Steak Media appoints Marketing Director e-Consultancy
LONDON, 24 November, 2006 - Steak Media today announces the appointment of Joy Remuzzi as Marketing Director. Reporting directly to Tony Samios, COO, and Oliver Bishop, CEO, this new role will be key in helping the company in its expansion from a specialist search agency into a full service online media
Hitting the bullseye with co-marketing
Gareth Kershaw, CRN , Monday 27 November 2006 at 00:00:00 Co-marketing campaigns have long been a staple ingredient in channel relationships, to varying degrees of success. But with businesses as vastly different as IT and marketing what makes for the best recipe for success, asks Gareth Kershaw It is fair to say that marketing and the channel have never been the most comfortable of
Service provides media distribution for SMBs. ThomasNet
Digital Rights Director offers turnkey media distribution platform that gives media owners everything needed to securely sell digital audio and video files. Customers are given their own Online Media Store with web-based administration panel that allows owner to customize store, edit or create media rules, and manage media, customers, newsletters, and orders. Service targets independent musicians
E-mail Marketing Best Practice Trends e-Consultancy
A good, free summary of E-mail trends has just been published by E-consultancy from one of their round tables. This features much of the guidance in the new edition of my Email marketing book and in my Email marketing workshops. Here is a summary of my take on the top e-mail trends, based on my experience in 2006, but with my thoughts on the first few prompted by the
Provide Commerce Chooses Harte-Hanks for E-Mail Service and Marketing SYS-CON Media
Harte-Hanks, Inc. (NYSE: HHS) announces thatProvide Commerce has selected Harte-Hanks Postfuture as its primaryprovider of e-mail marketing services, and will use the Harte-HanksPostfuture Enterprise Edition, Version 5.0, e-mail messaging platform forits broadcast, automated and triggered e-mail programs across multiplebrands.
IMPAQT Cited as Strong Performer by Independent Research Firm in Search Marketing Report SYS-CON Media
IMPAQT announced today that Forrester Research, Inc. has cited the company as a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave(TM): Search Marketing Agencies, Q4 2006 (November 2006) report. IMPAQT was recognized for its 'predictive modeling and flexible boutique approach dedicated to search and holistic customer service.'
Court rules VimpelCom violated competition law in Ulyanovsk Reg
MOSCOW, Nov 24 (Prime-Tass) -- Russia's Arbitration Court for the Ulyanovsk Region has ruled that Russia's second largest mobile operator VimpelCom violated competition law by making unsolicited marketing calls to mobile users of one of its rivals, the Federal Antimonopoly Service's (FAS) branch in the region said in a press release Friday.
Area clubs, service organizations working to replenish their ranks Winchester Star
WINCHESTER — Service organizations, civic clubs, and veterans’ groups give hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to area communities in the form of scholarships, grants, and donated items.
Microsoft offers digital video download service for Xbox 360 owners People's Daily
Microsoft Corp. launched a digital video download service Wednesday allowing Xbox 360 owners to buy television shows and rent movies, making the company the first console maker to offer such a service.
There's Not Enough "Me" In MySpace BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! News
Like many aspiring musicians looking to get attention, Derek Simmons has a page on and posts his music videos on YouTube (NASDAQ:GOOG - News). But lately the main online home for his part-time hip-hop passion is his own personal social-networking site. He created it using Ning, a service co-founded by former Netscape Communications Corp. whiz kid Marc Andreessen that gives people

DRMS - Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, Surplus
The Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service disposes of excess property received from the military services. Property that is not reutilized,
Archway Marketing Services - Outsourced Marketing Service Provider
Archway Marketing Services is an outsourcing marketing service provider. All of your marketing services from a single source. Archway Marketing Services
Agricultural Marketing Service Farmers Markets
This page is a one stop source of information provided by USDA about farmers markets!
MMS - Medical Marketing Service
Medical Marketing Service, Inc. (MMS) has defined the standard for the quality, accuracy and usability of medical lists.
Magirus: CAMP Marketing-Service
Magirus vi presenta quindi CAMP Marketing-Service, l’ unica agenzia che opera Il successo per CAMP Marketing-Service è il vostro successo.

Agricultural Marketing Service Farmers Markets
This page is a one stop source of information provided by USDA about farmers markets!
MMS - Medical Marketing Service
Medical Marketing Service, Inc. (MMS) has defined the standard for the quality, accuracy and usability of medical lists.
Magirus: CAMP Marketing-Service
Magirus vi presenta quindi CAMP Marketing-Service, l’ unica agenzia che opera Il successo per CAMP Marketing-Service è il vostro successo.
IMS Internet Marketing Services
Webdesign, E-Commerce, CMS, Content Management, Datenbankprogrammierung, klassische Werbung - dafür und für vieles mehr steht Internet Marketing Services
Radio Marketing Service GmbH und Co. KG
Die Gesellschaft konzentriert sich auf die Vermarktung von privaten Radiosendern und bietet dazu auch diverse Kombi-Pakete an. Ein weiterer Geschäftsbereich
Paradisland TONGA Marketing Service
PARADISLAND Holiday Marketing Services Ltd. è un Inbound Tour Operator nel Regno di Holiday Marketing Services PO BOX 211, Nuku'alofa - Kingdom of Tonga
EMS - Entertainment Marketing Service
Artistmanagement, Promotion, Booking, CD-Production, Labeldeal.
ACCENT Marketing Services, LLC.
Turn-key solutions in the following areas: direct marketing, customer service and database services.

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