Post office urges mailing early to those in military Journal and Courier
The U.S. Postal Service recommends early mailing to military members overseas, and offers tips and kits to simplify the task of mailing gifts anywhere.
Christmas mailing rush can be avoided Rexburg Standard Journal
REXBURG - Christmas means a lot of things, but for the post office or other package carriers it means a lot of mail. According to the U.S. Postal Service, 20 billion packages, letters and cards were delivered between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year.
Ship it on time Bolivar Herald-Free Press
Christmas is still a month away, but it's not too early to start thinking about shipping gifts, especially if they are being sent to overseas military personnel. The U.S. Postal Service has established deadlines for mailing packages and letters for delivery by Dec. 25.
Santa Celebrates Holiday Mailing Season WBAY Green Bay
Santa helped the US Postal Service in Green Bay remind people about the importance of mailing early.
Online billing services can help you take the guesswork out of paperwork Daily Breeze
Question: I despise billing. I'm always putting it off because creating the invoices, calculating amounts, tracking payments, mailing the bills and waiting for checks are such a pain. An online service that does it all sure would be nice. What's available?
Online Edition Times-Standard
Thanksgiving inaugurates the Christmas season and all that goes along with it -- including mailing. The U.S. Postal Service says it is not too late to get packages off to military personnel serving overseas.
Group seeks gift donations for service members Nevada Appeal
GARDNERVILLE Support Our Soldiers, a local effort to provide gifts for American troops in Iraq at Christmas, is looking for contributions. The deadline for dropping off items is Saturday.
Online news and information for the Rhinelander region Rhinelander Daily News
MILWAUKEE - A refugee from the African nation of Cameroon could face deportation after being charged with four felonies involving the mailing of forged passports.
Here's how to get missing tax refund Sioux City Journal
MILWAUKEE n The Internal Revenue Service is seeking 473 taxpayers in Iowa whose income tax refund checks could not be delivered.
Serving Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga and Ontonagon Counties Since 1858. Daily Mining Gazette
Hancock launches new mailing list HANCOCK — The city of Hancock invites residents and any other interested individuals and groups to subscribe to the city’s list serve which is now operational.

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1 - Home - Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association
MFSA is a professional association that provides education and training for professional mailers, fulfillment houses, printers and suppliers to the direct
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Complete Direct Mail Services. Do one mailing or manage a campaign online with MailersClub's easy-to-use direct mail tools. To start mailing today or

1 - Home - Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association
MFSA is a professional association that provides education and training for professional mailers, fulfillment houses, printers and suppliers to the direct
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Complete Direct Mail Services. Do one mailing or manage a campaign online with MailersClub's easy-to-use direct mail tools. To start mailing today or
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An Introduction to Mailing for Businesses and Organizations
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USPS - NetPost Services
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