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Lawsuit against DirecTV's HDTV service continues
Filed under: News, DirectTV. DirecTV LogoBack in September I mentioned a lawsuit against DirecTV claiming DirecTV had covertly reduced HDTV quality for its users, the lawsuit was filed by HDTV subscriber Peter Cohen in November 2004.
Quality service
Well, I have to sing the praises of Amazon. It took all of five minutes to produce return labels, fix up for DHL to come and collect my faulty item and re-order it. A couple of hours later confirmation arrived that a (hopefully)
Service Development Teacher
Sport and Recreation Service SRS / University of Glasgow / Date of entry: 23/11/06
Taking the Foreign Service Exam
Don't bother learning any more about the foreign service or diplomacy It's important to have a realistic career goal for going into the service. Least exciting work, but also the easiest way into the service b/c it has the
Getting New Customer Service Agents Up to Speed with CRM
Getting new service reps used to a CRM system quickly is crucial not just to a contact center or customer service effort, but to the entire company. Sometimes, a service rep is the first contact for new customers, or for those who have
JAX-WS Web Service Client and Code Completion
When you work through it all, you too will be able to call a web service to fill the code Obviously, all the shortcomings of web services are applicable here. For one thing, if the web service is down, or if the owner removes it,
Timetable service: my favorite application of the fall
The Omat Lähdöt –timetable service, launched in May, is a superior tool for checking It’s possible to use the service with a PC, too, but I have found the mobile There are some things I’d like to improve in the service though.
Calling a java class from a java web service
I have deployed a web service to weblogic 8.1 SP5 and now i want to call a simple java class from that web service.How can i do it
develop the web service
Hi All, i am new to java web services. i want to develop the jave web service using the soap tool. please give met the steps how to create the

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Vatican Information Service. Il Vatican Information Service è attualmente disponibile in quattro lingue. CASTELLANO · ENGLISH · FRANÇAIS · ITALIANO
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