green Park stn Jubilee eastbound look west Green Park stn Jubilee westbound look east Green Park stn building Green Park tube station MMB 01 1996-Stock GREEN PARK-01 261009 CPS (4052754894) Green Park tube station MMB 03 1996 Stock Leaves motif on Green Park Jubilee line platforms - - 614590 GREEN PARK-06 261009 CPS (4052760038)

  Quando venne deciso il Prolungamento a Sud della Linea, si pensò inizialmente che dal Capolinea di Charing Cross avesse raggiunto Aldwich (anche essa poi chiusa!) con la piccadilly Line e poi proseguendo sul tratto sud della East london Line. Ma il Progetto non conveniva , sicchè venne deciso che il prolungamento partisse da Green Park , ultima fermata, diramando un nuovo tratto a Sud ! Oggi Charing Cross è chiusa, ma viene utilizzata tantissimo per le riprese Cinematografiche , come ad Esempio 007 - Skyfall (2012) le cui scene del Metrò sono tutte girate nella parte chiusa di questa Linea.

  Westminster stn Jubilee eastbound look west Westminster stn Jubilee westbound look east Westminster tube station MMB 01 Just before the rush on the Jubilee line at Westminster - - 823589 Escalators at westminster

  Waterloo tube stn Jubilee eastbound look west Waterloo tube stn Jubilee westbound look east Waterloo tube station, Westbound Jubilee line platform - - 715942 Waterloo tube station 1 WATERLOO-3 080712 CPS (7569211988) WATERLOO-10 020909 CPS (3998906578) Westbound Jubilee Line platform at Waterloo Waterloo Jubilee

  Southwark tube Westbound platform Southwark stn eastbound look west Southwark stn westbound look east Southwark tube station AS Jan2010

London Bridge
  London Bridge tube stn Jubilee eastbound look west London Bridge tube stn Jubilee westbound look east LONDON BRIDGE-1 150210 CPS (4362711341) London Bridge station MMB 28 London Bridge Jubilee Platforms London Bridge station MMB 31 London Bridge station MMB 30

  Bermondsey station eastbound look west Bermondsey station westbound look east Bermondsey tube station platform in 1999 Escalators at Bermondsey tube station in November 2015 Bermondsey Underground Station - - 701544

Canada Water
  Canada Water stn Jubilee eastbound look west Canada Water stn Jubilee westbound look east Canada Water station building Canada Water station MMB 09 CanadaWater-Jubileeplatforms3 CanadaWater-Jubileeplatforms2

Canary Wharf
  Canary Wharf tube stn eastbound look west Canary Wharf tube stn westbound look east Canary Wharf tube station in London, spring 2013 (1) CanaryWharfTubeA Canary Wharf Station Entrance Canary Wharf platforms

North Greenwich
  North Greenwich stn eastbound look west North Greenwich stn westbound through look east North Greenwich stn termating platform look east North Greenwich tube station, interior - - 811274 North Greenwich tube station, Platform 2 - - 811253 North Greenwich Station - concourse - - 516361

Canning Town
  Canning Town stn Jubilee line westbound look north Canning Town stn Jubillee eastbound look south Canning Town station - - 823435 Jubilee line train, Canning Town Station - - 1127903 Trains in canning town

West Ham
West Ham stn Jubilee eastbound look south West Ham stn Jubilee westbound look south West Ham station MMB 07 1996 Stock West Ham station MMB 06 1996 Stock

  Jubilee Line platforms, Stratford station - - 655171 Stratford station Jubilee platform 15 look south Stratford station Jubilee platforms 13 and 14 look north Stratford station Jubilee platforms 13 and 14 look south Stratford station MMB 33 1996 Stock Stratford station MMB 41 1996 Stock