Mobile e-mail heading for the masses USA Today
Accessing e-mail from a cellphone is no longer just for corporate bigwigs. New services are arriving that make it easier and more affordable for everyone. A start-up called Berggi will launch a service that is intended to make accessing e-mail and sending instant messages easier on low-cost mobile phones.
Mobile e-mail heading for the masses CNET
Carriers and other service providers are poised to give consumers cheap, easy access to personal e-mail on their regular phones.
Harte-Hanks Given 'Leader' Status by Independent Research Firm Among E-Mail Service Providers SYS-CON Media
A new independent buyer's guide whichevaluates e-mail service providers (ESPs) rates highly Harte-HanksPostfuture, the e-mail messaging offering of Harte-Hanks, Inc. (NYSE: HHS),the company announced today.
Harte-Hanks Given 'Leader' Status By Independent Research Firm Among E-Mail Service Providers RedNova
A new independent buyer's guide which evaluates e-mail service providers (ESPs) rates highly Harte-Hanks Postfuture, the e-mail messaging offering of Harte-Hanks, Inc. (NYSE: HHS), the company announced today.
E-mail service for basic mobile phones unveiled Reuters via Yahoo! News
A start-up founded by a group of successful European entrepreneurs is set to bring e-mail, instant messaging and other communications services to low-cost mobile phones, its chief executive said on Tuesday.
Low-Cost Cell Phone E-Mail Service Takes Flight TechWeb via Yahoo! News
The service stores messages on servers enabling users to access them from their PCs later, but it won't operate with Verizon Wireless or Nextel handsets and users can't download attachments to their phones.
Google to Launch Free Mobile Email Service in UK RedNova
By Tony Glover, The Business, London Nov. 25--Google is to launch a free e-mail service for mobile phone users in Britain after unveiling its new G-mail mobile service last week in America.
E-mail Marketing Best Practice Trends e-Consultancy
A good, free summary of E-mail trends has just been published by E-consultancy from one of their round tables. This features much of the guidance in the new edition of my Email marketing book and in my Email marketing workshops. Here is a summary of my take on the top e-mail trends, based on my experience in 2006, but with my thoughts on the first few prompted by the
Pando Software Defies E-Mail Attachment Limits LinuxInsider.com
There's a new way to electronically send large movie, music and other files over the Internet without worrying about whether your e-mail service can handle large attachments. Free software from Pando Networks automatically converts your attachments into small files that your friend or relative simply has to open in order to download the original file from Pando.
Provide Commerce Chooses Harte-Hanks for E-Mail Service and Marketing SYS-CON Media
Harte-Hanks, Inc. (NYSE: HHS) announces thatProvide Commerce has selected Harte-Hanks Postfuture as its primaryprovider of e-mail marketing services, and will use the Harte-HanksPostfuture Enterprise Edition, Version 5.0, e-mail messaging platform forits broadcast, automated and triggered e-mail programs across multiplebrands.
Free Email Address Directory : Guide to free email and other services
The Free Email Address Directory carries listings for hundreds of free email providers in 30 languages, reviews of other free services, a guide to for-fee
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