Creative North Huddersfield Daily Examiner
IT matters not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. However, former Huddersfield University Phil Mundy is playing the game to win as managing director of Creative North.
William Fisher: Scientific Sleight Of Hand
Most abstinence-until-marriage education programs -- which receive about $158 million annually from the Department of Health and Human Services -- are not reviewed for scientific accuracy before they are granted funding, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.
Applied Language Solutions asks "For something this painful and permanent, shouldn't it be right?" PR Web
Applied Language Solutions have developed an online tattoo lation service (PRWeb Nov 17, 2006) Trackback URI:
Applied Language Solutions asks "For something this painful and permanent, shouldn't it be right?" PR Web via Yahoo! News
(PRWeb) November 17, 2006 -- Even the most fashionable amongst us have shown how not to tattoo in foreign characters! Take David Beckham, the footballer famous for wearing his wife's knickers, who hit the headlines for what can probably be considered the worst fashion blunder a person could make! The fashion icon, whose body art has become famous in its own right, was highly ridiculed after the
English-language al-Jazeera to take on western media The Scotsman
THE Arabic television station al-Jazeera launches an English-speaking channel today to report world news from a Middle East perspective and challenge the dominance of western media.
Kurt Nimmo: Rumsfeld Dumped, Bush Suggests a Spook
It is all smoke and mirrors, as usual.
Canaccord Capital Inc. reports strong second quarter results CNW Group via Yahoo! Finance
Canaccord Capital Inc.'s revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 2007, ended September 30, 2006, was $156.0 million, up $37.4 million, or 31.5%, from $118.7 million for the same quarter a year ago.
Applied Language Solutions -- Growing for Business with New Staff PR Web
Huddersfield-based lation agency continue to grow with the appointment of new staff and the opening of a new office in Spain. (PRWeb Nov 4, 2006) Trackback URI:
Applied Language Solutions -- Growing for Business with New Staff PR Web via Yahoo! News
(PRWEB) November 4, 2006 -- Applied Language Solutions, the winner of HSBC Start-Up Star Award 2006, is proud to announce further expansion.
Uusimmat | Kauppalehti Online Kauppalehti Online
BIOHIT OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 3 NOVEMBER 2006 AT 10:00 AM INTERIM REPORT OF BIOHIT GROUP 1 JANUARY TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2006 The Biohit Group had total net sales of EUR 22.7 million during the reporting period (EUR 20.3 million in 1Q-3Q/2005). The operating loss for the reporting period was EUR 0.0 million (operating loss EUR 0.3 million).

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