dedicated server hosting
so some friends and i have been discussing renting a dedicated server. we're looking for full control of the box, we're only talking about running a website, ftp, maybe a cs server or something.anyway i was hoping i could get some
Introducing Comsax - COMmunity Server Attachment eXporter
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a little utility for Community Server that would export attachments that were saved in the CS database to the filesystem, allowing you to shrink your database. I coined it Comsax for Community Server
community server 2.1 performance on a shared host - experiences ?
i am running a sample cs 2.1 website locally on a w3k machine. since cs is so if i host the application under a shared host plan, isn't it likely to be is there anyone here who is hosting community server on a shared host and
cs help
the server was blocking the sympatico server since it thought that server was conducting a dictionary attack. i've removed the block and the emails should get delivered now. -- suchandra thapa system administrator
public static void main String [] argv {
The java.nio.charset.spi package provides a Server Provider Interface (SPI), which allows private static void doEncode (Charset cs, String input) { ByteBuffer bb Hint: This post is supported by Gama web hosting hrvatska services
need cs 1.6 and source server sponsor
forum: web hosting requests posted by: father2u post time: october 31st, 2006 at 4:34:19 pm
busy friday fun
hehehehe. i hope philip linden does not hate me for always flapping my lips and spouting off. i enjoy debating these issues! here is another view of server and hosting, from the porn perspective where i came from. in the adult sector,
community server daily news for friday, october 20, 2006
what users are talking about in community server forums kenhwong uncovers a forums nugget from cs mvp nick mccollum describing siteurls.config server web installer fix for go daddy sql servers with go daddy's shared hosting
need clan hostin for cs 1.6
new clan we're called legions force and i've done server admins on a cz server. we are looking for new members, gonna be for scrims and public. free server hosting for cs 1.6 aim = xhxcxdancingx msn = xhxcxdancingx
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ventrilo servers will give you immediate access to a custom control panel with your ventrilo servers ensures a low-latency stable voice chat environment “counter-strike� there is a perfect income opportunity waiting for you.
GameServer Voice Server Clan Hosting >> GameServers
Info server CS:source Last post by [GC] Tango in Game Server on Nov 12, 2006 at 21:22:20 GameServer Voice Server Clan Hosting ]
GameServers.com : Game Servers : Counter strike Server Hosting
Server IP, Players, Location, Clan Name Policies on these demo Counter Strike 1.6 game servers are enforced by clien and not by GameServers.com
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Forside: Game Hosting: Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike gameserver. Kan benyttes til både CW & FFA server uden ekstra gebyr.
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Find out why we continue to be a the leader in game server hosting. empty just got a new 10 player Half-Life: Counter-Strike 1.6 game server,