by Zivago
the 17th of June 84 the Federal Assembly votes
a motion by which they declare again the colonial
population’s inferiority and submission, give restrictions
for newtype, and keep tight Earth’s status quo.
In July, meanwhile, the Bugh Concern,
founded in 55 by scientist Charnlost Bugh Lona,
comes to an end and the first spherical colony, Moon
Moon, is completed. In the same month missionJupiter starts
with cargo Jupitoris’ set-off to
pick up from Jupiter’s atmosphere helium 3, rare and
essential for nuclear fusion, the main energy source of universal
On September
21 Char Jion comes back on Earth from Side 3 with
the false name of Quattro Bajina, and
sets in the federal army to organize from inside a faction
dissenting from colonial policy of Federation, that on
December 4 will found a special corp inside the UNT Spacy,
the Titans, at the orders of commodore Jamitov
Heimann and settled at Green Noah
colony, in Side 7. Group’s official task should be
completely disarming Jion and definitively suppressing
colonial population’s rebellions, but soon they reveal
themselves to be a bloody and conspiring military oligarchy. On
the 31st of July 85, in fact, Titans’
commandos carry out a cruel outrage introducing poisonous gas
into Bunch 30’s life-support system
in Side 1 and wiping out its population. Both Federal
Government and Assembly, unable to openly take sides
against military exstremists, and concentrated on climatic
emergency, consider the matter as an accident, but a crowd of
very sceptical UNT officers against Titans’
terrorist policy, led by Quattro Bajina and general Brex
Forra, charges federal army with underestimating Titans’ambitions
and founds the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG)
irregular troops. The organization — entered by many
“one year war”’s veterans, including Amuro Rei
and several republican ex-servicemen of Jion
— is soon supported by Anaheim Electronics, opposed
to Titans’ nationalization program and worried about
the effects of a possible coup d’état, so that in
a short time it will have got an its own arsenal.
On September 8 the Titans start building the satellite base of Grips 2 in Side 7’s orbit, while on the 6th of February 86 the base of Axis, last stronghold of Zabis’ monarchist supporters, sets off for Earth. On the planet, meanwhile, glaciation’s effects cause large migrations from South and North to equatorial areas, bringing about strong conflicts in Africa, where both Government and Assembly have transferred their office (Dakar). The occupation of wide areas (Sahara, Nile’s Valley, Serengeti’s Plains) by a plenty of bureaucrats and soldiers brings the birth of Kalaba, a paramilitary liberation movement — it also supported by Anaheim, that will supply it with a specific MS, the MSK-008 Dijeh — immediatly joined by AEUG.
On the 2nd
of March 87 an AEUG commando, consisting of some RMS-099 Rick Dias (original MS types
produced by AEUG), succeeds in penetrating Side
7 in order to steal three prototypes of a new Gundam
type, the RX-178
Mark II, made at Green Noah’s military
factories. Commando’s blitz, thank to the help of a local
civilian, newtype Camille Vidan,
succeeds and the mobile suits are loaded on AEUG’s
flagship, the Pegasus III class Aghama, on which also Camille
Vidan gets as mobile suit’s pilot.
Aghama, planning a full-scale assault on the federal base
of Jaburo — now a Titans’ supply centre
— comes back to Earth orbit and drops off espionage
specialist Reccoa Londo to scout out the
territory. Hostilities between the Titans and AEUG
are now broken out and mobile suits fightings are more and more
frequent and violent. Aghama, escorted by the three RX-178
(two of them driven by Amuro Rei and Camille Vidan)
and a squad of MSA-003
Nemo sent by Anaheim, succeeds in reaching
the Corporation’s seat at Von Braun City on the Moon,
where it joins the rest of the fleet and receives a new mobile suit, MSN-100
Hyaku Shiki. Then AEUG General Staff meets Anaheim heads
who, in spite of Char’sopposition and
lasting Londo’s silence, direct to proceed with the Jaburo
which will serve as a bold declaration of war
on the Titans. So, on May 2, EUG steals out of
drydock several Federation Garuda class cruisers and
battleship Radish, assembling a
makeshift fleet that sets off for Earth. En route, Aghama’s
crew rescue a refugee adrift shuttle where they find the former
Base captain, Noah Bright, who’s promptly pressed
into service as captain of Aghama. On May 11 AEUG
mobile suits launch their assault on Jaburo, but they meet
with a surprising minimal resistance: Titans’ troops
have abandoned the base, but leaving behind a time-delayed
nuclear charge that, in a short time, wipes it out destroying
several mobile suits. Then, AEUG fleet moves to North
America to rendezvous with its terrestrial allies, the Kalaba.
Hence the fleet launches back into space leaving behind Amuro
Rei’s Rick Dias, Camille Vidan’s
Mark II and some Nemo to escort Kalaba cargo
Audhumla towards New
Hong Kong City. On May 22 Audhumla reaches New
Hong Kong, but here they have to fight against the huge MRX-009 Psycho Gundam.
After beating it the AEUG mobile suits squad leaves Hong Kong and Camille
Vidan leaves the Earth with his Mark II to
join the fleet in space. On the Moon, meanwhile, Anaheim has completed a
brand new MS for the AEUG, the MSZ-006
Zeta Gundam.
In the
meantime, the Titans paradoxically alley with Jion’s
Republic that, not to undergo harassments anymore, loans the
asteroid fortress A Bao A Qu. Moving it to Side 7
and renaming it the Gate of
Sedan, Heimann turns it into his
headquarters. On June 8 the Titans begin converting Grips
2 into a solar conveyer, like the Solar Ray used by Jion
during the "one year war", by which Heimann
plans to destroy Anaheim Electronics on the Moon. Titans’
operations increase: after attacking Kalaba on June 29 at New
Hong Kong City, on August 10, with Operation Apollo,
a fleet led by new Heimann’s lieutenant
Scirocco occupies the lunar city of Von Braun, but AEUG
is soon able to drive it out. The Federal Assembly is
impressed by Titans’ action and, after a rough
session in Dakar, on August 16 signs over more control of
the federal forces to Heimann. With such power at their
disposal, the Titans keep on with terrorist acts: on
August 17 their agents assassinate general Brex Forra,
landed on Earth to tighten relations with new UNT
dissidents; on August 21 they attack with poison-gas Bunch
25 in Side 2, a hotbed of
support for AEUG;
and on October 5 they even succeed in
bombing Von Braun City’s spaceport on the Moon.
On Otober 12 of 87 the asteroid fortress Axis, after two years travelling, arrives to Earth-Moon system and soon AEUG sends the Aghama to negotiate an alliance; but Mineba Zabi and regent Hamaan Khan recognize Quattro Bajina as Char Jion and charge him of betrayal for his republican sympathies, so the negotiation aborts. The failure of AEUG gives a chance to the Titans, and so on October 15 Hamaan Khan and Paptimus Scirocco come to an agreement by which Axis monarchists assure their military help to the Titans for the power on Jion.
Meanwhile, Aghama
is back to La vie en rose for refuelling and on November 2
it joins the Kalaba in order to launch an assault on Kilimanjaro
Titans’ base, in Africa. The stronghold is defended by
several own Titans’ mobile suits, including RMS-117 Galbaldy Beta and GM II
RGM-179 Grips version, but besieging
forces are stronger and the Zeta Gundam, together with AEUG
pilots’ quality, makes the difference: on November 3 the base
is captured by AEUG/Kalaba forces. The victory
makes possible an AEUG/Kalaba diplomatic mission in Dakar
and so, on November 16, Quattro Bajina makes a speech at
the Federal Assembly telling he’s Jion zum Daikun’s
son and giving the evidences of the crimes committed by the Titans,
who plan a coup d’etat in order to establish a military
dictatorship. Public opinion is shocked and the Federal Assembly
decides to revoke all Heimann’s powers, causing a
split inside UNT between AEUG’s supporters and
Titans’ extremist followers. The chrisis’ main
consequence, on February 24 of 88, is the mutiny of elite UNT
officers stationed at the asteroid fortress Pezun, that, declaring
themselves the New Decides (a
hybrid of "decision" and "dissident"), under
the command of major Brave Cod swear to
fight on for the Titans. Although the Axis-Titans
alliance is the major threat, Federal Government decides
to open a new front to immediatly stop the rebellion: at Pezun,
actually, there is a big industrial plant for full-scale mobile
suits’ production, and in its hangars there are lots of
units ready, including new Gundam Mark V ORX-013. On March 23 Federation
forms Alpha, a taskforce of AEUG/Kalaba/UNT-Spacy
veterans led by a Pegasus III home battleship with a
powerful Gundam team including some FA Gundam ZZ MSZ-010 Full Armor and one brand new Superior Gundam MSA-0011, provided with
experimental system ALICE (Auto-Learning
Intelligence Core Equipment) deriving from old RX-78
ALCS. But the operation is harder
than UNT Command expected. The New Decides,
in fact, destroy Pezun and set off with all the mobile
suits to shelter in the friendly lunar metropolis of Ayers
City, using the civilians as a
shield to avoid
engagement. First Alpha’s assault is driven back by
the rebels, also thank to a help from admiral Brian
Aeno’s light fleet that, instead of supporting Alpha
as ordered by Federal Command, surprisingly sides with the
Titans. After losing the FA-ZZ Gundam, Alpha receives
reinforcements and lays siege to Ayers City, that finally
falls after ten days with Brave Cod’s death; but an Axis’
fleet intervention let surviving New Decides run away and
reorganize themselves.
Under the command of Tosh Cray
and with Axis’ support, that loans them a re-entry
capable mobile armour — the Zodiac AMA-100 —
surviving rebels seize the relay station Penta, in low
Earth orbit in order to launch an attack on Dakar from
there. But a timely Alpha’s assault allows federal
forces to foil rebels’ plan. In the running battle the Superior Gundam, controlled only by ALICE system, pursues the Zodiac
through the Earth’s atmosphere and
manages to wipe it out,
but it inevitably burns up.
In the meantime, on the 7th of December 87, the Titans have attacked and destroyed Bunch 18 in Side 2 using the solar mirror Grips 2, and they’ve arrived next to the Moon to aim the mirror on Anaheim’s industrial plant. But just when they’re about to win the war their alliance with Axis breaks out: trying to avoid their assault on Granada, an Anaheim’s ambascery to Axis succeeds in convincing Hamaan Khan to count on Anaheim’s arsenal to conquer Side 3 and not to trust Heimann, who definitely doesn’t want Jion’s Principality re-establishment. That’s why, on January 18 of 88, Axis enters lunar orbit and Khan’s troops capture Grips 2, then they move to the Gate of Sedan to meet Heimann. On January 25 the negotiate fails and Jion’s monarchists throw the asteroid fortress Axis into the Gate of Sedan destroying the fortress and breaking up the enemy fleet: during the battle Scirocco kills Heimann and becomes new Titans’s leader, charging Hamaan Khan of murder. The situation is soon exploited by AEUG and federal forces that, on February 2, launch Operation Maëlstrom and take control of Grips 2 in order to divert Axis falling down the Moon. Just around the solar mirror, on February 22, takes place the final battle and AEUG/UNT Spacy forces defeat Scirocco, killed while fighting with his PMX-001 Pallas Athena, and Hamaan Khan, who retreats on Axis. At last the Titans are totally wiped out, but also AEUG has lots of casualties, including Camille Vidan, in a coma, and Char Jion, missing in action.
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