main attraction of the island especially for those who get to Linosa for the
first time is the flora which is basically constituited by the Mediterranean
bushes. Despite there has been a strong technological development, the
natural environment of the island is almost entire.
they are Lentisco (pistacia lentiscus) an evergreen bush which grows
in height from one to two meters; its particularity is due to the
pleasant smell of a substance called Mastice di Chio. This plant is
wide spread all over the island.
good plant nice as a decoration is the Euforbia Arborescente (Euphorbia
Dendroides), a tall bush from 1 to 2 meters producing a poisonous substance
that can be seen when branches are broken. And then we also have the Spina
Santa (Lycium Europaeum) belonging to the solanacees, a thorn bush.
Comedrio Bianco (Prasium Majus), the Ruta Frangiata (Ruta
Chalepensis), the Solano Spinoso (Solanum Sodomaeum), are all
kind of bushes on the island.
May to August they are in full flowering the Thyme (thimus Capitatus),
medicinal and aromatic plant; the Cineraria Marittima (Senecio
Cineraria) and the Horned Poppy (Glacium Flavum); they all
decorate with their colours the slopes of the mountains.
bluffs and the cliffs are covered by an endemic plant of the island,
denominated Limonium Algusae; there are also the Wild Carrot (Daecus
Carrot Rupester), from the Sea Fennel (Chritumun Maritimum) and from
the Crystalline grass (Mesembryanthenum Cristallinum). This latter
plant is also able to accumulate a great quantity of water.
the east part of the island, in which the sandy zones are revealed, the
perfumed Sea Lily blooms (Pancratium Maritimum).
plant wide spread on the island is the Caper (Capparis Spinosa), a
plant of a great beauty. The gems of capper are picked up and put into salt
for a few days, used to enrich the dishes in culinary.
spread on the island is also the Blue Tobacco (Nicotine Glauca), a
bush erected by the cylindrical yellow flowers; the Ginestrino of the
Bluffs (Lotus Cytisoides) and the Thorny Asparagus (Asparagus
Acutifolius). In spring the countries are full of Matricale Giallo (Chrysantheum
Coronaum) as well as of Real Mallow (Canatera Arborea).
Also present on the island the Acacia with long leaves (Acacia
Longifolia), the Tamerice (Tamarix Africana) and the Mioporo (Myoporum
last the presence of musks and lichens of the kinds Xantoria
and Roccella are in a great quantity on
the island.
don’t forget the wonderful subtropical and clean sea. On the bottom you
can see beautiful blooming of Astroydes Calycularis and sponges of
different colors. |