Università Roma Tre - Corso di Studio in Lingue e Comunicazione Internazionale - a.a.2003-2004 - docente: Patrick Boylan


Accommodation in intercultural conversations in English
L'accomodamento nelle conversazioni interculturali in inglese
(modulo destinato agli studenti del primo anno del curriculum Operatori della Comunicazione Interculturali che hanno scelto la lingua inglese come disciplina caratterizzante)

       click  on  the  orangeCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.dots   Cliccare sui puntini ROSSI. / Click on the ORANGE dots.   cliccare sui puntiniCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.rossi

Enrollment - Iscrizione>  
Office hours - Ricevimento>  
Assessment - Esoneri e esamii>  
Syllabus - Programma (vedi 'Dispense') 

  <News - Notizie
  <Lessons - Lezioni
  <Handouts - Dispense
  <Research work - Ricerche

Per domande inerenti a questo modulo, usare unicamente il seguente indirizzo e-mail:  oi2 @ boylan.it

Mondays and Thursdays, 4 to 6 p.m., Room 17, from 4 December 2003 to 30 January 2004

I programmi dei moduli offerti nel 2003-04 non sono più materia d'esame dopo febbraio 2007
non verranno più conservati dopo tale data i compiti svolti dagli studenti né i relativi voti assegnati.

IMPORTANTE AVVISO  Questa pagina dà il programma e le date degli esami per l'anno accademico 2003-04.
Il programma rimane valido fino a febbraio 2007 soltanto per chi era iscritto al primo anno di Operatori interculturali, inglese seconda lingua, nell'a.a. 2003-04.  Per le date degli esami che si terranno su questo programma dopo il 2004, cliccare qui un mese prima di ogni sessione.
Non frequentanti: vedere notizia per voi nella rubrica NEWS/NOTIZIE di questa pagina.


Click on the newspaper to see the archived (old) news items


Exam on Use and Usage (3 tests)
- written production/reception: 16-17.9.04, Aula Magna. The week before:
- conversational interaction, listening comprehension. Dates indicated on the Sign-up Forms outside the Lettori Room (until July 14th).

Exam on the L-Lin/12 modules
These oral exams are in the Aula Magna
1st session for
- first year students -- 22.9.04
- second year students -- 23.9.04
- third year students and VO -- 24.9.04
2nd session for

- first year students -- 6.10.04
- second year students -- 7.10.04
- third year students and VO -- 8.10.04
Sign-up for them in Sept. at least 10 days before each one. Use the faculty PC or
< click here or, on your own PC, enter



Mail Bag

Not able to talk during our class discussions?
Had a problem understanding the assigned texts
and no one in your group was able to help you?
The student Message Board didn't help either??
Send me your comments by email (
oi2 @ boylan.it)
and I'll post them here with a reply.This will
enable other students to join in if they want.

29.12 . . From: NICOLE . . Subject: ..come diventare pazzi!!!!!.

29.12 . . From: ANGELA . Subject: about my dossier project

30.12 . . From: ILARIA . Subject: Info about the Dossier project

09.01 . . From: ASSUNTA . Subject: Difficoltà a decifrare le istruzioni

09.01 . . From: ANGELA . Subject: How to write an 'ethnographic account'?


This module will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room 17 on:

_____This module will meet 8 times:
December_ 4___8*__11___15*___18_Buone Vacanze_
January_ 8___12*__15__ 19____22**___26**__
_____? (Final exam)


*Dec.08: National holiday (Immaculate Conception)
*Dec.15: Teacher at Conference U.K.
Click here to see program> 
*Jan.12: Teacher at University of Perugia (Commissione selezione)
**Jan. 22 & 26: two makeup lessons. The 26th is the esonero on the article 'Accommodation through a transformation of consciousness'.

Students who attend regularly and do all assignments will be exonerated according to the indications given under the heading ASSESSMENT (on the main menu).

Regular attendance means present 6 times (the exam on the 26th of January counts as a lesson). Thus, 2 absences are the maximum. (That's very few: but there are only 8 lessons!)

Class Discussion of the article
'Accommodation through a transformation of consciousness'

There will be no time for class discussion on this article (which will be part of the esonero). This is because I have proposed to use this second module to finish the work we began during the first module.

Hopefully the general introduction given in the lesson on December 4th will have been enough.

If however you do find obscure passages, you can seek help in one of the following ways (do 1 before 2 and 2 before 3):

1. Check the library and the Internet for co-texts (the texts that treat the same theme and may give meaning to the passage you do not understand).

2. Discuss the passage with the others in your group. If you don't see each other regularly (especially during vacation), use the Students' Message Board to communicate with each other.

3. If you still have doubts, write me an email (oi2 @ boylan.it) and I'll post it, with a reply, on the Mail Bag for you and the other students to read. The Mail Bag is at the beginning of the NEWS section.

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* "John Doe" (and "John Smith") are the U.S. English equivalents of "Mario Rossi"

Enrollment form and instructions (in Italian)>    No need to enroll if you already are enrolled for the first module (Seeing and saying...)
              (Informativa sulla privacy> )

  Problems with your PC?* Ask a fellow student for help!>  

*A common question: "I don't have a PC or money to buy one. But you use the Internet in your teaching. And I will need a PC to write up my research findings for the esoneri and my tesi. What can I do?"
For some answers in English, click here>
.. . . (In Italian> . )

  List of students enrolled -- last update: > 

Attendance: click>> 

To see the names of the members of each Group, click>

To see a picture of the members of each group, click here> .

Group Reps: please send me an e-mail with the names of the students in the picture for your group. The position of the names should indicate the position of the students in the photo.

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      Exam calendar for September/October 2004

 Exam booking>        Avviso su come prenotare
You must sign up for L-Lin/12 oral exams at least 10 days in advance.
                  For the written (Lettori) exams, use the registers outside the Lettori Room.

 Marks: - assignments>  Have a little more patience, please!
                  -esonero>   Idem!

   Exam contents:          <Avviso per i non frequentanti (e frequentanti!)

I capitoli da leggere per l'esame finale a giugno
per coloro che non hanno fatto tutte e 4 le attività
Accommodation in intercultural conversations in English

Laura Bianconi, Culture and Identity: Issues of Authenticity in Another Value System.

Tutti devono portare all'esame il Capitolo 3 (52 pagine in tutto).

Chi ha fatto 4 delle 4 attività: basta il Capitoli 3.

Chi ha fatto 3 delle 4 attività: Capitoli 2, 3

Chi ha fatto 2 delle 4 attività: Capitoli 2, 3, 4

Chi ha fatto 1 delle 4 attività: Capitoli 2, 3, 4 , 5

Chi non ha fatto nessuna delle 4 attività: Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Quale erano le attività? Va sul sito del corso e clicca su RESEARCH WORK: viene descritto un dossier da creare con le 4 attività.

Chi non ha fatto l'esonero deve portare all'esame anche l'articolo: P. Boylan, Accommodation through a transformation of consciousness.

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Downloadable copies of texts appearing on the Reading List

Article: Patrick Boylan, 'Accommodation through a transformation of consciousness'
You can choose from two versions: 'htm' (a version you can read on your computer) and 'rtf' (a version you can download and print).

Monograph: Laura Bianconi, 'Culture and Identity: Issues of Authenticity in Another Value System'.
To facilitate downloading, the monograph has been divided into five '.rtf' files of about the same size -- except for the fifth. The fifth contains in fact a large number of graphs and therefore takes up approximately 900 KB - to download it would take you froma a quarter of an hour to half an hour, according to your modem speed. To expedite downloading, this file has been 'zipped' (compressed) into a a 56KB file entitled Bianconi-5.exe. Download it and then simply click on it to decompress it.

Notice for non-attendees / Avviso per i non frequentanti>


Common European Framework of Reference
You'll hear teachers at Roma Tre (and elsewhere) speak of 'European Levels' of competence in a second language. For example, our university entry test is targeted for Level B1 in reading ability and A2 in speaking ability. What does this mean? Click the orange dot if you want to know more about the system (which many people criticize as simplistic, so it will probably undergo change in the near future).


_ESL portal page_

Learn English on the Internet... FREE (no fees to teachers or schools!)
Clicking on the orange dot will open a page full of Internet sites where you can practice and extend your English. But you have to know how to distinguish the most useful sites for you. This means asking yourself what learning English really means.









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Dec 4

Concept of accommodation. The five levels (actually 9 counting variations) used most frequently>


Dec 11

Example of how to describe a speaker of English linguistically and culturally: Haven Hamilton, a character in the Altman film Nashville.

(1975) Robert Altman, director, Hollywood: ABC Motion Pictures/Jerry Weintraub-Robert Altman Productions, Paramount

For a review of the film, click here > 

For the music, click here >
  1. Chorus    
  2. Strophes I, II       3. Chorus    
 4. Strophes III, IV      5. Chorus
For the lyrics to write, click here >   

To document the mind set > 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.  

(Distinction, in Accommodation Theory, between formal and substantial accommodation. -- not treated: study as homework.)


Dec 18

A theoretical/practical study of a British cultural emblem, Christmas shortbread cookies, from the standpoint of their of the olfactory and gustatory qualities.

Concept of standard (in reality, various standards) and peripheral or marginal varieties of English. Horizontal and vertical varieties.

Imitation of the U.S. (Texan) southern drawl: audio clip of Jim Sherman's parody of George W. Bush and Condolesa Rice. (Rice tries to tell Bush the name of the new leader of China, Hu.)
Radio improvisation (with additions to text)>  Original text> 


Jan 8

The so-called Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Traditional (simplistic) view: linguistic determinism (explained here ). Alternative view: linguistic tokens as emblems of cultural values (determined by social interaction).

Example of how to study the relationship between language and culture: a scene from Nashville (Suleen on her doorstep with Delbert, then Ward).

Assignment* for Jan. 15: observe (and then narrate) your home life as a cultural Other, i.e. as a member of the linguistic/cultural community you have documented. (If you haven't documented it yet, do so first!).

*It may seem contradictory to ask you to make linguistic and cultural descriptions of English-speaking communities before learning the "official" descriptive categories in your future linguistics and cultural anthropology courses. But according to constructivism, you actually learn more this way. To see why and to learn about constructivism, click here.


Jan 15

Pidgin Englishes, creole Englishes, autonomous ("norm developing") Englishes:


(Maori dialogue: SELWYN MURU)


Jan 19

For the midterm test (esonero) next Monday:
- Review of work on projects so far: Activities 1, 2, 3, 4.
- Review of concept of accommodation.
Theory of translation, based on the concept of intercultural communication

P.S. Please see the note about Group Leaders in the News section above. To go there now, click here.


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Research Work:


Students' Message Board
(for keeping in contact during group research work)

Read how to interact on the internet.
(Click on the Notepad here to the left).

1. Click on the icon of the girl and boy talking.
(It's the one here to the left, under the notepad.)

2. You will see a red rectangle: click on it.
(But first, read the instructions!)
3. Write your message as your English-speaking double.
(If you want to be yourself, write in Italian.)



11 Dec.

Constitute an Identikit DOSSIER. Click for instructions and schedule> 




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